I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed this silly yet addictive skating platformer. Its a must for Dreamcast owners.

User Rating: 9.1 | De La Jet Set Radio (Dreamcast Direct) DC
At first I didn't know what to expect. It seemed like a Tony Hawk rip-off with graffitti. But after logging a few hours into the main story line, I found that JGR had a boatload going for it in the cool department. The music is great and the it being the first 3D cell-shaded game makes it a pioneer with its stunning and appropriate visuals. The controls can get clumsy at times but its nothing to really complain about and alot of the time you kinda wish that your characters would gain momentum a bit faster. The story is super cheesy, but it good to see that its cheesy on purpose. JGR also balances its difficulty levels very well, by the time you finish the game you really get a huge sense of accomplishment, which cannot be said for Tony Hawk games. With a nice balance of original and licensed music, JGR sets the perfect mood for what its trying to accomplish and the Cell-Shading looks magnificent. If you don't aready own a Dreamcast, pick one up and check out JGR immediatly.