Cheats & Guides

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Cheats For Nintendo 64

  1. Skip mask wearing/removing animation

    When you wear or remove a mask press either "A" or "B" or the C control to skip the animation.

    Contributed by: memorizes 

  2. Names And Stars (N64 Version Only)

    When you get the chance to look at the night sky, pay attention to the stars. Their positions aren't random; they're actually determined by the name you use for your save file. Try experimenting with different names to remake the night sky to your liking.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  3. infiltrate Pirates' Fortress easly

    if you enter the Pirates' Fortress while wearing the stone mask you won't be caught by the pirates even though they stare at you when you pass them.
    It will also trigger a special speech when you fight Pirate Captain.

    Contributed by: memorizes 

  4. Heart piece purchase discount

    after following the Akindo Nut with telescope into a hole near the observatory go there to buy it, in normal cases he'll sell it for 150 rupees but if you say no the price will be reduced to 100 rupees

    Contributed by: memorizes 

  5. Stone Tower Temple Stray Fairy Trick

    In Stone Tower Temple, there’s a room where you use a Deku Flower to glide over a pit of lava. When you enter the room, use a Goron pound to activate the large switch in the lava below.

    Doing so puts out the flames covering a switch at the other end of the room, requiring you to roll through the lava as Goron Link to activate it in time. The second switch causes a chest with a stray fairy to appear, but the narrow path through the lava can be difficult to navigate quickly.

    However, you can get rid of the time limit by putting on the Deku Mask and jumping into the lava after pounding down the first switch. The fire damage will cause you to void out and respawn at the door, at which point you can take your time getting to the second switch without the flames coming back up.

    This trick also works in the 3DS version.

    Contributed by: Scraps 

  6. Unrestricted Items (Japanese Version Only)

    If you enter the Honey & Darling game on day 3 as Deku Link, after you start the game, all your C buttons will work, even ones that shouldn't work as Deku Link. This includes the Fierce Deity Mask, allowing you to easily become him outside of boss fights.

    Contributed by: NCloud 

  7. Alternate Opening Sequence

    After turning on the game, press Start quickly to get to the menu screen. Press Up to get to the Options screen, then hit A. As soon as that screen appears, press B to return to the menu select screen. Press B quickly again to return to the game intro screen. This time, the opening video should be different than it originally is.

    Contributed by: Dev 

  8. Easier Day 2 and Day 3 North Clock Town Deku Scrub Game

    After entering the grotto for the game in North Clock Town, without moving, rapidly put on and take off a transformation mask, at least 10 times (so 20 transformations). During the cutscenes, the platforms in the game will continue to move, but the rupees on them will be frozen in place until the cutscene ends. This causes all the rupees on the horizontally-moving platforms to fall to the ground. Now go into the main room but before talking to the Deku Scrub, go onto the floor and collect all the rupees that are lying there. Talk to the Deku Scrub to start the game. When you exit the flower, all the rupees you collected will still count.

    On day 2, all the rupees in the game can be collected before starting it using this glitch, resulting in a time of 0 seconds. On day 3, all but two of the rupees can be collected this way (there are two that are on vertically-moving platforms which are unaffected by it, so these will need to be collected normally during the game).

    Contributed by: NCloud 

  9. Easier Day 3 Honey & Darling Game

    On the final Honey & Darling game on day 3, the number of targets you have to hit to win is 16 if you enter as human. If you enter the game as Deku Link, this number is halved to 8. Simply enter as Deku Link then take off the Deku Mask. You now only have to hit 8 targets with the bow, which is much easier.

    Contributed by: NCloud 

  10. Cheat at Postmans game.

    There is a minigame where the Postman asks you to stop a clock exactly at ten seconds. Normally the clock will disappear after two second, leaving you to guess, but if you wear the Bunny Hood the timer stays up on the screen. This is good since he gives you 50 rupees after the second time you win. Repeat for big bucks.

    Contributed by: AWing_Pilot 

  11. Quickly Get Enough Rupees for the 5000 Rupee Bank Heart Piece

    After beating Stone Tower Temple, on night 1, enter the Milk Bar in East Clock Town and buy a bottle of Chateau Romani. Drink this (which will give you infinite magic) and head to the north section of Termina Field. Play the Inverted Song of Time to slow down time. In the snowy area below, there are snowmen who throw snowballs at you. Hit the small ones with a Light Arrow and they will drop a large pink rupee, worth 50. For the larger snowmen, hit them with your sword first, which splits them into three smaller ones, all of which give you a pink rupee. By doing this, you can quickly accumulate 500 rupees in under a minute. Turn into Goron Link and roll back to West Clock Town and deposit them all in the bank, then repeat until you've deposited the required 5000 rupees for the Heart Piece.

