Naughty Dog explore a different side of platforming with Jak and Daxter, and the results yield the same level of success

User Rating: 8.5 | Jak and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy PS2
Naughty Dog became a forefront developer in the late 90s by crafting Sony's original leading candidate for mascot appeal. The Crash Bandicoot series were heavily streamlined action platformers that served their content fast and frequent.

Jak and Daxter represents a platformer 180, with it's open world offering and exploration encouragement. The pacing is much more methodical and collection provides the main incentive. However, the game successfully avoids the collect-a-thon threat by never becoming overwhelming or exhaustive. The world the player explores is wisely broken up into various districts representing the game's levels. There is thematic and level design variation throughout providing a consistently fresh experience from start to finish.

Jak and Daxter's strong sense of character compliments the well executed gameplay. There isn't a lot to be found in terms of plot, but Naughty Dog have a lot of fun with their characters, and in the realm of platformers, that's more than enough. All in all, the game is a complete package, with visuals that hold up well nearly a decade later and enjoyable cartoon sensibilities that pad out a quintessential PS2 adventure. It's a game whose entertainment value accumulates throughout the entire experience, never content with the player satisfaction it provides until it has shown you everything it contains.