Modern Warfare 2 Unlimited Ammo

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#51 lil_d_mack_314
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I really dont care if people boost, still doesn't make u win more


i beg to differ. one guys 25 and 0 another is 0 and 25+. they call in kill streaks they didnt legitimately earn and you get killed because of it. oh wait he has a nuke 3 minutes into the match. in any other game types, might not help you win, but in FFA its def. a pain. (in any other case im with you on the note it doesnt help you win, doesnt bother me at all.)

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#52 DavidRswii
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Yup i did earlier I didnt go to school today i was feeling sick so i decided a play a few matches and i got into 2 games where there was unlimited ammo it wasnt as fun as it seemed to be so i just waited til the match was over

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#53 BdogTheGamer
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Just shut your mouth, your opinion is now Void




What are you his personal cheerleader? Make it feel better even though he's a complete moron ignoring all my points and offers? Alright I guess..

RobNBanks, you know you can't win since you have the whole thread against you now, lol.
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#54 slvrraven9
Member since 2004 • 9278 Posts


The game pre-infinite ammo wasn't balanced. It's more balanced now than it's ever been.

If you're not playing for money, you're not playing for competition to to be the best. You can't prove you're the best over Xbox Live because of lag, host advantages, inconsistencies, shots don't always register, etc.

Also, COD wasn't created to be competitive, at least I hope not because it has never been a skill requiring game. It seems more like a Wii Sports, a game that's just meant to be fun, which it has now achieved due to infinite ammo. Javelin glitch was actually really useful and they should've just kept it. Sure, let's just cater to the campers even more, right? I wouldn't mind camping in a game that actually requires you to, you know, one in which you actually lose health, so you need to play it safe.

The game is a mess and how anyone finds it good is beyond me. I can see why some people like a lot of games, just not MW2. It's not competitive, it's not fun in any sense and it's just a complete unbalanced game with terrible maps. Nothing about the multiplayer is good and yet it's praised. Why? Because it's Call of Duty? That's the only reason I can see it being.


bae games dont get nominated for game of the year. now do they sell 5 mill copies in a day. regardless of what YOUR personal feeling of the game is. its a good game. and no i dont feel theres a balancing issue...thats why they have the skill perk system and difference weapons. if you dont like the game thats fine, obviously nothing im gonna say will sell u on a different idea but thats not my idea anyway. glitches or least the developers take the time to correct the problems they see in theire product....thats called being a good developer. its also pretty obvious COD is meant to be a competitive games which is why you have a ranking system and also leaderboards. Money doesnt define what is or isnt a good time or fair gameplay...nor does it mean things need to me all screwed up messed up because theres none in the equation..... how bout, because i paid my 60 dollars i expect to have fair and equal gameplay which is why IW has taken the time to correct their mistakes, because they use the same logic. your logic for needing it to be a fair game or competitive games is sooo stupid its not even funny...but everyones entitled to their own opinon

Difference in weapons, yet only 5 of them are useful. Wanna know what they are? M16, ACR, SCAR, Akimbo Rangers, Akimbo Model 1887. Perks in no way should even be associated with the word skill as all they do is casualize gameplay.

It takes two or more headshots with nearly every other weapon, POINT BLANK range in MW2 to kill someone. I tested it out with my friend on MY host and it took 3 shots with an M4. That's you're idea of a good game? Ok, that's nice.

By the way, one M4 shot to the toe killed him. Oh yeah, what a great game. :roll:

I also never said that things need to be screwed up because there's no money involved, don't know where ou pulled that out of but ok. All I said was the game is actually more fair and balanced now with everything screwed up than it was prior.

Being a good developer is releasing a beta for your game to make sure there are as little bugs and glitches as possible. It's also to make sure the game is balanced, not needing an update every two weeks to try and fix the game. StarCraft 2 is going to sell millions, but guess what, Blizzard is still doing a very thorough beta to make sure when the game is released, people get to enjoy it.

Halo 3 was guaranteed 5 million sales easily, but guess what? Bungie still did a beta because they wanted to make sure the fans could play the game on release.

THOSE are good developers.

Bad developers, Infinity Ward. They did good with COD4, even though their beta was useless because it was more of a multiplayer demo, as the game was still flawed when released. People like you then hyped them up to be the greatest developers ever, COD4 was the king of all shooters so they figured, hey, no need for a beta because everyones going to buy the game anyway. Now look at what we have, a complete mess of a game less than a month into release.

