Cheats & Guides

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty Cheats For PC

  1. Exploding creatures

    Left click any creature several times to make it explode.

    Contributed by: connor4333 

  2. Units hidden dialogue

    Keep left clicking units to hear secret dialogues.

    Contributed by: connor4333 

  3. Secret Mission: Piercing the Shroud

    To unlock the secret mission, on the "Media Blitz" mission, where you get to control the Odin in the city, head down to the far bottom right corner of the map. There's a civilian building on a little floating platform. Destroy it, and "secret documents" will be revealed. Pick these up with any ground unit, and then complete the mission as normal. After, you will now have the secret mission available for selection from the Star Map.

    Contributed by: Lord Blade 

  4. Alternating Background Screens.

    Complete the Campaign.

    Contributed by: GamerManiac187 

  5. Cow Chat Channel

    When in the Starcraft 2 menus press the blue symbol under the title. This will place you in a public chat channel called cow. Every time you speak your message will be followed by ...moo!

    Contributed by: jioan 

  6. Codes

    Press enter during gameplay to bring up a message prompt. Type in the following code to get the desired effect. Warning: These codes disable Achievements.

    Effect Effect
    Overengineeredcodpiece "Terran up the night" during mission
    stroaksmolts 5,000 Minerals
    smoldersbolds 5,000 Minerals and Gas
    realmendrilldeep 5,000 Vespene Gas
    StayClassyMarSara Access to all UNN Broadcasts
    ypoonsvoicemail Disable defeat conditions
    TookTheRedPill Disable Fog of War
    mintmansoperator Disable food requirements
    tyuhasleftthegame disable victory condition
    HanShotFirst Disables Ability Cooldown
    NeverGiveUpNeverSurrender Disables defeat conditions
    SoSayWeAll Disables tech requirements
    Qrotero Disables the time of day
    reversingnazaire -or- basestarsprimative Fast Build
    CatFoodForPrawnGuns Fast Build
    fsbcomunicacion Fast Heal
    ImADoctorNotARoachJim Fast Heal
    sawnoutofmemory Fog of War disabled
    whysoserious Gives 5,000,000 credits
    DZMHairSpring Gives 5000 Custom resources
    jaynestown Gives 5000 Terrazine
    SpectralTiger Grant 5000 minerals
    WhoRunBartertown Grant 5000 of each resources
    Jaynestown Grant 5000 Terrazine
    LetsJustBugOutAndCallItEven Instant Defeat
    WhatIsBestInLife Instant Win
    terribleterribledamage Invincibility and increased damage
    cadeasygoin Lose the current game
    lyingpect Mission Select
    eyeofsauron Opens cutscene menu
    furabranchery Opens the UNN broadcast menu
    = Re-enters the last cheat used
    Bunker55AliveInside Remove the Supply Cap
    wapboinkers Research points granted
    moredotsmoredots Units/Structures no longer cost resources
    LeaveYourSleep Unlock all missions
    HoradricCube Unlock all Research options
    IAmIronman Upgrades Weapons, Armor (and Shields) by 1
    cmethodfeedback Win current game

    Contributed by: Hazard369, jake-sf, 12onedreamer, dinokiller14, tinnguyen123, Kojiru1012, JHX0, SkimGuy, deadcujo, Aroshtar 

  7. Unlockable Songs for the Juke Box

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat the campaign on any diffuculty Terran Up the Night

    Contributed by: Swiftelf 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by pjmacphee 69K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by starlin17 160K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by KratosIrving 84K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by James00715 479K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Thoughtismagic 236K
In-Depth FAQs Achievement Guide by inferno719 63K
In-Depth FAQs Challenge Guide by Drayxs 58K
In-Depth FAQs Cinematics Script by AdmiralPo 42K
In-Depth FAQs Credit Usage/Upgrade Guide by Rossmacdaddy 32K
In-Depth FAQs Damage Chart by happyscrub1 28K
In-Depth FAQs Hard Mode Achievement Guide by danielbradburry 30K
In-Depth FAQs Multiplayer Guide by shockwave_xpow 166K
In-Depth FAQs Rush Strategy Guide by cyberjvh 20K
In-Depth FAQs Unit Guide by dinokiller14 79K
In-Depth FAQs Unit Quote Guide by Final_Revenger 54K
In-Depth FAQs Upgrade Guide by AdmiralPo 46K