    Note that if it turns to day 2 whilst doing this, you should play the Song of Double Time to go to night 2. There is easily enough time to gather the 5000 rupees in a single full night (i.e., 6PM to 6AM) with the Inverted Song of Time active.

    Contributed by: NCloud 

  12. Fix Broken Signs

    If you damage a sign and want to fix it, then play the Song of Healing. The sign will then be magically repaired.

    Contributed by: Fossil 

  13. Smelly Underwear

    If you're looking for a mushroom, go to the Stock Pot Inn and put on the Mask of Scents. With your heightened sense of smell, you'll be able to get a smell of the boxer shorts on Gorman's bed, where the fungus is hiding.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  14. Watering the Magic Beans made easy

    Are you roaming around outside with some Magic Beans, but with no bottled water to pour on them? Play the Song of Storms and the raindrops will automatically water the Magic Beans, no bottle required.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  15. Cliff Musical Notes

    On the cliff wall near the entrance to the northern mountains has some music chisled into it. Play the inscribed melody to win some Rupees.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  16. Gossip Rocket Launch

    Place a bomb near a Gossip Stone. The blast will turn it into a makeshift rocket, which will launch after a brief countdown.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  17. Rock Contsellation

    On one of the walls in the southwest of Termina Field, you'll find a grouping of rocks positioned to form a constellation. Bomb some of the rocks to earn Rupees.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  18. Dampe's Reward

    If you exterminate all of the bats in the graveyard, Dampe will reward you with 30 Rupees.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  19. Fairies in the Gossip Stones

    Play the Song of Healing near a Gossip Stone. A fairy will fly out and replenish your health.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  20. Ride Epona as Goron Link

    Have the Goron mask assigned to a C-button and call Epona. Ride to Southern Swamp or Milk Road and find the Owl Statue. Save while still on Epona. Start the game again and you should find yourself still on Epona. Press the C-Button you equipped the Goron Mask to. You should change into Goron Link and not able to fit on your horse. Press the analog stick forward to find that you can use Epona without having Link on her. If you press the A-button to "curl," it will say that you can't fit on Epona, but actually you'll be riding in mid-air above her. Exit Milk Road and you'll be riding her as Goron Link! You can also do this in Clock Town but you will just be Epona, you can't ride her as a goron. You can do this on anyday. CAUTION: If you try to shoot the bow as Goron Link, the game will freeze.

    Contributed by: bullethorse 

  21. Kamaro Mask and the Scarecrow

    Show the Kamaro Mask to the Scarecrow to have it start dancing.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  22. Cutscene with Anju

    Talk to Anju at the Stock Pot Inn between 1:50 PM and 4:10 PM to get the Room Key on Day 1. If you check your room, you'll find a crack in one of the walls. Look through the crack at 9:30 PM on Day 2 to see a cutscene with Anju speaking with her mother.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  23. Light Arrow Rupees

    If you shoot the Blue Bubbles in the Ikana Canyon and the Like Likes in Great Bay Coast with Light Arrows, you'll be rewarded a Purple Rupee worth 50 Rupees.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  24. Shooting objects for Rupees

    Try shooting arrows at the bull's-eyes outside of the Honey & Darling's Shop or the lanterns in the Ikana Graveyard. If hit, they'll pour out some Rupees.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  25. Captain Keeta cutscene

    When you fight the Ikana King, Igos du Ikana, wear the Captain's Hat. You'll trick the king into thinking that you're Captain Keeta, which will launch a brief cutscene.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  26. Epona in Clock Town.

    First Start with the first save file. Walk up to the Owl Statue in Clock Town. Save your game at the statue and go to the second file. In this file ride Epona to the Owl Statue in Milk road. Dismount so you dont have to move in order to save. Save your game. Now go back to your first save file. Epona should be beside you in clock town.

