Your the new President of Nintendo. How do you fix it?

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#51 LegatoSkyheart
Member since 2009 • 29733 Posts

@skektek said:
@LegatoSkyheart said:

I don't know what's to fix in Nintendo's internal departments because they seem to be doing great.

Denial won't fix anything. You have to acknowledge the problems first.

1. End the gimmicks. I don't want a screen on my controller, I don't want multiple screens at all. I want a powerful system with a good gaming controller.

2. Put out some high end hardware that trumps everything else. Your fans should have something to be proud of, not something they have to apologize for. Humans are visual animals, create a Zelda game that looks like a modded Skyrim on steroids and you will get people excited again.

3. Leverage existing IP. Nintendo has a treasure trove of IP that is lying fallow for far too long.

4. Leverage legacy titles. Every single NES, SNES, and N64 game should be available on the market. Every. Single. One. They should all be unified with XP, trophies, and multiplayer where applicable.

  1. Gamecube had the least amount of Gimmicks on a Nintendo Console since Super Nintendo and somehow the Games still ended up "gimmicky". Remember GC mode in Capcom vs SNK 2 EO? Also The WiiU is Way less Gimmicky than the Wii was, You're complaining about nothing with the Tablet Controller, and most games on WiiU just take the Pro Controller anyway, You can even log in to your WiiU with it.
  2. You're just talking hardware. Let's put that aside when talking about Nintendo in general. Their games like Pikmin 3, Super Mario 3D World, Splatoon, Smash Bros WiiU are quite stellar and that really has nothing to do with Hardware. Yeah Hardware is important and all with Graphics and such, but Just look at the Games that Nintendo has produced for WiiU. While it would be nice to see what Nintendo could do with Hardware equivalent to the PS4, I doubt we would have seen anything different than what we're getting on WiiU. Only thing different would be a better resolution and 60fps which we are getting on WiiU anyway. Essentially you're just asking for a Shinier version of what we already getting from Nintendo with this "point" of yours.
  3. Nintendo has actually been asking around for Old IPs to other devs, like F-Zero. They have already admitted that they can't make it, so they tried getting Criterion to make one and Reggie and Iwata even tried to push it as a Launch Title for WiiU. Of course talks have failed, but that info has only just recently surfaced. What other Franchises has Nintendo been talking behind closed doors? Also Where have you been? I don't care for the series, but Nintendo revived Chibi Robo recently, Also Kid Icarus Uprising is a recent game and it's also what you've been asking. And the Fact we're getting a New Star Fox (not a remake) Next Year Just says they're exactly what you're asking for. I don't know if we will see a New Mach Rider or Another LoLo or Secret of Murasame castle, But Nintendo isn't exactly ignoring all of their IPs like what you seem to think they are doing.
  4. I can get behind this. Nintendo is just too slow bringing their Old Titles to the Digital Market. I can't say that for games like Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Dragon Warrior, or Other titles that are made by different Companies, but We should be able to go to the eShop and find ALL of Nintendo Owned IPs available to purchase from the get go, from NES to Today's games. Hopefully NX actually remedies this.

That's what I have to say about your Points.

I don't think Hardware should be a factor in Nintendo's internal development. Considering from what I've been seeing, through their games they don't actually have a problem there.

Their 3rd Party Relationship is a major problem though and I'm not talking about Indies which Nintendo seems to be much friendlier to now. I'm talking about the Major Publishers. If Nintendo has them on board then their Internal Development teams won't have to be pressured and stressed from the Development Periods and Plus no Droughts.

Of course The "Natural Solution" would be just get better hardware, but Gamecube shows us that Even with Better or On Par Hardware with the Current Generation that They can shafted just the same. So Hardware shouldn't be the issue.

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#52 nintendoboy16  Online
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@HalcyonScarlet said:
@nintendoboy16 said:

Which is funny because it seems that not even their software appear that relevant to the crowd they'd have to aim for. And no, I'm not the only one who thinks "Nintendo going third party" is a bad idea.

The article reads like fanboy nonsense. It also implies only Playstation and Xbox fanboys think it's a good idea. Ironically right now, it takes more mental gymnastics to justify Nintendo not going multiplatform. From a business point of view, it makes sense. Nintendo could become a huge multiplatform publisher.

A Mario, Zelda or Metroid game would sell a ton between a Playstation, Xbox and PC platforms.

