More cinematic than MGS4

User Rating: 6 | Heavenly Sword PS3
OMG!! If I hear one more person complain about the length of this game I swear I am going to scream!! First off let me address the fact. It is obvious to me that people complained about the length, because the game is so FRIGGN SWEET and they wanted more. I simply adore the fact that this game is so short, I have a job and family of four and only get to sit and play games for maybe an hour or two here and there. Why do people put such of an emphasis on the length of a game? Saying things like "for $60 this game should be longer". No game IMO is worth 60 bucks, but that is what they charge. I don't feel justified when I spend 60 bucks on a game and it is 20+ hours long. I feel justified by how the game impressed me or how I felt after I finished it. Did I have a memorable experience and maybe how much replay value is there? Heavenly Sword addresses all these questions, with an astounding YES. The only game I have ever played twice that was 20+ hours long was Final Fantasy 7. Otherwise with most longer games I was so glad it was over, that I wouldn't dare go through it again. With short games you can play them over and over be glad you like say Resident Evil. If you want to complain about the price tag, just complain about the price tag!! But please don't place a negative on a game just because it is a little shorter than others. Simply put I would pay 60 bucks for this masterpiece faster than any 20+ hour game I can think of.

Now that I am off my soapbox, let me just say that this game is probably the best entertainment experience I have had in a long time. I say entertainment, because this game is like participating in a karate movie with a great story. It immediately pulls you into its wonderful cinematic story. This game is a crowning achievement from beginning to end. Please do not compare this game to God of War or Prince of Persia, both are great in there own respect, but Heavenly sword destroys them. Both God of War and Prince of Persia are platformers at the core and Heavenly sword is not. You can not jump which some say is a negative, but in that same respect you don't have to worry about falling off any cliffs either.

Yes I will say it Heavenly Sword is the most beautiful game I have ever played, from the cinematic cut-scenes, to the very intense battles. The developers definitely took their time doing this one right! Every battle is like watching Uma Thurman in Kill Bill dispatch a room full of enemies. While this might sound monotonous, the style in which Nariko dispatches of her enemies makes me wish they just kept coming. Blocks, counter attacks, combos, ability to pick things up and hurl them at enemies, and last but not least those GORGEOUS finishing moves are what makes the battles such a joy. I think what I liked most about the game is that it never felt like a straight button mashing affair, you'll actually need to time your blocks, attacks and counters.

Don't think it is all fighting though; alternatively you'll get to play as Kai. Kai is the ultimate fight from a distance companion. And with her comes one of the games BEST gimmicks. The "aftertouch" system, which I ABSOLUTELY loved, allows you to slow down time and aim the arrows with the Sixaxis controller. It does take some practice and you need a gentle touch to make sure the controller is level before firing. Once you get the hang of it though, guiding an arrow's path directly into the skull of an enemy never ever gets old.

The game isn't perfect. I found the button-pressing sections of the game where you have to hit a certain button when it pops up on screen very distracting. Heavenly sword engrosses you so much into the story that I just wanted to watch the cinematic experiences not actually participate in them, so I was constantly mistiming things. There weren't many sections like this, but I wouldn't have missed them if they were gone.

Bottom line: This is the game that will remind you why you wanted a PS3 in the first place. If you own a PS3 or have a friend who has a PS3, you MUST play this game. If you don't have access to a PS3 you are seriously missing out on one of the gaming industries masterpieces. Sure there are other great games on other systems that are outstanding. Heavenly Sword though, will have you thinking about it when you aren't playing it and that is what makes a gaming masterpiece. Whether you rent or buy is really irrelevant JUST PLAY IT!! Yeah it may be only about 6 hours or so long, but soon as I get the chance I am going to play through it again, yeah it is that good. With as many games as I have played through my life, I can't remember the last game I actually wanted to play through a second time. Oh yeah I can Final Fantasy 7 (September 1997)