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty Cheats For Macintosh

  1. Achievements

    This title has a total of 1241 Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    Support Alarak with 25 units or more at the same time in the "Rak’Shir” mission. ’Shir Determination
    Win 10 2v2 Versus A.I. games in a row against Elite opponents. 10 Wins Streak: 2v2 Elite A.I.
    Win 10 2v2 Versus A.I. games in a row against Harder opponents. 10 Wins Streak: 2v2 Harder A.I.
    Win 10 2v2 Versus A.I. games in a row against Medium opponents. 10 Wins Streak: 2v2 Medium A.I.
    Win 10 2v2 Versus A.I. games in a row against Very Easy opponents. 10 Wins Streak: 2v2 Very Easy A.I.
    Win 10 3v3 Versus A.I. games in a row against Elite opponents. 10 Wins Streak: 3v3 Elite A.I.
    Win 10 3v3 Versus A.I. games in a row against Harder opponents. 10 Wins Streak: 3v3 Harder A.I.
    Win 10 3v3 Versus A.I. games in a row against Medium opponents. 10 Wins Streak: 3v3 Medium A.I.
    Win 10 3v3 Versus A.I. games in a row against Very Easy opponents. 10 Wins Streak: 3v3 Very Easy A.I.
    Win 10 Versus A.I. games against Elite opponents. 10 Wins: Elite
    Win 10 Unranked Free-For-All Quick Match games. 10 Wins: FFA
    Win 10 Versus A.I. games against Harder opponents. 10 Wins: Harder
    Win 10 Versus A.I. games against Medium opponents. 10 Wins: Medium
    Win 10 Versus A.I. games as Protoss. 10 Wins: Protoss Command
    Win 10 Versus A.I. games as Random. 10 Wins: Random Command
    Win 10 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Protoss. 10 Wins: Solo Protoss
    Win 10 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Random. 10 Wins: Solo Random
    Win 10 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Terran. 10 Wins: Solo Terran
    Win 10 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Zerg. 10 Wins: Solo Zerg
    Win 10 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Protoss. 10 Wins: Team Protoss
    Win 10 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Random. 10 Wins: Team Random
    Win 10 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Terran. 10 Wins: Team Terran
    Win 10 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Zerg. 10 Wins: Team Zerg
    Win 10 Versus A.I. games as Terran. 10 Wins: Terran Command
    Win 10 Versus A.I. games against Very Easy opponents. 10 Wins: Very Easy
    Win 10 Versus A.I. games as Zerg. 10 Wins: Zerg Command
    Win 100 Versus A.I. games against Elite opponents. 100 Wins: Elite
    Win 100 Unranked Free-For-All Quick Match games. 100 Wins: FFA
    Win 100 Versus A.I. games against Harder opponents. 100 Wins: Harder
    Win 100 Versus A.I. games against Medium opponents. 100 Wins: Medium
    Win 100 Versus A.I. games as Protoss. 100 Wins: Protoss Command
    Win 100 Versus A.I. games as Random. 100 Wins: Random Command
    Win 100 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Protoss. 100 Wins: Solo Protoss
    Win 100 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Random. 100 Wins: Solo Random
    Win 100 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Terran. 100 Wins: Solo Terran
    Win 100 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Zerg. 100 Wins: Solo Zerg
    Win 100 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Protoss. 100 Wins: Team Protoss
    Win 100 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Random. 100 Wins: Team Random
    Win 100 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Terran. 100 Wins: Team Terran
    Win 100 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Zerg. 100 Wins: Team Zerg
    Win 100 Versus A.I. games as Terran. 100 Wins: Terran Command
    Win 100 Versus A.I. games against Very Easy opponents. 100 Wins: Very Easy
    Win 100 Versus A.I. games as Zerg. 100 Wins: Zerg Command
    Win 1000 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Protoss. 1000 Wins: Solo Protoss
    Win 1000 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Random. 1000 Wins: Solo Random
    Win 1000 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Terran. 1000 Wins: Solo Terran
    Win 1000 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Zerg. 1000 Wins: Solo Zerg
    Win 1000 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Protoss. 1000 Wins: Team Protoss
    Win 1000 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Random. 1000 Wins: Team Random
    Win 1000 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Terran. 1000 Wins: Team Terran
    Win 1000 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Zerg. 1000 Wins: Team Zerg
    Win 15 2v2 Versus A.I. games in a row against Elite opponents. 15 Wins Streak: 2v2 Elite A.I.
    Win 15 2v2 Versus A.I. games in a row against Harder opponents. 15 Wins Streak: 2v2 Harder A.I.
    Win 15 2v2 Versus A.I. games in a row against Medium opponents. 15 Wins Streak: 2v2 Medium A.I.
    Win 15 2v2 Versus A.I. games in a row against Very Easy opponents. 15 Wins Streak: 2v2 Very Easy A.I.
    Win 15 3v3 Versus A.I. games in a row against Elite opponents. 15 Wins Streak: 3v3 Elite A.I.
    Win 15 3v3 Versus A.I. games in a row against Harder opponents. 15 Wins Streak: 3v3 Harder A.I.
    Win 15 3v3 Versus A.I. games in a row against Medium opponents. 15 Wins Streak: 3v3 Medium A.I.
    Win 15 3v3 Versus A.I. games in a row against Very Easy opponents. 15 Wins Streak: 3v3 Very Easy A.I.
    Play a game of StarCraft II during the 15th anniversary celebration. 15 Years of StarCraft!
    Finished a season in a 1v1 Bronze Division. 1v1 Top 100 Bronze
    Finished a season in a Diamond Division. 1v1 Top 100 Diamond
    Finished a season in a 1v1 Gold Division. 1v1 Top 100 Gold
    Finished a season in the Top 100 of the Grandmaster League. 1v1 Top 100 Grandmaster
    Finished a season in a 1v1 Master Division. 1v1 Top 100 Master
    Finished a season in a 1v1 Platinum Division. 1v1 Top 100 Platinum
    Finished a season in a 1v1 Silver Division. 1v1 Top 100 Silver
    Finished a season in the Top 16 of the Grandmaster League. 1v1 Top 16 Grandmaster
    Finished a season in the Grandmaster League. 1v1 Top 200 Grandmaster
    Finished a season in the Top 25 of a 1v1 Bronze Division. 1v1 Top 25 Bronze
    Finished a season in the Top 25 of a 1v1 Diamond Division. 1v1 Top 25 Diamond
    Finished a season in the top 25 of a 1v1 Gold Division. 1v1 Top 25 Gold
    Finished a season in the Top 25 of a 1v1 Master Division. 1v1 Top 25 Master
    Finished a season in the Top 25 of a 1v1 Platinum Division. 1v1 Top 25 Platinum
    Finished a season in the Top 25 of a 1v1 Silver Division. 1v1 Top 25 Silver
    Finished a season in the Top 50 of a 1v1 Bronze Division. 1v1 Top 50 Bronze
    Finished a season in the Top 50 of a 1v1 Diamond Division. 1v1 Top 50 Diamond
    Finished a season in the top 50 of a 1v1 Gold Division. 1v1 Top 50 Gold
    Finished a season in the Top 50 of the Grandmaster League. 1v1 Top 50 Grandmaster
    Finished a season in the Top 50 of a 1v1 Master Division. 1v1 Top 50 Master
    Finished a season in the Top 50 of a 1v1 Platinum Division. 1v1 Top 50 Platinum
    Finished a season in the Top 50 of a 1v1 Silver Division. 1v1 Top 50 Silver
    Finished a season in the Top 8 of a 1v1 Bronze Division. 1v1 Top 8 Bronze
    Finished a season in the Top 8 of a 1v1 Diamond Division. 1v1 Top 8 Diamond
    Finished a season in the top 8 of a 1v1 Gold Division. 1v1 Top 8 Gold
    Finished a season in the Top 8 of a 1v1 Master Division. 1v1 Top 8 Master
    Finished a season in the Top 8 of a 1v1 Platinum Division. 1v1 Top 8 Platinum
    Finished a season in the Top 8 of a 1v1 Silver Division. 1v1 Top 8 Silver
    Login during the StarCraft 20th Anniversary celebration. 20 Years of Starcraft
    Win 200 Unranked Free-For-All Quick Match games. 200 Wins: FFA
    Attend the 2012 World Championship in Shanghai, China. 2012 BWC
    Awarded to attendees or viewers of the 2016 Korea Season 1 Finals. 2016 Korea Season 1 Finals
    Reward for watching the stream of WCS Korea Finals Season 2 Finals. 2016 KR S2 Championship
    Awarded to attendees or viewers of the 2016 Proleague Grand Finals. 2016 Proleague Grand Finals
    Reward for watching the stream of WCS Spring Championship at DreamHack Tours. 2016 Spring Championship
    Reward for watching the stream of WCS Summer Championship at DreamHack Montreal. 2016 Summer Championship
    Reward for attending or streaming the WCS Winter Championship at IEM Katowice. 2016 Winter Championship
    Reward for participating in the BlizzCon 2017 War Chest. 2017 World Championship Spectator
    Purchase the BlizzCon 2017 War Chest or the WCS 2017 Portrait Pack. 2017 World Championship Spectator
    Reward for participating in the BlizzCon 2017 War Chest. 2017 World Championship Spectator Continued
    Watch the StarCraft 20th Anniversary Twitch Stream with your linked Twitch and Blizzard accounts. 20th Anniversary Twitch Stream
    Watch at least 2 hours of StarCraft II or StarCraft Remastered during the StarCraft 20th Anniversary event with your linked Twitch and Blizzard accoun 20th Anniversary Twitch Viewer
    Win 25 Versus A.I. games against Elite opponents. 25 Wins: Elite
    Win 25 Unranked Free-For-All Quick Match games. 25 Wins: FFA
    Win 25 Versus A.I. games against Harder opponents. 25 Wins: Harder
    Win 25 Versus A.I. games against Medium opponents. 25 Wins: Medium
    Win 25 Versus A.I. games as Protoss. 25 Wins: Protoss Command
    Win 25 Versus A.I. games as Random. 25 Wins: Random Command
    Win 25 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Protoss. 25 Wins: Solo Protoss
    Win 25 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Random. 25 Wins: Solo Random
    Win 25 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Terran. 25 Wins: Solo Terran
    Win 25 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Zerg. 25 Wins: Solo Zerg
    Win 25 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Protoss. 25 Wins: Team Protoss
    Win 25 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Random. 25 Wins: Team Random
    Win 25 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Terran. 25 Wins: Team Terran
    Win 25 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Zerg. 25 Wins: Team Zerg
    Win 25 Versus A.I. games as Terran. 25 Wins: Terran Command
    Win 25 Versus A.I. games against Very Easy opponents. 25 Wins: Very Easy
    Win 25 Versus A.I. games as Zerg. 25 Wins: Zerg Command
    Win 250 Versus A.I. games against Elite opponents. 250 Wins: Elite
    Win 250 Versus A.I. games against Harder opponents. 250 Wins: Harder
    Win 250 Versus A.I. games against Medium opponents. 250 Wins: Medium
    Win 250 Versus A.I. games as Protoss. 250 Wins: Protoss Command
    Win 250 Versus A.I. games as Random. 250 Wins: Random Command
    Win 250 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Protoss. 250 Wins: Solo Protoss
    Win 250 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Random. 250 Wins: Solo Random
    Win 250 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Terran. 250 Wins: Solo Terran
    Win 250 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Zerg. 250 Wins: Solo Zerg
    Win 250 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Protoss. 250 Wins: Team Protoss
    Win 250 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Random. 250 Wins: Team Random
    Win 250 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Terran. 250 Wins: Team Terran
    Win 250 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Zerg. 250 Wins: Team Zerg
    Win 250 Versus A.I. games as Terran. 250 Wins: Terran Command
    Win 250 Versus A.I. games against Very Easy opponents. 250 Wins: Very Easy
    Win 250 Versus A.I. games as Zerg. 250 Wins: Zerg Command
    Complete the “Outbreak” mission on Normal difficulty before the 5th night. 28 Minutes Later
    Win a 2v2 Versus A.I. game as all race possibilities against Elite opponents. 2v2 Versus A.I. Coverage: Elite
    Win a 2v2 Versus A.I. game as all race possibilities against Harder opponents. 2v2 Versus A.I. Coverage: Harder
    Win a 2v2 Versus A.I. game as all race possibilities against Medium opponents. 2v2 Versus A.I. Coverage: Medium
    Win a 2v2 Versus A.I. game as all race possibilities against Very Easy opponents. 2v2 Versus A.I. Coverage: Very Easy
    Win 3 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games in a row. 3 Wins: Solo Hot Streak
    Win 3 Team Unranked or Ranked games in a row. 3 Wins: Team Hot Streak
    Win a 3v3 Multiplayer Custom Game with Elite A.I. allies using all three races against Elite A.I opponents. 3v3 Mix vs Elite AI
    Win a 3v3 Multiplayer Custom Game with Harder A.I. allies using all three races against Harder A.I opponents. 3v3 Mix vs Harder AI
    Win a 3v3 Multiplayer Custom Game with Medium A.I. allies using all three races against Medium A.I opponents. 3v3 Mix vs Medium AI
    Win a 3v3 Versus A.I. game as all race possibilities against Elite opponents. 3v3 Versus A.I. Coverage: Elite
    Win a 3v3 Versus A.I. game as all race possibilities against Harder opponents. 3v3 Versus A.I. Coverage: Harder
    Win a 3v3 Versus A.I. game as all race possibilities against Medium opponents. 3v3 Versus A.I. Coverage: Medium
    Win a 3v3 Versus A.I. game as all race possibilities against Very Easy opponents. 3v3 Versus A.I. Coverage: Very Easy
    Win a 3v3 Multiplayer Custom Game with Elite A.I. allies against all three races of Elite A.I opponents. 3v3 vs Elite AI Mix
    Win a 3v3 Multiplayer Custom Game with Harder A.I. allies against all three races of Harder A.I opponents. 3v3 vs Harder AI Mix
    Win a 3v3 Multiplayer Custom Game with Medium A.I. allies against all three races of Medium A.I opponents. 3V3 vs Medium AI Mix
    Win 400 Unranked Free-For-All Quick Match games. 400 Wins: FFA
    Win a 4v4 Multiplayer Custom Game with Elite A.I. allies using the following race combinations against Elite A.I opponents. 4v4 Kin vs Elite AI
    Win a 4v4 Multiplayer Custom Game with Harder A.I. allies using the following race combinations against Harder A.I opponents. 4v4 Kin vs Harder AI
    Win a 4v4 Multiplayer Custom Game with Medium A.I. allies using the following race combinations against Medium A.I opponents. 4v4 Kin vs Medium AI
    Win a 4v4 Multiplayer Custom Game with Elite A.I. allies against the following race combinations using Elite A.I. opponents. 4v4 vs Elite AI Kin
    Win a 4v4 Multiplayer Custom Game with Harder A.I. allies against the following race combinations using Harder A.I. opponents. 4v4 vs Harder AI Kin
    Win a 4v4 Multiplayer Custom Game with Medium A.I. allies against the following race combinations using Medium A.I. opponents. 4v4 vs Medium AI Kin
    Win 5 2v2 Versus A.I. games in a row against Elite opponents. 5 Wins Streak: 2v2 Elite A.I.
    Win 5 2v2 Versus A.I. games in a row against Harder opponents. 5 Wins Streak: 2v2 Harder A.I.
    Win 5 2v2 Versus A.I. games in a row against Medium opponents. 5 Wins Streak: 2v2 Medium A.I.
    Win 5 2v2 Versus A.I. games in a row against Very Easy opponents. 5 Wins Streak: 2v2 Very Easy A.I.
    Win 5 3v3 Versus A.I. games in a row against Elite opponents. 5 Wins Streak: 3v3 Elite A.I.
    Win 5 3v3 Versus A.I. games in a row against Harder opponents. 5 Wins Streak: 3v3 Harder A.I.
    Win 5 3v3 Versus A.I. games in a row against Medium opponents. 5 Wins Streak: 3v3 Medium A.I.
    Win 5 3v3 Versus A.I. games in a row against Very Easy opponents. 5 Wins Streak: 3v3 Very Easy A.I.
    Win 5 Unranked Free-For-All Quick Match games. 5 Wins: FFA
    Win 5 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games in a row. 5 Wins: Solo Hot Streak
    Win 5 Team Unranked or Ranked games in a row. 5 Wins: Team Hot Streak
    Win 50 Versus A.I. games against Elite opponents. 50 Wins: Elite
    Win 50 Unranked Free-For-All Quick Match games. 50 Wins: FFA
    Win 50 Versus A.I. games against Harder opponents. 50 Wins: Harder
    Win 50 Versus A.I. games against Medium opponents. 50 Wins: Medium
    Win 50 Versus A.I. games as Protoss. 50 Wins: Protoss Command
    Win 50 Versus A.I. games as Random. 50 Wins: Random Command
    Win 50 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Protoss. 50 Wins: Solo Protoss
    Win 50 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Random. 50 Wins: Solo Random
    Win 50 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Terran. 50 Wins: Solo Terran
    Win 50 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Zerg. 50 Wins: Solo Zerg