    Contributed by: RPGzelda7 

  27. Bugs in the walls

    There is a dirt hole on the southeast wall of the outside of Clock Town. Catch a bug in a bottle, then release it near the hole. The bug will climb into the hole and reward you with a Rupee for your efforts.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  28. Converting butterflies to fairies

    Touch a butterfly with the tip of a deku Stick, and it'll turn into a fairy.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  29. Fierce Deity Link outside boss (before 3rd day)

    To do this glitch/cheat you must be on epona and the fierce deity mask must be equipped to a C button. Go to either the Milk Road or Southern Swamp owl statue and z target it and press a while still on epona. Use the statues' save option. Then go back into the game after saving with the statue. About 1 time out of 10 you'll be on epona when you resume play. This has a better chance of working if your on Epona before you enter Milk Road or the Southern Swamp. After this, press the C-button with the fierce deity mask to transform. You should start to hear a beeping noise. Now you must wait until the 2nd day. DO NOT PRESS ANYTHING UNTIL THE 2ND DAY or else your game might freeze. When the second day comes the beeping noise should go away. Now hold Z and press A. You should fall into the ground and reappear as fierce deity. After this you can pause the game without it freezing. NOTE: This glitch only works with the NTSC version of the game.

    Contributed by: cbw89 

  30. The Music Bird

    There's a lone bird flying in circles around the town's walls. Play the ocarina in front of it, and it'll drop a Rupee in appreciation.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  31. Hidden Bowser broach

    If you look at the broach that Romani is wearing, you will notice that it is actually Bowser's face.

    Contributed by: Megaman1981 

  32. Indigo Go's Rehearsing... Old Zelda Game Music?!

    In the rooms where one member of the "Indigo Gos" (The Zora Band) is practicing with their instruments per room, the zoras are playing several different tunes... from old Zelda games!

    Pianist - Zelda: Game Over Screen
    Gutiarist - Zelda: Dungeon Theme
    Drummer - Zelda A Link to the Past: Small Dungeon Theme

    Contributed by: AshtaronHC 

  33. Second Ending

    After beating Majora for the first time go back and the cutscene before entering the moon will be slightly different.

    Contributed by: rodent347 

  34. Free Money

    After you have rid yourself of the deku curse and can roll and jump. You can get the silver rupee above the shooting gallery. Roll over the east gate, hop over the signs on the Honey and Darling shop. Walk over the shooting gallery and open the chest and get the silver rupee. You can do this every time you restart time.

    Contributed by: Ceradin 

  35. Secret Songs

    There are two secret songs in the game which will help out a lot. There is the Inverted Song of Time (Down C, A, Right C, Down C, A, Right C) which slows down time so you can complete a lot more things and Song of Double Time (Right C, Right C, A, A, Down C, Down C) which advances time to the next 12 hour period. (6pm at night or 6 am in the morning on the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd day)

    Contributed by: Menji 

  36. Invisible Great Fairy's Sword

    Get the Great Fairy's Sword (Get all 15 stray fairies in the Stone Tower Temple), and go to Clock Town. Try to put the sword in the postbox. You can't, but when you get it back, you'll have your hands together as if you had it, but you can't see it!

    Contributed by: The_Cheat_Masta 

  37. Be Epona

    Call Epona and ride to Milk Road. Find the Owl Statue and assign the Zora Mask to a C-Button, then save while still on Epona. Start the game again and you should find yourself still on Epona. Press the C-Button you equiped the Zora Mask to. You should change into Zora Link and not able to fit on your horse. Press the analog stick forward to find that you can use Epona without having Link on her. You can do this on anyday. Also you can do this at Southern Swamp too. *Note: You will be stuck in Milk Road or Southern Swamp after you do this trick.*

    Contributed by: OniLink800 

  38. Parade with the King of Ikana's Soldiers

    Enter the King of Ikana's throne room and begin the fight with his two soldiers. Equip the Bremen mask, then press B to start playing your ocarina. The King of Ikana's soldiers should begin marching behind you and follow you as long as you keep playing your ocarina with the Bremen's mask on.

    Contributed by: BooReno62 

  39. Mummies/ zombies won't attack

    In ikana canyon, if you don't want to get attacked by mummies or zombies, just wear the goron mask or deku mask. Even though they paralize you, they won't attack! This really comes in handy when you are low in health.

    Contributed by: WhorlTin 

  40. Hidden Mario mask.

    When you meet up with the mask salesman, look at the giant backpack he is carrying. You will notice that one of the masks on it is a Mario mask.

    Contributed by: Megaman1981 

  41. Rabid Chickens

    If you continuously slash and beat the chicken in Romani Ranch (about 10-15 times), it will shriek out a call for dozens and dozens of killer chickens to start raining down and pelt you to death in a matter of seconds! They'll multiply, follow you pecking and beating till all of Link's life goes out! If you exit the area they'll go away. Fun to play around with.

