Cheats & Guides

Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard Cheats For PC

  1. Some cheats

    Press [Enter] to bring up the chat box, and enter the following codes:

    Effect Effect
    +exp # Add # experience points
    +all # Add # experience points, gold & shard amount
    +gold # Add # gold
    +shards # Add # to your shard amoun
    +level # Degrades the level of the selected unit by
    disablecheats Disable cheats
    fastbuild 0 Disable instant build
    enablecheats Enable cheats (now, isn't that obvious?)
    fastbuild 1 Enable instant build
    victory Instant victory
    -exp # Remove # experience points
    -shards # Remove # from your shard amount
    -gold # Remove # gold
    buildspeed # Set build speed to # (0-fast, 100-slow)
    -level # Uprades the level of the selected unit by #

    Contributed by: Z3r0ShinS