    Win 50 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Protoss. 50 Wins: Team Protoss
    Win 50 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Random. 50 Wins: Team Random
    Win 50 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Terran. 50 Wins: Team Terran
    Win 50 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Zerg. 50 Wins: Team Zerg
    Win 50 Versus A.I. games as Terran. 50 Wins: Terran Command
    Win 50 Versus A.I. games against Very Easy opponents. 50 Wins: Very Easy
    Win 50 Versus A.I. games as Zerg. 50 Wins: Zerg Command
    Win 500 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Protoss. 500 Wins: Solo Protoss
    Win 500 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Random. 500 Wins: Solo Random
    Win 500 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Terran. 500 Wins: Solo Terran
    Win 500 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Zerg. 500 Wins: Solo Zerg
    Win 500 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Protoss. 500 Wins: Team Protoss
    Win 500 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Random. 500 Wins: Team Random
    Win 500 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Terran. 500 Wins: Team Terran
    Win 500 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Zerg. 500 Wins: Team Zerg
    Win 750 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Protoss. 750 Wins: Solo Protoss
    Win 750 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Random. 750 Wins: Solo Random
    Win 750 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Terran. 750 Wins: Solo Terran
    Win 750 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as Zerg. 750 Wins: Solo Zerg
    Win 750 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Protoss. 750 Wins: Team Protoss
    Win 750 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Random. 750 Wins: Team Random
    Win 750 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Terran. 750 Wins: Team Terran
    Win 750 Team Unranked or Ranked games as Zerg. 750 Wins: Team Zerg
    Win 800 Unranked Free-For-All Quick Match games. 800 Wins: FFA
    Deal 10,000 damage to enemies with Broodlings spawned from allied buildings in Co-op Missions. A Brood of Your Own
    Don’t lose more than 3 Drones in the “Waking the Ancient” mission. A Game of Drones
    Sacrifice 500 Supplicants to Alarak or Ascendants. A Good Day to Die
    Regenerate 500 life on a single Roach without taking friendly fire in an Unranked or Ranked game. A Roach’s Life
    Complete "Amon’s Reach” without killing any Void Thrashers on Hard difficulty. A Royal Thrashing
    Complete all mission objectives in the “A Sinister Turn” mission. A Sinister Turn
    Reach level 10 with Evolution Master Abathur in Co-op Missions. Abathur: Level 10
    Reach level 15 with Evolution Master Abathur in Co-op Missions. Abathur: Level 15
    Reach level 5 with Evolution Master Abathur in Co-op Missions. Abathur: Level 5
    Complete all the Evolution missions. Abathur’s Cookbook
    Use the Artifact no more than once in the “All In” mission on Hard difficulty. Aces High
    Destroy all enemy structures in the “Spear of Adun” mission on Hard difficulty. Adun Toridas
    Deal 10,000 damage with Solar Bombardment over the course of the Legacy of the Void campaign. Aeon of Strafe
    Use Drop-Pods 3 times in a single mission. Air Drop
    Deal 50,000 damage with Griffin Airstrike in Co-op Missions. Air Raid
    Unlock all the Aiur mission achievements. Aiur Missions
    Reach level 10 with Tal’darim Highlord Alarak in Co-op Missions. Alarak: Level 10
    Reach level 15 with Tal’darim Highlord Alarak in Co-op Missions. Alarak: Level 15
    Reach level 5 with Tal’darim Highlord Alarak in Co-op Missions. Alarak: Level 5
    Locate all the Moebius survivors in “The Moebius Factor” mission on Normal difficulty. Alive Inside!
    Complete all the Commander Kerrigan achievements. All Hail the Queen
    Complete all mission objectives in the “All In” mission. All In
    Don’t let the “Sky Shield” mission timer go below 4 minutes. All the Time in the World
    Cook two dishes within 30 seconds of each other. Allez Cuisine!
    Complete the "Amon’s Fall” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Amon’s Fall
    Complete the "Amon’s Reach” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Amon’s Reach
    Hold out until 2.2 billion Zerg arrive on Shakuras in the “Last Stand” mission on Hard difficulty. Anvil of Will
    Don’t let Dehaka die while destroying a Power Link in the “Death From Above” mission on Normal difficulty. Apex Predator
    Deal 100,000 damage with Apocalisks in Co-op Missions. Apocalisk Now
    Use Apocalypse to kill 50 enemy units or structures in a single mission. Apocalypse Now
    Prevent the Protoss from killing an SCV in the “Welcome to the Jungle” mission on Normal difficulty. Appetite for Destruction
    Destroy 30 enemy forces with Spider Mines in the “Sudden Strike” mission. Arachnophile
    Destroy 15 Infested structures at nighttime in the “Outbreak” mission on Hard difficulty. Army of Darkness
    Complete the “Echoes of the Future” mission with Zeratul killing 50 Zerg units on Normal difficulty. Army of One
    Warp in 100 units throughout the campaign with the Warp Harmonization upgrade. Art of Warp
    Reach level 10 with Hierarch Artanis in Co-op Missions. Artanis: Level 10
    Reach level 15 with Hierarch Artanis in Co-op Missions. Artanis: Level 15
    Reach level 5 with Hierarch Artanis in Co-op Missions. Artanis: Level 5
    Complete all the Artifact mission achievements. Artifact Mastery
    Reach Ascension level 100 in Co-op. Ascension 100
    Reach Ascension level 1000 in Co-op. Ascension 1000
    Reach Ascension level 150 in Co-op. Ascension 150
    Reach Ascension level 200 in Co-op. Ascension 200
    Reach Ascension level 250 in Co-op. Ascension 250
    Reach Ascension level 300 in Co-op. Ascension 300
    Reach Ascension level 350 in Co-op. Ascension 350
    Reach Ascension level 400 in Co-op. Ascension 400
    Reach Ascension level 450 in Co-op. Ascension 450
    Reach Ascension level 500 in Co-op. Ascension 500
    Reach Ascension level 550 in Co-op. Ascension 550
    Reach Ascension level 600 in Co-op. Ascension 600
    Reach Ascension level 650 in Co-op. Ascension 650
    Reach Ascension level 700 in Co-op. Ascension 700
    Reach Ascension level 750 in Co-op. Ascension 750
    Reach Ascension level 800 in Co-op. Ascension 800
    Reach Ascension level 850 in Co-op. Ascension 850
    Reach Ascension level 900 in Co-op. Ascension 900
    Reach Ascension level 950 in Co-op. Ascension 950
    Using Auto-Turrets, destroy 20 worker units in an Unranked or Ranked game. Auto-Kill
    Complete all the Commander Swann achievements. Awaken the Bear
    Register a copy of the World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Collector’s Edition or Digital Deluxe Edition. Azerothian Devotion
    Complete the “Back in the Saddle” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Back in the Saddle
    Win a 1v1 Testing game. Balance of Power
    Purchase all Mercenary contracts. Band of Legends
    Kill 20 units with Spawned Banelings in “The Infinite Cycle” mission on Normal difficulty. Bane of Their Existence
    Purchase 8 base upgrades from the Armory console. Base Tech Master
    Choose a Faction for each Protoss unit in the War Council. Battle Ready
    Destroy 15 units with the Battlecruiser’s Yamato Cannon in the “Dark Skies” mission on Normal difficulty or higher. Battlecruiser Operational
    Complete “The Outlaws” mission on Hard difficulty in less than 10 minutes. Be Quick or Be Dead
    Destroy 6 units with a single Seeker Missile in an Unranked or Ranked game. Beep, Beep, Boom!
    Complete the Aiur Missions in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Beginning of the End
    Complete all mission objectives in the “Belly of the Beast” mission. Belly of the Beast
    Destroy 5,000 enemy units with Zagara’s Banelings in Co-op Missions. Big Bangs
    Hold a Xel’Naga Tower for 5 consecutive minutes in an Unranked or Ranked game. Big Brother Is Watching
    Deal 500,000 damage with Brutalisks or Leviathans in Co-op Missions. Big Game
    Collect 450 biomass in the “Enemy Within” mission. Biomass Effect
    Kill 20 units with Zeratul’s Shadow Strike ability during the “Evil Awoken” mission. Blade of Shakuras
    Kill 750 additional Zerg units in the “In Utter Darkness” mission on Normal difficulty. Blaze of Glory
    Complete round 24 in “StarCraft Master” without losing any Stalkers. Blink of an Eye
    Complete the “Media Blitz” mission on Hard difficulty in less than 20 minutes. Blitzkrieg
    Competed in the BlizzCon 2010 StarCraft II Global Invitational as the Chinese representative. BlizzCon 2010 • Competitor
    Competed in the BlizzCon 2010 StarCraft II Global Invitational as the Southeast Asian representative. BlizzCon 2010 • Competitor
    Competed in the BlizzCon 2010 StarCraft II Global Invitational as the Taiwanese representative. BlizzCon 2010 • Competitor
    Competed in the BlizzCon 2010 StarCraft II Global Invitational as the Korean representative. BlizzCon 2010 • Competitor
    Competed in the BlizzCon 2010 StarCraft II Global Invitational as the Russian representative. BlizzCon 2010 • Competitor
    Competed in the BlizzCon 2010 StarCraft II Global Invitational as the European representative. BlizzCon 2010 • Competitor
    Competed in the BlizzCon 2010 StarCraft II Global Invitational as the Latin American representative. BlizzCon 2010 • Competitor
    Competed in the BlizzCon 2010 StarCraft II Global Invitational as the North American representative. BlizzCon 2010 • Competitor
    Winner of the BlizzCon2010 StarCraft II Global Invitational! BlizzCon 2010 • Global Champion
    Competed in the BlizzCon 2011 StarCraft II Global Invitational as the North American representative. BlizzCon 2011 • Competitor
    Competed in the BlizzCon 2011 StarCraft II Global Invitational as the Latin American representative. BlizzCon 2011 • Competitor
    Competed in the BlizzCon 2011 StarCraft II Global Invitational as the European representative. BlizzCon 2011 • Competitor
    Competed in the BlizzCon 2011 StarCraft II Global Invitational as the Russian representative. BlizzCon 2011 • Competitor
    Competed in the BlizzCon 2011 StarCraft II Global Invitational as the Korean representative. BlizzCon 2011 • Competitor
    Competed in the BlizzCon 2011 StarCraft II Global Invitational as the Taiwanese representative. BlizzCon 2011 • Competitor
    Competed in the BlizzCon 2011 StarCraft II Global Invitational as the Southeast Asian representative. BlizzCon 2011 • Competitor
    Competed in the BlizzCon 2011 StarCraft II Global Invitational as the Chinese representative. BlizzCon 2011 • Competitor
    Winner of the BlizzCon 2011 StarCraft II Global Invitational! BlizzCon 2011 • Global Champion
    Reward for participating in the BlizzCon 2017 War Chest. BlizzCon 2017 War Chest Ally
    Completed the BlizzCon 2017 War Chest. BlizzCon 2017 War Chest Master
    Purchase tickets to Blizzard’s convention taking place in Anaheim, California on October 22 & 23, 2010. BlizzConqueror 2010
    Purchase tickets to Blizzard’s convention taking place in Anaheim, California on October 21 & 22, 2011. BlizzConqueror 2011
    Purchase tickets to Blizzard’s convention taking place in Anaheim, California on November 8 & 9, 2013. BlizzConqueror 2013
    Purchase tickets to Blizzard’s convention taking place in Anaheim, California on November 7 & 8, 2014. BlizzConqueror 2014
    Purchase tickets to Blizzard’s convention taking place in Anaheim, California on November 6 & 7, 2015. BlizzConqueror 2015
    Obtain a ticket for BlizzCon 2016; grants D.Va portrait and free D.Va announcer. BlizzConqueror 2016
    Obtain a ticket for BlizzCon 2017; grants exclusive skins for the Drone, Probe, and SCV. BlizzConqueror 2017
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Aiur Missions. Bonus Objectives: Aiur
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Char Missions. Bonus Objectives: Char
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Space missions. Bonus Objectives: Deep Space
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Epilogue Missions. Bonus Objectives: Epilogue
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Final Missions. Bonus Objectives: Final
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Kaldir Missions. Bonus Objectives: Kaldir
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Moebius Corps Missions. Bonus Objectives: Moebius Corps
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Purifier Missions. Bonus Objectives: Purifier
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Return to Aiur Missions. Bonus Objectives: Return to Aiur
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Shakuras Missions. Bonus Objectives: Shakuras
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Skygeirr Missions. Bonus Objectives: Skygeirr
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Tal’darim Missions. Bonus Objectives: Tal’darim
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Ulnar Missions. Bonus Objectives: Ulnar
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Umoja Missions. Bonus Objectives: Umoja
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Whispers of Oblivion missions. Bonus Objectives: Whispers of Oblivion
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Zerus Missions. Bonus Objectives: Zerus
    Earn 10 bounty rewards in the weekly Mutation Challenge. Bounty: 10
    Earn 100 bounty rewards in the weekly Mutation Challenge. Bounty: 100
    Earn 15 bounty rewards in the weekly Mutation Challenge. Bounty: 15
    Earn 150 bounty rewards in the weekly Mutation Challenge. Bounty: 150
    Earn 20 bounty rewards in the weekly Mutation Challenge. Bounty: 20
    Earn 200 bounty rewards in the weekly Mutation Challenge. Bounty: 200
    Earn 25 bounty rewards in the weekly Mutation Challenge. Bounty: 25
    Earn 3 bounty rewards in the weekly Mutation Challenge. Bounty: 3
    Earn 30 bounty rewards in the weekly Mutation Challenge. Bounty: 30
    Earn 40 bounty rewards in the weekly Mutation Challenge. Bounty: 40
    Earn 5 bounty rewards in the weekly Mutation Challenge. Bounty: 5
    Earn 50 bounty rewards in the weekly Mutation Challenge. Bounty: 50
    Earn 60 bounty rewards in the weekly Mutation Challenge. Bounty: 60
    Earn 75 bounty rewards in the weekly Mutation Challenge. Bounty: 75
    Complete all mission objectives in the “Breakout” mission. Breakout
    Destroy the Xanthos before its 3rd activation in the “End Game” mission on Hard difficulty or higher. Bringing Down the Big Guns
    Destroy all Zerg structures in the “Unsealing the Past” mission on Normal difficulty. Brood War
    Complete all the Commander Zagara achievements. Broodmother of the Swarm
    Complete the “Brothers in Arms” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Brothers in Arms
    Don’t take damage from the Archangel in the “Back in the Saddle” mission on Normal difficulty. Brutal Legend
    Complete 10 missions on Brutal difficulty in Co-op Missions. Brutal: 10
    Complete 100 missions on Brutal difficulty in Co-op Missions. Brutal: 100
    Complete 150 missions on Brutal difficulty in Co-op Missions. Brutal: 150
    Complete 25 missions on Brutal difficulty in Co-op Missions. Brutal: 25
    Complete 300 missions on Brutal difficulty in Co-op Missions. Brutal: 300
    Complete 50 missions on Brutal difficulty in Co-op Missions. Brutal: 50
    Complete 500 missions on Brutal difficulty in Co-op Missions. Brutal: 500
    Complete 75 missions on Brutal difficulty in Co-op Missions. Brutal: 75
    Earn 100,000 Bonus Objective XP on Brutal difficulty. Brutal: XP Bonus 100
    Earn 25,000 Bonus Objective XP on Brutal difficulty. Brutal: XP Bonus 25
    Earn 50,000 Bonus Objective XP on Brutal difficulty. Brutal: XP Bonus 50
    Prevent Admiral Horner’s base from losing more than 5 structures in the “Sudden Strike” mission on Normal difficulty or higher. Built to Last
    Kill the Marauder Kill Team in “The Great Train Robbery” mission on Normal difficulty. Bully the Bullies
    Completely fill two garrisons within the first 10 minutes of the “Enemy Intelligence” mission. Bunker Rush
    Kill 150 Zerg units with the Artifact in the “All In” mission on Normal difficulty. Burn and Turn
    Complete “The Crucible” mission without Kerrigan’s Chrysalis taking damage on Normal difficulty. Can’t Touch This Chrysalis