The game won't be playable for months because they decided to cut corners, and yet ignorant little kids like you and everyone else in this thread will just openly accept it and continue to praise IW on doing nothing but taking your money. Good job kids, thanks for helping kill gaming.

Wow hey way to go in criticizing my age for my preference in gameplay. nice one there chief way to win the discussion. ;). obviously u think the way u think because u like game better WITH glitches. and im assuming this because u say its more balanced than before. id rather lose by someone having a laggy server than someone glitching their way to victory because obviously having a laggy server isnt done intentionaly...niether is it in this case but the glitch is being exploited to death. also having a beta test was a great idea fun bungie...wonderful dude but jsut because they dont doesnt make them a bad developer..that is fail logic right there. nobodies perfect, therefore you cant expect imperfect people to make perfect games....even halo had/has glitches that people exploit. are u that blind to see it....thats why these games continue to have online MP updates...(mostly)

and jsut because you like a game doesnt automaticly put you into a category for simple minded *kid* gamers. you dont know and probably never will without research, what games people favor. because i bought the game doesnt mean i think the game is the end all of MP shooters. i actually like R6V2 over thats tactical and some good gaming righ there.

also i sense someone being a little hypocritical, you say that were killing gaming but youre the one praising glitches and bugs for making games *more balanced*good job there chief...mabey you can also make a thread on the 360 board about the top 10 reason to buy a PS3. and mabey on your server shooting someone in the foot is an instant kill i for one think youre a complete liar in this tegard as ive JUST tested this theory before posting this rant. but if you honestly think you can only win with that tny slection of guns you listed then youre as much of a noob as the next one...u obviously have no idea how to use the PERK SYSTEM!!!! WHICH IS WHAT BALANCES THE GAME!!!! do u get it now??? those guns are for distance but they dont shoot fast and are powerful. SMG's are for closer ganes but shoot faster and arent as powerful...thus you have the perks man...honestly. u can hate the game all you want but if your only reason to hate it is because its got some glitches and its popular and YOU feel its unbalanced then thats your opinion but to the almost 10 mil other people who bought it....its still one hell of an experience.

u see, u seehow i did all that without criticizing you. its called "TACT" look it up...

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#55 slvrraven9
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bae games dont get nominated for game of the year. now do they sell 5 mill copies in a day. regardless of what YOUR personal feeling of the game is. its a good game. and no i dont feel theres a balancing issue...thats why they have the skill perk system and difference weapons. if you dont like the game thats fine, obviously nothing im gonna say will sell u on a different idea but thats not my idea anyway. glitches or least the developers take the time to correct the problems they see in theire product....thats called being a good developer. its also pretty obvious COD is meant to be a competitive games which is why you have a ranking system and also leaderboards. Money doesnt define what is or isnt a good time or fair gameplay...nor does it mean things need to me all screwed up messed up because theres none in the equation..... how bout, because i paid my 60 dollars i expect to have fair and equal gameplay which is why IW has taken the time to correct their mistakes, because they use the same logic. your logic for needing it to be a fair game or competitive games is sooo stupid its not even funny...but everyones entitled to their own opinonslvrraven9

Difference in weapons, yet only 5 of them are useful. Wanna know what they are? M16, ACR, SCAR, Akimbo Rangers, Akimbo Model 1887. Perks in no way should even be associated with the word skill as all they do is casualize gameplay.

It takes two or more headshots with nearly every other weapon, POINT BLANK range in MW2 to kill someone. I tested it out with my friend on MY host and it took 3 shots with an M4. That's you're idea of a good game? Ok, that's nice.

By the way, one M4 shot to the toe killed him. Oh yeah, what a great game. :roll:

I also never said that things need to be screwed up because there's no money involved, don't know where ou pulled that out of but ok. All I said was the game is actually more fair and balanced now with everything screwed up than it was prior.

Being a good developer is releasing a beta for your game to make sure there are as little bugs and glitches as possible. It's also to make sure the game is balanced, not needing an update every two weeks to try and fix the game. StarCraft 2 is going to sell millions, but guess what, Blizzard is still doing a very thorough beta to make sure when the game is released, people get to enjoy it.

Halo 3 was guaranteed 5 million sales easily, but guess what? Bungie still did a beta because they wanted to make sure the fans could play the game on release.

THOSE are good developers.

