Cheats & Guides

Ultimate 8 Ball Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Sure Win

    After you get in cheat mode: Begin a match, then press L2 + R2 + Square during your turn.

    Contributed by: Andrew Testa 

  2. View ball paths

    After you do cheat mode: Begin a match, then press L2 + R2 + Circle during your turn to view the path of each ball.

    Contributed by: Andrew Testa 

  3. Unlock The Devil and Judgement table!

    To unlock The Devil and the Judgement venue, begin a new hustle and defeat every CPU player BEFORE facing Philly Joe. Upon defeating Philly Joe, the screen will turn red and you will face The Devil in a battle for your soul! Note: if you are defeated by The Devil, you lose the hustle and there are no rematches. To face The Devil again, simply reload a save of your hustle game and defeat Philly Joe again.

    Contributed by: moondogwp20 

  4. Cheat Mode

    Enter the code as a player name to unlock cheat mode.

    Effect Effect
    Enter CW12_4AP as a player name. Cheat Mode

    Contributed by: tiamold