    Dodge a Raven Seeker Missile in a Melee game. Can’t Touch This!
    Destroy 4 Command Centers, Hatcheries, or Nexuses in an Unranked or Ranked game. Carnage Hall
    Warp in 4 Carriers and complete the Clolarion A.I. research within the first 10 minutes of a Co-op Mission. Carrier Me
    Collect all Mineral and Gas Pallet pickups in “The Outlaws” mission on Normal difficulty. Cash Reward
    Complete 10 missions on Casual difficulty in Co-op Missions. Casual: 10
    Complete 100 missions on Casual difficulty in Co-op Missions. Casual: 100
    Complete 150 missions on Casual difficulty in Co-op Missions. Casual: 150
    Complete 25 missions on Casual difficulty in Co-op Missions. Casual: 25
    Complete 300 missions on Casual difficulty in Co-op Missions. Casual: 300
    Complete 50 missions on Casual difficulty in Co-op Missions. Casual: 50
    Complete 500 missions on Casual difficulty in Co-op Missions. Casual: 500
    Complete 75 missions on Casual difficulty in Co-op Missions. Casual: 75
    Earn 100,000 Bonus Objective XP on Casual difficulty. Casual: XP Bonus 100
    Earn 25,000 Bonus Objective XP on Casual difficulty. Casual: XP Bonus 25
    Earn 50,000 Bonus Objective XP on Casual difficulty. Casual: XP Bonus 50
    Purchase World of Warcraft Cataclysm Collector’s Edition. Cataclysmic Devotion
    Complete the "In the Enemy’s Shadow” mission in under 4 minutes on Hard difficulty or higher. Catch Me If You Can
    Create 100 Larvae with Queens in an Unranked or Ranked game. Centurion Queen
    Complete 3 challenge missions with a Bronze rating or higher. Challenge Accepted
    Complete 6 challenge missions with a Bronze rating or higher. Challenge Accepted, Too!
    Complete all the challenge missions with a Bronze rating or higher. Challenge Completed
    Have all 6 champions on the battlefield simultaneously during a Co-op Mission. Champions Assemble
    Complete all the Char mission achievements. Char Missions
    Complete the Char Missions in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Char Missions
    Warp in 50 units with Chrono Surge over the course of the Legacy of the Void campaign. Chronological Order
    Complete all the Economy achievements. City Builder
    Deal 200,000 damage with Nova while she is in Stealth Mode. Cloak and Dagger
    Complete the "Amon’s Reach” mission without letting the Warp Conduit drop below 2,000 life. Close Call
    Reward for participating in the TeSPA Collegiate Series. Collegiate Hero
    Complete all the Colonist mission achievements. Colonist Mastery
    Kill 25 units with Swann’s Combat Drop before they expire on Hard difficulty. Combat Ready
    Make epic contributions to the StarCraft II Community. Community Commander
    Complete the following Competitive Multiplayer achievements. Competitive Zen Master
    Destroy 3 Orbital Command structures in the “Fire in the Sky” mission on Normal difficulty. Conquer & Command
    Complete the “Conviction” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Conviction
    Complete the “Breakout” mission without Tosh going below 100 life on Normal difficulty. Cool Hand Tosh
    Complete the “Supernova” mission on Normal difficulty without losing a unit to the wall of fire. Cool Running
    View 10 television news broadcasts. Couch Surfer
    Attack for 20 seconds with no counterattacks in an Unranked or Ranked game. Counter-Proof
    Complete all the Covert mission achievements. Covert Mastery
    Pre-purchase all of the StarCraft II: Nova Covert Ops Mission Packs. Covert Operative
    Score the rank of Bronze in the “Covert Ops” challenge mission. Covert Ops: Bronze
    Score the rank of Gold in the “Covert Ops” challenge mission. Covert Ops: Gold
    Score the rank of Silver in the “Covert Ops” challenge mission. Covert Ops: Silver
    Destroy all Dominion structures in the “Planetfall” mission before the 5th Bile Launcher lands on Hard difficulty. Crash The Party
    Kill the Brutalisk in the “Salvation” mission on Hard difficulty. Creep Sea Fishing
    Deal 5,000 damage with Solar Lance over the course of the Legacy of the Void campaign. Cross the Line
    Win 3 solo evenly matched Custom Games against any A.I. opponents. Custom Game Novice
    Win 3 solo evenly matched Custom Games as Protoss against any A.I. opponents. Custom Game Protoss
    Win 3 solo evenly matched Custom Games as Terran against any A.I. opponents. Custom Game Terran
    Win 3 solo evenly matched Custom Games as Zerg against any A.I. opponents. Custom Game Zerg
    Complete all mission objectives in the “Cutthroat” mission. Cutthroat
    Complete the Purifier Missions in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Cybros Awakened
    Use the Spear of Adun to damage or disable 20 Golden Armada ships in the “Salvation” mission. Daelaams to the Slaughter
    Don’t let the Tal’darim Displacement Beam destroy any of your units in the “Forbidden Weapon” mission. Danger Zone
    Complete the “Dark Skies” mission in Nova Covert Ops. Dark Skies
    Complete the “Dark Whispers” mission in the Whispers of Oblivion Campaign. Dark Whispers
    Complete the Moebius Corps Missions in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Darkness Purged
    Find out what Matt Horner won playing poker. Dead Man’s Hand
    Complete the “Death from Above” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Death From Above
    Destroy 3 Augustgrad Gates before the 5th Bile Launcher lands in the “Planetfall” mission on Normal difficulty. Death Start
    Complete all the Space mission achievements. Deep Space Missions
    Complete “The Escape” mission on Hard difficulty or higher without allowing Nova to be damaged by the Warhawk. Defensive Driving
    Reach level 10 with Primal Pack Leader Dehaka in Co-op Missions. Dehaka: Level 10
    Reach level 15 with Primal Pack Leader Dehaka in Co-op Missions. Dehaka: Level 15
    Reach level 5 with Primal Pack Leader Dehaka in Co-op Missions. Dehaka: Level 5
    Complete the Into the Void Campaign. Deicide
    Complete the “Shatter the Sky” mission without losing a unit to a Platform explosion on Normal difficulty. Demolition Man
    Destroy an enemy Command Center, Hatchery, or Nexus while it is under construction in an Unranked or Ranked game. Denied
    Purchase StarCraft II Wings of Liberty Collector’s Edition. Devoted Fan
    Register a copy of the World of Warcraft: Legion Collector’s Edition or Digital Deluxe Edition. Devoted Legionnaire
    Purchase the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Collector’s Edition. Devoted Soul
    Purchase the Diablo III Collector’s Edition. Diabolical Devotion
    Detonate 5,000 Magnetic Mines. Did It Work?
    Complete the “Left 2 Die” scenario on Hard difficulty. Die Another Day
    Destroy 2 Void Shards within 150 seconds of each other in “The Host” mission on Normal difficulty. Disenchanted
    Destroy 55 enemy structures during a single Disruption in “Brothers in Arms” on Hard difficulty. Disruption Junction
    Capture 50 enemy units in a single Vortex in a Melee game. Distorted Reality
    Don’t lose any army units to terrain destruction abilities in the "Amon’s Fall” mission on Normal difficulty. Dodge This
    Complete the “Ghost of a Chance” mission using Dominated units to kill at least 15 enemy troops on Normal difficulty. Dominate Tricks
    Complete the “Domination” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Domination
    Complete all the Commander Nova achievements. Dominion Agent
    Kill 3 Hybrid Dominators with Terran units in the “Hand of Darkness” mission on Hard difficulty. Dominion Domination
    Purchase the Dominion Ghost Nova Co-op Commander. Dominion Ghost Commander
    Rescue 10 Drop-Pods of Dominion Troops in “The Gates of Hell” mission on Hard difficulty. Dominion Roundup
    Purchase 4 Dominion upgrades from the Armory console. Dominion Tech Master
    Destroy 100 units while time is stopped over the course of the Legacy of the Void campaign. Don’t Blink
    Complete the “Purification” mission without allowing the Purifier Core Matrix to lose all of its shields. Don’t Taze Me Cybros
    Kill every enemy unit in the “Liberation Day” mission on Hard difficulty. Down with Mengsk
    Complete all the Commander Fenix achievements. Download Complete
    Complete the Dr. Hanson storyline in the Wings of Liberty campaign. Dr. Ariel Hanson Missions
    Register a copy of the World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Collector’s Edition or Digital Deluxe edition. Draenic Devotion
    Kill 20 enemy units with the Laser Drill in “The Dig” mission on Normal difficulty. Drill Hard
    Absorb 10,000 damage for your ally with Nova’s Defensive Drone in Co-op Missions. Drone It Out
    Kill 250 enemy units with Swann’s Combat Drop in Co-op Missions. Drop ’Em Dead
    Preorder Legacy of the Void Early Adopter
    Complete all mission objectives in the “Echoes of the Future” mission. Echoes of the Future
    Participated in Egg Hunt during the spring of 2017. Egg Hunt 2017
    Complete all the Elite A.I. achievements. Elite AI Crusher
    Win 10 evenly matched Custom Games against Elite A.I. opponents. Elite AI Romp: 10
    Win 100 evenly matched Custom Games against Elite A.I. opponents. Elite AI Romp: 100
    Win 25 evenly matched Custom Games against Elite A.I. opponents. Elite AI Romp: 25
    Win 50 evenly matched Custom Games against Elite A.I. opponents. Elite AI Romp: 50
    Win a 1v1 Multiplayer Custom Game against an Elite A.I. opponent in under 5 minutes. Elite Blitz
    Win a Free-For-All Multiplayer Custom Game against 7 Elite A.I. opponents. Elite FFA
    Complete all the Spear of Adun Ability achievements. En Taro Adun!
    Converse with the following characters on the Spear of Adun. En Taro Artanis
    Complete the “End Game” mission in Nova Covert Ops. End Game
    Complete All StarCraft II campaigns. End of an Era
    Kill 300 enemy units with Kerrigan in the “Supreme” mission. Endangered Species
    Reconstitute 500 Zerglings with Zergling Reconstitution. Endless Swarm
    Complete the “Enemy Intelligence” mission in Nova: Covert Ops. Enemy Intelligence
    Complete the “Enemy Within” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Enemy Within
    Complete all mission objectives in the “Engine of Destruction” mission. Engine of Destruction
    Kill 75 enemy units with Primal Spawn Locusts in “The Crucible” mission. Epic Meal Time
    Unlock all the Epilogue mission achievements. Epilogue Missions
    Build a Factory during the first 270 seconds of a Melee game. Erector Time
    Purchase a subscription for the World Championship Series (WCS) on, or any other qualifying WCS support product. eSports Devotion
    Devour 2,000 supply with Dehaka in Co-op Missions. Essence Buffet
    Kill 15 units trapped in a single Black Hole on Hard difficulty. Event Horizon
    Complete the “Evil Awoken” mission in the Whispers of Oblivion Campaign. Evil Awoken
    Win a weekly Mutator challenge. Evolution Complete
    Complete all the Commander Abathur achievements. Evolution Master
    Purchase the Evolution Master Abathur Co-op Commander. Evolution Master Commander
    Win a game of Aiur Chef. Executor Chef
    Destroy 375 enemy units with Kerrigan in the "Amon’s Fall” mission. Extinction Event
    Destroy 2 Protoss Nexuses in the “Shoot the Messenger” mission on Normal difficulty. Extreme Nexism
    Don’t let an Escape Pod reach less than 20 seconds in the “Enemy Within” mission on Normal difficulty. Failure to Launch
    Show off your new look to the following characters [Izsha, Abathur, Zurvan]. Fashion Statement
    Complete the “Conviction” mission in less than 10 minutes on Hard difficulty. Fast Break
    Expand during the first 225 seconds of a Melee game. Fast Expand
    Use Chrono Wave to speed up the training of 500 of your ally’s units in Co-op Missions. Fast Friends
    Heal 10,000 life on allied units in Co-op Missions. Feels Good, Man
    Reach level 10 with Purifier Executor Fenix in Co-op Missions. Fenix: Level 10
    Reach level 15 with Purifier Executor Fenix in Co-op Missions. Fenix: Level 15
    Reach level 5 with Purifier Executor Fenix in Co-op Missions. Fenix: Level 5
    Win a Free-For-All Unranked game as each race option. FFA Destroyer
    Destroy a total of 5,000 enemy units in Free-for-All Quick Match games. FFA Gladiator
    Purchase StarCraft II Legacy of the Void Collector’s Edition. Filling the Void
    Complete all the Final mission achievements. Final Mastery
    Complete all the Final mission achievements. Final Missions
    Kill 50 units with Artanis’s Orbital Strike in a single mission on Hard difficulty. Finger of Death
    Kill 20 enemies with the Snipe ability in “The Escape” mission. Fire and Forget
    Save 8 burning Terran structures in a single Melee game. Fire Fighter
    Complete the “Fire in the Sky” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Fire in the Sky
    Destroy 15 enemy structures before Naktul’s forces arrive in the “Rendezvous” mission. First Strike
    Bring the Thor to the mechanic while in the sewers in the "In the Enemy’s Shadow” mission on Normal difficulty or higher. Fix Me Up, Will Ya!
    Deal 5,000 points of damage with Fenix on the battlefield over the course of the Legacy of the Void campaign. Fix-It Fenix
    Complete the “Flashpoint” mission in Nova: Covert Ops. Flashpoint
    Complete the "Rak’Shir” mission without ever allowing Alarak to be pushed back on Hard difficulty. Flawless Victory
    Deal 50,000 damage with the Death Fleet. Fleeting Death
    Win 5 1v1 Matchmaking Unranked or Ranked games. Flying Solo
    Complete the “For Aiur!” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. For Aiur!
    Do not let your allies lose more than 5 base structures in “Brothers in Arms” on Normal difficulty. For the Alliance
    Score the rank of Bronze in the “For the Swarm” challenge mission. For the Swarm: Bronze
    Score the rank of Gold in the “For the Swarm” challenge mission. For the Swarm: Gold
    Score the rank of Silver in the “For the Swarm” challenge mission. For the Swarm: Silver
    Mutate each Zerg unit in the Evolution Pit. For the Swarm!
    Complete the “Forbidden Weapon” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Forbidden Weapon
    Complete the “Into the Void” mission after destroying no more than 3 Void Corruption structures on Hard difficulty. Forward to Victory
    Destroy a total of 100 enemy units in Free-for-All Quick Match games. Free-for-All Crusher
    Hit 100 units with Temporal Field over the course of the Legacy of the Void campaign. Freeze the Day
    Complete the "Night Terrors" mission without killing any Tal’darim units on Hard difficulty or higher. Friendly Competition
    Destroy 120 enemy units with Carriers in the "Templar’s Charge” mission. Friends in High Places
    Regenerate 500 shield energy on a single unit without taking friendly fire in an Unranked or Ranked game. Frugal Fighter
    Prevent the Dominion from destroying a Tram Engine during the Tram Ride in the “Back in the Saddle” mission. Full Throttle
    Don’t lose any allied Protoss Nexuses in the “Salvation” mission on Normal difficulty. Fully Khalabrated
    Don’t lose a Bile Launcher in the “Planetfall” mission. Fully Operational
    Complete the Tosh storyline in the Wings of Liberty campaign. Gabriel Tosh Missions
    Purchase the Galactic Power Couple Horner and Han Co-op Commander. Galactic Power Couple
    Complete all the Missions Difficulty Achievements. Galaxy Commander
    Acquire 3500 vespene gas from eruption sites during the “Ghosts in the Fog” mission. Gassed Up
    Target and hit 150 enemy units with Crushing Grip. Get a Grip
    Warp in 25 Pylons with Deploy Pylon over the course of the Legacy of the Void campaign. Getting Deployed
    Complete all mission objectives in the “Ghost of a Chance” mission. Ghost of a Chance
    Purchase all of the StarCraft II: Nova Covert Ops Mission Packs and the Dominion Ghost Nova Co-op Commander. Ghost Story
    Complete the “Ghosts in the Fog” mission in the Whispers of Oblivion Campaign. Ghosts in the Fog
    Hold out until 1.8 billion Zerg arrive on Shakuras in the “Last Stand” mission on Normal difficulty. Global Swarming
    Complete the “Flashpoint” mission without eliminating any of the zerg unit types on Hard difficulty or higher. Glutton for Punishment
    Destroy 4 Gorgon Battlecruisers within 120 seconds in the “Fire in the Sky” mission on Hard difficulty. Going, Going, Gorgon!
