Cheats & Guides

Fallout 3 Cheats For PC

  1. Use Pip-Boy in Tranquility Lane

    Before doing the quest, use TCL to find the door. Upon entering, you will wear your armor, use your weapon, and have access to the Pip-Boy. Grab the items of this area, and use the pickpocket for the Chinese Soldiers to obtain all Chinese Assault Rifles(7) and all 5.56mm Round Amo. press ~ and enter coc testqaitems to transport. Once there, enter coc megatoncommonhouse. go to your house and place items in the storage of your choice. It's fun to play with this in various ways.

    Contributed by: Samwise7 

  2. Caps, + Karma

    Go to the Regulator HQ. Talk to Sonora Cruz. Go gather thousands of fingers. come back with let's say, 5,000. Give them all to Sonora. She'll pay you for them all, give you Karma, and take only 999 fingers. Now you have the money for the 5,000 fingers, some good Karma, and 4,001 fingers. Sell those to her and she will pay you for 4,001 fingers, and take 999. The more fingers you have, the more you can quickly make. Yes you can do both or add fingers with the Player.additem move, but this is fun to execute. It helps you get extra Caps and Karma.

    Contributed by: Samwise7 

  3. Console Codes

    Hit the Tilde (~) key to access the console and enter one of the following codes.

    Effect Effect
    activate Activates the last door you clicked on in the console that is locked but needed to be opened from another place. (doors that unlock doesn't work on)
    addspecialpoints # add # special points
    advlevel Advance one level
    agerace # Ages the targetted character with 1, and de-ages them with -1
    player.agerace # Ages yourself with 1, and de-ages you with -1
    tmm 1 All mapmarkers
    SetPCCanUsePowerArmor 1 Allows player to wear Brotherhood of Steel armor without the training prerequisite.
    tsb [number] Allows you to add blood to your screen. Higher numbers make more blood spots. 0 = none.
    fov [1-180] Allows you to change your field of view (by angle)
    player.placeatme Allows you to spawn any NPC next to you.
    set timescale to # Alters the speed in which the in-game time passes.
    Player.AddItem 2937e 500 Ammo for Instant-Kill Magnum
    Kill Automatically kill the target you selected in Console Mode
    player.modScale <1 or -1> Become a giant! 1 = giant ; -1 =normal
    coc [Cell ID] Center on cell. Teleports you to the cell you specify.
    ShowNameMenu Change your name for free, no court fees!
    setgs fJumpHeightMin # Changes how high your player will jump. Replace the # with the desired height. (default = 64)
    player.setlevel # changes leve to #, doesn't affect anything else.
    player.setav speedmult ### Changes only the player's speed. Replace ### with a value over 100 (which is normal speed) to move faster.
    setgs fMoveRunMult # Changes run speed. Replace the # with the desired speed. (default = 4)
    setscale # Changes size of any targeted object/NPC. Replace # with a number between -10 and 10. Default size is 1.
    modpca (s.p.e.c.i.a.l) # changes the chosen stat by adding the given number. e.g. lmodpca luck 3 would take your 5 luck to 8.
    SexChange changes the sex of the player character or anyone you click on in console
    cam Closes all open menus
    CompleteAllObjectives / CompleteQuest Complete quest objectives
    player.ForceAV <amount> Directly set your skill values.
    disableallmines Disables all mines allowing you to pick them up, without them blowing up.
    tcai Disables enemy AI, enemies stand still and do not fire back.
    DisableAllMines Disables mines
    getXPfornextlevel displays xp needed for next level
    setessential 6a772 1 Dogmeat is marked Essential (Unkillable)
    SetPCYoung Everyone wants to be a kid again!
    player.srm Free repair up to your repair level
    GetAVInfo [Actor Value] Gets info on the selected targers value (such as getavinfo luck)
    addachievement xx Gives achievement with the number you put in(1-53) ex. addachievement 23
    Setownership Gives player ownership of selected item
    tgm God Mode
    player.PlaceAtMe <objectID> I'm working on finding and making an ObjectID list, but for now, just use the ones we know: 000000A(Pins) & 000000F(money)
    EquipItem <item_id> if the item_id exists in the selected target's inventory, it will be equipped
    UnEquipItem <item_id> if the item_id exists in the selected target's inventory, it will be unequipped
    CloseAllMenus Just in case...
    Killall Kills everyone in the area, if you are outside it kills everything outside.
    load [name] Loads a saved game.
    SetGS fVATSDistanceFactor 0.0001 Makes V.A.T.S incredibly perfect when it comes to aiming.
    Player.MatchFaceGeometry # Matches the geometry of another NPCs face
    player.modav skill # Modifies player's desired skill. (player.modav luck 10)
    EnablePlayerControls Move around during "locked" cinematics
    movetoqt Moves the player to the current quest marker
    player.moveto # Moves you to the specified NPC.
    SetGS fPickPocketActorSkillMult 100 Multiplies Pick pocket skill by 100
    tcl No clipping mode
    showracemenu open the character creation screen
    showbarbermenu Open the haircut menu.