How is cornering themselves off to their own badly selling platforms good for anyone? They need to stop worrying about hardware and just make games.

From what I've seen, he's not completely wrong about fanboys asking for it (besides that, it's hella ironic cows and herms would ask this too).

Hardly. Especially when, again, true interest in Nintendo platforms is all but few and far between when it lies elsewhere. So I'll ask this, how is selling out to an audience that couldn't care less good for anyone?

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#53  Edited By Bread_or_Decide
Member since 2007 • 29761 Posts


I would write down what every xbox one and ps4 owners says I should do...and do the exact opposite of all that nonsense.

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#54 gamevet77
Member since 2013 • 555 Posts

I am eager to see what this whole NX thing is about

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#55 TrappedInABox91
Member since 2013 • 1483 Posts

Make hardware around the specs of the X1 or PS4. Make it easy to dev for, and to port too. Bend over for more 3nd party support, while giving a few of the IPs for devs. to make. (F-Zero ect.)

At launch I would try to get Metroid and the new Zelda out the door.

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#56 ni6htmare01
Member since 2005 • 3984 Posts

Go 3rd party for console gaming and be the king of 3rd party, but stick with 3DS

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#57 sailor232
Member since 2003 • 6880 Posts

@AzatiS said:

@gamevet77: Ill fix it by dropping console manufacturing and focus on handheld gaming.

Then ill try to sell my AAA games as exclusives to the one that gives me the most for certain games like Zelda/mario while having massive appealing games like kart/Smash as multiplatform.

Support online ranking system and proffessional tournaments with games like Kart and Smash to lure in as much people as possible while working on online expreriences like crossplay , microtransactions ( not pay 2 win like ) and new content . Casual online games for all platforms with games like Mario Party and various other nintendo multiplayer games like Pokemon etc

Working for a full 3D , next-gen graphics metroid game as multiplatform.

Working on at least 3-4 new 2D indie like mario/wario/luigi platform games etc for STEAM/Console release for easy money.

Focus 100% on handheld hardware and software with no competition to compete = sure win

Yeah this is what I would do If I was president of Nintendo. I'd also be an independent company (like Valve) that holds all rights to all i.p's still, so I get to chose where my properties go, would be less pressure all around, have no one really to answer to.

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#58  Edited By blaznwiipspman1
Member since 2007 • 16617 Posts

I guess Nintendo should just release similar hardware in the same time window as the ps and xbox. It doesn't have to be the most powerful but it would be best if the architecture was very similar to both other platforms, easy enough that 3rd parties would not have any problems porting there games over. Everything else they're doing is great....they really are innovators of the gaming industry and keep pushing us all forward. The tablet controller IMO is pretty neat and has plenty of potential. Hopefully their next generation technology will be even cooler....maybe an experiment with virtual reality this time.

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#59 Ghost120x
Member since 2009 • 6060 Posts
  • Make a good online structure with all the bells and whistles like party chat etc.
  • Make a Nintendo connect app where each game released will have their own official Facebook like page so people can discuss the games. Similar to miiverse but less kiddy with no drawing. Gamers can post screen shots/upload video. Devs can make announcements, and it will also be accessible on the internet.
  • Say **** you to third party as they wouldn't give Nintendo a chance even if they had the same hardware. I would just buy more western studios for 1st/2nd party talent to diversify the library and decrease drought times.
  • Have a standard controller packed in but older controllers can still be connected for legacy support.
  • For each year alternate flagship game focus. What I mean is one year have an established ip get a major release (ie Zelda). Then the next year it has to be a new franchise. Then repeat each year.
  • Allow for approved emulators to come to the console increase legacy support. This way Nintendo can make money off old ips without having to do all the legal and other leg work associated with re releasing as VC games.
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#60  Edited By hrt_rulz01
Member since 2006 • 22416 Posts

Just build a console that gamers want... sounds simple, and it should be that simple IMO. No more gimmicks. It seems like they're always trying to create the next big thing, instead of focusing on the core of why people buy Nintendo consoles/games.

Look at Sony with PS4. There's nothing special about the console, it's just a console done right. And it will sell itself.

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#61  Edited By deactivated-58ce94803a170
Member since 2015 • 8822 Posts

@hrt_rulz01 said:

Just build a console that gamers want... sounds simple, and it should be that simple IMO. No more gimmicks. It seems like they're always trying to create the next big thing, instead of focusing on the core of why people buy Nintendo consoles/games.