    Play a game during StarCraft II’s 5th anniversary celebration. Good Luck, High Five!
    Complete all the Versus A.I. Elite achievements. Gosu Comp Stomp: Elite
    Complete all the Versus A.I. Harder achievements. Gosu Comp Stomp: Harder
    Complete all the Versus A.I. Medium achievements. Gosu Comp Stomp: Medium
    Complete all the Versus A.I. Very Easy achievements. Gosu Comp Stomp: Very Easy
    Become a dedicated member of one of the strongest campus eSports groups in the world. Grassroots Hero
    Kill one of Ma’lash’s Guardians while the Terrazine Fog is active in the “Steps of the Rite” mission. Guerrillas in the Mist
    Complete the “Hand of Darkness” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Hand of Darkness
    Complete “The Evacuation” mission on Normal difficulty without losing a Transport Truck. Handled with Care
    Score the rank of Bronze in the “Harbinger of Death” challenge mission. Harbinger of Death: Bronze
    Score the rank of Gold in the “Harbinger of Death” challenge mission. Harbinger of Death: Gold
    Score the rank of Silver in the “Harbinger of Death” challenge mission. Harbinger of Death: Silver
    Complete the “Harbinger of Oblivion” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Harbinger of Oblivion
    Complete “The Moebius Factor” mission before Kerrigan destroys 6 Abandoned Structures on Hard difficulty. Hard Core
    Save 50 units from certain death by using Guardian Shell over the course of the Legacy of the Void campaign. Hard to Kill
    Complete 10 missions on Hard difficulty in Co-op Missions. Hard: 10
    Complete 100 missions on Hard difficulty in Co-op Missions. Hard: 100
    Complete 150 missions on Hard difficulty in Co-op Missions. Hard: 150
    Complete 25 missions on Hard difficulty in Co-op Missions. Hard: 25
    Complete 300 missions on Hard difficulty in Co-op Missions. Hard: 300
    Complete 50 missions on Hard difficulty in Co-op Missions. Hard: 50
    Complete 500 missions on Hard difficulty in Co-op Missions. Hard: 500
    Complete 75 missions on Hard difficulty in Co-op Missions. Hard: 75
    Earn 100,000 Bonus Objective XP on Hard difficulty. Hard: XP Bonus 100
    Earn 25,000 Bonus Objective XP on Hard difficulty. Hard: XP Bonus 25
    Earn 50,000 Bonus Objective XP on Hard difficulty. Hard: XP Bonus 50
    Complete all the Harder A.I. achievements. Harder AI Crusher
    Win 10 evenly matched Custom Games against Harder A.I. opponents. Harder AI Romp: 10
    Win 100 evenly matched Custom Games against Harder A.I. opponents. Harder AI Romp: 100
    Win 25 evenly matched Custom Games against Harder A.I. opponents. Harder AI Romp: 25
    Win 50 evenly matched Custom Games against Harder A.I. opponents. Harder AI Romp: 50
    Win a 1v1 Multiplayer Custom Game against a Harder A.I. opponent in under 5 minutes. Harder Blitz
    Win a Free-For-All Multiplayer Custom Game against 7 Harder A.I. opponents. Harder FFA
    Complete the “Harvest of Screams” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Harvest of Screams
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Haven’s Fall” mission. Haven’s Fall
    Complete the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Heart of the Swarm
    Reach Level 5 as Protoss in the Heart of the Swarm Beta. Heart of the Swarm Beta Protoss Level 5
    Reach Level 5 as Terran in the Heart of the Swarm Beta. Heart of the Swarm Beta Terran Level 5
    Reach Level 5 as Zerg in the Heart of the Swarm Beta. Heart of the Swarm Beta Zerg Level 5
    Complete 10 Heart of the Swarm campaign missions on Brutal difficulty. Heart of the Swarm: Brutal 10
    Complete 15 Heart of the Swarm campaign missions on Brutal difficulty. Heart of the Swarm: Brutal 15
    Complete 20 Heart of the Swarm campaign missions on Brutal difficulty. Heart of the Swarm: Brutal 20
    Complete 5 Heart of the Swarm campaign missions on Brutal difficulty. Heart of the Swarm: Brutal 5
    Complete 10 Heart of the Swarm campaign missions on Hard difficulty. Heart of the Swarm: Hard 10
    Complete 15 Heart of the Swarm campaign missions on Hard difficulty. Heart of the Swarm: Hard 15
    Complete 20 Heart of the Swarm campaign missions on Hard difficulty. Heart of the Swarm: Hard 20
    Complete 5 Heart of the Swarm campaign missions on Hard difficulty. Heart of the Swarm: Hard 5
    Complete 10 Heart of the Swarm campaign missions on Normal difficulty. Heart of the Swarm: Normal 10
    Complete 15 Heart of the Swarm campaign missions on Normal difficulty. Heart of the Swarm: Normal 15
    Complete 20 Heart of the Swarm campaign missions on Normal difficulty. Heart of the Swarm: Normal 20
    Complete 5 Heart of the Swarm campaign missions on Normal difficulty. Heart of the Swarm: Normal 5
    Purchase StarCraft II Heart of the Swarm Collector’s Edition. HeartCore Devotion
    Complete the Tal’darim Missions in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Heir Ascendant
    Contributor to the inaugural BaseTradeTV live event in 2015. Hell, It’s Aboot Time
    Complete the “Left 2 Die” scenario before the fifth night on Brutal difficulty. Here Comes the Hammer
    Deal 7,500 damage with Artanis’s Lightning Dash ability on “The Infinite Cycle” mission. Hero of the Storm
    Complete all the Commander Artanis achievements. Hierarch of the Daelaam
    Complete all the Commander Alarak achievements. Highlord of the Tal’darim
    Complete the “Smash and Grab” mission on Hard difficulty in less than 15 minutes. Hit & Run
    Complete the “Harbinger of Oblivion” mission before Kerrigan loses more than 3 Hives on Normal difficulty. Hive Five
    Complete the “Zero Hour” mission on Normal difficulty without losing or salvaging a structure. Hold the Line
    Command at least 80 supply worth of Han units and 40 supply worth of Horner units in a single mission on Hard difficulty. Holy Macromony
    Destroy the Planetary Fortress in the “Old Soldiers” mission before the nuclear strike on Hard difficulty. Home Wrecker
    Login to StarCraft II after the 20 year anniversary. Honor the Legacy
    Reach Level 10 with Han and Horner in Co-op Missions. Horner: Level 10
    Reach Level 15 with Han and Horner in Co-op Missions. Horner: Level 15
    Reach Level 5 with Han and Horner in Co-op Missions. Horner: Level 5
    Complete “The Host” mission in less than 24 minutes on Hard difficulty. Hostbusters
    Load a Dropship with a unit that is under attack in an Unranked or Ranked game. Hot Pickup
    Finish a Qualification Round with an undefeated record. Hot Shot
    Complete the "Haven’s Fall” mission with 5 settlements protected on Hard difficulty. House Call
    Complete the Wings of Liberty campaign under 8 hours of total played mission time on Normal difficulty. Hurry Up: It’s Raid Night
    Kill 25 units with a single Hyperion calldown on Hard difficulty with Raynor. Hyperactive
    Kill 500 units with Raynor’s Hyperion in Co-op Missions. Hyperion Alert
    Destroy all enemy bases in “Temple of Unification” on Hard difficulty. I Aim to Misbehave
    Destroy all Rip-Field Generators in the “Maw of the Void” mission on Normal difficulty. I Have the Power
    Destroy 10 cloaked or burrowed units in a single Melee game. I See Dead Units
    Use enemy units under the effect of Domination to destroy 20 other enemy units in the "In the Enemy’s Shadow” mission. I’m With Her
    Destroy 20 unfrozen enemy structures in the “Harvest of Screams” mission. Ice Breaker
    Win 10 AMM games in IGR. IGR 10 Wins
    Win 20 AMM games in IGR. IGR 20 Wins
    Win 30 AMM games in IGR. IGR 30 Wins
    Win 40 AMM games in IGR. IGR 40 Wins
    Win 50 AMM games in IGR. IGR 50 Wins
    Win 60 AMM games in IGR. IGR 60 Wins
    Acquire an Ihan Crystal. Ihan Crystal
    Lose fewer than 100 units during the “For Aiur!” mission on Normal difficulty. In Living Khala
    Complete the "In the Enemy’s Shadow” mission in Nova Covert Ops. In the Enemy’s Shadow
    Stun 5,000 enemy units with Kerrigan’s Immobilization Wave in Co-op Missions. In the Name of Love
    Complete all mission objectives in the “In Utter Darkness” mission. In Utter Darkness
    Prevent Admiral Horner’s base from losing any structures in the “Sudden Strike” mission on Hard difficulty or higher. Indestructureable
    Purchase 10 infantry upgrades from the Armory console. Infantry Tech Master
    Score the rank of Bronze in the “Infestation” challenge mission. Infestation: Bronze
    Score the rank of Gold in the “Infestation” challenge mission. Infestation: Gold
    Score the rank of Silver in the “Infestation” challenge mission. Infestation: Silver
    Purchase the Infested Admiral Stukov Co-op Commander. Infested Admiral Commander
    Destroy 30 units with Infested Terrans in an Unranked or Ranked game. Infested Terror
    Complete the “Into the Void” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Into the Void
    Mutate a Lair during the first 285 seconds of a Melee game. It’s Morphing Time
    Prevent the Protoss from capping a Tal’darim Altar in the “Welcome to the Jungle” mission on Hard difficulty. It’s So Easy
    Complete the “Breakout” mission on Hard difficulty in less than 25 minutes. Jailhouse Rock
    Win a 1v1 game of ’StarJeweled’ against a Medium A.I. opponent. Jewel Crafter
    Heal 3000 points of damage in a game of ’StarJeweled’ using the Healing Wave ability. Jewel of Denial
    Win a 1v1 game of ’StarJeweled’ against an Elite A.I. opponent. Jewel Rock Star
    Win a 1v1 game of ’StarJeweled’ against a Hard A.I. opponent. Jewel Star
    Win a 1v1 game of ’StarJeweled’ against a Very Hard A.I. opponent. Jewel Super Star
    Discover Zeratul’s next destination. Judgment Day
    Free all Protoss Launch Bays before the last Void Thrasher appears in "Amon’s Reach” on Normal difficulty. Jump the Gun
    Repair 1,000 life on allied units or structures in a single Melee game. Just a Scratch
    Control 15 hallucinations at once in a Melee game. Just an Illusion
    Complete the “Infested” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Just Getting Inside
    Reach level 5 with Sarah Kerrigan or Queen Zagara in Co-op Missions. Just Swarming Up
    Complete all the Kaldir mission achievements. Kaldir Missions
    Complete the Kaldir Missions in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Kaldir Missions
    Reach level 10 with Phase-Smith Karax in Co-op Missions. Karax: Level 10
    Reach level 15 with Phase-Smith Karax in Co-op Missions. Karax: Level 15
    Reach level 5 with Phase-Smith Karax in Co-op Missions. Karax: Level 5
    Reward for participating in the Katowice 2018 War Chest. Katowice 2018 War Chest Ally
    Complete the Katowice 2018 War Chest. Katowice 2018 War Chest Master
    Complete all the Kerrigan achievements. Kerrigan Domination
    Reach Kerrigan Level 10 in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Kerrigan Power: 10
    Reach Kerrigan Level 20 in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Kerrigan Power: 20
    Reach Kerrigan Level 30 in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Kerrigan Power: 30
    Reach Kerrigan Level 40 in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Kerrigan Power: 40
    Reach Kerrigan Level 50 in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Kerrigan Power: 50
    Reach Kerrigan Level 60 in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Kerrigan Power: 60
    Reach Kerrigan Level 70 in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Kerrigan Power: 70
    Reach level 10 with Sarah Kerrigan in Co-op Missions. Kerrigan: Level 10
    Reach level 15 with Sarah Kerrigan in Co-op Missions. Kerrigan: Level 15
    Reach level 5 with Sarah Kerrigan in Co-op Missions. Kerrigan: Level 5
    Destroy the Loki in the “Engine of Destruction” mission on Normal difficulty. Kicking Asgard
    Complete the “Lab Rat” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Lab Rat
    Complete the “Last Stand” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Last Stand
    Qualify for a League in each of the following modes: League Qualifier
    Deal 15,000 damage with Leaping Strike. Leaping Death
    Complete the Legacy of the Void campaign. Leave a Legacy
    Kill an Ursadon in a multiplayer game to reunite it with the late and beloved Ursula. Legacy of the Ursadon
    Complete 10 Legacy of the Void Campaign missions on Brutal difficulty. Legacy of the Void: Brutal 10
    Complete 15 Legacy of the Void Campaign missions on Brutal difficulty. Legacy of the Void: Brutal 15
    Complete 19 Legacy of the Void Campaign missions on Brutal difficulty. Legacy of the Void: Brutal 19
    Complete 5 Legacy of the Void Campaign missions on Brutal difficulty. Legacy of the Void: Brutal 5
    Complete 10 Legacy of the Void Campaign missions on Hard difficulty. Legacy of the Void: Hard 10
    Complete 15 Legacy of the Void Campaign missions on Hard difficulty. Legacy of the Void: Hard 15
    Complete 19 Legacy of the Void Campaign missions on Hard difficulty. Legacy of the Void: Hard 19
    Complete 5 Legacy of the Void Campaign missions on Hard difficulty. Legacy of the Void: Hard 5
    Complete 10 Legacy of the Void Campaign missions on Normal difficulty. Legacy of the Void: Normal 10
    Complete 15 Legacy of the Void Campaign missions on Normal difficulty. Legacy of the Void: Normal 15
    Complete 19 Legacy of the Void Campaign missions on Normal difficulty. Legacy of the Void: Normal 19
    Complete 5 Legacy of the Void Campaign missions on Normal difficulty. Legacy of the Void: Normal 5
    Do not exceed 35 supply in the first stage of the “Enemy Intelligence” mission on Hard difficulty or higher. Less Is More
    Complete all mission objectives in the “Liberation Day” mission. Liberation Day
    Complete all 29 Wings of Liberty campaign missions on Brutal difficulty. Liberty Completionist: Brutal
    Complete all 29 Wings of Liberty campaign missions on Hard difficulty. Liberty Completionist: Hard
    Complete all 29 Wings of Liberty campaign missions on Normal difficulty. Liberty Completionist: Normal
    Destroy 500 units with Liberators in the “Night Terrors” mission. Liberty Rains from Above
    Complete the “Left 2 Die” scenario on Brutal difficulty. License to Kill
    Complete the “Left 2 Die” scenario on Normal difficulty. Live and Let Die
    Locate all 13 weapon pickups in the “Piercing the Shroud” mission on Hard difficulty. Lock and Load
    Take control of a Celestial Lock in less than 6 minutes, and hold it for the duration of the “Temple of Unification” mission on Normal difficulty. Locked Down Tight
    Score 125,000 points on the Lost Viking arcade machine. Lost Viking: Bronze
    Score 500,000 points on the Lost Viking arcade machine. Lost Viking: Gold
    Score 250,000 points on the Lost Viking arcade machine. Lost Viking: Silver
    Recharge 3,000 shields with Shield Batteries in an Unranked or Ranked game. Low Battery Warning
    Play a game during StarCraft II’s 7th anniversary celebration. Lucky Number Seven
    Complete the “With Friends Like These…” mission in less than 11 minutes on Hard difficulty. Ludicrous Speed!
    Complete the “A Sinister Turn” mission on Hard difficulty in less than 25 minutes. Maar-ked for Death
    Destroy 3 Factories in the “Lab Rat” mission in less than 10 minutes on Hard difficulty. Mad Dash
    Generate 50,000 resources for your ally with Kerrigan’s Assimilation Aura in Co-op Missions. Make It Rain
    Complete all the Mar Sara mission achievements. Mar Sara Mastery
    Complete the Mar Sara missions in the Wings of Liberty campaign. Mar Sara Missions
    Your ally deals 10,000 damage while Zagara’s Mass Frenzy is activated in Co-op Missions. Mass Frenzy
    Destroy 30 Zerg units during the “Dark Whispers” mission. Massive Aggressive
    Complete all the Commander Raynor achievements. Master and Commander
    Reach level 15 with Raynor, Kerrigan, Artanis, Swann, Zagara and Vorazun. Master Commander
    Control at least 15 enemy units with Karax’s Reclamation ability in the "Templar’s Return” mission on Normal difficulty. Master Control
    Complete the Armory console upgrade achievements. Master Mechanic
    Kill 60 enemy units with Parasitic Dominated terran units in the “Infested” mission. Master of Puppets
    Complete the “Maw of the Void” mission without losing a unit inside the Rip-Field on Hard difficulty. Master of the Universe
    Complete all the Commander Karax achievements. Master Phase-Smith
    Complete the research console upgrade achievements. Master Technician
