Cheats & Guides

Tempest X3 Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Secret Game Modes

    Play the game until you earn the top spot at the High Score Table; you must earn over 500 000 points to get there. Once you've done this, the game will ask you a five character name in addition to the usual three-letters initials.
    Then enter H_V_S as your name. ''_'' These indicate the spaces in the second and the fourth position.Then you'll find two new gme modes at your main menu. 'Tempest Plus' and 'Tempest 200'.

    Contributed by: piecemealcranky 

  2. Misc. Codes

    Effect Effect
    During the game hold R1 + L2 + Triangle + X and press Down, then finish the level without dying AI Droid
    At the game type selection screen press R1 + L1 + Triangle + Circle + Up + Left + Select + Start Cheat Mode
    During the game hold R1 + L2 + Triangle + X and press Down Hidden Song
    During the game press R1 + L2 Level Skip
    During the game hold R1 + L2 + Triangle + X and press Left MOD Song
    During the game hold R1 + L2 + Triangle + X and press Right MOD Song
    During the game hold R1 + L2 + Triangle + X and press Up Trippy Mode

    Contributed by: Mike Truitt