Look at Sony with PS4. There's nothing special about the console, it's just a console done right. And it will sell itself.

Did you know that Sony is just a copy of "so called" Nintendo gimmicks with added gimmicks of their own?

Sony touchpad on controller? Triggers? Analog Stick? Mic on controller? Gyro? Camera Stick? Rumble Pack? Remote Play? All these control features were once called silly Nintendo gimmicks.

Sony also likes to add gimmicks of their own, like, Blu-Ray Player, Share Button, Blue Light, Watching friends play games, payed online, motion sensor camera, and the greatest gimmick of all time, a focus on graphics.

Sony is also working on a VR headset that uses motion control which i think is another gimmick.

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#62 silversix_
Member since 2010 • 26347 Posts

Sell the company to activision. Done.

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#63 hrt_rulz01
Member since 2006 • 22416 Posts

@mesome713 said:
@hrt_rulz01 said:

Just build a console that gamers want... sounds simple, and it should be that simple IMO. No more gimmicks. It seems like they're always trying to create the next big thing, instead of focusing on the core of why people buy Nintendo consoles/games.

Look at Sony with PS4. There's nothing special about the console, it's just a console done right. And it will sell itself.

Did you know that Sony is just a copy of "so called" Nintendo gimmicks with added gimmicks of their own?

Sony touchpad on controller? Triggers? Analog Stick? Mic on controller? Gyro? Camera Stick? Rumble Pack? Remote Play? All these control features were once called silly Nintendo gimmicks.

Sony also likes to add gimmicks of their own, like, Blu-Ray Player, Share Button, Blue Light, Watching friends play games, payed online, motion sensor camera, and the greatest gimmick of all time, a focus on graphics.

Sony is also working on a VR headset that uses motion control which i think is another gimmick.

Hmmm I see your point to an extent... but I'm not sure as to the accuracy of some of your claims there. Did Nintendo come up with all those first? Not sure.

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#64 j2zon2591
Member since 2005 • 3571 Posts

[3rd Party/Drop Home console after Wii U] Release a few, focused AAA games on PC, PS4 and X1 (AAA Zelda/Kart/Splatoon with own Nintendo servers so PC, PS4 and X1 can play together and have comprehensive filtering features [you can choose PC gamers not being able to join you because haxxors]).

Create [the new breed of handheld] that'll make it a strong multi-platform device. Perhaps delay creation until powerful mobile chips are more feasible (price target of $ 250) specially if there's really going to be no VITA successor.

--- Same CPU as Xbox One

--- 1/4 or 1/3 TFLOP of PS4

--- Architecture close or same as the current/next gen consoles (not Wii U)

------ all PS4/X1 games can easily be ported and basically just going to be 544p/720p 3D resolution (UI should be crisp Full HD) but still the same gameplay. Stereo sound only to save storage space. Storage could be biggest challenge.

--- ZL/ZR/clicking analogues/clicking circle pads

--- Supports Wii U Remote Play

--- 2 MP front cam/5 MP back cam with flash

--- release with an AAA Pokemon with insane features like:

------ Trainer face customizability with supplementary software that can just recreate your face via the handheld's camera

------ Markerless AR battle with other gamers in real life or online.

------ Voice command Pokemons and/or chat with allied or enemy trainers.

--- Promise otaku AAA Exclusive software like Fire Emblem AR banging, Doki Doki Shimapan: 3D Jailbait, Persona QQ and normalcy games like Monster Hunter: it's Finally Amazing New Assets.. and Mounts!

--- Nintendo Face Time/Text LOL with bundled eship discounts = $ 50/year

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#65 ronvalencia
Member since 2008 • 29612 Posts


Follow SNES's game plan i.e. best graphics chipset for a given time period.

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#66 Litchie
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Sounds like you want to fix it by making the next Nintendo console a GameCube. Not sure if that's the best business plan..

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#67 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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I'd keep trying. They tried new shit and it worked before. They tried new shit this time and it didn't.

I'd fix what was not working (basically make a system that is third party friendly, instead of hostile to them, meaning standard controller, hardware architecture and power yield, and online infrastructure) and stay the path otherwise.

