Cheats & Guides

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Foreign Language FAQs Walkthrough by arkena 76K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Bayernschweiz 84K

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Deadly Intent Cheats For Wii

  1. Accomplishment Awards

    Complete the following tasks during the 5 cases to earn an award. Awards can viewed on your PDA by first selecting "Case File", and then choosing "Statistics".

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete Case 1: Broken Hearted. Broken Hearted
    Identify the chemical for Riley in Case 2. Chemistry Master
    Watched a movie from a case file. Cinephile
    Complete Case 2: Coulda Been a Contender. Coulda Been a Contender
    Complete Case 5: Crime Scene Impersonator. Crime Scene Impersonator
    Complete all five cases of CSI: Deadly Intent. CSI: Deadly Intent
    Identify the makeup worn by the victim. Deadly Secret
    Identify the DNA for Juarice Briggs in Case 3. DNA Master
    Identify the Document for Nick in Case 4. Document Master
    Complete Case 4: Extinguished. Extinguished
    Identified the fingerprint for Dr. Langston in Case 1. Fingerprint Master
    Viewed the Options screen. Gearhead
    Reassemble heart-shaped ashtray in Case 1. Heart Mender
    Identify both items incriminating Steve Tampson before his final interrogation began. Just for Good Measure
    Complete Case 3: Last Gasp. Last Gasp
    Interrogate Horace Willingham after he confesses. Rub It In
    Visited a case file. Strong Reader
    Collect all the bottles of Classic Cork. Touch of the Irish
    Viewed the opening to CSI: Deadly Intent. We Love CSI Fans!

    Contributed by: TAZ412 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Foreign Language FAQs Walkthrough by arkena 76K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Bayernschweiz 84K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Foreign Language FAQs Walkthrough by arkena 32K
General FAQs Walkthrough by arkena 32K

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Deadly Intent Cheats For Xbox 360

  1. Achievements

    Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore.

    Achievement Achievement
    Complete Case 1: Broken Hearted. Broken Hearted (80)
    Identify the chemical for Riley in Case 2. Chemistry Master (20)
    Watch a movie from a case file. Cinephile (5)
    Complete Case 2: Coulda Been a Contender. Coulda Been a Contender (80)
    Complete Case 5: Crime Scene Impersonator. Crime Scene Impersonator (80)
    Completed all five cases of CSI: Deadly Intent. CSI: Deadly Intent (100)
    Identify the makeup worn by the victim. Deadly Secret (35)
    Identify the DNA for Juarice Briggs in Case 3. DNA Master (20)
    Identify the Document for Nick in Case 4. Document Master (20)
    Obtain at least an 80% cunning score in one case. Enhanced Interrogation Technique (25)
    Complete Case 4: "Extinguished". Extinguished (80)
    Obtain at least a 90% thoroughness score in one case. Fastidious (25)
    Identify the fingerprint for Dr. Langston in Case 1. Fingerprint Master (20)
    View the Options screen. Gearhead (5)
    Obtain at least a 65% cunning score in one case. Good Cop (10)
    Reassemble heart-shaped ashtray in Case 1. Heart Mender (35)
    Identified both items incriminating Steve Tampson before his final interrogation began. Just for Good Measure (35)
    Earn at least an 80% skill score in one case. Keeping up with the Hodges (25)
    Earn at least a 65% skill score in one case. Lab Rat (10)
    Complete Case 3: "Last Gasp". Last Gasp (80)
    Obtain a 100% cunning score in one case. Master Inquisitor (40)
    Earn a 100% skill score in one case. Master Technician (40)
    Obtain a 100% thoroughness score in one case. Meticulous (40)
    Obtain at least a 65% thoroughness score in one case. Observant (10)
    Interrogated Horace Willingham after he confesses. Rub It In (35)
    Visit a case file. Strong Reader (5)
    Collect all the bottles of Classic Cork. Touch of the Irish (35)
    Watched the opening to CSI: Deadly Intent. We Love CSI Fans! (5)

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Foreign Language FAQs Walkthrough by arkena 76K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Bayernschweiz 84K