Bad developers, Infinity Ward. They did good with COD4, even though their beta was useless because it was more of a multiplayer demo, as the game was still flawed when released. People like you then hyped them up to be the greatest developers ever, COD4 was the king of all shooters so they figured, hey, no need for a beta because everyones going to buy the game anyway. Now look at what we have, a complete mess of a game less than a month into release.

The game won't be playable for months because they decided to cut corners, and yet ignorant little kids like you and everyone else in this thread will just openly accept it and continue to praise IW on doing nothing but taking your money. Good job kids, thanks for helping kill gaming.

Bungie had a lot of bugs when Halo 3 released but Infinity Ward are good developers if they make a game that beats Halo 3 in sales at the first day it was released, plus Bungie had a mediocre campaign especially when it comes to ODST, MW2's story is Generic but the multiplayer is classic and can trump over Bungie anyday. All Bungie did for ODST was repackage Halo 3 with firefight, campaign, and 3 new MP maps, no gamechangers to the already boring mp. Plus Infinity Ward is a critically aclaimed studio that has proven their product with time and great multiplayer. Bungie disappointed with ODST but hopefully bring back the series in Reach.

u do know that MW2 is a multiplat and halo is not right?? just clearing that whole sales thing up for you..... think about it...
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#56 slvrraven9
Member since 2004 • 9278 Posts

[QUOTE="ThyNameIsGeek"][QUOTE="RobNBanks"] Why do I play an old game like that? Maybe because it's competitive and balanced, the way a multiplayer game should be.

I never said I liked the Javelin glitch, I said it was useful. You're reading comprehension is truly remarkable, I'm amazed. At what age did you graduate college, 12? You truly are a genious, I'm honored to have such a discussion with someone like you.

Just to attempt to quell this before it becomes ban-worthy, I believe he confused you saying that glitches were useful as a way to say that you used them as well. Consider our side as well, we enjoy playing games so we can kick ass and get ours kicked. It's irritating to play a game and get killed before you get a chance to do anything. As much as you claim happiness with the glitches, are you really smiling and laughing when you join a game and die before you do anything, where you snipe someone from across the field only to die from a javelin glitch? Do you seriously love it when your enemies never have to reload and they can just fire randomly and shoot you? I suppose I am assuming your feelings here, and to an extent, I am incorrect, but believe that at the least, my point is clear. Yeah, modding and cheating is great... when the modders and cheaters are on YOUR team.

The infinite ammo glitch is for everyone, unless people are talking about a different infinite ammo glitch where only the actually modder benefits.

Javelin glitch didn't have that much range and was only useful against people camping. The only people who complained about it were people who did nothing but camp.

So yeah, I have no problem with infinite ammo. Everyone benefits and everyone is on an equal playing field, it's fun. Definitely more fun than camp simulator 2.

Javelin glitch, I only died once from it and guess why? I was camping to get try and get my EMP to complete my challenge (Blackout III)

To Javelin glitch you left yourself vunerable, since you had to run around and could do nothing. I never used it because I'm not a scrub, I don't like it nor do I hate it. It served it's purpose, to counter campers.

i musta got caught with that glitch a few times but i was using shottys and SMGs at the time. so i had to be in a little closer to have a good accurate shot. ive never been one to came though...not my style of play. waaaaaay too boring.
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#57 AtomicBaconBits
Member since 2006 • 8855 Posts

I've been in about 3 matches like this latley where the unlimited ammo glitch was happening;and I have to say it 's actually extremely fun,way more fun then the regular game play.I seriously think they should keep it,and make a special playlist for it,but I know there's no way in hell they will.Oh well.

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#58 deactivated-61cf0c4baf12e
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It's a glitch and IW already said they are working on it.

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#59 sophospeare
Member since 2003 • 443 Posts

Agreed, it is a glitch, plain and simple, and just because everyone can do it doesn't make it any less cheap. Is this just a game...yes.Will thisgame bring anything meaningful to our lives whether we win or it's a fungame to play and the bottom line is that the infinite ammo glitch makes the game less fun for most of us and is not the way the game is intended to be played.In a perfect world, anyone who is using it should be banned, even if they did nothing to "enable" it.

And another point, if you don't like MW2 orthink it'sa"camper fest" then good for you! There are plenty of other games out there you can play. I don't see your need to jump in on a thread that has nothing to do with the games you like. Yet the anonymity of the internet give you carte blanche to start a flame war when you know full and well none of you would start these arguements if you were face to face with the rest of us. If you want to start a "my game is better than MW2" thread...great, more power to you and I'm sure that you'll have several people for/against you in that thread. But in the meantime, GTFO this thread and find somethingmeaningfulto do.

