Cheats & Guides

D2 Cheats For Dreamcast

  1. Control the D2 logo

    At the Title Screen, use the Analog Joystick or the D-Pad to rotate the logo.

    Contributed by: NTsui 

  2. UFO Easter Egg

    When on the world map during disc 2, there is a small chance a UFO will fly around for just a few seconds. It appears right above the center island on Maligne Lake. If you're fast enough, you can use the camera to take a photo.

    Contributed by: DarkLink978 

  3. Millennium Countdown Clock

    After the end credits have finished a black screen will appear showing the current date and time, and pressing A will display the days remaining until January 1st, 2001. Set the Dreamcast's system calendar to 12/31/2000, and finish the game before the system clock reaches midnight. Once the date switches over to January 1st, you will be greeted with a message reading "Welcome to the 21st century!"

    Contributed by: Massive_DMG 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by BWah 33K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Tom_ 22K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by CZalenski 18K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by BCostigan 16K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Syonyx 43K
In-Depth FAQs Game Script by Syonyx 133K
In-Depth FAQs Plot Guide by Syonyx 18K