    showplasticsurgeonmenu Open the plastic surgery menu.
    save fred 1 Opens a text file with all objects (items, npcs, props) and their corresponding ID Form codes (unique for every savegame)
    player.modav actionpoints # Permanently modifies players max action points.
    player.modav health # Permanently modifies players max hp
    player.modav carryweight # Permanently modifies players max weight.
    pcb Purge cell buffer, which frees up memory if you have lots of cells loaded, increasing performance.
    QQQ Quits the game fast with no promps
    Removeallitems Remove all the Weapons and Cloths from Selected NPC (inc kids!)
    player.removeitem <ObjectID> "XXX" Removes "XXX" number of items from your inventory of <ObjectID> type. Useful for removing quest flagged items
    player.additem 0000000F "XXX" Replace "XXX" with the amount of caps(money) you want.
    rewardxp xxx Replace xxx with the number of experience points to receive
    ResetQuest Resets a quest... assuming you would want to do such a thing?
    Player.SetWeaponHealthPerc 100 Restores equiped weapon to 100%
    GetQuestCompleted/GetQC [QuestID] Returns 1 if the quest with QuestID has been completed and 0 if it hasn't
    resurrect revives dead target
    rewardKarma # reward # karma points to player
    exit vats roll credits/end gameplay
    save [name] Saves your game with a custom save name.
    Player.AddItem 50f92 1,100 Secret Weapon: Instant-Kill Magnum
    Resethealth Select player, or NPC and acts as a full heal
    PRID [name] Selects an object. Useful for selecting yourself in first person view (use 'PRID player").
    SetPos X set selected targets x coordinate (you can also use Y and Z with this function; click an object while in the console to select it)
    player.setav meleedamage ## Set the melee damage inflicted by your character. (Note, other variables will affect your final damage output.) (Insert desired damage in place of ##)
    setspecialpoints # set the number of special points to #
    player.setav critchance ## Set the percent chance to score a critical hit when inflicting damage. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100])
    player.setav fireresist ## Set the percentage of fire damage absorbed by your player. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100])
    player.setav damageresist ## Set the percentage of physical (Gunshot or melee) damage absorbed by your player. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100])
    player.setav poisonresist ## Set the percentage of poison damage absorbed by your player. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100])
    player.setav radresist ## Set the percentage of radiation absorbed by your player. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100])
    player.setav unarmeddamage ## Set the unarmed damage inflicted by your character. (Other variables will affect your final damage output.) (Insert desired damage in place of ##)
    SetBarterGold [amount] Sets how much an NPC has to trade with
    player.setav <SKILL> # Sets skill level to #. Max 100. this sets all skill bonuses but those from gear, tag skills, or attributes.
    SetGS fLockSkillBase 100 Sets the base force for lock breaking to 100% so that you can open any lock by forcing it.
    setgs iMaxCharacterLevel ### Sets the maximum level that your character can reach through experience gain. Replace the ### with the desired maximum level.
    setactorfullname "Firstname Lastname" (Use the quotes if the name has spaces) Sets the name of the selected NPC. Use "player.setactorfull name" to change your character's name. Last name (and any further spaces) optional.
    SetEssential <ID> 1 Sets the NPC as essential.
    player.setav <S.P.E.C.I.A.L.> # Sets the typed attribute to the number provided. (1-10)
    showinventory shows all items and their id's, of the selected target, in the console (click an object while in the console to select it)
    setgs fmovesneakmult * Speed up SNEAK MODE * = speed times this number
    "startquest <quest ID>" eg startquest 00014ea3 which starts "Trouble on the Homefront" Starts a quest, useful if you want to reset
    SetGS fPickPocketMaxChance 100 This code breaks the hard-coded 85% pick pocket success chance
    TG Toggle on/off grass.
    TT Toggle on/off trees.
    TWF toggle wirefram mode on/off
    tai Toggles AI processing on/off. Freezes the AI
    tfc toggles free camera mode (useful for character screenshots)
    tcai Toggles ONLY combat AI on/off. AI will still be active, but enemies will not attack.
    tm turns off/on the HUD (useful for character screenshots)
    unlock Unlocks any selected physical lock (doors, chests, etc) and terminals.
    Disable Use this code to delete a character without having to kill or harm them (Perfect for those pesky kids!)
    GetPos X view selected targets x coordinate (you can also use Y and Z with this function; click an object while in the console to select it)
    tmg View some polygons and boxes of collisions.
    coc megatoncommonhouse Warp Back
    coc testqaitems Warp to Room with All Items
    MoveToQuestTarget/movetoqt <optional: questID> Warp to your quest' target location