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#60 ImbecilePete
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It's not scavenger, I've seen this too. Grenade launchers fire almost as fast as an assault rifle and you don't have to reload beetween shots. Needless to say it's way more funv this way ;)
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#61 TrapMuzik92
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all fo you guys counter arguing n stuff makes you sound really lame....its just a game get the hell over it.
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#62 ThePRAssassin
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all fo you guys counter arguing n stuff makes you sound really lame....its just a game get the hell over it.TrapMuzik92

Can you type that in english this time please?

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#63 ThyNameIsGeek
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I agree with most of this thread, the only thing I don't like is people that ruin the game for others by exploiting game faults. Just because they are there doesn't mean everyone should use them. The spawn locations in MW2 have always been an issue for me. They're always the EXACT same, one team will almost ALWAYS respawn in the exact same place so if a person has played the maps alot, they know exactly where the enemy is, and since people enemies spawn so close to you, it's not hard to eliminate them before they know what's coming.
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#64 def_mode
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perhaps they are using the Scavenger perk

Colin1192 You think that is just a Scavenger perk?
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#65 BaconB1ts123
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Haha you're an idiot. I don't glitch, cheat or mod. I never once said or implied that I did.

Neither did I ever use the Javelin glitch.

All I ever said was the game is actually fun now and you're going to try and insult me? Good job kid, I wonder who the failure is here.

Funny how you never took me on my offer. If I have no skill and I'm a kid who needs to cheat, you should easily be able to beat me right? Oh yeah, hide behind anonymity. It's great isn't it?


Just shut your mouth, your opinion is now Void

Nice, don't even try to discuss stuff. Just go with personal insults and cop out, GG. Maybe next time learn how to read and you won't look like an idiot. I dare you to point out where I said in this thread that I glitch, cheat or mod. I also dare you to find where I said I use the mod that has the infinite ammo and where I use the Javelin glitch.

Go ahead, take your time.

How about where you said those glitches are fun and made it enjoyable? Or are you saying you base your opinions on what others tell you is fun and not what you have tried yourself?
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#66 a55a55inx
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Apparently when the javelin glitch was fixed, it created some new ones.

Infinity Ward continues fixing MW2

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#67 hobo290
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It's caused by a mod and it's great.

This game is actually fun. I haven't a played a game this long in such a short time since SOCOM 2.

Hoping IW doesn't patch it, their game isn't even fun the way they made it. It's just camp simulator.

You're pathetic you cheater, have you heard of skills? you should try it when you play one of the best games this year

Uh yeah, I actually played games that take skill competitively.

COD is not competitive, nor does it require skill.

It's not even close to being one of the best games this year, and it's probably better off now than it is the way IW had it because it was so broken. Full of unbalanced weapons, terrible gametypes and the worst maps ever put into a game.

I'm not the one who modded it so why you're calling me pathetic and assuming I have no skills is cute. Wanna play me in some Quake, Counter Strike, StarCraft? (never played it competitively but it's a skill requiring game)

You name it, and if it takes skill, I'll gladly play you and destroy you. If not, then stfu and go back to playing your terrible, broken games that need a mod to make it playable. Yea CoD: MW2 really doesn't take skill.
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#68 lil_d_mack_314
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You're pathetic you cheater, have you heard of skills? you should try it when you play one of the best games this year


Uh yeah, I actually played games that take skill competitively.

COD is not competitive, nor does it require skill.

It's not even close to being one of the best games this year, and it's probably better off now than it is the way IW had it because it was so broken. Full of unbalanced weapons, terrible gametypes and the worst maps ever put into a game.

I'm not the one who modded it so why you're calling me pathetic and assuming I have no skills is cute. Wanna play me in some Quake, Counter Strike, StarCraft? (never played it competitively but it's a skill requiring game)

You name it, and if it takes skill, I'll gladly play you and destroy you. If not, then stfu and go back to playing your terrible, broken games that need a mod to make it playable. Yea CoD: MW2 really doesn't take skill.

how does it when some one gets to shoot you in the back because they got to spawn behind you, oh and the sticky aim, its even in hard core wtf? some degree all games require some skill or at the least common since or knowledge of the game. but like i just said the sticky aim will take care of that for most people who cant aim. how many times have you went around a corner, hit LT and your sights are directly on the person?

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#69 kwexico
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lol internet badasses