Cheats & Guides

Silent Scope 3 Cheats For PlayStation 2

  1. Real-Time Window

    Get a grade of S or better in the Shooting Range to unlock the Real-Time Window. Turn it on in EX Options. This places and locks the scope view in the upper-left corner of the screen.

    Contributed by: yyr57695 

  2. Professional and Continuous mission mode

    When you beat every EX mission you get Professional and Continuous mission mode in the EX options.

    Professional mode has no target alerts. And Continous mission mode has no dialogue.

    Contributed by: Valus 

  3. Bonus Girl Locations for Silent Scope EX

    Put these girls on your scope to gain a 10% life boost

    Building- 1st area, bottom right corner of building, will move to middle right part of building
    Boat- 1st area, top right corner of boat on roof
    Airplane- 1st area, standing directly right of ambulance
    Patrolled Route- 2nd area, parachuting on top right corner, will move towards top left corner
    Low Alt. Route- 4th area (the one with cars), parachuting at top right corner, will move towards top left corner
    President Speech- far left of screen, standing right above the limousine
    President Parade- directly northwest of the 6th suspect (the one in the rightmost building)
    President Drive- right after you pass the 1st set of bridges, on a green advertisement sign with the girl on it on the side of the road
    Helicopter Attack- 3rd area, middle right section of the train
    4WD Jeep Attack- 3rd area, far right section of the train
    Hang Glider Sneak In- 1st area, on the westmost edge of the pillar near the ladders, will walk towards the north side of pillar another girl located on the bottom left corner of the platform on the south.
    Cargo Sneak In- area where the truck passes by, directly east of you
    Underwater Sneak In- 3rd area, swimming right above the leftmost rock
    Enemy's Main Base- 1st area, must shoot the eastmost door, girl will be behind door after it's shot open

    Contributed by: Dninex