An great, fun game but not seen by many.

User Rating: 9.3 | Kid Icarus NES
First off let, for those of you who haven't play this game, it is a really good game. The game stars a sort of Icarus looking character called Pit. For those of you who have not read Greek mythology, Icarus is the person that flew to close to the sun with wax wings, and his wings melted and he plummeted to his death, which incidentally the game does feature the wax wings.

The game features alot of Greek myth aspects, so those of you who have read it, will notice some of these aspects straight off. For example the bosses are mainly based on myth monsters.

The gameplay is unique in its own way, and after many years still holds up quite well. An important control to master is to learn how to jump effectively, for the game requires you to jump quite a bit over holes and land on very small chunks of land. Also shooting is a unique control in the game as well because not only could you shoot arrows left or right, but upward as well.

The graphics in the game are very exquisite considering the time the game was made, and the technology available. The levels are very immerse and detailed, and the design has a kind of dream like look to it. There are two types of level designs in the game. A side scrolling level and an upward traveling world. The side scrolling levels require Pit to get from left all the way to the end at the right, without much climbing up platforms. The upward scrolling levels require a lot of jumping and as the screen moves up, you may feel kind of restricted at times knowing if you fall you will die.
Also there are castle levels at the end of each world, which require you to navigate through rooms of enemies and/or obstacles and to get to the world boss.

The enemies in the game, as well as Pit, have a great classic look to them. For example probably the hardest enemies in the game, and well known, are the eggplant throwers. These enemies require you to hit them alot and also to dodge eggplants that they throw at you. If hit you get an eggplant curse which restricts attacking and you have to find a nurse hidden somewhere in the castle to cure the curse.

The sound in this game is by far my favorite. The music in the game is quite catchy, and even as I play it I still find myself humming along with the tunes. The sound effects are great as well. The swish sound as Pit fires his boy is timeless, as well as the ker plat sound as an enemy is destroyed.

The game is kind of short though compared to most games, taking at most 10 hours to complete the first time through. Though if you are unfamiliar with the level layout you can find yourself stuck on a stage for a long time. There is not extras to enhance the value either, other than to play through the game again with all the powerups and items obtained the first time through.

The items in the game are quite unique as well. 3 weapon powerups are available, which increase the effectiveness of the bow and arrow. Also there are multiple strength powerups in the game. Dungeon items are also for sale, which help you to locate your position on the dungeon map, mark off the rooms you have visited. The barrel, medicine bottle, and chalice heal damage taken. Finally hammers are used to free archers in the dungeons which help you fight the boss, though they will not last long as one hit will kill them instantly.

Kid Icarus story line is quite repetitive of most games. Save the princess, and heaven from the evil medusa. The game really does not advance the story quite effectively, no cinemas, not even a prologue.

All in all, Kid Icarus is not the best game by far, though it ranks up high quite a bit. For an nes game, it set new standards for game making, even though the game was less popular than zelda.