I Like it... It Feels DMC-ish with a little GOW thrown in...(Small review)

User Rating: 7.3 | Ghost Rider PS2
However it lacks a lot of moves and powers that Devil may cry and God of war would have along with interesting fluid enemies at first. I know I did not play much of the game (only the first level up to the Boss) yet but it is still a good game and worth a buy for that price.

I was also really shocked it came out at least this well for a game based off the Comic book movie. I bet it will get like a 6 or lower on Gamespot knowing them. I would give it like a 7.6/7.8 so far...Now only played it for 40mins and I wanted to go play my other game XML2.

Here are my Pros and Cons.

1.Framerate gets a little slow around flame areas with enemies on screen(Something I know Gamespot will make a low score for)

2.Cool and fun melee chain moves that are Identical to Krato's Chain blades but not enough special power moves(hope there is more later on) including moves that ghose rider is supposed to have like throwable chain links, flame and fireballs. Also, Johnny blaze Ghost rider never had penance stare but still cool to have once you get it filled.

3.Graphics are pretty good and environments are decently detailed in backround in the first level of hell but the cutscenes are comic slide style like MGS:PO, so that is the only bummer.

4.Camera is decent so far but I wish I could have the ability to move it a bit.

5.Enemies are rather boring at first and lack cool attacks.

6.Eventhough the game takes a few ideas from DMC and God of War it needs to innovate more ideas of it's own if it wants to make it above the crowd of this genre.

7.Jumping is kinda meh but it is nice to have it. Seems like you do not have the ability to double jump or do the jumping I would like to do in a game like DMC. However Dodge is fun.

8.For what is available in the beginning. I hope the game does not stay this repetitive and I hope it lets you get more involved later on with some puzzles, mini games and decisions.

9.Interesting ways to beat and enemy to make you use the combo style meters that DMC uses. Just makes you smash more buttons. I am sure It will get really hard near the end of the game.

For $29 bucks this game is def worth a buy. IF it were to be $40 than maybe.. $50 than I would just rent it.

SO if you like lighter versions with simplicity mixed into it of games like Devil may Cry series an the God of War series I recommend this game for you.