Cheats & Guides

Beam Breakers Cheats For PC

  1. Various cheats.

    Go into the games folder and find the file config.ini. Open it with Notepad or another text editor and find the [settings] section and edit the following lines to look like this.


    Now, When you are playing the game, You can use one of the following codes.

    Effect Effect
    Ctrl + Alt + E Change enemy speed
    Ctrl + Alt + E Change enemy speed
    Ctrl + Alt + O Get unlimited turbo
    Ctrl + Alt + O Get unlimited turbo
    Ctrl + W Lose the current mission
    Ctrl + T Lose the current mission
    Ctrl + Alt + G No damage
    Ctrl + Alt + G No damage
    Ctrl + Alt + C Resets the Collector Boxes
    Ctrl + Alt + C Resets the Collector Boxes
    Ctrl + Alt + M Resets the help messages
    Ctrl + Alt + M Resets the help messages
    Ctrl + Alt + D Set the damage multiplier
    Ctrl + Alt + D Set the damage multiplier
    Ctrl + T Win the current mission
    Ctrl + W Win the mission

    Contributed by: Gravijah, carmichael1979