Glitchy , the levels are not quite there and theres spots that need improving. but also classic and a greatest ever game

User Rating: 9.3 | De La Jet Set Radio (Dreamcast Direct) DC
Ok so I'm a fan of the jet set radio games (it's SET because i'm a pal player) So expect a somewhat one sided review. But with get set radio , thats alright, forgotten now due partly to the mostly improved jet set radio future (or jet set radio mk2), when you play the game today it feels more like a demo for the xbox follow up. A big test to see how the finished game would play. What characters would work and what wouldnt. The game also is far from perfect, theres little bits of level design that just grind (not that grind) against the feel of the game. The times square esk level is a prime example, with the lifts you have to ride stopping the action to a crawl. But beyond what little flaws the game has , and they are few and small, Its a totally fun game to play. Its full of character , and story, and creativity. The music is a joy to listen too , and is mixed seamlessly. (We pal players didnt get rob zombie, as a rob zombie fan i should feel dissapointed...but im not) The levels too scream with character, from the people jumping out of the way with a squeal as you speed through them, to the neon signs sparking in the hights. Two highlights that really shine are the villens (the cops and gangsters) who use endlessly over the top and entertaining means to try stop your gang of rudies. And the spray painting itself. With the remake", on the xbox two things were done to detract from the games feel. the time limit was removed, and 2 spraying took one button press. Now dont mistake me, i love the remake" and i think its near perfect in every way, but the feel of spray painting using the anilog stick to move with the arrows on screen , made it feel like you were really spraying the wall. No other game before or since has managed to do that. to totally give the feel of spraying like it does. The time limit actually makes it feel all the more real, you really do only have a limited amount of time to finish the painting your working on. In jet set radio its a risk of the time running out, in real life its a risk of getting caught. The pressures there.. Get it done and move on to the next spot, quick!. This game = much love from me, and should do from anyone elce who spends time with it too. I mean , who couldnt love playing as a dog called pots (he so needs his own game...).