Cheats & Guides

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters Cheats For Genesis

  1. Skip to bosses without losing continues

    To bypass fighting everybody and get to the boss trio without losing continues start a 1P game. When the screen changes to the space map have controller 2 enter the game for a 2P game. Have player 2 choose a character and select that person's home planet.

    Leonardo - Bio Planet
    Michaelangelo - Mirage Planet
    Donatello - Futuristic City Planet
    Rapheal - Magma Ocean Planet
    April O'Neil - Spaceship
    Casey Jones - Ice Planet
    Ray Fillet - Ocean Planet
    Sisyphus - Jungle Planet

    You can beat up a defenseless second player and the game will give you credit for defeating that character in the tournament lineup. After you beat all eight defenseless fighters on their home stages the game will begin with the boss matches and you'll have kept all your continues.

    Contributed by: E Nice 

  2. Alternate Ending

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat the game on maximum difficulty Alternate Ending

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by AnotherGamer 16K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Seth0708 20K
General FAQs Move List by Mech 1K

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters Cheats For NES

  1. Play as Hothead against Hothead

    Normally, the game doesn't allow more than one player (most likely due to a glitch in the programming), but there's actually a way to bypass this in 1P vs. CPU mode.

    In the Player Select screen, choose to play as any character (1P) EXCEPT Hothead. Next, the game will ask you to select your opponent (CPU) and here is where you choose Hothead. Now play the game normally, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose.

    When the match is over, go for a rematch. This time, choose Hothead to be your character. The game will once again ask you for your opponent, but look and behold! The CPU cursor is already on Hothead. Choose him and enjoy the forbidden battle (unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to do this with a 2nd player).

    Contributed by: JUndaunted 

  2. Player 2 Match Skip

    During Story or Vs. CPU modes, the second player can skip to to the Vs. Player mode's player selection screen by pressing Start on their controller. This will not work during Story Mode's Bonus Game, however; to make it work during this section, you must press Up, A, and B together on Controller 2.

    Contributed by: Anonymous 

  3. How to change CPU Strength in VS. CPU mode

    In Vs CPU mode, when you selected you character and your opponent, in the stage screen, go to the strength section, you can select the opponent strength by pressing left or right on the Player´s 2 controller

    Contributed by: JCRA 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Move List by E-Nice 2K

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters Cheats For Super Nintendo

  1. Character endings

    Beat the game on level 3 or higher to show your character's ending.

    Contributed by: StarToad 

  2. Codes

    Effect Effect
    On Controller 2, press: B, B, B, A, A, A, X, X, X, X, X, X, X. 10 Credits
    On controller 2, press: X, Up, Y, Left, B, Down, A, Right, X, Up. Go to Vs. Mode and press left on controller 1. Play as two new characters in Vs. Mode
    On controller 2, press: Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A Speed Level 3 in Options Menu
    On controller 2, press: L, R, L, R, L, R, A. Two new levels in Vs. Mode
    On controller 2 press: Up, Left, Down, Right, X, Y, B, A, X, Y, B, A, and X Ultimate bar in story mode
    Press Up, Left, Down, Right, X, Y, B, A, X, Y, B, A, X Use Super Moves in Story Mode

    Contributed by: Doodleheimer, Fragnarok, GeckoGamer 

  3. Extra Levels

    At the title screen, press L, R, L, R, L, R, A. Now select Vs. Mode and you'll be able to fight in the Metro Train stage and the Studio 6 stage.

    Effect Effect
    Metro Train L, R, L, R, L, R, A.
    Studio 6 L, R, L, R, L, R, A.

    Contributed by: The_Enthusiast 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Character Guides Raphael Guide by Lord HDL 42K
Character Guides Wingnut Guide by afroshouji 79K
Foreign Language Guides Move List and Guide by Ash_Riot 8K
Full Game Guides Guide and Move List by afroshouji 23K
Full Game Guides Move List and Guide by TGodzilla 72K
Full Game Guides Move List and Guide by HKazuya 211K