Cheats & Guides

Bruce Lee: Quest of the Dragon Cheats For Xbox

  1. Bruce Challenges

    When ''Press Start'' appears on the title screen, enter the following:

    X, Y, X, Y, X, X, Y, Y, Left Thumbstick, Right Thumbstick.

    Contributed by: alex cross 

  2. Hard Mode

    Successfully complete the game to unlock Hard Mode.

    Contributed by: ThePreacher 

  3. Bruce's Challanges

    Successfully complete the game to unlock Bruce's challenges.

    Contributed by: ThePreacher 

  4. Button Codes

    Use these codes during gameplay.

    Effect Effect
    X, B, Black, Black, A, Right Analog Stick, Left Analog Stick, White 999 Coins
    Y, B, A, X, Y, Left Trigger, Right Analog 999 Tokens
    A, B, B, X, Right Trigger, Black, Right Analog Invincibility
    White, Right Analog, Left Analog, Back, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Analog Nine Lives

    Contributed by: Ryan Rider, WillDay 

  5. Power-up

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Collect 999 dragon tokens. Infinite dragon token power

    Contributed by: OmniMirror