    Contributed by: romani999 

  42. Wallet Upgrades

    At the beginning of the game, Link can only carry 99 Rupees. However, you can upgrade the wallet by doing a few tasks. The Adult Wallet can hold up to 200 Rupees, and the Giant Wallet will allow you to carry 500 Rupees.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Deposit at least 200 Rupees at the West Clock Town Bank. Adult Wallet
    Complete the Oceanside Spider House on Day 1. Giant Wallet

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  43. Bomb Bag Upgrades

    To upgrade the Bomb Bag. You must do the following things.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Stop Sakon from robbing the Bomb-Shop Lady, then go to the Bomb Shop and buy the Big Bomb Bag Big Bomb Bag (30 Bombs)
    Talk to the Deku Scrub in Goron Village as Goron Link with 200 Rupees and the Big Bomb Bag to get the Biggest Bomb Bag Biggest Bomb Bag (40 Bombs)

    Contributed by: PhazonSamus_759 

  44. Great Fairy Gifts and Upgrades

    Find and collect all of the 15 Stray Fairies in the Dungeon and take them to their corresponding Fountain to receive a gift from the Great Fairy. Hint: If there is a Stray Fairy in the room you are in, the Great Fairy Mask will glow when you are wearing it.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Find the Stray Fairies in the Woodfall Temple and return them to their Fountain. Charged Spin Attack
    Find the Stray Fairies in the Great Bay Temple and return them to their Fountain. Defense Upgrade (Damage taken is reduced by half)
    Find the Stray Fairies in the Stone Tower Temple and return them to their Fountain. Great Fairy Sword
    Find the Stray Fairies in the Snowhead Temple and return them to their Fountain. Longer Magic Meter (doubles in size)

    Contributed by: Blu4R 

  45. Quiver Upgrades

    Link can hold a large amount of arrows with him initially, but his quiver can be upgraded to hold even more.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Get the high score in the Town Shooting Gallery in East Clock Town Large Quiver (40 arrows)
    Get a perfect score in the Swamp Shooting Gallery Largest Quiver (50 arrows)

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Foreign Language Guides FAQ by PHenriksson 154K
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by PHilder 161K
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Blu4R 390K
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by SefSermak 453K
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by CWall 448K
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by igordebraga 140K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by BabyRyoga 137K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by KyleShi 140K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Nemesis 340K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Dev 284K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Masvega 163K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Bedman 338K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Kirby021591 340K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by acdr 453K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by MrShotgun 691K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by nintendo_girl21 306K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by ZeldaDungeon 1047K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by BakonBitz 427K
Full Game Guides Spoiler-Free Walkthrough by Adrenaline_SL 29K
Full Game Guides Walkthrough by FranckKnight 178K
In-Depth Guides 100% Item Walkthrough by Lando_Kashmir 81K
In-Depth Guides Bombers' Notebook Guide by SGastelum 18K
In-Depth Guides Bombers' Notebook Guide by Croco 89K
In-Depth Guides Bottle Items/Locations FAQ by TheSteelPhantom 26K
In-Depth Guides Empty Bottle Guide by Nemesis 6K
In-Depth Guides Glitch FAQ by Anju 31K
In-Depth Guides Heart Piece Location FAQ by TNocturne 28K
In-Depth Guides Hidden Scene Guide by BlueGunstarHero 41K
In-Depth Guides Kafei/Anju Quest FAQ by TNocturne 11K
In-Depth Guides Keaton's Questions FAQ by Undrtakr 15K
In-Depth Guides Mask List by Nemesis 24K
In-Depth Guides Mini-Game FAQ by Gold Mage 24K
In-Depth Guides Moon FAQ by whiz_kid 22K
In-Depth Guides Ocarina Song FAQ by MKaykitkats 19K
In-Depth Guides Rupee Location/Rupee Making FAQ by LOZLTTP 62K
In-Depth Guides Shooting Gallery FAQ by AdmiralSyrup 23K
In-Depth Guides Skulltula House Guide by Nemesis 12K
In-Depth Guides Speed (3-Day) Game Challenge FAQ by KADFC 114K
In-Depth Guides Stray Fairy FAQ by TNocturne 19K
In-Depth Guides Swamp Shooting Gallery FAQ by MKaykitkats 17K
In-Depth Guides Sword FAQ by TNocturne 10K
In-Depth Guides Text Dump by davogones 381K
In-Depth Guides Ultimate Challenge Guide by Dark_Link_Rawks 52K
In-Depth Guides Zelda Series Character Guide by Canadian Dude 820K
In-Depth Guides Zelda Series Ending FAQ by ReyVGM 197K
Maps and Charts Beneath the Well Map by Gold Mage 10K
Maps and Charts Clock Town Map by shark404 11K
Maps and Charts Clock Town Shooting Gallery Solutions by AWing Pilot 25K
Maps and Charts Clocks Guide by NMcLaughlin 10K
Maps and Charts Deku Hide and Seek Map by Gold Mage 25K
Maps and Charts Golden Skulltula Ocean House Map by Gold Mage 32K
Maps and Charts Golden Skulltula Swamp House Map by Gold Mage 44K
Maps and Charts Goron Hide and Seek Map by Gold Mage 21K
Maps and Charts Goron Switch Room Guide by Nemesis 6K
Maps and Charts Link Hide-and-Seek Dungeon Map by Gold Mage 8K
Maps and Charts Sakon's Hideout Map by Gold Mage 19K
Maps and Charts Temina Field Map by Nemesis 10K
Maps and Charts Woodfall Temple Stray Faerie Map by mokatha 22K
Maps and Charts Woods of Mystery Map by Gold Mage 9K
Maps and Charts Zora's Hide and Seek Map by Gold Mage 13K

