Crash Bandicoot evolved.

User Rating: 8 | Jak and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy PS2

Ever play Crash Bandicoot? Well, it's like that except more fun. It has better graphics, has more attacks including the spin, dive, punch, and uppercut. You'll get eco which allows you special tasks like moving fast, super strength, fireballs, and health. You do pretty much the same thing in a better way. Instead of levels, it's one huge open world. You'll run around doing random tasks for people to collect power cells. These allow you to proceed through the game. The variety of tasks you end up doing makes them game more fun and urges you forward without reason to stop of boredom from doing the same thing. It is relatively short, but that doesn't matter. It has pretty good replay value as long as you don't beat it over and over again in a week or so. It has lot of different environments to keep you going. For being one of the first ps2 games, they probably put a good deal of work into it considering how good it looks. Overall, the game continues to be fun, but doesn't really stretch to new ground for Naughty Dog or the entire gaming universe. I'm not saying it's a dull and used formula, because it is fun, but it doesn't really bring you fresh content. The controls work great. The way it feels to platform is some of the best so far. The sound is pretty good, especially considering all the hilarious things Daxter will end up saying to you. Irritatingly enough, the games fields( whatever you call where something looks like it is and what it actually is, isn't quite top notch. you'll find yourself getting hit by attacks that only came close to hitting you but didn't. Overall, the game gets a 8 out of 10. A good game, but not a must have.