I'd also learn the difference between you're and your :-]

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#68 deactivated-58ce94803a170
Member since 2015 • 8822 Posts

@hrt_rulz01 said:
@mesome713 said:
@hrt_rulz01 said:

Just build a console that gamers want... sounds simple, and it should be that simple IMO. No more gimmicks. It seems like they're always trying to create the next big thing, instead of focusing on the core of why people buy Nintendo consoles/games.

Look at Sony with PS4. There's nothing special about the console, it's just a console done right. And it will sell itself.

Did you know that Sony is just a copy of "so called" Nintendo gimmicks with added gimmicks of their own?

Sony touchpad on controller? Triggers? Analog Stick? Mic on controller? Gyro? Camera Stick? Rumble Pack? Remote Play? All these control features were once called silly Nintendo gimmicks.

Sony also likes to add gimmicks of their own, like, Blu-Ray Player, Share Button, Blue Light, Watching friends play games, payed online, motion sensor camera, and the greatest gimmick of all time, a focus on graphics.

Sony is also working on a VR headset that uses motion control which i think is another gimmick.

Hmmm I see your point to an extent... but I'm not sure as to the accuracy of some of your claims there. Did Nintendo come up with all those first? Not sure.

Yep, yep, yep. Nintendo was first to implement them. They also were made fun of for them. Nintendo is awesome at implementing new tech into their consoles. When they did 3D without wearing glasses its just blew my mind. I thought to myself, why did nobody ever think of that. Of course they get made fun of for all these "so called" gimmicks, but really all companies rely on these unique features to help sell their console. Sony has been doing it since day one. Xbox has been trying to also. Sega did it when they were in the business, but it seems only Nintendo gets made fun of for it. We live in a weird world it seems.

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#69 MirkoS77
Member since 2011 • 17700 Posts

@mesome713 said:
@hrt_rulz01 said:
@mesome713 said:
@hrt_rulz01 said:

Just build a console that gamers want... sounds simple, and it should be that simple IMO. No more gimmicks. It seems like they're always trying to create the next big thing, instead of focusing on the core of why people buy Nintendo consoles/games.

Look at Sony with PS4. There's nothing special about the console, it's just a console done right. And it will sell itself.

Did you know that Sony is just a copy of "so called" Nintendo gimmicks with added gimmicks of their own?

Sony touchpad on controller? Triggers? Analog Stick? Mic on controller? Gyro? Camera Stick? Rumble Pack? Remote Play? All these control features were once called silly Nintendo gimmicks.

Sony also likes to add gimmicks of their own, like, Blu-Ray Player, Share Button, Blue Light, Watching friends play games, payed online, motion sensor camera, and the greatest gimmick of all time, a focus on graphics.

Sony is also working on a VR headset that uses motion control which i think is another gimmick.

Hmmm I see your point to an extent... but I'm not sure as to the accuracy of some of your claims there. Did Nintendo come up with all those first? Not sure.

Yep, yep, yep. Nintendo was first to implement them. They also were made fun of for them. Nintendo is awesome at implementing new tech into their consoles. When they did 3D without wearing glasses its just blew my mind. I thought to myself, why did nobody ever think of that. Of course they get made fun of for all these "so called" gimmicks, but really all companies rely on these unique features to help sell their console. Sony has been doing it since day one. Xbox has been trying to also. Sega did it when they were in the business, but it seems only Nintendo gets made fun of for it. We live in a weird world it seems.

I don't recall Nintendo being made fun of for that. I wouldn't say they were necessarily recognized, but they weren't made fun of, IIRC. Many of the things they implemented were simply viewed as a natural progression of gaming interfaces.

And in that, I think there's a distinction to be made between innovation and evolution in accrediting Nintendo here. Many of the things they brought into gaming were nothing more than simple evolution of what was already present. Analog sticks? An evolution of digital, as it can easily be argued analog is nothing more than the multiplication of digital inputs to a more precise measure. Shoulder buttons? A sensical placement for buttons for fingers not utilized. I don't see these as innovations, as they had a very firm basis and common-sensical foundation to build their progression upon. They were necessitated by utility. Innovation is risk. It's novel.

I give credit to Nintendo all the way up until the Wii. Even though the Wii and the Wiimote was innovative, it was nevertheless fucking garbage. It was trash, and I'll never think higher of that system.It deserves no greater recognition than the clever marketing ploy it was predicated upon; premature, insufficient, cheap technology touted to fill a promise that couldn't be realized by such rudimentary capability, at least at the price point Nintendo was selling it at, and Nintendo knew it but touted that promise all the same. The Wii was sold on imagination, nothing more.