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D Cheats For 3DS

  1. Use The Blast Mask Without Taking Damage

    When you use the Blast Mask, you normally take damage from the explosion. But if you hold the R button to keep your shield up beforehand, you'll be unharmed. *Note: you cannot do this while locked onto an enemy, as you will be unable to detonate the mask while raising the shield.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  2. Wii Remote In Goron Village

    When you go to Goron Village, go to the baby's room. The left wall is filled with the baby's toys. If you look closely in the far corner, you'll fine a gigantic stone Wii Remote.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  3. Nintendo Items In The Bomb Shop

    Take a closer look at the decorations in the Bomb Shop. The big machine behind the counter is partly made from a GameCube, including the four controller ports, memory card slots, and a GBA adapter. To the right, there's an Ultra Hand, a toy designed by Gunpei Yokoi in 1966.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  4. Easy Clock Town Rupees

    After you've regained Link's Hylian form, go to the top of the East Clock Town stairs and do a rolling jump over gap between buildings at the Eastern Gate. Continue jumping close to the wall, using the decorative targets above the Honey & Darling's Shop as makeshift platforms. Continue walking behind the Town Shooting Gallery sign until you reach a trunk containing a Silver Rupee. This treasure can be claimed once per time loop. Also, the targets above the Honey & Darling's Shop will produce several Green Rupees if you shoot them with your items or Deku Link's bubbles. This second trick resets every time the East Clock Town screen loads. On the Third Day, go into South Clock Town and look at the new festival tower. There will be a treasure chest containing a Purple Rupee at the very top, which can only be reached via Deku Link or the Hookshot. Obtaining it is slightly easier on the final night, after the carpenters have run away.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  5. Fixing Broken Signs

    After cutting a wooden sign to pieces, play the Song of Healing. The sign will magically repair itself.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  6. R.O.B. In The Curiosity Shop

    R.O.B., one of Nintendo's iconic characters, is hidden in the Curiosity Shop. However, you can't see him if you enter from the front entrance. You have to access Kafei's Hideout, which is only accessible on Day 2 if you put Anju's letter in the mailbox, then go inside while Kafei is retrieving the letter. Inside, Kafei will show you a peep hole that looks into the back of the Curiosity Shop. If you pan the camera to the right, you'll see R.O.B. sitting on a shelf.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  7. Gossip Stone Fairies

    If you play the Song of Healing near a Gossip Stone, it'll produce a fairy to replenish your health.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  8. Mental Training Made Easy

    Visit the Post Office in West Clock Town while The Postman is inside. You'll find him doing his Mental Training, and he'll challenge you to mini-game in which you have to press the A button after exactly ten seconds. Normally, the clock overhead disappears after three seconds, forcing you to guess the correct time. If you equip the Bunny Hood before speaking to The Postman, however, the clock will stay onscreen the entire time. That makes beating the Mental Training far easier.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  9. Free Milk

    If you have a spare bottle, find a cow and play Epona's Song. It'll fill your bottle with milk in return. Note that this is just regular milk, not the rare Chateau Romani.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  10. Kill Takkuri Easily