    Contributed by: Vanakoji, Iced~Metal, haikenedge, Hikusaak, Miroku_of_Nite1, nutgraph, Morinel, IonRL205, Kraigan, DoomerDGR8, Wundervice, FUCkUniqueUser, The-Jabberwock, Emonquente, kholdestare, PsychoCyclops, xVesuvius, MadCat221, Exd3ath, Assassin1232, Sanguinairius, blitz1008, Godshelp07, greymeister, SuraTek, LAPD_85, BigRedPK, TacoTheSmurf, itachi62, Aquillan_Kargas, nslt, DarkDeathRAP, F0r7ac, HitmanDante, mgreatho, DarkFirePro, starscreem777, Infoant, r1chard_kranium, Link6747, graffffffffik, Ceggy65, AlmightyL, Spike7042, Jyuudaime, S3Phlroth, Problematico 

  4. Achievements

    Achievements are unlocked by accomplishing the listed task and will give you the listed number of gamer points. If you have an X-Box 360 gamertag, you can log in using this same gamertag and the gamerpoints/achievements will count the same as if you were playing the 360 version / any other X-Box 360 game.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Completed "Agatha's Song" Agatha's Song (20GP)
    Reached Level 14 with Good Karma Ambassador of Peace (20GP)
    Completed "Big Trouble in Big Town" Big Trouble in Big Town (20GP)
    Completed "Blood Ties" Blood Ties (20GP)
    Hacked 50 terminals Data Miner (20GP)
    Killed 300 people Doesn't Play Well with Others (20GP)
    Completed "Escape!" Escape! (20GP)
    Completed "Finding the Garden of Eden" Finding the Garden of Eden (20GP)
    Completed "Following in His Footsteps" Following in His Footsteps (20GP)
    Completed "Galaxy News Radio" Galaxy News Radio (20GP)
    Reached Level 14 with Bad Karma Harbinger of War (20GP)
    Completed "Head of State" Head of State (20GP)
    Picked 50 locks Keys are for Cowards (20GP)
    Reached Level 20 with Good Karma Last, Best Hope of Humanity (30GP)
    Reached Level 8 with Neutral Karma Mercenary (10GP)
    Completed "Oasis" Oasis (20GP)
    Discovered 100 locations One-Man Scouting Party (20GP)
    Reached Level 20 with Neutral Karma Paradigm of Humanity (30GP)
    Completed "Picking up the Trail" Picking up the Trail (20GP)
    Reached Level 14 with Neutral Karma Pinnacle of Survival (20GP)
    Reached Level 8 with Good Karma Protector (10GP)
    Placed a grenade or mine while pickpocketing Pychotic Prankster (10GP)
    Reached Level 8 with Bad Karma Reaver (10GP)
    Completed "Reilly's Rangers" Reilly's Rangers (20GP)
    Completed "Rescue from Paradise" Rescue from Paradise (20GP)
    Completed "Scientific Pursuits" Scientific Pursuits (20GP)
    Reached Level 20 with Bad Karma Scourge of Humanity (30GP)
    Won 50 Speech Challenges Silver-Tongued Devil (20GP)
    Killed 300 creatures Slayer of Beasts (20GP)
    Completed "Stealing Independence" Stealing Independence (20GP)
    Completed "Strictly Business" Strictly Business (20GP)
    Completed "Take it Back!" Take it Back! (40GB)
    Completed "Tenpenny Tower" Tenpenny Tower (20GP)
    Completed "The American Dream" The American Dream (20GP)
    Kill all the Super Mutant Behemoths The Bigger They Are... (20GP)
    Took the G.O.A.T. The G.O.A.T. Whisperer (10GP)
    Completed "The Nuka-Cola Challenge" The Nuka-Cola Challenge (20GP)
    Completed "The Power of the Atom" The Power of the Atom (20GP)
    Completed "The Replicated Man" The Replicated Man (20GP)
    Completed "The Superhuman Gambit" The Superhuman Gambit (20GP)
    Completed "The Wasteland Survival Guide" The Wasteland Survival Guide (20GP)
    Completed "The Waters of Life" The Waters of Life (20GP)
    Completed "Those!" Those! (20GP)
    Completed "Tranquility Lane" Tranquility Lane (20GP)
    Completed "Trouble on the Homefront" Trouble on the Homefront (20GP)
    Got the Pip-Boy 3000 Vault 101 Citizenship Award (10GP)
    Collected 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads Vault-Tec C.E.O. (30GP)
    Made one of every custom weapon Weaponsmith (30GP)
    Collected 10 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads Yes, I Play with Dolls (10GP)
    Completed "You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head" You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head (20GP)

