Another high-quality game from Naughty Dog.

User Rating: 9.5 | Jak and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy PS2
Jak and Daxter was Naughty Dog's first game for the PlayStation 2, and while I wish they had continued with the Crash Bandicoot series, what they made instead is probably better. In fact, Jak and Daxter is still one of the best games on the PS2, despite coming out so early in its life cycle. The game starts off with Jak and Daxter on an island. They discover that two bad guys are plotting something bad, and then the next thing you know, Daxter has been turned into an ocelot. Jak and Daxter then report back to their friends Keira and Samos, who are very disappointed that Jak and Daxter disobeyed orders. Then they are told that there is only one person who can help with Daxter's condition, and that person is very far away. So now Jak must quest through many colorful worlds in search of Power Cells, Precursor Orbs, and Eco. The power cells are the main items in the game, and thus the hardest to earn. Precursor Orbs are laid out throughout each level in the game, and their only purpose is to purchase more Power Cells. The Eco is found in four different colors: green, blue, red, and yellow. There is also Dark Eco, which is what transformed Daxter into the ocelot he is today, and that is harmful to you. Yellow Eco gives Jak the power to shoot fireballs, Red Eco gives him enhanced strength, Blue Eco gives him a speed boost and allows him to activate certain machinery, and Green Eco restores his health. The control in this game feels just right, allowing the utmost maneuverability, the graphics are absolutely amazing for the time, the soundtrack is catchy, the missions are incredibly well designed, and this game still holds up after seven and a half years. This game is a must-have for anyone who likes fun.