The game's nearly perfect. However, not quite there yet

User Rating: 9.5 | De La Jet Set Radio (Dreamcast Direct) DC
While most say Jet Grind Radio, or the Jet Set series in general totally sucks, they are wrong. Jet Grind Radio is one of the best games to date.

First, the graphics. Wow, they look fantastic! Cel-Shading's best is this game right here. Original Cel-Shading game, yet the best. Perhaps, even the best looking graphics for a DC game!

Now, the game play. Missions have their hard times and easy times. The tricks, they are pretty much what you could expect from a rollerblading game. The graffiti tagging aspect can be tricky, yet not tricky.

Last, but not least, is the soundtrack. Some of the best music from 2000 and earlier. And the "sshshs" from the spray cans are realistic, too. At times, your character's voice might sound annoying. Eh, that's just about the only flaw.

In closing statements, I would like to say Jet Grind Radio is phenomenal. Not many people understand it though. If you've never picked it up, get off your butt, go to a used game store and buy it!