definetly my favorite game of all time

User Rating: 9.5 | Jak and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy PS2
My first ps2 game ever was jak and daxter and I remember playing this game day to day with definetly more than 100 hrs of playing. This is a game about a mute teen named jak who has a little brother daxter and they accidentaly boat to misty island which the green sage( his caregiver) told him it's the only place he is not aloud to go. When he is at misty island, daxter accidentaly falls into dark eco and transforms into an ottsel(otter half weasel). Jak and daxter were now on an adventure to get daxter back to human form again. This game has a few bosses and is filled with adventure and challenges. In this game, jak has his own eco that he finds to use around the big world. Blue eco gives him speed, green gives him health, yellow shoots fireballs, red just gives strength, and at the very end of the game you get white eco which like what the hell it's like a killer to anything it just like fireball but it shoot white and it destroys anything in it's way and it's awesome. This game gives the adventure by having things you have to collect to get farther in the game. The main thing you have to get is power cells which are the things you need to travel from area to area and pretty much what you need to beat the whole game. Precursor orbs are small round orbs and if you collect a certain amount, some people have a power cell they will trade. This game is a large variety of things so you are bound to like it. The story is great, it has powers, collecting, adventure, bosses, action, and also has more games in the series that makes the game even more legendary. I don't really know the downsides to the game because I like it sooo much. From what I know there are no downsides so if you have a ps2 and want a sweet new series it's the jak and daxter series!