    Contributed by: Deus_ex_Necare 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by imadeaguide 268K
Full Game Guides Walkthrough by fantuhseegamer 37K
General FAQs FAQ by DarknessOfMyth 83K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Absolute Steve 948K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Haeravon 1537K
General FAQs Walkthrough by eolsunder 186K
General FAQs Walkthrough by Andrew Testa 42K
In-Depth FAQs Achievement Guide by OmegaMustard 50K
In-Depth FAQs Character Building Guide by TungstenMonk 95K
In-Depth FAQs Character Creation Guide by evilbob65535 62K
In-Depth FAQs Character Creation Guide by Haeravon 111K
In-Depth FAQs Enemy Encyclopedia by Absolute Steve 31K
In-Depth FAQs Quest Guide by Absolute Steve 164K
In-Depth FAQs Skill Book Guide by CrionLord 77K
In-Depth FAQs Statistics/Skills/Perks Guide by Absolute Steve 112K
In-Depth FAQs Unique Item FAQ by henrylittle 87K
In-Depth FAQs Wasteland Map Guide by Absolute Steve 70K
In-Depth FAQs Weapon/Equipment Guide by Absolute Steve 69K
In-Depth Guides AddItem/AddPerk List by sephiroth111 28K
In-Depth Guides Bobblehead FAQ by SunsThirdStone 19K
In-Depth Guides Experimental MIRV FAQ by SunsThirdStone 12K
In-Depth Guides Hacking Guide by DrAgRoS 14K
In-Depth Guides Optimized Playthru Guide by sdunigan 63K
In-Depth Guides Stealth Guide by sdunigan 37K
In-Depth Guides Very Hard Mode Guide by FeralBerserker 64K
In-Depth Guides Workbench/Schematics Guide by Idiosyncrat 40K
Maps and Charts Capital Wasteland Map by jekoln 110K
Maps and Charts Capital Wasteland NE Map by jekoln 76K
Maps and Charts Capital Wasteland NW Map by jekoln 90K
Maps and Charts Capital Wasteland SE Map by jekoln 98K
Maps and Charts Capital Wasteland SW Map by jekoln 58K
Maps and Charts District/Subway Map by fsovercash 60K
Maps and Charts East Metro Map by jekoln 114K

Fallout 3 Cheats For PlayStation 3

  1. Brahmin Tipping

    If you come upon a Brahmin anywhere in the wasteland (a Brahmin, not a pack Brahmin) you can crouch and hit the interact button to tip the Brahmin over.

    Contributed by: d_o_g_t_r_e_a_t 

  2. Alien and alien blaster

    Go to the Minefield then head north if you keep going you'll eventually pick up a radio signal from the alien space craft when you find it there is a space craft and special gun with limited ammo.

    Contributed by: TheLiamC 

  3. Trophy List

    Fulfil the required task for the Trophy.

    Trophy Trophy
    Completed "Agatha's Song" Agatha's Song
    Reached Level 14 with Good Karma Ambassador of Peace
    Completed "Big Trouble in Big Town" Big Trouble in Big Town
    Completed "Blood Ties" Blood Ties
    Hacked 50 terminals Data Miner
    Killed 300 people Doesn't Play Well with Others
    Completed "Escape!" Escape!
    Completed "Finding the Garden of Eden" Finding the Garden of Eden
    Completed "Following in His Footsteps" Following in His Footsteps
    Completed "Galaxy News Radio" Galaxy News Radio
    Reached Level 14 with Bad Karma Harbinger of War
    Completed "Head of State" Head of State
    Picked 50 locks Keys are for Cowards
    Reached Level 20 with Good Karma Last, Best Hope of Humanity
    Reached Level 8 with Neutral Karma Mercenary
    Completed "Oasis" Oasis
    Discovered 100 locations One-Man Scouting Party
    Reached Level 20 with Neutral Karma Paradigm of Humanity
    Completed "Picking up the Trail" Picking up the Trail
    Reached Level 14 with Neutral Karma Pinnacle of Survival
    Collect all other 50 Trophies for this Trophy Platinum Trophy
    Reached Level 8 with Good Karma Protector
    Placed a grenade or mine while pickpocketing Psychotic Prankster
    Reached Level 8 with Bad Karma Reaver
    Completed "Reilly's Rangers" Reilly's Rangers
    Completed "Rescue from Paradise" Rescue from Paradise
    Completed "Scientific Pursuits" Scientific Pursuits
    Reached Level 20 with Bad Karma Scourge of Humanity
    Won 50 Speech Challenges Silver-Tongued Devil
    Killed 300 creatures Slayer of Beasts
    Completeed "Stealing Independence" Stealing Independence
    Completed "Strictly Business" Strictly Business
    Completed "Take it Back!" Take it Back!
    Completed "Tenpenny Tower" Tenpenny Tower
    Completed "The American Dream" The American Dream
    Killed all the Super Mutant Behemoths The Bigger They Are...
    Took the G.O.A.T. The G.O.A.T. Whisperer
    Completed "The Nuka-Cola Challenge" The Nuka-Cola Challenge
    Completed "The Power of the Atom" The Power of the Atom
    Completed "The Replicated Man" The Replicated Man
    Completed "The Superhuman Gambit" The Superhuman Gambit
    Completed "The Wasteland Survival Guide" The Wasteland Survival Guide
    Completed "The Waters of Life" The Waters of Life
    Completed "Those!" Those!
    Completed "Tranquility Lane" Tranquility Lane
    Completed "Trouble on the Homefront" Trouble on the Homefront
    Got the Pip-Boy 3000 Vault 101 Citizenship Award
    Collected 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads Vault-Tec C.E.O.
    Made one of every custom weapon Weaponsmith
    Collected 10 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads Yes, I Play with Dolls
    Completed "You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head" You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head

