This game is complete with amazing art, fun levels and cool music. But the replay-value is not really there.

User Rating: 7.5 | De La Jet Set Radio (Dreamcast Direct) DC
Smilebit wanted to make a fun and cool action game which no one could compare to any other. They wanted the visuals, the characters and their movements to be unique. Jet Set Radio (Jet Grind Radio - US version) is what they came up with.

They pretty much succeeded as far a I'm concerned.

Some people think Cel/Toon shaded games are kiddie. Well, they haven't played this game. The premise to spray Graffiti around the city and evade the cops. This is why Sega had to put a Warning on one of the start-up screens.

The Music is a very Techno with a HipHop background. Depending on the version you get. In this US version there is more Rock music. No matter what version you get the music is high in energy and really goes with the levels.

Eventually, the game get difficult and you have to go against helicopters, dudes with blow torches, machine guns, jet packs and Tanks.

When you beat the game the only thing left to do is get JET! on all the levels find all the Graffiti souls to unlock everything. The only thing that changes game are the characters. So as soon as I got JET! on everything (unlocking all the characters) I retired from playing it altogether.