Cheats & Guides

Battlefield Vietnam Cheats For PC

  1. Skip intro movie

    To skip the intro movie when loading the game from the desktop, right click on the Battlefield Vietnam icon and select ''Properties'' (assuming you are running Windows). In the ''Target'' box, add ''+restart 1'' to the end of the target. The game should skip the splash and intro movie when you load the game from the desktop.

    Contributed by: Scottie theNerd 

  2. Repair and Re-arm plane without landing

    If you fly just barely above a runway but dont land, your plane will refill its ammo and get repaired just like it would if it were on the ground.

    Contributed by: vegetarian_onos 

  3. Invincibillity

    During a game, hit the tilde key (~). When the debug screen pops up, type in the following code and hit Enter. You should get a confirmation message. Hit the tilde key again and get playing!

    P.S. This code won't drain your tickets like in Battlefield 1942!

    Effect Effect
    aiCheats.code ByeByeNow Invincibility

    Contributed by: wemibelec90 

  4. Free Camera

    Get into the debug thing and enter the following(case sensitive):

    Effect Effect
    game.enableFreeCamera 1(on) or 0(off) Once you die lets you move the camera around.

    Contributed by: Lord_of_Whee 

  5. Spawn at the cameras viewpoint

    During a game, hit the tilde key (~). When the debug screen pops up, type in the following code and hit Enter. You should get a confirmation message. Hit the tilde key again and get playing!

    Effect Effect
    aiCheats.code WalkingIsWayTooTiresomeInVietnam Spawn at the cameras viewpoint:

    Contributed by: SilveraBalan 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth FAQs Aircraft FAQ by WOODENSTICK 17K
In-Depth FAQs Class/Weapons/Equipment Guide by LappyTHT2 70K
In-Depth FAQs Console Commands by KenZoe 19K
In-Depth FAQs Song Lyrics by General Eric 22K
In-Depth FAQs Tweaking Guide by megabigd 15K
In-Depth FAQs Vehicle FAQ by DC 4 ever 23K