    Reach Mastery Level 10 in Co-op Missions. Mastery: Level 10
    Reach Mastery Level 20 in Co-op Missions. Mastery: Level 20
    Reach Mastery Level 30 in Co-op Missions. Mastery: Level 30
    Reach Mastery Level 40 in Co-op Missions. Mastery: Level 40
    Reach Mastery Level 50 in Co-op Missions. Mastery: Level 50
    Reach Mastery Level 60 in Co-op Missions. Mastery: Level 60
    Reach Mastery Level 70 in Co-op Missions. Mastery: Level 70
    Reach Mastery Level 80 in Co-op Missions. Mastery: Level 80
    Reach Mastery Level 90 in Co-op Missions. Mastery: Level 90
    Complete all the Commander Vorazun achievements. Matriarch of the Nerazim
    Buff friendly units 100 times with Matrix Overload over the course of the Legacy of the Void campaign. Matrix Overloaded
    Complete the Horner storyline in the Wings of Liberty campaign. Matt Horner Missions
    Complete all mission objectives in the “Maw of the Void” mission. Maw of the Void
    Purchase the StarCraft II: Nova Covert Ops Mission Packs and the Dominion Ghost Nova Co-op Commander before February 27, 2017. Maximum Novadrive
    Kill 50 supply worth of units within 15 seconds in a Melee game. Meatgrinder
    Complete all the Guide One achievements. Medal of Combat
    Complete all the Guide Four achievements. Medal of Competency
    Complete all the Guide Three achievements. Medal of Honor
    Complete all the Guide Two achievements. Medal of Valor
    Complete all mission objectives in the “Media Blitz” mission. Media Blitz
    Complete all the Medium A.I. achievements. Medium AI Crusher
    Win 10 evenly matched Custom Games against Medium A.I. opponents. Medium AI Romp: 10
    Win 100 evenly matched Custom Games against Medium A.I. opponents. Medium AI Romp: 100
    Win 25 evenly matched Custom Games against Medium A.I. opponents. Medium AI Romp: 25
    Win 50 evenly matched Custom Games against Medium A.I. opponents. Medium AI Romp: 50
    Win a 1v1 Multiplayer Custom Game against a Medium A.I. opponent in under 5 minutes. Medium Blitz
    Win a Free-For-All Multiplayer Custom Game against 7 Medium A.I. opponents. Medium FFA
    Kill 5 Changelings in an Unranked or Ranked game. Meet the Spy
    Destroy 80 or more enemies affected by the disruption on the “Brothers in Arms” mission. Mental Breakdown
    Complete the “Whispers of Doom” mission on Hard difficulty without Zeratul suffering life damage. Merely a Flesh Wound
    Destroy 35 Sentry Bots in the “Lab Rat” mission. Mighty Mouse
    Collect every mineral pickup with the Hyperion in the "With Friends Like These…” mission. MinedCraft
    Kill 25 total units with Vulture Spider Mines in the “Cutthroat” mission on Normal difficulty. Minesweeper
    Complete the “Death From Above” mission before destroying the final power link on Hard difficulty. Missing Link
    Earn a total of 10 levels. Mission Leader
    Complete 7 missions on Normal or harder. Mission Officer
    Complete 3 missions. Mission Recruit
    Unlock all the Moebius Corps mission achievements. Moebius Corps Missions
    Kill 5 Hybrid Behemoths in less than 15 minutes in the “Purification” mission on Hard difficulty. Monster Hunter
    Use the A.R.E.S. to kill the Brutalisk in the “Piercing the Shroud” mission on Normal difficulty. Monster Mash
    Complete all the Commander Stukov achievements. Monster Mash
    Kill 15 units with the Giant Ursadon in the “Enemy Within” mission on Hard difficulty. Monster Smash
    Do not take any damage from the flame turrets in “The Escape” mission on Normal difficulty or higher. More Like Lame Turrets
    Morph 50 Ravagers, Devourers, or Guardians in a single mission on Hard difficulty. Morphology
    Call down 30 MULEs in an Unranked or Ranked game. MULE X’ing
    Complete 10 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Brutal difficulty. Mutation Brutal: 10
    Complete 100 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Brutal difficulty. Mutation Brutal: 100
    Complete 150 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Brutal difficulty. Mutation Brutal: 150
    Complete 25 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Brutal difficulty. Mutation Brutal: 25
    Complete 50 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Brutal difficulty. Mutation Brutal: 50
    Complete 75 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Brutal difficulty. Mutation Brutal: 75
    Complete 10 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Casual difficulty. Mutation Casual: 10
    Complete 100 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Casual difficulty. Mutation Casual: 100
    Complete 150 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Casual difficulty. Mutation Casual: 150
    Complete 25 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Casual difficulty. Mutation Casual: 25
    Complete 50 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Casual difficulty. Mutation Casual: 50
    Complete 75 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Casual difficulty. Mutation Casual: 75
    Complete 10 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Hard difficulty. Mutation Hard: 10
    Complete 100 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Hard difficulty. Mutation Hard: 100
    Complete 150 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Hard difficulty. Mutation Hard: 150
    Complete 25 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Hard difficulty. Mutation Hard: 25
    Complete 50 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Hard difficulty. Mutation Hard: 50
    Complete 75 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Hard difficulty. Mutation Hard: 75
    Complete 10 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Normal difficulty. Mutation Normal: 10
    Complete 100 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Normal difficulty. Mutation Normal: 100
    Complete 150 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Normal difficulty. Mutation Normal: 150
    Complete 25 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Normal difficulty. Mutation Normal: 25
    Complete 50 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Normal difficulty. Mutation Normal: 50
    Complete 75 weekly Mutation challenge missions on Normal difficulty. Mutation Normal: 75
    Destroy all 3 Protoss Docking Bays in the “Shoot the Messenger” mission on Hard difficulty. My Cool Bay Explosions
    Warp in 100 Protoss units using Warp In Reinforcements over the course of the Legacy of the Void campaign. My Life for Hire
    Save 2 Colonist Outposts in the “Safe Haven” mission on Hard difficulty. My Precious!
    Play a game during StarCraft II’s 4th anniversary celebration. My Slice Four Aiur
    Kill 5,000 enemy units with Vorazun’s cloaked units in Co-op Missions. My Turn
    Heal 300 life on allied units with Medivacs in an Unranked or Ranked game. Neighborly Help
    Destroy 20 units with Nexus Photon Overcharge over the course of the Legacy of the Void campaign. Nexus of Destruction
    Find out why Tychus Findlay is always in a Marine suit. Nice Suit
    Complete “Back in the Saddle” with more than 40 seconds on each lockdown on Hard difficulty. Nick of Time
    Survive 5 Infested Horde Attacks in the “Night 2 Die" mode of the “Left 2 Die” scenario. Night Of The Living
    Survive 10 Infested Horde Attacks in the “Night 2 Die" mode of the “Left 2 Die” scenario. Night Of The Living II
    Survive 15 Infested Horde Attacks in the “Night 2 Die" mode of the “Left 2 Die” scenario. Night Of The Living III
    Complete the “Night Terrors” mission in Nova: Covert Ops. Night Terrors
    Destroy all enemy Nexuses during the “Ghosts in the Fog” mission on Normal difficulty. Nixed Nexus
    Don’t let Zagara collect an Egg in the “Domination” mission on Normal difficulty. No Egg for You
    Destroy all zerg structures in the “Flashpoint” mission on Normal difficulty or higher. No Half Measures
    Secure 2 Stabilizers within 3 minutes of each other in the “Sky Shield” mission on Normal difficulty No Time for Games
    Destroy all Protoss structures in the “Phantoms of the Void” mission on Hard difficulty. No-toss
    Complete the Shakuras Missions in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Noble Sacrifice
    Complete 10 missions on Normal difficulty in Co-op Missions. Normal: 10
    Complete 100 missions on Normal difficulty in Co-op Missions. Normal: 100
    Complete 150 missions on Normal difficulty in Co-op Missions. Normal: 150
    Complete 25 missions on Normal difficulty in Co-op Missions. Normal: 25
    Complete 300 missions on Normal difficulty in Co-op Missions. Normal: 300
    Complete 50 missions on Normal difficulty in Co-op Missions. Normal: 50
    Complete 500 missions on Normal difficulty in Co-op Missions. Normal: 500
    Complete 75 missions on Normal difficulty in Co-op Missions. Normal: 75
    Earn 100,000 Bonus Objective XP on Normal difficulty. Normal: XP Bonus 100
    Earn 25,000 Bonus Objective XP on Normal difficulty. Normal: XP Bonus 25
    Earn 50,000 Bonus Objective XP on Normal difficulty. Normal: XP Bonus 50
    Kill the Brutalisk in the “Piercing the Shroud” mission without losing a unit to the Brutalisk on Normal difficulty. Not So Brutalisk
    Community Voted Portrait Reward 2016. Notice Me Grandmaster
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in Chapter 1 of Nova Covert Ops missions. Nova Covert Ops • Chapter 1 Bonus Objectives
    Complete Chapter 1 of Nova Covert Ops. Nova Covert Ops • Chapter 1 Complete
    Unlock all mission achievements in Chapter 1 of Nova Covert Ops. Nova Covert Ops • Chapter 1 Domination
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in Chapter 2 of Nova Covert Ops missions. Nova Covert Ops • Chapter 2 Bonus Objectives
    Complete Chapter 2 of Nova Covert Ops. Nova Covert Ops • Chapter 2 Complete
    Unlock all mission achievements in Chapter 2 of Nova Covert Ops. Nova Covert Ops • Chapter 2 Domination
    Complete all Bonus Objectives in Chapter 3 of Nova Covert Ops missions. Nova Covert Ops • Chapter 3 Bonus Objectives
    Complete Chapter 3 of Nova Covert Ops. Nova Covert Ops • Chapter 3 Complete
    Unlock all mission achievements in Chapter 3 of Nova Covert Ops. Nova Covert Ops • Chapter 3 Domination
    Reach level 10 with Dominion Ghost Nova in Co-op Missions. Nova: Level 10
    Reach level 15 with Dominion Ghost Nova in Co-op Missions. Nova: Level 15
    Reach level 5 with Dominion Ghost Nova in Co-op Missions. Nova: Level 5
    Kill 100 units with Kerrigan in a single mission on Hard difficulty. Now I Am Become Death…
    Kill 15 enemy units with a single Nuke in an Unranked or Ranked game. Nuclear Launch Detected
    Destroy 20 enemy structures before the 1st Nuclear Strike in the “Old Soldiers” mission. Nuclear Launch Rejected
    Deal 5,000 damage with Orbital Strike over the course of the Legacy of the Void campaign. Nuked from Orbit
    Destroy all Zerg forces in less than 10 minutes in the “For Aiur!” mission on Hard difficulty. Oblivion Awaits
    Complete the “Old Soldiers” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Old Soldiers
    Complete the “Infested” mission before the Dominion Gas the Platform a 3rd time on Hard difficulty. Once, Twice, Three Times Malady
    Kill 50 units with a single Penetrator Round in the “Belly of the Beast” mission on Hard difficulty. One Shot, Fifty Kills!
    Do not lose any units before destroying the Void Catalyst during the “Evil Awoken” mission on Normal difficulty. One With The Shadows
    Destroy 333 units with Nova in the “Dark Skies” mission on Hard difficulty or higher. One Woman Army
    Cancel construction of a structure that is being destroyed by an opponent in a Melee game. One-Finger Discount
    Complete all the Commander Dehaka achievements. One-Who-Collects
    Score the rank of Bronze in the “Opening Gambit” challenge mission. Opening Gambit: Bronze
    Score the rank of Gold in the “Opening Gambit” challenge mission. Opening Gambit: Gold
    Score the rank of Silver in the “Opening Gambit” challenge mission. Opening Gambit: Silver
    Complete all the Commander Missions Achievements. Operation Commander
    Kill all Protoss in the “A Sinister Turn” mission on Normal difficulty. Out for Justice
    Complete all mission objectives in the “Outbreak” mission. Outbreak
    Complete all the Outmatched achievements. Outmatched Crusher
    Win a 1 vs 2 Multiplayer Custom Game with no Allies against 2 Elite A.I. opponents. Outmatched: 2 Elite AI
    Win a 1 vs 2 Multiplayer Custom Game with no Allies against 2 Harder A.I. opponents. Outmatched: 2 Harder AI
    Win a 1 vs 2 Multiplayer Custom Game with no Allies against 2 Medium A.I. opponents. Outmatched: 2 Medium AI
    Win a 1 vs 2 Multiplayer Custom Game with no Allies against 2 Very Easy A.I. opponents. Outmatched: 2 Very Easy AI
    Win a 1 vs 3 Multiplayer Custom Game with no Allies against 3 Harder A.I. opponents. Outmatched: 3 Harder AI
    Win a 1 vs 3 Multiplayer Custom Game with no Allies against 3 Medium A.I. opponents. Outmatched: 3 Medium AI
    Win a 1 vs 3 Multiplayer Custom Game with no Allies against 3 Very Easy A.I. opponents. Outmatched: 3 Very Easy AI
    Win a 1 vs 4 Multiplayer Custom Game with no Allies against 4 Harder A.I. opponents. Outmatched: 4 Harder AI
    Win a 1 vs 4 Multiplayer Custom Game with no Allies against 4 Medium A.I. opponents. Outmatched: 4 Medium AI
    Win a 1 vs 4 Multiplayer Custom Game with no Allies against 4 Very Easy A.I. opponents. Outmatched: 4 Very Easy AI
    Complete the "Haven’s Fall” mission with 3 settlements protected on Normal difficulty. Outpatient
    Don’t lose any units to Psionic Energy in the last section of the "Templar’s Return” mission. Outrunner
    Complete the “Echoes of the Future” mission on Hard difficulty in less than 20 minutes. Overmind Dead Body
    Register a copy of the World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Collector’s Edition or Digital Deluxe Edition. Pandamonian Devotion
    Prevent the Defenders of Man from losing more than 20 structures in the “Trouble in Paradise” mission on Normal difficulty or higher. Paradise Not Lost
    Score the rank of Bronze in the “Path of Ascension” challenge mission. Path of Ascension: Bronze
    Score the rank of Gold in the “Path of Ascension” challenge mission. Path of Ascension: Gold
    Score the rank of Silver in the “Path of Ascension” challenge mission. Path of Ascension: Silver
    Seal all caves with rocks in the “Unsealing the Past” mission less than 40 seconds after Zerg begin to emerge from them. Pest Control
    Complete the “Phantoms of the Void” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Phantoms of the Void
    Purchase the Phase-Smith Karax Co-op Commander. Phase-Smith Commander
    Complete all mission objectives in the “Piercing the Shroud” mission. Piercing the Shroud
    Complete the “Planetfall” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Planetfall
    Secure 3 Stabilizers within 80 seconds of each other in the “Sky Shield” mission on Hard difficulty. Plat Trick
    Watch any replay. Play Replay
    Kill a Stank before it kills anything on Hard difficulty. Please Hammer, Don’t Hurt ’Em
    Hatch all 6 Baneling Nests in the “Domination” mission before collecting 100 eggs. Poached Eggs
    Play a game of Starcraft II while in a party. Pool Party
    Reach level 6 with Dehaka within the first 6 minutes on Hard difficulty. Power Leveling
    Activate two Purifier forces within 60 seconds of each other in the “Purification” mission on Normal difficulty. Power Overwhelming
    Deal 100,000 damage with Alarak while he is empowered. Power Play
    Destroy 3 Hybrid Holding Cells before the Hybrid are released in “Hand of Darkness” on Normal difficulty. Power Underwhelming
    Kill 60 enemy units with Kerrigan’s Celestial Beam in “The Essence of Eternity” mission on Normal difficulty. Praise the Sun!
    Destroy all Dominion Structures in the “Rendezvous” mission before Naktul’s brood arrives on Hard difficulty. Premature Evacuation
    Purchase the ARK Star Premium Arcade content. Premium Arcade • ARK Star
    Purchase the Direct Strike Premium Arcade content. Premium Arcade • Direct Strike
    Purchase the Primal Pack Leader Dehaka Co-op Commander. Primal Pack Leader Commander
    Deal 400,000 damage with Glevig, Murvar, and Dakrun in Co-op Missions. Primal Rage
    Reach level 5 with Hierarch Artanis, Matriarch Vorazun, or Phase-Smith Karax in Co-op Missions. Professional Protoss
