Challenging but very little replay value

User Rating: 8 | Frostpunk PC

This game is really captivating the first time you play through it. The tutorial eases you into the mechanics and at first glance it isn't that complicated. It then starts throwing you curve ball after curve ball and before you know it wham.. your people are pissed off and dead and you get ousted out of your city. So you try again, using your past knowledge to be more efficient.. to only realize resource management is way trickier then it looks. The sad part is.. I just had to read 1 guide.. like things you wish you knew before you started.. it was a 5 minute read and that is all it took for me to fix all my mistakes and figure out the nuances of the game. The game seems deceptively complicated but once you know the formula it becomes very easy. Graphically, the game looks ok. The character details are terrible but that is whatever. The replay value is meager at best. The game ends after you finish the first scenario and calls you out if you made any "unethical" decisions and asks you if it was worth it. Basically challenging you to play the game again with a different approach. But I really had no interest in re-experiencing the same story again. So I looked at the next scenario..and I just couldn't get myself to go at it again. It is the same concept with a few minor changes to the story element of the game.

- In Conclusion, I think this game was worth the money for the time I invested for the first play through. The 20 hours I put in were very enjoyable.