Wait, who the crap is that? It's supposed to be ME?

User Rating: 7.5 | Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility WII
Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility is, for the uniformed, the tenth anniversary edition of Harvest Moon. But you know what? That's no excuse to replace the classic Design of the characters. You can't just replace that red bandanna (that always looked a little too much like a beard in the GBA games to me...), or the sdrawkcab baseball cap. And where the Helsinki is my pet? I mean sure, I'm only just starting summer of year one, but I should start with the dog. I ALWAYS start with the dog. Bah. At least it isn't all bad. At least it has a plot that doesn't require you to do various farming tasks to rescue sixty magic midgets who aren't quite as grateful as they seem. The graphics are pretty good, and I really enjoy the option of Part-Time Jobs, because I've never been good at farming. and you know? They've got some cool characters. So, if you like Harvest Moon, get this game to satisfy yourself. if you want to start liking Harvest Moon, start with something on the Gamecube, DS, or GBA. And that's my (un)professional opinion. ~Pikachu15eevee