Cheats & Guides

Sega Classics Collection Cheats For PlayStation 2

  1. Space Harrier: Turn Object Shadows On (Fractal OFF ONLY)

    Space Harrier
    Turn Object Shadows On (Fractal OFF ONLY)
    *This code only works if Fractal is set to OFF in the Options menu.

    To activate ground shadows under objects (Harrier, enemies, and shots):
    On the title screen or title menu, input the following code with the directional button:
    Right, Left, Down, Up

    Harrier's hit-reaction sound ("Aaaaugh!") will play indicating the code has been input.

    During the game there will be shadows displayed under objects such as Harrier, enemies and shots.

    Contributed by: Gogeta 

  2. Outrun: Camera Can Be Moved To Explore The Music Select Menu

    (This is an undocumented extra that allows the exploration of a menu background.)

    In the Select Music By Steering menus, the camera can be moved by holding
    L1 or L2 and moving the directional button (this doesn't work with the left analog stick).
    With L1 Held:
    LEFT: Move Camera Back
    RIGHT: Move Camera Forward
    UP: Slide Camera Left
    DOWN: Slide Camera Right

    With L2 Held:
    LEFT: Slowly Rotate/Pan Camera Right
    RIGHT: Slowly Rotate/Pan Camera Left
    UP: Rotate/Pan Camera Left
    DOWN: Rotate/Pan Camera Right

    This allows the player to explore the menu which normally just shows a hand on a car radio.

    Contributed by: Gogeta 

  3. Virtua Racing: Unlockable Cars

    The following cars can be unlocked in Virtua Racing by earning at least a certain amount of Possession Points in Grand Prix Mode and then completing the current Set.

    Note: 300 Possession Points is the most that can be earned in Grand Prix mode (5 Sets, 30 Races).
    Unlockable cars can't be used in Arcade Mode.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete a Set after earning at least 251 Possession Points. Classic - Handling
    Complete a Set after earning at least 181 Possession Points. Coupe - Drift
    Complete a Set after earning at least 51 Possession Points. F-1 70's - Acceleration
    Complete a Set after earning at least 121 Possession Points. Prototype - Max Speed

    Contributed by: Gogeta 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Secrets FAQ Secrets FAQ by Gogeta 57K