This game is one of the best platformers ever and is just amazing. Theres no reason not you play this game.

User Rating: 9 | Jak and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy PS2
Some games can define a genre and in this case, Jak and Daxter precursor legacy did just that. This game is the reason i fell in love with platformers and theres no reason you shouldnt love it as well. The gamplay is solid expect for some odd camera angles. And the story is jsut remarkable.

The gamelplay is great and plays like any other 3D platfromer. Considering this game was the first PS2 games ever this game is just fantastic. The graphics still look good today and the fact that they do just shows how good this game is. Jak and daxter moves are cool as well, to knock over enemis you simply spin like Crash and there down. Simple as that, but very fun.

The story will make you come back for more and more. Its long intense and addicting. You play as Jak a normal guy living in a tiny village. You then discover dark evil people are harvest evil energy called Dark eco and from then on your adventure begins.

All in all this game is amazing and you must play it. If you dont, you dont know what your missing out on.