Well it was fun to play, but your guy is a wimp and time goes WAY too fast!!!

User Rating: 5.5 | Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility WII
Okay, so this game was fun and all, I agree with the best in the series, but your guy is SO wimpy!!! He picks up five weeds and is exhausted!!! I mean I could pick up weeds and go fishing and be maybe a little tired, but this guy would be dead if he tried that. This makes it way more hard than Rune Factory where I cleaned out my whole field in 2 days!!! Also weeds grow through my hoed fields so that can get annoying when I just wanted to let my field be barren. But I have to say the time is the most important problem, because it goes to quickly, especially on such a big map. It took my guy THREE hours to get from my house, next to the port, to Waffle Town!!! Time goes twice as fast in this game than in all the other HM games I've played. But, other than that, the game is fun with new pets, more live stock and new loves, but no Ellie. :'( Even with these pet peeves, I still advise you too buy this game.