Cheats & Guides

Top Gear Rally 2 Cheats For Nintendo 64

  1. Code

    Enter the following code at the main menu:

    Effect Effect
    Start, Z, R, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Left Allow Car Damage In Versus Mode
    R, Z, D-Pad Right, Start, D-Pad Left Backward AI
    L,Z,Left,Up,Start Big Hills
    C-Up,Z,Right,Down,Right Cylinder Tires
    Top-C, Z, Start, Control Pad Up, and Control Pad Down Flip Track Upside-Down
    R button, right C button, R button, Left, Up Giant Car
    Left-C, Left-C, Control Pad left, L, and L High-Resolution Graphics
    Right C, Right C, Right, Right, Down Intoxicated AI Cars
    R, C-Right, R, D-Pad Right, D-Pad Right Kamakazi AI
    C-Right, C-Right, D-Pad Right, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Left Long Car
    L button, top C button, Left, L button, L button Max Championship points In Support Van
    C-Right, C-Right, D-Pad Right, D-Pad Down, D-Pad Up Monster Tires
    L button, Z button, Start button, Up, Up No Damage or Failure
    Z button, right C button, R button, Up, Right No Depth View
    R, C-Right, R, D-Pad Down, D-Pad Down No Tires
    C-Left, Z, R, D-Pad Right, D-Pad Up Press D-Pad Up in game to enable the game to drive for you
    L, Z, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Up, Start Real Hills
    C-Up, Z, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Up Rollable Car Physics
    C-up,Z,Right,Up,Z Shadow Racer
    Z button, left C button, L button, Up, Right Speed Warp View
    R, C-Right, R, Up, Right Spinning World
    C-Left, Z, Start, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Down Tall Car
    C-Down, Z, D-Pad Right, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Right Tires Only
    C-Right, C-Right, R, L, Up Toxic Waste Dump
    Left C button, Z button, R button, L button, Down Volcano Valley

    Contributed by: punk7890, ItsThisGuyAgain, Elemental_Knight, alex_cross, KasketDarkfyre 

  2. Developer Cheats

    Press the desired button combinations at the main menu to see some developer messages.

    C-Right, C-Right, D-Pad Right, C-Down, C-Down Brandon & Dustin, always hide your money from women Cause they always spend it!!!
    Z, C-Down, D-Pad Down, Z, Z Bryan never implemented any cheats
    C-Left, Z, R, R, L Carrie you are the best!!!
    C-Up, Z, D-Pad Right, C-Up, C-Left Hello Alexis Pino
    C-Left, Z, R, C-Left, C-Down Hello Megan Renstrom
    C-Right, C-Right, D-Pad Right, C-Up, C-Down Hello Nikki Pino
    R, Z, D-Pad Right, Start, R Hello Sweetie...I Love You!!!
    C-Down, C-Right, R, C-Left, C-Up Hello Tyler Renstrom
    Start, Z, D-Pad Right, C-Right, C-Left Ryan Nix is nothing but trouble... but of course we all know that!!!
    R, C-Right, R, C-Right, C-Right Ryder is a wanna be... He just tries to be cool!
    C-Right, C-Right, D-Pad Right, R, Z Thanks Carrie for all of your support
    C-Left, Start, R, C-Up, C-Up Yo Chadster

    Contributed by: punk7890 

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