Cheats & Guides

Icewind Dale Cheats For PC

  1. Item Duplication

    1. Give the item(s) you want to duplicate to one character (character A).
    2. Export A to any export file.
    3. Save & exit, then load your game.
    4. At the Character Arbitration screen, click on an empty slot.
    5. At the character creation screen, select 'Import' and choose the export file you saved A to.
    6. Go thru the rest of the character generation and you will have a clone of A, B.
    7. In your game, take all the items (the ones you want duplicated) off of B and give them to your other characters.
    8. Save!! and load your game. Delete B.
    You now have copies of all of A's items. This can be repeated as many times as needed.

    Contributed by: DarkMoonDragon66 

  2. Codes

    During gameplay press Ctrl + Tab to open the console, then enter the following codes:

    Effect Effect
    CHEATERSDOPROSPER:ExploreArea(); Full map
    CHEATERSDOPROSPER:AddGold([#]); Gives # gold
    CHEATERSDOPROSPER:FirstAid(); Gives 5 healing potions, 5 antidotes, and 1 scroll of Stone to Flesh
    CHEATERSDOPROSPER:Midas(); Gives 500 gold
    CHEATERSDOPROSPER:SetCurrentXP([#]); Gives selected characters # exp
    CHEATERSDOPROSPER:CreateItem([item name]); Spawn given item
    CHEATERSDOPROSPER:Hans(); Teleport to pointer

    Contributed by: Starky27 

  3. Enable cheat keys

    First download the latest patch (1.05 or above). Then open the ''icewind.ini'' file under where you installed the game. Under the [Game Options] heading, add the line ''Cheats=1'' (no quotes). Then start the game and press Ctrl and Tab to open the console. Enter: CHEATERSDOPROSPER:EnableCheatKeys(), if you installed expansion enter: GETYOURCHEATON:EnableCheatKeys()

    Effect Effect
    Ctrl+6 Goes through character icons backwards
    Ctrl+7 Goes through character icons forwards
    Ctrl+R Heals character under mouse pointer
    Ctrl+Y Kills character under mouse pointer
    Ctrl+Q Makes monster/npc under mouse pointer join your party
    Ctrl+J Moves party to position under mouse pointer
    Ctrl+9 Shows boxes around characters
    Ctrl+4 Shows triggers and traps

    Contributed by: Fenriswolf 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Haeravon 1097K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by DChan 88K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by RInogami 106K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by DSimpson 346K
In-Depth Guides AD&D Rules FAQ by D_Simpson 49K
In-Depth Guides Character Creation/Development Guide by mikesmgame 73K
In-Depth Guides Item List by DSimpson 690K
In-Depth Guides Reference Guide by Naranek Angmar 164K
In-Depth Guides Spell FAQ by Last Avenger 40K
In-Depth Guides Store Items FAQ by M.Walsh 30K
Maps and Charts Kresselack's Tomb Map by DSimpson 62K
Maps and Charts Shattered Hand Map by DSimpson 95K

Icewind Dale Cheats For Macintosh

  1. Item Duplication

    1. Give the item(s) you want to duplicate to one character (character A).
    2. Export A to any export file.
    3. Save & exit, then load your game.
    4. At the Character Arbitration screen, click on an empty slot.
    5. At the character creation screen, select 'Import' and choose the export file you saved A to.
    6. Go thru the rest of the character generation and you will have a clone of A, B.
    7. In your game, take all the items (the ones you want duplicated) off of B and give them to your other characters.
    8. Save!! and load your game. Delete B.
    You now have copies of all of A's items. This can be repeated as many times as needed.

    Contributed by: bouncy125 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Haeravon 1097K
In-Depth Guides Reference Guide by Naranek Angmar 164K
In-Depth Guides Store Items FAQ by M.Walsh 30K

Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter Cheats For PC

  1. Cheat Keys

    Enable console cheats by adding the line Cheats=1 under Game Options in the icewind.ini file. Then during gameplay press Ctrl + Tab and enter the code GETYOURCHEATON:EnableCheatKeys(); then press the following keys:

    Effect Effect
    Ctrl + 9 Display character bounding boxes
    Ctrl + 4 Display trigger polygons (shows traps)
    Ctrl + R Heal or resurrect selected character
    Ctrl + Y Kill selected monster or NPC
    Ctrl + J Move characters to pointer

    Contributed by: Starky27 

  2. Codes

    Enable console cheats by adding the line Cheats=1 under Game Options in the icewind.ini file. Then during gameplay press Ctrl + Tab and enter the following codes:

    Effect Effect
    GETYOURCHEATON:ExploreArea(); Full map
    GETYOURCHEATON:AddGold(#) Gives # gold
    GETYOURCHEATON:FirstAid(); Gives 5 healing potions, 5 antidotes, and 1 scroll of Stone to Flesh
    GETYOURCHEATON:Midas(); Gives 500 gold
    GETYOURCHEATON:SetCurrentXP(#); Gives selected characters # exp
    GETYOURCHEATON:CreateItem([item name]) Spawn given item
    GETYOURCHEATON:Hans(); Teleport to pointer

    Contributed by: Starky27 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by M.Walsh 243K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by DSimpson 346K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by DChan 36K
In-Depth Guides Character Creation/Development Guide by mikesmgame 73K
In-Depth Guides Party Creation Guide by bubblz 11K
In-Depth Guides Reference Guide by Naranek Angmar 164K
In-Depth Guides Spells Guide by ATolentino 346K
In-Depth Guides Store Items FAQ by M.Walsh 25K
Maps and Charts Burial Isle Map by DSimpson 80K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Haeravon 1254K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Haeravon 1254K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Haeravon 1254K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Haeravon 1254K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Haeravon 1254K