    Contributed by: Volcanopickle, Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by imadeaguide 268K
General FAQs FAQ by DarknessOfMyth 83K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Absolute Steve 948K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Haeravon 1537K
General FAQs Walkthrough by eolsunder 186K
General FAQs Walkthrough by Andrew Testa 42K
In-Depth FAQs Character Building Guide by TungstenMonk 95K
In-Depth FAQs Character Creation Guide by evilbob65535 62K
In-Depth FAQs Character Creation Guide by Haeravon 111K
In-Depth FAQs Enemy Encyclopedia by Absolute Steve 31K
In-Depth FAQs Quest Guide by Absolute Steve 164K
In-Depth FAQs Skill Book Guide by CrionLord 77K
In-Depth FAQs Statistics/Skills/Perks Guide by Absolute Steve 112K
In-Depth FAQs Trophy Guide by OmegaMustard 48K
In-Depth FAQs Unique Item FAQ by henrylittle 87K
In-Depth FAQs Wasteland Map Guide by Absolute Steve 70K
In-Depth FAQs Weapon/Equipment Guide by Absolute Steve 69K
In-Depth Guides AddItem/AddPerk List by sephiroth111 28K
In-Depth Guides Bobblehead FAQ by SunsThirdStone 19K
In-Depth Guides Experimental MIRV FAQ by SunsThirdStone 12K
In-Depth Guides Hacking Guide by DrAgRoS 14K
In-Depth Guides Optimized Playthru Guide by sdunigan 63K
In-Depth Guides Stealth Guide by sdunigan 37K
In-Depth Guides Very Hard Mode Guide by FeralBerserker 64K
In-Depth Guides Workbench/Schematics Guide by Idiosyncrat 40K
Maps and Charts Capital Wasteland Map by jekoln 110K
Maps and Charts Capital Wasteland NE Map by jekoln 76K
Maps and Charts Capital Wasteland NW Map by jekoln 90K
Maps and Charts Capital Wasteland SE Map by jekoln 98K
Maps and Charts Capital Wasteland SW Map by jekoln 58K
Maps and Charts District/Subway Map by fsovercash 60K
Maps and Charts East Metro Map by jekoln 114K

Fallout 3 Cheats For Xbox 360

  1. Achievements

    Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

    Achievement Achievement
    Kill all the Super Mutant Behemoths
    Completed "Agatha's Song" Agatha's Song (20)
    Reached Level 14 with Good Karma Ambassador of Peace (20)
    Completed "Big Trouble in Big Town" Big Trouble in Big Town (20)
    Completed "Blood Ties" Blood Ties (20)
    Hacked 50 terminals Data Miner (20)
    Killed 300 people Doesn't Play Well with Others (20)
    Completed "Escape!" Escape! (20)
    Completed "Finding the Garden of Eden" Finding the Garden of Eden (20)
    Completed "Following in His Footsteps" Following in His Footsteps (20)
    Completed "Galaxy News Radio" Galaxy News Radio (20)
    Reached Level 14 with Bad Karma Harbinger of War (20)
    Completed "Head of State" Head of State (20)
    Picked 50 locks Keys are for Cowards (20)
    Reached Level 20 with Good Karma Last, Best Hope of Humanity (30)
    Reached Level 8 with Neutral Karma Mercenary (10)
    Completed "Oasis" Oasis (20)
    Discovered 100 locations One-Man Scouting Party (20)
    Reached Level 20 with Neutral Karma Paradigm of Humanity (30)
    Completed "Picking up the Trail" Picking up the Trail (20)
    Reached Level 14 with Neutral Karma Pinnacle of Survival (20)
    Reached Level 8 with Good Karma Protector (10)
    Placed a grenade or mine while pickpocketing Psychotic Prankster (10)
    Reached Level 8 with Bad Karma Reaver (10)
    Completed "Reilly's Rangers" Reilly's Rangers (20)
    Completed "Rescue from Paradise" Rescue from Paradise (20)
    Completed "Scientific Pursuits" Scientific Pursuits (20)
    Reached Level 20 with Bad Karma Scourge of Humanity (30)
    Won 50 Speech Challenges Silver-Tongued Devil (20)
    Killed 300 creatures Slayer of Beasts (20)
    Completed "Stealing Independence" Stealing Independence (20)
    Completed "Strictly Business" Strictly Business (20)
    Completed "Take it Back!" Take it Back! (40)
    Completed "Tenpenny Tower" Tenpenny Tower (20)
    Completed "The American Dream" The American Dream (20)
    Took the G.O.A.T. The G.O.A.T. Whisperer (10)
    Completed "The Nuka-Cola Challenge" The Nuka-Cola Challenge (20)
    Completed "The Power of the Atom" The Power of the Atom (20)
    Completed "The Replicated Man" The Replicated Man (20)
    Completed "The Superhuman Gambit" The Superhuman Gambit (20)
    Completed "The Wasteland Survival Guide" The Wasteland Survival Guide (20)
    Completed "The Waters of Life" The Waters of Life (20)
    Completed "Those!" Those! (20)
    Completed "Tranquility Lane" Tranquility Lane (20)
    Completed "Trouble on the Homefront" Trouble on the Homefront (20)
    Got the Pip-Boy 3000 Vault 101 Citizenship Award (10)
    Collected 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads Vault-Tec C.E.O. (30)
    Made one of every custom weapon Weaponsmith (30)
    Collected 10 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads Yes, I Play with Dolls (10)
    Completed "You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head" You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head (20)