    Destroy 20 units with Sniper Rounds in an Unranked or Ranked game. Professionals Have Standards
    Complete all the Prophecy mission achievements. Prophecy Mastery
    Win 10 evenly matched Custom Games as Protoss against Very Easy A.I. opponents. Protoss AI Romp: 10
    Win 100 evenly matched Custom Games as Protoss against Very Easy A.I. opponents. Protoss AI Romp: 100
    Win 25 evenly matched Custom Games as Protoss against Very Easy A.I. opponents. Protoss AI Romp: 25
    Win 50 evenly matched Custom Games as Protoss against Very Easy A.I. opponents. Protoss AI Romp: 50
    Have 9 Protoss units warping in simultaneously in an Unranked or Ranked game. Protoss Macro Master
    Complete 5 Protoss research console projects. Protoss Xenobiology
    Complete all objectives in less than 12 minutes in the “Harvest of Screams” mission on Hard difficulty. Psi-lence is Golden
    Score the rank of Bronze in the “Psionic Assault” challenge mission. Psionic Assault: Bronze
    Score the rank of Gold in the “Psionic Assault” challenge mission. Psionic Assault: Gold
    Score the rank of Silver in the “Psionic Assault” challenge mission. Psionic Assault: Silver
    Destroy 20 units with a single High Templar in a Melee game. Psionic Death
    Destroy 6 Tal’darim Gateways or Warp Gates in the “Forbidden Weapon” mission on Normal difficulty. Pull the Plug
    Complete the “Purification” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Purification
    Purchase the Purifier Executor Fenix Co-op Commander. Purifier Executor Commander
    Unlock all the Purifier mission achievements. Purifier Missions
    Deal 5,000 damage with Purifier Beam over the course of the Legacy of the Void campaign. Purify the Unworthy
    Complete the "The Essence of Eternity" mission while killing no more than 15 enemy units with Kerrigan’s Celestial Beam on Hard difficulty. Purity of Purpose
    Play enough qualifying games to get placed in a Matchmaking Ranked League. Qualified For Action
    Kill 500 enemy units in a single mission when playing as Zagara on Hard difficulty. Queen of Destruction
    Complete the “Supreme” mission without letting Kerrigan drop below 100 life on Normal difficulty. Queen of the Jungle
    Reach Terran, Zerg, or Protoss Level 5. Race Level 5
    Play 3 Training matches. Rage against These Machines
    Don’t let the Odin drop below 30% of its total life in the “Engine of Destruction” mission on Hard difficulty. Ragnarok & Roll
    Awarded to the passionate Starcraft II players in China. Raiders’ Medal of Freedom
    Destroy a fully loaded transport in an Unranked or Ranked game. Raining Blood
    Complete the "Rak’Shir” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Rak’Shir
    Destroy 3 Tal’darim Nexuses in the "Rak’Shir” mission on Normal difficulty. Rak’Star
    Speak to the following characters before assaulting Mengsk’s Palace on Korhal [Abathur, Zagara, Dehaka, Stukov, Izsha]. Rally the Troops
    Win 10 evenly matched Custom Games as Random against Very Easy A.I. opponents. Random AI Romp: 10
    Win 100 evenly matched Custom Games as Random against Very Easy A.I. opponents. Random AI Romp: 100
    Win 25 evenly matched Custom Games as Random against Very Easy A.I. opponents. Random AI Romp: 25
    Win 50 evenly matched Custom Games as Random against Very Easy A.I. opponents. Random AI Romp: 50
    Complete the “Lab Rat” mission in less than 10 minutes on Normal difficulty. Rat Race
    Reach level 10 with Jim Raynor in Co-op Missions. Raynor: Level 10
    Reach level 15 with Jim Raynor in Co-op Missions. Raynor: Level 15
    Reach level 5 with Jim Raynor in Co-op Missions. Raynor: Level 5
    Kill 5 enemy units in the “Liberation Day” mission with Raynor on Normal difficulty. Raynor’s Back
    Train a combined total of 20 Zealots or Stalkers in “The Growing Shadow” mission. Ready to Serve
    Locate all of Tosh’s Crew in "The Devil’s Playground” mission on Hard difficulty. Reaper Man
    Complete all the Rebellion mission achievements. Rebellion Mastery
    Complete the “Old Soldiers” mission in less than 20 minutes on Normal difficulty. Recalled Down the Thunder
    Don’t let 5 units die to the Gorgon Battlecruiser in the “Fire in the Sky” mission. Red Alert
    Kill the Brutalisk with lava in "The Devil’s Playground” mission on Normal difficulty. Red Lobster
    Use a Leviathan to kill 25 enemy units or structures in a single mission. Release The Kraken
    Complete the “Rendezvous” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Rendezvous
    Collect all Mineral and Gas pickups in “The Growing Shadow” mission on Normal difficulty. Resourceful
    Unlock all the Return to Aiur mission achievements. Return to Aiur Missions
    Deal 200,000 damage with Nova while she is in Assault Mode. Riding Shotgun
    Complete the “Steps of the Rite” mission before the fourth Terrazine Fog cycle begins on Normal difficulty. Rise and Shrine
    Kill 100 enemy units using Zagara’s Infested Drop in a single mission on Hard difficulty. Roach Rampage
    Complete the “Smash and Grab” mission on Normal difficulty without losing a unit to a Protoss Stone Guardian. Rock Solid
    Kill 4 Primal Hives in the “Waking the Ancient” mission on Normal difficulty. Rude Awakening
    Score the rank of Bronze in the “Rush Defense” challenge mission. Rush Defense: Bronze
    Score the rank of Gold in the “Rush Defense” challenge mission. Rush Defense: Gold
    Score the rank of Silver in the “Rush Defense” challenge mission. Rush Defense: Silver
    Destroy the Zenith Stones within the first 10 minutes of the “Last Stand” mission. Rush Hour
    Complete “The Evacuation” mission on Hard difficulty without losing or salvaging a structure. Sacrifice Nothing
    Complete all mission objectives in the “Safe Haven” mission. Safe Haven
    Complete round 8 in “StarCraft Master” without losing any Stalkers. Safe Zone
    Complete the “Salvation” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Salvation
    Reach the Prison Deck with Kerrigan in less than 8 minutes in the “Conviction” mission on Normal difficulty. Saturday Night Fever
    Complete the “Night Terrors” mission without any Extraction Devices being destroyed on Normal difficulty or higher. Save the Whales
    Kill 200 enemy units with Karax’s Solar Lance in a single mission on Hard difficulty. Scorched Earth
    Complete the Ulnar Missions in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Secrets Unearthed
    Destroy an enemy Barracks, Factory, and Starport in the “Media Blitz” mission during the sneak attack on Normal difficulty. Seek & Destroy
    Kill 250 additional Zerg units in the “In Utter Darkness” mission on Normal difficulty. Semi-Glorious
    Kill 50 units with Vorazun’s Shadow Guard in a single mission on Hard difficulty. Shadow Guard
    Kill 120 units with Colossi in the “For Aiur!” mission. Shadow of the Colossus
    Unlock all the Shakuras mission achievements. Shakuras Missions
    Complete all mission objectives in the “Shatter the Sky” mission. Shatter the Sky
    Destroy 2 Command Centers in the “Hand of Darkness” mission. Shattered Command
    Deal 5,000 damage with Psionic Shift. Shifted Priorities
    Kill 75 enemy units or structures with cloaked Banshees in the “Supernova” mission on Hard difficulty. Shock ’n’ Awe
    Complete the “Shoot the Messenger” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Shoot the Messenger
    Kill the Tyrannozor in under 1 minute after it appears in “The Crucible” mission on Hard difficulty. Short Life Expectancy
    Spawn 5,000 Infested Marines in Co-op Missions. Short Term Infestment
    Absorb 1,000 damage with hallucinations in an Unranked or Ranked game. Shroom Absorption
    Destroy Zagara’s base in the “Domination” mission in less than 14 minutes on Hard difficulty before collecting 100 eggs. Shutout
    Complete the first section of the "Templar’s Return” mission on Hard difficulty without allowing Vorazun to take any damage. Silent but Deadly
    Complete “The Great Train Robbery” mission without letting a Train pass by on Hard difficulty. Silver Streak
    Play a game during StarCraft II’s 6th anniversary celebration. Six Pools, Six Years
    Complete the “Sky Shield” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Sky Shield
    Complete all the Skygeirr mission achievements. Skygeirr Missions
    Complete the Skygeirr Station missions in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Skygeirr Missions
    Complete all mission objectives in the “Smash and Grab” mission. Smash and Grab
    Deal 800,000 damage with Dehaka in Co-op Missions. Smashy Smashy
    Kill 50 enemy units or structures with Kinetic Blast. Smoking Corpses
    Harvest 100,000 Vespene Gas for your ally with Rory Swann’s Vespene Harvester in Co-op Missions. Smooth Operator
    Kill 100 enemy units or structures with Spawn Banelings. So Many Banelings!
    Absorb 10,000 damage for your ally with Artanis’s Shield Overcharge in Co-op Missions. Sol-alright
    Kill 50 units with a single strike of Artanis’s Solar Bombardment on Hard difficulty. Solar Fury
    Acquire 100 Solarite for the Solar Core in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Solar Powered: 100
    Acquire 150 Solarite for the Solar Core in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Solar Powered: 150
    Acquire 200 Solarite for the Solar Core in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Solar Powered: 200
    Acquire 250 Solarite for the Solar Core in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Solar Powered: 250
    Acquire 300 Solarite for the Solar Core in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Solar Powered: 300
    Acquire 50 Solarite for the Solar Core in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Solar Powered: 50
    Score the rank of Gold in all the challenge missions. Solid Gold
    Don’t train additional SCVs before purchasing Han’s contract in the “Cutthroat” mission on Hard difficulty. Solitaire
    Secure and disable 2 Void Crystals without any assistance from Kerrigan’s Swarm in the “Harbinger of Oblivion” mission on Hard Difficulty. Solo Operative, Right?
    Win 1000 1v1 Unranked or Ranked games as each race option. Solo Zen Master
    Destroy at least 3 hatcheries before zerg reinforcements arrive in the “Trouble in Paradise” mission. Somebody Call For An Exterminator?
    Don’t let a Mag Mine hit the Hyperion in the “With Friends Like These…” mission on Normal difficulty. Space Ace
    Complete the Space Missions in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Space Missions
    Use 4 abilities within 10 seconds with Ability Efficiency. Spammer
    Repair 2,000 life of friendly units by using Reconstruction Beam over the course of the Legacy of the Void campaign. Spark of Life
    Play a game of StarCraft II while in a party containing Spawned players. Spawning Pool Party
    Complete the “Spear of Adun” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Spear of Adun
    Destroy the Odin in “The Reckoning” mission before Mengsk sends it at Raynor on Hard difficulty. Speed Bump
    Complete the “Shatter the Sky” mission on Hard difficulty in less than 25 minutes. Speed Too!
    Infest all Garrisons without losing a Virophage in the “Infested” mission on Normal difficulty. Spreading the Disease
    Activate all the Power Cells in less than 15 minutes in the “Spear of Adun” mission on Normal difficulty. Sprinter Cell
    Celebrate the Nova: Covert Ops Release. Spy Games
    Complete the “Whispers of Doom” mission on Normal difficulty with 3 or more Stalkers. Stalker Delight
    Complete any 20 rounds in “StarCraft Master". StarCraft Apprentice
    Complete any 25 rounds in “StarCraft Master". StarCraft Expert
    Purchased a StarCraft II campaign prior to Patch 4.0. StarCraft II Veteran
    Complete all 30 rounds in “StarCraft Master". StarCraft Master
    Complete any 10 rounds in “StarCraft Master". StarCraft Pupil
    Purchase StarCraft Remastered. StarCraft Remastered
    Purchase 10 starship upgrades from the Armory console. Starship Tech Master
    Click on each object viewable from the Leviathan. StarTours
    Start a conversation with all the main characters. Stay Awhile and Listen
    Prevent Kerrigan’s life from dropping below 50% in the “Conviction” mission. Staying Alive
    Complete the “Steps of the Rite” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Steps of the Rite
    Complete the "End Game" mission without losing any Gorgons to the Xanthos’s attacks on Normal difficulty or higher. Stonewall Defense
    Complete the “Harvest of Screams” mission in less than 15 minutes on Normal difficulty. Storm Chaser
    Destroy 15 units with Psionic Storms in the “Harbinger of Oblivion” mission. Stormcaller
    Don’t let Stukov die in the “Phantoms of the Void” mission. Stukov Strikes Back
    Reach level 10 with Infested Admiral Stukov in Co-op Missions. Stukov: Level 10
    Reach level 15 with Infested Admiral Stukov in Co-op Missions. Stukov: Level 15
    Reach level 5 with Infested Admiral Stukov in Co-op Missions. Stukov: Level 5
    Complete the “Sudden Strike” mission in Nova: Covert Ops. Sudden Strike
    Deal 300,000 damage with Fenix in Co-op Missions. Suit Up!
    Purchase all of the StarCraft II: Nova Covert Ops Mission Packs. Super Nova
    Prevent up to 2,000 damage with Shield Overcharge over the course of the Legacy of the Void campaign. Super Soaker
    Complete all mission objectives in the “Supernova” mission. Supernova
    Complete the “Supreme” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Supreme
    Complete all the Unranked / Ranked Combat achievements. Supreme Being
    Complete the following Race Versus A.I. achievements. Supreme Command
    Score 2000 points in a game of Aiur Chef. Supreme Cuisine
    Kill 100 enemy units with the Infest Broodlings ability active. Surprise!
    Reach level 10 with Rory Swann in Co-op Missions. Swann: Level 10
    Reach level 15 with Rory Swann in Co-op Missions. Swann: Level 15
    Reach level 5 with Rory Swann in Co-op Missions. Swann: Level 5
    Complete all Kerrigan Level, Army mutation, and Evolution mission achievements. Swarm Domination
    Prevent the Hyperion from taking damage in “The Reckoning” mission. Swarm Guardian
    Complete the “Into the Void” mission before the sixth Void Thrasher appears on Normal difficulty. Swift Execution
    Heal 50,000 life on allied units in Co-op Missions. Symbiosis
    Score the rank of Bronze in the “Tactical Command” challenge mission. Tactical Command: Bronze
    Score the rank of Gold in the “Tactical Command” challenge mission. Tactical Command: Gold
    Score the rank of Silver in the “Tactical Command” challenge mission. Tactical Command: Silver
    Win a 2v2 game of ’StarJeweled’ with no A.I. players. Tag Team
    Place in a league via Ranked Play or Tournaments. Take Your Place
    Purchase the Tal’darim Highlord Alarak Co-op Commander. Tal’darim Highlord Commander
    Unlock all the Tal’darim mission achievements. Tal’darim Missions
    Kill 50 enemy units with a single strike of Karax’s Purifier Beam on Hard difficulty. Target Purified
    Finished a season in a Team Bronze Division. Team Top 100 Bronze
    Finished a season in a Team Diamond Division. Team Top 100 Diamond
    Finished a season in a Team Gold Division. Team Top 100 Gold
    Finished a season in a Team Master Division. Team Top 100 Master
    Finished a season in a Team Platinum Division. Team Top 100 Platinum
    Finished a season in a Team Silver Division. Team Top 100 Silver
    Finished a season in the Top 25 of a Team Bronze Division. Team Top 25 Bronze
    Finished a season in the Top 25 of a Team Diamond Division. Team Top 25 Diamond
    Finished a season in the Top 25 of a Team Gold Division. Team Top 25 Gold
    Finished a season in the Top 25 of a Team Master Division. Team Top 25 Master
    Finished a season in the Top 25 of a Team Platinum Division. Team Top 25 Platinum
    Finished a season in the Top 25 of a Team Silver Division. Team Top 25 Silver
    Finished a season in the Top 50 of a Team Bronze Division. Team Top 50 Bronze
    Finished a season in the Top 50 of a Team Diamond Division. Team Top 50 Diamond
    Finished a season in the Top 50 of a Team Gold Division. Team Top 50 Gold
    Finished a season in the Top 50 of a Team Master Division. Team Top 50 Master
    Finished a season in the Top 50 of a Team Platinum Division. Team Top 50 Platinum
