Ghost Rider a hell of a game since the Hulk!

User Rating: 8.3 | Ghost Rider PS2
Wow you guys rated Ghost Rider a 4.0. Well I spent time playing this game and it was great. Not only does it proof itself as a marvel game should be it a game wroth playing.
The last time I played a good marvel game was the Hulk which was very good.
Ghost Rider is a very nice game that proofed itself, not only in graphic and sound but also the story line.
I guess talking with other gamers the people who rated Ghost Rider a 4.0 must be guy or girls who only play war games and did not look at Ghost Rider as it should be respected .
I enjoyed the game very much and other gamers who I spoke with also said the same thing. I did not hear anyone of those gamers give it less then a 8!
I rented the game first and today I going out to buy my own copy. Guess I look at games in a different way. I enjoy all types of games and only give my honest opinion in my reviews.