    Despite having high health, Takkuri can actually be killed. This must be done before he makes contact with Link and manages to steal something. To avoid being attacked, mount Epona or equip the Stone Mask; Takkuri won't be able to touch you in either case. The fastest way to kill it is with any type of magic arrow, which takes only 6 hits instead of twice as many with the regular arrows or Hookshot. Killing Takkuri rewards you with a Huge Rupee, worth 200 Rupees. Since Takkuri respawns every time you enter Termina Field, you can earn hundreds of Rupees quickly by exiting/reentering via the Milk Road.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  11. Easily Protect Cremia

    During the part where you have to protect Cremia's milk delivery, you can make the chase far easier by equipping the Troupe Leader's Mask. As long as you have it on, the raiders won't attack you.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  12. Goron Link Invincibility

    Despite his appearance, Goron Link is completely invincible to a couple of specific enemies. ReDeads can still see him, but are incapable of grabbing him; instead, they'll recoil as if they've taken a hit and actually walk away from him. The carnivorous plants in Woodfall Temple are incapable of eating Goron Link due to his sheer size; they will attempt to, but will explode and turn into regular platforms instead.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  13. Dancing ReDeads

    If you're having trouble with ReDeads, equip the Captain's Hat, Garo's Mask, or Gibdo Mask. Wearing any of these three will cause the ReDeads to start doing a variety of dances. They will not harm or notice you for as long as you have the mask on, even if you get close and attack them.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  14. Marching Bodyguards

    Before you fight Igos du Ikana, you have to defeat his two bodyguards first. Aside from sunlight, they have one unusual weakness: The Bremen Mask. Equip it and march as soon as the battle begins. The bodyguards will glance at each other in confusion, and then start marching around the room. They will stop during the drum section of the song, but won't attack you, and start again when the music kicks in. Since it takes them a moment to react when you stop marching, you can use the opportunity to burn away the curtains and quickly progress to the next stage of the fight. Note that you can perform this trick multiple times per battle, but not against Igos du Ikana himself.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  15. The Garo Master's Weaknesses

    The Garo Master is one of the tougher bosses in the game. However, it can be stunned for a few seconds if you manage to throw a Deku Nut onto its body. Also, Goron Link is especially strong against it; unlike his other forms, he doesn't take extra damage from fire. Unlike Link's shield, the Goron's shell is completely invulnerable to the Garo Master's attacks, no matter which direction they come from.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  16. Great Fairy's Sword Spin Attack

    The Great Fairy's Sword is the most powerful sword in the game. Its only weakness is that it can't perform charged Spin Attacks using the usual controls. However, you can still do an uncharged Spin Attack with it by using a special input. You must rotate the control stick in a full circular motion, and press whatever button to which you've mapped the sword. This is will result in a large Spin Attack, but will not consume any of your magic meter.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  17. NEW Fierce Deity Anywhere

    Put any mask on the item buttons. Then, go in 1st person. While in 1st person, go in the mask menu and move Fierce Deity's Mask onto the existing mask (the one you used for this glitch). Finally, very quickly, press L and the button that Fierce Deity's Mask is on at the same time.

    Contributed by: MidnaBoy10 

  18. Use Restricted Items

    This glitch allows you to use any item that is normally blanked out, with any form of Link. It's fairly easy to do, too. Start by putting a bottle on either X or Y, then enter first-person view. Now go to your Items or Masks subscreen while still in first-person view and replace the bottle with an item of your choice. Exit the subscreen and while still in first-person, hold one finger over B and one over X or Y (whichever you put the item on). Quickly press B and immediately press the button the item you want to use is on. If done correctly, you will use the item that is normally blanked out. It does not work for certain items with certain forms, however; you cannot take out a bow or hookshot, for example, with anyone but normal Link. This glitch is particularly fun because it can be used on the Fierce Deity mask, allowing him to be used at pretty much any location in the game!

    Contributed by: Super Slash 

  19. Ganondorf's Horse Doll

    In the upstairs room at Mama's House in Romani Ranch, hiding in a corner behind Romani's bed, there is a toy horse that looks like Ganondorf's horse from Ocarina of Time. Also, on the mantle above the bed is a toy horse that looks like adult Epona.

