Jet Set sounds much better than Jet Grind - it rhymes you see. Anyways, it's time to paint the town red.. green, blue...

User Rating: 9 | De La Jet Set Radio (Dreamcast Direct) DC
“JET SET RAAADDDDIIOOO!” Tokyo-to’s most popular pirate radio station and one of the best games on Dreamcast. Quite a reputation! A game of exhilaration, incredible precision and oozing cool all on one shiny GD-Rom. Interactive entertainment doesn’t get much better than this. Jet Set Radio puts you in control of the GGs, one of several gangs trying to dominate Tokyo-to. Gameplay is simple enough so completing this task won’t frazzle your brain but may just you get frustrated. Just collect the spraycans, go to an arrow and hit L. Larger ones need more spraycans and movement of the analogue stick. Cinch. Thing is its not so easy when the movements are more awkward and police are bombing towards you. At first they’re harmless and run after you but soon there are paratroopers, helicopters and assassins after your misfit hide. Think Crazy Taxi on skates but with spades more adrenaline and style. If this game didn’t already kick arse its just about to unleash a whole new can. There is more than just spraying. You can perform dozens of tricks with combinations. There are new characters to unlock, new tags to collect. Then add a ear enticing soundtrack filled with excellent tracks and the option to make your own graffiti, twiddling and fiddling options to your hearts content. Surely another perfect ten then? Not quite unfortunately. Despite the awesome graphics and moorish playability you’ll play it constantly and finish it all too soon for your liking. Yet those hours playing it are some of the best and it is a fair challenge. Like Crazy Taxi you will return to this game now and again. If only there was long is it until Jet Set Radio 2 is out again?