I Love what I used to Hate

User Rating: 8.3 | Front Mission 4 PS2
Strategy RPGs are not my cup of Jolt. Ever since I played FF Tactics, I've been burnt on these games. However I believe that I've had a breakthrough with Front Mission 4. I think the thing that I had a problem with is the fantasy aspect. Strategy does not mix well (with me, other people can like this) with fantasy rpgs, it just doesn't make sense to me. Now military tactics and battles, thats where tactics are realized in their true beauty. I've been playing games such as Ring of Red (Awsome Game!!!!) and strategy games for my xbox like Shattered Union, and needless to say this game covers all my interest very well.
Anyone who likes military strategy games with a little story to flair things up a bit will love this game (just remember to upgrade your armor as soon as it becomes available).