    Contributed by: cowboy7492 

  20. Light Arrow Rupees

    If you shoot the Blue Bubbles in Termina Field and Ikana Canyon with Light Arrows, they will each drop a valuable Purple Rupee. Since the enemies reset whenever you leave and reenter an area, this can be exploited to rack up hundreds of Rupees in seconds.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  21. Acquiring The Transformation Masks Early

    Once you get access to Termina Field, it's possible to do some sequence breaking. Walk up to the northern passage blocked by ice, Z-target the icicle from a distance, and jump to the right. If done correctly, Link will walk on the rocky outcropping adjacent to the ice. This gives you access to the Mountain Village, Goron Mask, and the Lens of Truth without having the Hero's Bow. Once you have the Goron Mask, head for the Great Bay. There's a fence blocking the path that normally requires Epona to get over, but you can use boost damage instead. Lure a ChuChu from the nearby patch of grass in Termina Field to the fence. Switch to Goron form and use his ground pound jump. If timed correctly, the ChuChu will hit you at the apex of the jump, triggering Link's falling/damage animation and giving you enough height to clear the fence. You'll get the Zora Mask shortly afterward. If you're stocked up on Deku Nuts, you can also go to the Pirates' Fortress and obtain the Hookshot; use the nuts to stun the guards, and use Zora Link's boomerang fins to trigger the beehive and clear the treasure room. If you have some spare Deku Sticks and Bombs afterward, you'll have everything needed to complete the Oceanside Spider House, which nets you the Giant Wallet much earlier than normal. Thus you have access to all three major transformations in the game and a few great items before even setting foot in a temple.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  22. Transform Butterflies Into Fairies

    If you have a spare Deku Stick and need health replenished, find an area with butterflies. If you equip a Deku Stick and move slowly enough, the butterflies will follow your lead. If you lead them far enough, they'll transform into fairies.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  23. Growing Magic Beans Without Bottled Water

    Instead of searching for and bottling water to grow Magic Beans, simply play the Song of Storms. The rain will automatically water the Magic Beans, no bottle required.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  24. Wallet Upgrades

    You can upgrade the wallet's storage capacity by performing a couple of tasks.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Deposit 200 Rupees in the Clock Town Bank. Adult Wallet (200 Rupees)
    Collect all the Gold Skulltula Tokens in the Oceanside Spider House (any day). Giant Wallet (500 Rupees)

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  25. Bomb Bag Upgrades

    You can upgrade the Bomb Bag's capacity by performing a couple of tasks.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    As a Hylian, stop Sakon from mugging the Bomb Shop Lady on the First Night. It'll be for sale for 90 Rupees at the Bomb Shop. Big Bomb Bag (30 Bombs)
    Alternatively, if Sakon succeeds in stealing the Big Bomb Bag, it goes on sale at the Curiosity Shop for 100 Rupees on Night 3. Big Bomb Bag (30 Bombs) (Alternative)
    As a Goron, talk to the Business Scrub in Goron Village. Trade the Big Bomb Bag and 200 Rupees for the upgrade. Biggest Bomb Bag (40 Bombs)

    Contributed by: discoinferno84, Supperman88 

  26. Great Fairy Rewards

    By collecting all of the Stray Fairies and returning them to their respective Fountains, the Great Fairies will reward you with various upgrades.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Collect all the Stray Fairies in the Snowhead Temple and return them to their Fountain. Charged Spin Attack
    Collect all the Stray Fairies in the Great Bay Temple and return them to their Fountain. Defense Boost (Damaged Reduced By Half)
    Collect all the Stray Fairies in the Woodfall Temple and return them to their Fountain. Double-Sized Magic Meter
    Collect all the Stray Fairies in the Stone Tower Temple and return them to their Fountain. Great Fairy Sword
    Collect the Stray Fairy in Clock Town and return it to its Fountain as Normal Link. Great Fairy's Mask
    Collect the Stray Fairy in Clock Town and return it to its Fountain. Magic Meter

    Contributed by: discoinferno84, Supperman88 

  27. Quiver Upgrades

    Link's quiver can hold up to 20 more arrows by getting the following quivers. Note that the order you play the minigames in does not actually matter as to which quiver you receive.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Get a score of 40 or more at the Town Shooting Gallery. Large Quiver (holds 40 arrows)
    Get a perfect score at the Swamp Shooting Gallery. Largest Quiver (holds 50 arrows)

    Contributed by: PhazonSamus_759 

  28. The Inverted Song Of Time

    Unlike other songs, you don't need to learn the Inverted Song of Time from anyone. With the Ocarina of Time equipped, press the buttons: RLYRLY. It'll show up in your song list. Playing it slows down the passage of time, thus letting you get more done during each time loop.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Equip the Ocarina of Time, and press RLYRLY. The Inverted Song Of Time