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

  2. Infinite XP (Pre-Patch)

    You can gain infinite XP if your speech skill is high enough.(My speech was about 30 at the time). Go to town called "Big Town" located north of Vault 101.If you spoke with a girl named Bittercup she should tell you about her dating exploits. After speaking with her, go into the house marked "Common House" and speak to a man named Pappy. There should be a speech skill dialogue option that says "You came here with Bittercup, right?" You will get XP every time you click it. (I got 6XP with each click). Continue to do this and you can rack up XP in mere seconds. Bethesda has not yet patched this glitch.

    Contributed by: JuicyJews 

  3. Sandman Glitch (Pre-Patch)

    This a glitch for getting infinite exp Steps: 1.) Reach level 10 with a sneak skill of 60 and get the Mr. Sandman perk. 2.) Go to Andale (south central part of the map) 3.) Wait until around 1am and go into the Smith house while they are sleeping. 4.) Go upstairs into the kid's bedroom 5.) Use sandman on him (crouch and select him and and use the first option) 6.) Repeat step 5 7.) Increase difficulty for more XP

    Contributed by: AndThereItGoes1 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by imadeaguide 268K
General FAQs FAQ by DarknessOfMyth 83K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Absolute Steve 948K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Haeravon 1537K
General FAQs Walkthrough by eolsunder 186K
General FAQs Walkthrough by Andrew Testa 42K
In-Depth FAQs Achievement Guide by OmegaMustard 50K
In-Depth FAQs Character Building Guide by TungstenMonk 95K
In-Depth FAQs Character Creation Guide by evilbob65535 62K
In-Depth FAQs Character Creation Guide by Haeravon 111K
In-Depth FAQs Enemy Encyclopedia by Absolute Steve 31K
In-Depth FAQs Quest Guide by Absolute Steve 164K
In-Depth FAQs Skill Book Guide by CrionLord 77K
In-Depth FAQs Statistics/Skills/Perks Guide by Absolute Steve 112K
In-Depth FAQs Unique Item FAQ by henrylittle 87K
In-Depth FAQs Wasteland Map Guide by Absolute Steve 70K
In-Depth FAQs Weapon/Equipment Guide by Absolute Steve 69K
In-Depth Guides AddItem/AddPerk List by sephiroth111 28K
In-Depth Guides Bobblehead FAQ by SunsThirdStone 19K
In-Depth Guides Experimental MIRV FAQ by SunsThirdStone 12K
In-Depth Guides Hacking Guide by DrAgRoS 14K
In-Depth Guides Optimized Playthru Guide by sdunigan 63K
In-Depth Guides Stealth Guide by sdunigan 37K
In-Depth Guides Very Hard Mode Guide by FeralBerserker 64K
In-Depth Guides Workbench/Schematics Guide by Idiosyncrat 40K
Maps and Charts Capital Wasteland Map by jekoln 110K
Maps and Charts Capital Wasteland NE Map by jekoln 76K
Maps and Charts Capital Wasteland NW Map by jekoln 90K
Maps and Charts Capital Wasteland SE Map by jekoln 98K
Maps and Charts Capital Wasteland SW Map by jekoln 58K
Maps and Charts District/Subway Map by fsovercash 60K
Maps and Charts East Metro Map by jekoln 114K

Fallout 3 - Operation: Anchorage Cheats For Xbox 360

  1. Achievements

    Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

    Achievement Achievement
    Completed "Aiding the Outcasts" Aiding the Outcasts (20)
    Completed "Operation: Anchorage" Operation: Anchorage (40)
    Completed "Paving the Way" Paving the Way (20)
    Completed "The Guns of Anchorage" The Guns of Anchorage (20)

    Contributed by: odino 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs Operation: Anchorage Walkthrough by Absolute Steve 40K
General FAQs Operation: Anchorage Walkthrough by Auron66 39K

Fallout 3 - Operation: Anchorage Cheats For PC

  1. Get all weapons

    To get all of the 5 gear kits, simply drop the weapons of your existing kit on the ground before talking to the quartermaster. Usually he will take back the items from your previous kit and give you your new one, however since they are on the ground he can't. You will receive your new weapons and get to keep your old ones.

