A good looking and fun Zapper game but it's painfully short.

User Rating: 7.5 | Gotcha! The Sport! NES
This is more of a fun co-op game and a tedious single player game. The game's setting is just a paintball fight with another team and that's about as detailed as the story gets. The object is to capture the other teams flag and return it to your base without being hit.

The game is from a first person view so you need to hold the controller in one hand and the light gun in the other. That's why this is more of a co-op game. To move you press left or right on the d-pad and of course shoot with the Zapper.

The graphics are vibrant and the characters are detailed which looks great on the NES. There are three levels and the only way you can tell them apart is by their setting since they all play the same. The first level is in a forest so a lot of greenery, the second is in a snow level so it's snowing and the enemy wears blue camo, and the last level is in the streets of city. The music is easily forgotten and you wont even hum along while playing.

Since it only consists of three levels is way to short, like mini-me short. The levels last about three minutes and you just keep repeating them after you've beaten the game. Although it's painfully short it's really fun and more so with a second player.

This is a good Zapper game but don't expect to play it for that long. Compared to other Zapper games on the NES it was really original.