Cheats & Guides

Hunter: The Reckoning Redeemer Cheats For Xbox

  1. Art Galleries

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Kill Warghoul once Art Gallery 1
    Kill Demon once Art Gallery 2
    Kill Santa three times Art Gallery 3
    Kill Abomination three times Art Gallery 4
    Kill Warghoul three times Art Gallery 5
    Kill Black Spiral Dancer three times Art Gallery 6

    Contributed by: Saikyo Mog 

  2. Unlockable Characters

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Reach melee level 99 with any character. Carpenter
    Allow 250 innocents to be killed. Joshua
    Reach ranged level 99 with any character. Vincent
    Reach conviction level 99 with any character. Werewolf

    Contributed by: S HIRYU 

  3. Cheat Codes

    Enter During Gameplay

    Effect Effect
    Y, Y, Y, Y, Up, Down, Up, Down Gain All Edges
    A, A, A, A, Up, Down, Up, Down Gain All Weapons
    B, A, B, A, B, A, Black, White Get Heavy Weapons
    R, R, A, A, Up, Down, Up, Down God mode
    A, B, White, Black , B Max Ammo For Current Weapon
    B, B, White, White, White Max Health
    X, X, Y, Y, Up, Down, Up, Down Mega-Melee Damage
    Black, Black, Up, Up, Down, Down Nightmare difficulty
    L, L, A, A, Up, Down, Up, Down No Conviction Cost For Edges
    Black, L, Black, L, Up, Down, Up, Down Progress To Next Level
    Y, B, Y, B, Up, Up, Down, Down Super speed (fast movement, firing)
    Y , Y , Y , Y then on digital pad UP , DOWN , UP , DOWN This will give you 99 on conviction and open a playable monster!
    X, X, X, X, Up, Down, Up, Down Unlimited Ammo
    X, B, X, B, Up, Up, Down, Down Unlock All Special Features and Characters
    press X,B,X,B,up,up,down,down Unlocks All secrets
    B, B, B, B, Up, Down, Up, Down Weapons Do Max Damage

    Contributed by: DaemonicPlague, gsgreg, LOKSR, handamer, kingjeremy 

  4. Redeemer's first weapon upgrades

    Here is Redeemer's first weapon upgrades.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Level 15 Range Gun upgrade (6 shots)
    Level 15 Melee Sword Upgrade

    Contributed by: TheRaven304 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Sanctuary Remix 132K
In-Depth FAQs Hidden Monsters Control Scheme Guide by motosada 10K
Secrets FAQ Secrets FAQ by Algus 11K