    Contributed by: AegisOfRime 

  2. Achievements

    Achievements are unlocked by accomplishing the listed task and will give you the listed number of gamer points. If you have an X-Box 360 gamertag, you can log in using this same gamertag and the gamerpoints/achievements will count the same as if you were playing the 360 version / any other X-Box 360 game.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Completed "Aiding the Outcasts" Aiding the Outcasts (20)
    Completed "Operation: Anchorage" Operation: Anchorage (40)
    Completed "Paving the Way" Paving the Way (20)
    Completed "The Guns of Anchorage" The Guns of Anchorage (20)

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs Operation: Anchorage Walkthrough by Absolute Steve 40K
General FAQs Operation: Anchorage Walkthrough by Auron66 39K

Fallout 3 - Operation: Anchorage Cheats For PlayStation 3

  1. Trophies

    Complete each requirement to receive the Trophies. There are 3 Silver Trophies and 1 Gold Trophy.

    Trophy Trophy
    Completed 'Aiding the Outcasts' Aiding the Outcasts (Silver)
    Completed 'Operation: Anchorage!' Operation: Anchorage! (Gold)
    Completed 'Paving the Way' Paving the Way (Silver)
    Completed 'The Guns of Anchorage' The Guns of Anchorage (Silver)

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs Operation: Anchorage Walkthrough by Absolute Steve 40K
General FAQs Operation: Anchorage Walkthrough by Auron66 39K

Fallout 3: The Pitt Cheats For PC

  1. Achievements

    Achievements are unlocked by accomplishing the listed task and will give you the listed number of gamer points. If you have an X-Box 360 gamertag, you can log in using this same gamertag and the gamerpoints/achievements will count the same as if you were playing the 360 version / any other X-Box 360 game.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Completed "Free Labor" Free Labor (40)
    Completed "Into The Pitt" Into The Pitt (20)
    Found All 100 Steel Ingots Mill Worker (20)
    Completed "Unsafe Working Conditions" Unsafe Working Conditions (20)

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs The Pitt Walkthrough by Absolute Steve 65K

Fallout 3: The Pitt Cheats For Xbox 360

  1. Achievements

    Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

    Achievement Achievement
    Completed "Free Labor" Free Labor (40)
    Completed "Into The Pitt" Into The Pitt (20)
    Found All 100 Steel Ingots Mill Worker (20)
    Completed "Unsafe Working Conditions" Unsafe Working Conditions (20)

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs The Pitt Walkthrough by Absolute Steve 65K

Fallout 3: The Pitt Cheats For PlayStation 3

  1. Trophies

    Complete each requirement to receive the Trophies. There are 3 Silver Trophies and 1 Gold Trophy.

    Trophy Trophy
    Completed 'Free Labor' Free Labor (Gold)
    Completed 'Into the Pitt' Into the Pitt (Silver)
    Found all 100 Steel Ingots Mill Worker (Silver)
    Completed 'Unsake Working Conditions' Unsafe Working Conditions (Silver)

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs The Pitt Walkthrough by Absolute Steve 65K

Fallout 3: Broken Steel Cheats For PlayStation 3

  1. Trophies

    Complete each requirement to receive the Trophies. There are 3 Bronze Trophies, 2 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.

    Trophy Trophy
    Complete 'Death From Above' Death From Above (Silver)
    Reached Level 30 with Bad Karma Devil (Bronze)
    Reached Level 30 with Good Karma Messiah (Bronze)
    Completed 'Shock Value' Shock Value (Silver)
    Reached Level 30 with Neutral Karma True Mortal (Bronze)
    Completed 'Who Dares Wins' Who Dares Wins (Gold)

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs Broken Steel Walkthrough by Absolute Steve 104K
General FAQs Broken Steel Walkthrough by Auron66 33K

Fallout 3: Broken Steel Cheats For PC

  1. Achievements

    Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore. If you have an Xbox 360 gamertag, you can log in using this same gamertag and the achievements will count the same as if you were playing the 360 version.