    Finished a season in the Top 50 of a Team Silver Division. Team Top 50 Silver
    Finished a season in the Top 8 of a Team Bronze Division. Team Top 8 Bronze
    Finished a season in the Top 8 of a Team Diamond Division. Team Top 8 Diamond
    Finished a season in the Top 8 of a Team Gold Division. Team Top 8 Gold
    Finished a season in the Top 8 of a Team Master Division. Team Top 8 Master
    Finished a season in the Top 8 of a Team Platinum Division. Team Top 8 Platinum
    Finished a season in the Top 8 of a Team Silver Division. Team Top 8 Silver
    Win 1000 Team Unranked or Ranked games as each race option. Team Zen Master
    Destroy the Titanic Warp Prism in less than 10 minutes in the “Temple of Unification” mission. Templar of Doom
    Complete the "Templar’s Charge” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Templar’s Charge
    Complete the "Templar’s Return” mission in the Legacy of the Void Campaign. Templar’s Return
    Complete the “Temple of Unification” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Temple of Unification
    Destroy all Zerg Lairs in the “Unsealing the Past” mission before the Megalith reaches the fourth Stasis Lock on Hard difficulty. Termination Protocols
    Beat the Terra-tron on the Lost Viking arcade machine. Terra-tron Terrorized!
    Win 10 evenly matched Custom Games as Terran against Very Easy A.I. opponents. Terran AI Romp: 10
    Win 100 evenly matched Custom Games as Terran against Very Easy A.I. opponents. Terran AI Romp: 100
    Win 25 evenly matched Custom Games as Terran against Very Easy A.I. opponents. Terran AI Romp: 25
    Win 50 evenly matched Custom Games as Terran against Very Easy A.I. opponents. Terran AI Romp: 50
    Reach level 5 with Jim Raynor or Rory Swann in Co-op Missions. Terran into It
    Have 9 Terran units training simultaneously in an Unranked or Ranked game. Terran Macro Master
    Destroy 20 enemy structures before the 2nd Psi Destroyer field activation in the “Death From Above” mission. Terran Up the Sky
    Destroy a Void Shard with the assistance of your allied Protoss forces in “The Host” mission. Thanks for the Assist
    Win 5 Team Matchmaking Unranked or Ranked games. That’s Teamwork
    Deal 300,000 damage with champions in Co-op Missions. The A.I. Personality Test
    Collect all 5 Xel’Naga Artifacts. The Artifact
    Using Warp Prisms, warp in 50 units in a single Melee game. The Back Door
    Destroy 4 Zerg Hatcheries in the “Zero Hour” mission on Hard difficulty. The Best Defense…
    Destroy all the Spore Cannons in “The Gates of Hell” mission on Normal difficulty. The Big Bang Cannon
    Kill the Hybrid Behemoth in less than 12 minutes in “The Infinite Cycle” mission on Hard difficulty. The Bigger They Are
    Complete “The Crucible” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. The Crucible
    Complete all mission objectives in "The Devil’s Playground” mission. The Devil’s Playground
    Complete all mission objectives in “The Dig” mission. The Dig
    Complete “The Escape” mission in Nova: Covert Ops. The Escape
    Complete “The Essence of Eternity” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. The Essence of Eternity
    Complete all mission objectives in “The Evacuation” mission. The Evacuation
    Heal 5,000 life with Medivacs in an Unranked or Ranked game. The Flying Heal Bus
    Complete all mission objectives in “The Gates of Hell” mission. The Gates of Hell
    Complete all mission objectives in “The Great Train Robbery” mission. The Great Train Robbery
    Complete “The Growing Shadow” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. The Growing Shadow
    Kill another zealot chef when hit by the Great Equalizer. The Heat Is On
    Complete all the Commander Han and Horner achievements. The Horners
    Complete “The Host” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. The Host
    Play a game during StarCraft II’s 8th anniversary celebration. The Infin-8 Cycle
    Complete “The Infinite Cycle” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. The Infinite Cycle
    Do not kill any Defenders of Man forces in the “Enemy Intelligence” mission on Normal difficulty or higher. The Invisible Woman
    Reward for Purchasing Overwatch: Origins Edition. The Koprulu Sector Needs Heroes
    Complete all mission objectives in “The Moebius Factor” mission. The Moebius Factor
    Destroy 75 enemy zerg units and structures with nuclear strikes in the “Flashpoint” mission. The Nuclear Option
    Complete all mission objectives in “The Outlaws” mission. The Outlaws
    Kill 2 Hybrid within 20 seconds of each other in the “Phantoms of the Void” mission on Normal difficulty. The Phantoms Menaced
    Deal 20,000 damage in a single mission with Swann’s Drakken Laser Drill on Hard difficulty. The Power of the Sun at Your Fingertips
    Complete “The Reckoning” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. The Reckoning
    Deplete 10 Rich Mineral Fields in a single Melee game. The Rich Get Richer
    Complete the "Steps of the Rite" mission without killing any Tal’darim forces on Hard difficulty. The Rite Stuff
    Destroy all Zerg structures in "The Devil’s Playground” mission on Normal difficulty. The Scenic Route
    Deal 100,000 damage with the Aleksander in Co-op Missions. The Stukov Maneuver
    Kill 25 units with a single Air-Strike on Hard difficulty. The Thunder
    Play 3 Unranked or Ranked matches. Third’s the Charm
    Destroy all Void Corruption structures in the “Into the Void” mission. This House Is Clean
    Celebrate the 3rd anniversary of the OlimoLeague. Three Years of OlimoLeague
    Win a 3v3 Unranked or Ranked game playing all race possibilities. Three-way Dominant
    Kill an enemy Ghost as it is calling down a nuke in the “End Game” mission. Thunderstruck
    Deal 800,000 combined damage with Call in the Fleet and Space Station Reallocation. Till Death Do Them Part
    Maintain Kerrigan’s Fury for 60 seconds with Fury. To The Limit
    Use Blink to save a Stalker in a Melee game. To the Shadows I Run
    Kill every enemy unit in the “Ghost of a Chance” mission on Hard difficulty. Total Protonic Reversal
    Recall more than 20 units at the same time with Mass Recall. Total Recall
    Kill 1,000 enemy units with Karax’s defensive structures in Co-op Missions. Tower Defense
    Deal 25,000 damage with Toxic Nests on Hard difficulty in Co-op Missions. Toxicity
    Train 10 Marines during the first 320 seconds of a single Melee game. Training Day
    Complete Training stage 1. Training: Stage 1
    Complete Training stage 2. Training: Stage 2
    Complete Training stage 3 with all three races. Training: Stage 3
    Destroy 3 Void Crystals within 60 seconds of each other in the "Amon’s Fall” mission on Hard difficulty. Triple Tap
    Complete the "Templar’s Charge” mission without moving the platform more than 4 times on Hard difficulty. Tropophobic
    Complete the “Trouble in Paradise” mission in Nova: Covert Ops. Trouble in Paradise
    Win a 2v2 Unranked or Ranked game playing all race possibilities. Two-way Dominant
    Unlock all the Ulnar mission achievements. Ulnar Missions
    Collect 42 resource pickups in the "Templar’s Charge” mission on Normal difficulty. Ultimate Answer
    Complete all the Umoja mission achievements. Umoja Missions
    Complete the Umoja Missions in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Umoja Missions
    Complete the “Belly of the Beast” mission without letting a hero fall Incapacitated on Normal difficulty. Unbreakable
    Destroy 40 units with a single unit in an Unranked or Ranked game. Unbreakable!
    Deal 5,000 damage with Chain Reaction. Unchained
    Reach the Technology Vault in less than 11 minutes in the “Forbidden Weapon” mission on Hard difficulty. Unrestricted Access
    Complete the “Unsealing the Past” mission in the Legacy of the Void campaign. Unsealing the Past
    Destroy 300 enemy units with Gorgons in the “Dark Skies” mission. Until Death Fleet We Part
    Purchase 10 vehicle upgrades from the Armory console. Vehicle Tech Master
    Win 3 Matchmaking Versus A.I. games. Versus A.I. Novice
    Complete all the Very Easy A.I. achievements. Very Easy A.I. Crusher
    Win a 1v1 Multiplayer Custom Game against a Very Easy A.I. opponent in under 5 minutes. Very Easy Blitz
    Win a Free-For-All Multiplayer Custom Game against 7 Very Easy A.I. opponents. Very Easy FFA
    Win a match against an Easy A.I. opponent. Victory: Easy
    Win a match against an Elite A.I. opponent. Victory: Elite
    Win a match against a Hard A.I. opponent. Victory: Hard
    Win a match against a Harder A.I. opponent. Victory: Harder
    Win a match against a Medium A.I. opponent. Victory: Medium
    Win a match against a Very Hard A.I. opponent. Victory: Very Hard
    Play 50 Unranked or Ranked matches. View From Up Top
    Cook at least one of each dish in all three rounds of one game of Aiur Chef. Virtuoso
    On Char, teach Zagara what it means to be the ruler of the Swarm. Visionary
    Reach level 10 with Matriarch Vorazun in Co-op Missions. Vorazun: Level 10
    Reach level 15 with Matriarch Vorazun in Co-op Missions. Vorazun: Level 15
    Reach level 5 with Matriarch Vorazun in Co-op Missions. Vorazun: Level 5
    Complete the “Waking the Ancient” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Waking the Ancient
    Kill 50 units with Kerrigan’s Leaping Strike in a single mission on Hard difficulty. Walking Dead
    Warp in 100 units with Warp Gates in an Unranked or Ranked game. Warp In Madness
    Don’t let a Protoss Shuttle begin Warping Out in the “Shoot the Messenger” mission. Warp in Peace
    Warp in a Twilight Council during the first 275 seconds of a Melee game. Warp In Time
    Warp in 5,000 units with Artanis in Co-op Missions. Warp Speed
    Use Warp Gates to warp in 5 units within 10 seconds in the “Spear of Adun” mission. Warp Tour
    Destroy a Zerg Hatchery or Lair within 6 minutes of acquiring your base in “The Growing Shadow” mission on Hard difficulty. We Move Unseen
    Complete all the Melee Combat achievements. Welcome Back, Commander
    Complete all mission objectives in the “Welcome to the Jungle” mission. Welcome to the Jungle
    Don’t let Brakk destroy any Biomass in the “Waking the Ancient” mission on Hard difficulty. Whack-A-Brakk
    Complete round 9 in “StarCraft Master” in under 45 seconds. Whack-a-Roach
    Complete the "Trouble in Paradise" mission without letting the Tal’darim Mothership fully power up on Hard difficulty or higher. What Mothership?
    Target and hit 100 friendly units with Wild Mutation. Where the Wild Things Are
    Complete all mission objectives in the “Whispers of Doom” mission. Whispers of Doom
    Complete the Whispers of Oblivion Campaign. Whispers of Oblivion
    Unlock all the Whispers of Oblivion mission achievements. Whispers of Oblivion Completionist
    Complete the “Supreme” mission in less than 12 minutes on Hard difficulty. Whose Queen Reigns Supreme?
    Complete the Wings of Liberty campaign. Wings of Liberty
    Complete 10 missions in the Wings of Liberty campaign on Brutal difficulty. Wings of Liberty: Brutal 10
    Complete 15 missions in the Wings of Liberty campaign on Brutal difficulty. Wings of Liberty: Brutal 15
    Complete 20 missions in the Wings of Liberty campaign on Brutal difficulty. Wings of Liberty: Brutal 20
    Complete 25 missions in the Wings of Liberty campaign on Brutal difficulty. Wings of Liberty: Brutal 25
    Complete 5 missions in the Wings of Liberty campaign on Brutal difficulty. Wings of Liberty: Brutal 5
    Complete 10 missions in the Wings of Liberty campaign on Hard difficulty. Wings of Liberty: Hard 10
    Complete 15 missions in the Wings of Liberty campaign on Hard difficulty. Wings of Liberty: Hard 15
    Complete 20 missions in the Wings of Liberty campaign on Hard difficulty. Wings of Liberty: Hard 20
    Complete 25 missions in the Wings of Liberty campaign on Hard difficulty. Wings of Liberty: Hard 25
    Complete 5 missions in the Wings of Liberty campaign on Hard difficulty. Wings of Liberty: Hard 5
    Win 2 Multiplayer games in the same mode. Winner is Coming
    Complete the "With Friends Like These…” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. With Friends Like These…
    Morph 36 sets of Drones with the Twin Drones ability active. Worker Rush
    Purchase the WCS 2016 Portrait Pack. World Championship Spectator
    Do a 6 combo gem break and receive "For the Swarm" notification in a game of ’StarJeweled’. World of Orecraft
    Destroy 6 Terran units as they are warped in during the “Dark Whispers” mission on Normal difficulty. World of Warpcraft
    Destroy 5 units with a single Neural Parasited unit in an Unranked or Ranked game. Would You Kindly…
    Complete "The Essence of Eternity" mission without allowing Kerrigan’s life to drop below 1500. Xel’naga Lifeguard
    Discover the true purpose of the Xel’Naga Artifact while at the Skygeirr Platform. Xel’Naga Secrets
    Destroy 20 units with Yamato blasts in an Unranked or Ranked game. Yamato Master Blaster
    Participate in the official recruitment activities. Year of the Snake
    Destroy 50 Protoss structures in “The Dig” mission on Hard difficulty. Yippee-ki-yay…
    Win 5 games of StarCraft II or Arcade during the 2013 Back-to-School promotion. You Got Schooled
    Reach Ascension level 91 in Co-op. You have Ascended!
    Save 3 Colonist Outposts in the “Safe Haven” mission on Normal difficulty. You Shall Not Pass
    Harvest 20,000 gas with Orbital Assimilators over the course of the Legacy of the Void campaign. You Will Be Assimilated
    Deal 200,000 damage with Precision Strikes. You’re the Bomb
    Use Structure Overcharge on allied structures to deal 30,000 damage. You’re Welcome
    Destroy all Protoss structures in the “Welcome to the Jungle” mission on Normal difficulty. You’ze So Crazy!
    Your ally kills 1,000 units while Vorazun’s Spear of Adun Time Stop is activated in Co-op Missions. Your Turn
    Reach level 10 with Queen Zagara in Co-op Missions. Zagara: Level 10
    Reach level 15 with Queen Zagara in Co-op Missions. Zagara: Level 15
    Reach level 5 with Queen Zagara in Co-op Missions. Zagara: Level 5
    Warp in 5 Zealots during the first 250 seconds of a single Melee game. Zealot Push
    Complete the Zeratul storyline in the Wings of Liberty campaign. Zeratul Missions
    Win 10 evenly matched Custom Games as Zerg against Very Easy A.I. opponents. Zerg AI Romp: 10
    Win 100 evenly matched Custom Games as Zerg against Very Easy A.I. opponents. Zerg AI Romp: 100
    Win 25 evenly matched Custom Games as Zerg against Very Easy A.I. opponents. Zerg AI Romp: 25
    Win 50 evenly matched Custom Games as Zerg against Very Easy A.I. opponents. Zerg AI Romp: 50
    Have 21 Zerg units morphing simultaneously in an Unranked or Ranked game. Zerg Macro Master
    Complete “The Reckoning” mission in less than 25 minutes on Normal difficulty. Zerg Rush
    Rescue all trapped Swarm Queens before Naktul’s forces arrive in the “Rendezvous” mission on Normal difficulty. Zerg Save the Queen
    Complete 5 Zerg research console projects. Zerg Xenobiology
    Morph 20 Zerglings during the first 255 seconds of a single Melee game. Zergling Rush
    While playing as Zerg, warp in a Zealot in a Melee game. Zerglot
    Complete all mission objectives in the “Zero Hour” mission. Zero Hour
    Complete the Zerus Missions in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Zerus Missions
    Complete all the Zerus mission achievements. Zerus Missions

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by starlin17 160K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by pjmacphee 69K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by KratosIrving 84K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by James00715 479K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Thoughtismagic 236K
In-Depth FAQs Achievement Guide by inferno719 63K
In-Depth FAQs Challenge Guide by Drayxs 58K
In-Depth FAQs Cinematics Script by AdmiralPo 42K
In-Depth FAQs Credit Usage/Upgrade Guide by Rossmacdaddy 32K
In-Depth FAQs Damage Chart by happyscrub1 28K
In-Depth FAQs Hard Mode Achievement Guide by danielbradburry 30K
In-Depth FAQs Multiplayer Guide by shockwave_xpow 166K
In-Depth FAQs Rush Strategy Guide by cyberjvh 20K
In-Depth FAQs Unit Guide by dinokiller14 79K
In-Depth FAQs Unit Quote Guide by Final_Revenger 54K
In-Depth FAQs Upgrade Guide by AdmiralPo 46K