I'm with Nintendo if they wish to take steps to evolve the medium. They don't need to reinvent the wheel at every turn.

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#70 WilliamRLBaker
Member since 2006 • 28915 Posts

I tap every single developer the company owns to start making games, If ideas are short I pull up the long list of IP's we have under our belt.

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#71 deactivated-58ce94803a170
Member since 2015 • 8822 Posts

@MirkoS77 said:
@mesome713 said:
@hrt_rulz01 said:
@mesome713 said:
@hrt_rulz01 said:

Just build a console that gamers want... sounds simple, and it should be that simple IMO. No more gimmicks. It seems like they're always trying to create the next big thing, instead of focusing on the core of why people buy Nintendo consoles/games.

Look at Sony with PS4. There's nothing special about the console, it's just a console done right. And it will sell itself.

Did you know that Sony is just a copy of "so called" Nintendo gimmicks with added gimmicks of their own?

Sony touchpad on controller? Triggers? Analog Stick? Mic on controller? Gyro? Camera Stick? Rumble Pack? Remote Play? All these control features were once called silly Nintendo gimmicks.

Sony also likes to add gimmicks of their own, like, Blu-Ray Player, Share Button, Blue Light, Watching friends play games, payed online, motion sensor camera, and the greatest gimmick of all time, a focus on graphics.

Sony is also working on a VR headset that uses motion control which i think is another gimmick.

Hmmm I see your point to an extent... but I'm not sure as to the accuracy of some of your claims there. Did Nintendo come up with all those first? Not sure.

Yep, yep, yep. Nintendo was first to implement them. They also were made fun of for them. Nintendo is awesome at implementing new tech into their consoles. When they did 3D without wearing glasses its just blew my mind. I thought to myself, why did nobody ever think of that. Of course they get made fun of for all these "so called" gimmicks, but really all companies rely on these unique features to help sell their console. Sony has been doing it since day one. Xbox has been trying to also. Sega did it when they were in the business, but it seems only Nintendo gets made fun of for it. We live in a weird world it seems.

I don't recall Nintendo being made fun of for that. I wouldn't say they were necessarily recognized, but they weren't made fun of, IIRC. Many of the things they implemented were simply viewed as a natural progression of gaming interfaces.

And in that, I think there's a distinction to be made between innovation and evolution in accrediting Nintendo here. Many of the things they brought into gaming were nothing more than simple evolution of what was already present. Analog sticks? An evolution of digital, as it can easily be argued analog is nothing more than the multiplication of digital inputs to a more precise measure. Shoulder buttons? A sensical placement for buttons for fingers not utilized. I don't see these as innovations, as they had a very firm basis and common-sensical foundation to build their progression upon. They were necessitated by utility. Innovation is risk. It's novel.

I give credit to Nintendo all the way up until the Wii. Even though the Wii and the Wiimote was innovative, it was nevertheless fucking garbage. It was trash, and I'll never think higher of that system.It deserves no greater recognition than the clever marketing ploy it was predicated upon; premature, insufficient, cheap technology touted to fill a promise that couldn't be realized by such rudimentary capability, at least at the price point Nintendo was selling it at, and Nintendo knew it but touted that promise all the same. The Wii was sold on imagination, nothing more.

I'm with Nintendo if they wish to take steps to evolve the medium. They don't need to reinvent the wheel at every turn.

Hate on brother, hate on.

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#72  Edited By foxhound_fox
Member since 2005 • 98532 Posts

There is honestly not much to fix in the real world. They are running a profitable business that is providing their audience with the things they want.

I'm not sure why people think a console manufacturer/game publisher needs to make games and hardware that appeals to all walks of life. The Wii sold gangbusters, yes, but look how long that lasted. The only people still supporting the console in the end were the Nintendo faithful that bought the Gamecube and the Wii U.

The fact they can run a profitable business on only the fruits of their own labour, and aren't relying on third parties and promises to carry them through two Christmas seasons, should be considered a success, regardless of what some armchair economists on a gaming forum might think.