    Achievement Achievement
    Completed "Death From Above" Death From Above (30)
    Reached Level 30 with Bad Karma Devil (20)
    Reached Level 30 with Good Karma Messiah (20)
    Completed "Shock Value" Shock Value (30)
    Reached Level 30 with Neutral Karma True Mortal (20)
    Completed "Who Dares Wins" Who Dares Wins (30)

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs Broken Steel Walkthrough by Absolute Steve 104K
General FAQs Broken Steel Walkthrough by Auron66 33K

Fallout 3: Broken Steel Cheats For Xbox 360

  1. Achievements

    Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

    Achievement Achievement
    Completed "Death From Above" Death From Above (30)
    Reached Level 30 with Bad Karma Devil (20)
    Reached Level 30 with Good Karma Messiah (20)
    Completed "Shock Value" Shock Value (30)
    Reached Level 30 with Neutral Karma True Mortal (20)
    Completed "Who Dares Wins" Who Dares Wins (30)

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs Broken Steel Walkthrough by Absolute Steve 104K
General FAQs Broken Steel Walkthrough by Auron66 33K

Fallout 3: Point Lookout Cheats For PC

  1. Achievements

    Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore. If you have an Xbox 360 gamertag, you can log in using this same gamertag and the achievements will count the same as if you were playing the 360 version.

    Achievement Achievement
    Completed "A Meeting of the Minds" A Meeting of the Minds (20)
    Discovered all locations within Point Lookout Bog Walker (40)
    Completed "The Local Flavor" The Local Flavor (20)
    Completed "Walking With Spirits" Walking With Spirits (20)

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs Point Lookout Walkthrough by blackmagemasher 73K
General FAQs Point Lookout Walkthrough by Auron66 31K
General FAQs Point Lookout Walkthrough by Absolute Steve 83K

Fallout 3: Point Lookout Cheats For Xbox 360

  1. Achievements

    Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

    Achievement Achievement
    Completed "A Meeting of the Minds" A Meeting of the Minds (20)
    Discovered all locations within Point Lookout Bog Walker (40)
    Completed "The Local Flavor" The Local Flavor (20)
    Completed "Walking With Spirits" Walking With Spirits (20)

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs Point Lookout Walkthrough by blackmagemasher 73K
General FAQs Point Lookout Walkthrough by Auron66 31K
General FAQs Point Lookout Walkthrough by Absolute Steve 83K

Fallout 3: Point Lookout Cheats For PlayStation 3

  1. Trophies

    Complete each requirement to receive the Trophies. There are 3 Silver Trophies and 1 Gold Trophy.

    Trophy Trophy
    Completed 'A Meeting of the Minds' A Meeting of the Minds (Gold)
    Discovered all Locations within Point Lookout Bog Walker (Silver)
    Completed 'The Local Flavor' The Local Flavor (Silver)
    Completed 'Walking With Spirits' Walking With Spirits (Silver)

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs Point Lookout Walkthrough by blackmagemasher 73K
General FAQs Point Lookout Walkthrough by Auron66 31K
General FAQs Point Lookout Walkthrough by Absolute Steve 83K

Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta Cheats For Xbox 360

  1. Achievements

    Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

    Achievement Achievement
    Collected all Alien Captive Recordings Alien Archivist (20)
    Completed "Among the Stars" Among the Stars (20)
    Completed "Not of This World" Not of This World (20)
    Completed "This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough..." This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough... (40)

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs Mothership Zeta Walkthrough by Absolute Steve 65K
General FAQs Mothership Zeta Walkthrough by Auron66 25K
In-Depth FAQs Alien Captive Recording Guide by OmegaMustard 27K

Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta Cheats For PC

  1. Achievements

    Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore. If you have an Xbox 360 gamertag, you can log in using this same gamertag and the achievements will count the same as if you were playing the 360 version.

    Achievement Achievement
    Collected all Alien Captive Recordings Alien Archivist (20)
    Completed "Among the Stars" Among the Stars (20)
    Completed "Not of This World" Not of This World (20)
    Completed "This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough..." This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough... (40)

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs Mothership Zeta Walkthrough by Absolute Steve 65K
General FAQs Mothership Zeta Walkthrough by Auron66 25K
In-Depth FAQs Alien Captive Recording Guide by OmegaMustard 27K

Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta Cheats For PlayStation 3

  1. Trophies

    Complete each requirement to receive the Trophies. There are 3 Silver Trophies and 1 Gold Trophy.

    Trophy Trophy
    Collected all Alien Captive Recordings Alien Archivist (Silver)
    Completed 'Among the Stars' Among the Stars (Silver)
    Completed 'Not of This World' Not of This World (Silver)
    Completed 'This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough...' This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough... (Gold)

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs Mothership Zeta Walkthrough by Absolute Steve 65K
General FAQs Mothership Zeta Walkthrough by Auron66 25K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth FAQs Character Creation Guide by Haeravon 234K
In-Depth FAQs Character Min-Max Guide by FrozenCascade 16K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth FAQs Character Creation Guide by Haeravon 234K
In-Depth FAQs Character Min-Max Guide by FrozenCascade 16K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs Walkthrough by eolsunder 384K
In-Depth FAQs Character Creation Guide by Haeravon 234K
In-Depth FAQs Character Min-Max Guide by FrozenCascade 16K