Looks amazing, Plays amazing, fight your way to the god king.... over and over again.....ah

User Rating: 8 | Infinity Blade IOS
Chair who was behind my favorite game for the xbox 360 has struck again, this time hitting the iOS platform and sporting unbelievable graphics for a mobile device.

I played this game on my iPad last night and was able to get the hang of the game. the best way to describe this game would be Punch-Out!! meets an dark RPG.

you must observe your on screen enemy and look for patters, learn how to counter your enemies attacks, then force them to open up to finally plunge your sword into their heart.

you dodge by pressing a button on the bottom of the screen, one button for dodge left and one for right. you have a shield button, which has limited use as the enemy starts to break your guard. where the hardest to pull off, but best to use is your parry. you need to slash in the opposite dirrection the enemy is going to slash from. hes attack from the right? you need to move your finger from left to right. being able to time this and do it quickly can be a trick. I often slash too soon before the attack comes so i miss the parry, but i'm getting better. its all part of learning how to play I suppose.

attacking is pretty self explanatory you slide your finger across the screen the way you want your character to slash. look for openings or when you have stunned your enemy and go all out on the offensive.

as you fight and progress through the game you level up, you can get more health, do more damage, increase your shield uses, or increase your magic ability. pretty basic RPG elements, but I always look forward to leveling.

equipment adds a little customization, but i havent noticed any gameplay differences. I'm pretty much left doing the same thing, just with a different look or some different stats. so once again basic RPG elements.

you move through the castle, fighting knight after knight that challenges you. you grab gold when you look around, and open chests, all to get more money to buy new equipment. getting to the god king is unexpectedly easy. a handful of knights stand between you and him. then you challenge the god king, something you will do over and over.

the game doesnt have a whole lot of variety, you will fight the god king till you die, then you get a new character 20 years later and you once again aim to fight the god king, keeping all your stats and equipment from your past character. so the better you are at the game, the less "next generation" sequences you are going to go through. i'm sure if you are good enough you can kill the god king the first time through.

interesting concept, backed by solid gameplay and graphics, i wish the game was a bit deeper on the RPG elements and had more to it than fighting through 10+ knights to the king each time.