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#73 MirkoS77
Member since 2011 • 17700 Posts

@mesome713 said:
@MirkoS77 said:
@mesome713 said:
@hrt_rulz01 said:
@mesome713 said:
@hrt_rulz01 said:

Just build a console that gamers want... sounds simple, and it should be that simple IMO. No more gimmicks. It seems like they're always trying to create the next big thing, instead of focusing on the core of why people buy Nintendo consoles/games.

Look at Sony with PS4. There's nothing special about the console, it's just a console done right. And it will sell itself.

Did you know that Sony is just a copy of "so called" Nintendo gimmicks with added gimmicks of their own?

Sony touchpad on controller? Triggers? Analog Stick? Mic on controller? Gyro? Camera Stick? Rumble Pack? Remote Play? All these control features were once called silly Nintendo gimmicks.

Sony also likes to add gimmicks of their own, like, Blu-Ray Player, Share Button, Blue Light, Watching friends play games, payed online, motion sensor camera, and the greatest gimmick of all time, a focus on graphics.

Sony is also working on a VR headset that uses motion control which i think is another gimmick.

Hmmm I see your point to an extent... but I'm not sure as to the accuracy of some of your claims there. Did Nintendo come up with all those first? Not sure.

Yep, yep, yep. Nintendo was first to implement them. They also were made fun of for them. Nintendo is awesome at implementing new tech into their consoles. When they did 3D without wearing glasses its just blew my mind. I thought to myself, why did nobody ever think of that. Of course they get made fun of for all these "so called" gimmicks, but really all companies rely on these unique features to help sell their console. Sony has been doing it since day one. Xbox has been trying to also. Sega did it when they were in the business, but it seems only Nintendo gets made fun of for it. We live in a weird world it seems.

I don't recall Nintendo being made fun of for that. I wouldn't say they were necessarily recognized, but they weren't made fun of, IIRC. Many of the things they implemented were simply viewed as a natural progression of gaming interfaces.

And in that, I think there's a distinction to be made between innovation and evolution in accrediting Nintendo here. Many of the things they brought into gaming were nothing more than simple evolution of what was already present. Analog sticks? An evolution of digital, as it can easily be argued analog is nothing more than the multiplication of digital inputs to a more precise measure. Shoulder buttons? A sensical placement for buttons for fingers not utilized. I don't see these as innovations, as they had a very firm basis and common-sensical foundation to build their progression upon. They were necessitated by utility. Innovation is risk. It's novel.

I give credit to Nintendo all the way up until the Wii. Even though the Wii and the Wiimote was innovative, it was nevertheless fucking garbage. It was trash, and I'll never think higher of that system.It deserves no greater recognition than the clever marketing ploy it was predicated upon; premature, insufficient, cheap technology touted to fill a promise that couldn't be realized by such rudimentary capability, at least at the price point Nintendo was selling it at, and Nintendo knew it but touted that promise all the same. The Wii was sold on imagination, nothing more.

I'm with Nintendo if they wish to take steps to evolve the medium. They don't need to reinvent the wheel at every turn.

Hate on brother, hate on.

That's not hate, but I suspected I gave too much credit.

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#74  Edited By deactivated-58ce94803a170
Member since 2015 • 8822 Posts

@MirkoS77 said:
@mesome713 said:
@MirkoS77 said:
@mesome713 said:
@hrt_rulz01 said:
@mesome713 said:
@hrt_rulz01 said:

Just build a console that gamers want... sounds simple, and it should be that simple IMO. No more gimmicks. It seems like they're always trying to create the next big thing, instead of focusing on the core of why people buy Nintendo consoles/games.

Look at Sony with PS4. There's nothing special about the console, it's just a console done right. And it will sell itself.

Did you know that Sony is just a copy of "so called" Nintendo gimmicks with added gimmicks of their own?

Sony touchpad on controller? Triggers? Analog Stick? Mic on controller? Gyro? Camera Stick? Rumble Pack? Remote Play? All these control features were once called silly Nintendo gimmicks.

Sony also likes to add gimmicks of their own, like, Blu-Ray Player, Share Button, Blue Light, Watching friends play games, payed online, motion sensor camera, and the greatest gimmick of all time, a focus on graphics.

Sony is also working on a VR headset that uses motion control which i think is another gimmick.

Hmmm I see your point to an extent... but I'm not sure as to the accuracy of some of your claims there. Did Nintendo come up with all those first? Not sure.