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  29. The Song of Double Time

    Unlike most of the other songs, the Song of Double Time isn't directly taught to you; the Scarecrows in Clock Town will mention it without actually showing you the notes. After speaking with a Scarecrow, equip the Ocarina of Time and press YYLLRR. It's appear in your song list afterward. It allows you to skip to any hour of the given day.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Equip the Ocarina of Time, and press YYLLRR. The Song Of Double Time

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Foreign Language Guides FAQ by PHenriksson 154K
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by PHilder 161K
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Blu4R 390K
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by SefSermak 453K
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by CWall 448K
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by igordebraga 140K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by BabyRyoga 137K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by KyleShi 140K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Nemesis 340K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Masvega 163K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Bedman 338K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Kirby021591 340K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by acdr 453K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by MrShotgun 691K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by nintendo_girl21 306K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by ZeldaDungeon 1047K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by BakonBitz 427K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by vinheim and KeyBlade999 411K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Dev 221K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by ABXInferno 181K
Full Game Guides Spoiler-Free Walkthrough by Adrenaline_SL 29K
Full Game Guides Walkthrough by FranckKnight 181K
In-Depth Guides 100% Item Walkthrough by Lando_Kashmir 81K
In-Depth Guides 5-Cycle 100% Run Guide by Sky Render 90K
In-Depth Guides Bombers' Notebook Guide by Croco 89K
In-Depth Guides Bombers' Notebook Guide by flexi_bunny 47K
In-Depth Guides Bombers' Notebook Guide by bissek 43K
In-Depth Guides Bottle Items/Locations FAQ by TheSteelPhantom 26K
In-Depth Guides Empty Bottle Guide by Nemesis 6K
In-Depth Guides Glitch FAQ by Anju 31K
In-Depth Guides Heart Piece Location FAQ by TNocturne 28K
In-Depth Guides Hidden Scene Guide by BlueGunstarHero 41K
In-Depth Guides Kafei/Anju Quest FAQ by TNocturne 11K
In-Depth Guides Keaton's Questions FAQ by Undrtakr 15K
In-Depth Guides Mask List by Nemesis 24K
In-Depth Guides Mini-Game FAQ by Gold Mage 24K
In-Depth Guides Moon FAQ by whiz_kid 22K
In-Depth Guides Rupee Location/Rupee Making FAQ by LOZLTTP 62K
In-Depth Guides Shooting Gallery FAQ by AdmiralSyrup 23K
In-Depth Guides Skulltula House Guide by Nemesis 12K
In-Depth Guides Speed (3-Day) Game Challenge FAQ by KADFC 114K
In-Depth Guides Stray Fairy FAQ by TNocturne 19K
In-Depth Guides Swamp Shooting Gallery FAQ by MKaykitkats 17K
In-Depth Guides Sword FAQ by TNocturne 10K
In-Depth Guides Text Dump by davogones 381K
In-Depth Guides Ultimate Challenge Guide by Dark_Link_Rawks 52K
In-Depth Guides Zelda Series Character Guide by Canadian Dude 820K
In-Depth Guides Zelda Series Ending FAQ by ReyVGM 197K
Maps and Charts Beneath the Well Map by Gold Mage 10K
Maps and Charts Clock Town Map by shark404 11K
Maps and Charts Clock Town Shooting Gallery Solutions by AWing Pilot 25K
Maps and Charts Clocks Guide by NMcLaughlin 10K
Maps and Charts Deku Hide and Seek Map by Gold Mage 25K
Maps and Charts Golden Skulltula Ocean House Map by Gold Mage 32K
Maps and Charts Golden Skulltula Swamp House Map by Gold Mage 44K
Maps and Charts Goron Hide and Seek Map by Gold Mage 21K
Maps and Charts Goron Switch Room Guide by Nemesis 6K
Maps and Charts Link Hide-and-Seek Dungeon Map by Gold Mage 8K
Maps and Charts Sakon's Hideout Map by Gold Mage 19K
Maps and Charts Temina Field Map by Nemesis 10K
Maps and Charts Woodfall Temple Stray Faerie Map by mokatha 22K
Maps and Charts Woods of Mystery Map by Gold Mage 9K
Maps and Charts Zora's Hide and Seek Map by Gold Mage 13K