Yep, yep, yep. Nintendo was first to implement them. They also were made fun of for them. Nintendo is awesome at implementing new tech into their consoles. When they did 3D without wearing glasses its just blew my mind. I thought to myself, why did nobody ever think of that. Of course they get made fun of for all these "so called" gimmicks, but really all companies rely on these unique features to help sell their console. Sony has been doing it since day one. Xbox has been trying to also. Sega did it when they were in the business, but it seems only Nintendo gets made fun of for it. We live in a weird world it seems.

I don't recall Nintendo being made fun of for that. I wouldn't say they were necessarily recognized, but they weren't made fun of, IIRC. Many of the things they implemented were simply viewed as a natural progression of gaming interfaces.

And in that, I think there's a distinction to be made between innovation and evolution in accrediting Nintendo here. Many of the things they brought into gaming were nothing more than simple evolution of what was already present. Analog sticks? An evolution of digital, as it can easily be argued analog is nothing more than the multiplication of digital inputs to a more precise measure. Shoulder buttons? A sensical placement for buttons for fingers not utilized. I don't see these as innovations, as they had a very firm basis and common-sensical foundation to build their progression upon. They were necessitated by utility. Innovation is risk. It's novel.

I give credit to Nintendo all the way up until the Wii. Even though the Wii and the Wiimote was innovative, it was nevertheless fucking garbage. It was trash, and I'll never think higher of that system.It deserves no greater recognition than the clever marketing ploy it was predicated upon; premature, insufficient, cheap technology touted to fill a promise that couldn't be realized by such rudimentary capability, at least at the price point Nintendo was selling it at, and Nintendo knew it but touted that promise all the same. The Wii was sold on imagination, nothing more.

I'm with Nintendo if they wish to take steps to evolve the medium. They don't need to reinvent the wheel at every turn.

Hate on brother, hate on.

That's not hate, but I suspected I gave too much credit.

Whatever mate, the Wii is fantastic and has a bunch of awesome games. I still rock out on Wii games. i recently bought Wario Land Shake It and have been rocking it out. If you dont like fun Nintendo Wii games then o well. I love all my Nintendo consoles, they just keep getting better. Gotta keep it fresh.

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#75 Dibdibdobdobo
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Question : Do you think the NX handheld will be a 4G device?

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#76 coasterguy65
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Halt production on the NX. I would then have a meeting with the person in charge of engineering it, and tell them to beef up it's specs. The time for Nintendo to get by on sub-par equipment is over. There has to be a better balance between price and performance. I would also shift all First Party major titles towards the new system. The system will launch with a great Zelda, and Mario game, or it won't launch until they are ready.

Then I would fix Nintendo's crappy online service. I would also fix it so the games you buy stay with your account. Not the twisted up cluster f%$k that it is currently.

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#77 stuff238
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Make nintendo go 3rd party.

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#78 madskills6117
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Release a reasonably powerful handheld and drop out of the home console market. Bring my online infrastructure up to date with the competitors. Also, work on new ips and build better relationships with 3rd party devs.

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#79 deactivated-5cd08b1605da1
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If I was president and really wanted to make money I would swallow my pride and completely abandon Hardware manufacture and release the iconic IPs on all possible platforms. Seriously, people dont want to buy a console to only play Nintendo gamesbut they sure want to play Nintendo games. From a business perspective it just makes sense.

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#80  Edited By jimmyjammer69
Member since 2008 • 12239 Posts

1. I'd stop focusing so much on Japanese hardware trends. They don't usually translate well to other markets.

2. I'd ease up on the old IP milking. Constant spin-offs are rapidly depleting Nintendo's key nostalgia assets.

3. For the next few years at least, I'd trim off any non-software developing fat from the company, set up a new studio division and operate purely as developer and publisher for other systems. The company name still carries enough weight to guarantee an attentive reception for some really well crafted new IP's, without them having to compromise on the Nintendo family brand image.

4. 2019/2020 - thaw out Mario et al for an on-par new system when it's clear which way the market has turned.

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#81 osan0
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dang it my post dissapeared.

1. i would build a nintendo eco system. one OS (i will referr to it as NOS for now) to run on all nintendo devices. one set of tools to develop games on them. the console and the handheld would essentially use the same hardware (Nvidia/ARM). the console would just be more beefed up, one store and one online service. this would make development more efficent. however i would stay out of the hardware and online race...thats MS and sony turf and nintendo doesnt have the capacity to compete in that market directly.

2. the console and handheld would be designed to make development as simple as possible (but hard to master) and to keep development costs in a sane place for nintendos games.

3. i would release 2 form factors for the handheld: a 10" screened device aimed at people who like to play their 3DS in the house or want to have a big screened gaming device they can put in their luggage if they are going to be away for a while. the other would be a 4.5" pocket friendly device (kinda like the xperia play). ideally it would be a phone if the right partner with expertise in making phones could be found (perhaps nokia might be itnersted). time to wage war for that pocket space. developers would target the 4.5" device in terms of hardware ability. the 10" model would be more powerful but the extra power would be used to ensure the game can run at native res. resolutions for both screens would be relatively low res (the same PPI as a vita) since higher res screens require more power to drive and that has a knock on effect on everything. visuals would be around vita levels in terms of overall fidelity...with a bit extra just to iron out the rough edges (better at dealing with things like smoke n such like). ideally i dont want the 4.5" version going over 250 quid. micro SD cards would be used for storage but a minimum of class 10 would be required for performance reasons.

4. the console would be a case of how much i can put in there for 350 quid. the controller would be an enhanced wiimote and nunchuck. it would give the same functionality as a normal controlller but also have very accurate motion controls and the IR pointer n such like. things like a clickable scroll wheel could also be useful for weapon selection in a FPS. as mentioned above it would be ARM/Nvidia based. it wouldn't be as powerful as an X1 or PS4. ease and cost of development are more important. as long as it can deliver nintendos games at 1080P@60FPS ill be happy. HDD as the shelf component.

5. on the third party front i wouldnt pursue the multiplats. no point. they dont sell on nintendo consoles. if a publusher wants to bring a multiplat to a nintendo platform then they would be most welcome of course..but i wouldnt actively pursue it. instead i would expand on the current policy of partnering with publishers for exclusive content. at the moment this policy is too focused on Japan and needs to expand. i would also set resources aside for small teams who have a potentially good idea. i would try to intercept developer before they go to kickstarter if i think they have something that could be worthwhile. on the third party front i would want to build a compelling portfolio of exclusives, focusing on genres where nintendo themselves are weak (so WRPG, RTS, FPS and such like).

6. as well as making games development more efficent within nintendo i would also aim to expand development capacity by getting more teams in. ideally i want to be in a position where i can reelase a summer and winter blockbuster for both the console and the handheld and back these up be smaller but still interesting games (these would be a mixture of resurrecting old IP and trying new ideas that need new IP). strict rules around the number of zelda and mario titles per gen would be in place. at the moment this is also too japan focused so i would be developer shopping everywhere around the world.

7. talking about NOS...i would make it as simple and straightforward as possible for companies like facebook and netflix to get their services on NOS. if i can do things like make NOS android compatible then i will. this would be especially important for the handheld as any pocket device will still need to give the user easy access to these services. i would even let sony and MS bring games streaming from their platforms to NOS if they wish. nvidia grid? sure. streaming from the PC to NOS using steam? go right ahead. distribution of patches and DLC will also be kept as simple and strightforward as possible.

8. games purchased from the estore would be tied to an account rather than a piece of hardware of course (a thing i think is already a work in progress at nintendo). however, internally, online multiplayer will still be left entirely at the discretion of the developer.

the overall objective to to make the nintendo eco system the go to place for existing PC, PS4 and X1 players by having lots of cracking exclsuives. the other side is to also try and attract people who arent interested in what the PC, PS4 and X1 have to offer by doing something a bit different.

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#82 arkephonic
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I think I'd just go 100% handheld honestly because that's always been their most profitable division by far. Might as well cut the losses.

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#83 PurpleMan5000
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I would stick with the Wii U and replace the 3DS with a handheld version of the Wii U. The new handheld would have a really good library at launch, and Nintendo would be able to focus all of their development on a single platform.

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#84 nintendoboy16  Online
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@Vatusus said:

If I was president and really wanted to make money I would swallow my pride and completely abandon Hardware manufacture and release the iconic IPs on all possible platforms. Seriously, people dont want to buy a console to only play Nintendo gamesbut they sure want to play Nintendo games. From a business perspective it just makes sense.

Not when interests hardly exist outside the net (and even then, that is questionable).