Your the new President of Nintendo. How do you fix it?

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#1  Edited By gamevet77
Member since 2013 • 555 Posts

By understanding where Nintendo is we have to look at the past.

Nintendo mid 80's: Responsible for the game industry recover from the 1983 Atari E.T. disaster. From 1985-1990, Nintendo owned the market and had no competition. The master system was a mild success and the Genesis didn't really catch on in the US to about 1991. Miyamoto was in his prime with games like Super Mario Bros, The legend of Zelda, and of course the epitome of the nes Super Mario Bros 3.

Nintendo 1991-1995: The Snes was the best selling console but faced stiff competition from the Genesis. Imo the greatest nintendo game of all time, A link to the past released this generation. Games like Super Punchout,Super Metroid, Mario rpg, Mario kart, and so many others were a good strong showing of their development talent.

Nintendo 1996-2001: Nintendo really screwed themselves here with the n64. "The Big N" were total dicks to third parties by charging super high royalties, sticking with the expensive cartridge format, and offering little support to third party developers. The playstation wiped the floor with the n64 in sales because they done everything right. The N64 did offer a few classics like Zelda Oot, Goldeneye 64, Fzero,, etc. The issue was for every 1 great n64 game there were 10 on the PSX.

Nintendo 2001-2006: The Gamecube was an impressive machine. Infact I think the resident evil remake, Zelda the wind waker and resident evil 4 maybe the best looking games of that generation. The issue Nintendo had was they again stuck with a proprietary format that limited disk space. Nintendo has another competitor with the Xbox with Nintendo scraping by in second place with the ps2 leaving everyone in the dust.

Nintendo 2006-2012: The Wii struck the industry by storm. The Waggle control was innovative and the casual audience bought it up. Nintendo was on top again but still faced the same issues. Third party games do not sell well on Nintendo platforms so most third party companies don't bother to make games on the Nintendo platform. This leaves their fans with long droughts of little to no quality games to play. As an n64, gamecube, and wii owner I can attest to these long droughts. So what happened here was the casual audience purchased the wii but Nintendo quickly found out that fanbase is not loyal.

Nintendo 2012-present: From the start of the announcement of the consoles name the WiiU has been a failure. The marketing was a disaster and many including most of the casuals have no idea what a WiiU is. Nintendo still faces the same issues as it has since 2001. A lack of quality software to sustain a fanbase throughout the year because the third parties don't want to take the risk or bother with the inferior hardware of the WiiU. At it's current pace this console will be the Biggest Nintendo mistake since the Virtual Boy. Regular services like voice chat, and a standard online network from this decade are still absent on the Nintendo Platform.

How Do You Fix it? My Take.

1. Aim a new console to launch in 2016. The WiiU of course would still be supported but not the main platform.

2. This console needs to be atleast as powerful as the ps4 and perhaps even moreso. 2016 is 2 years after ps4/x1 release. That is a long time in the electronics world. It should be no problem to build a console like this and sell it for under $400 no problem. The big need is the ability to port ps4/x1 games easily.

3. Get on my knees and kiss 3rd party asses. If Nintendo wants the core it has to have a steady flow of software. Find a way to not only get Nintendo's 1st party games but also a stable of good games throughout the year on one platform. For Gods sake build a real online network that does basic features. Give it away for free and try to make money on dlc.

4. New IP's. Wasn't Pikmin or Wii Music their last IP? Lets see some new games and expand the audience. The loyal fans will be there but the WiiU sales have shown that is not enough. Nintendo needs to expand it's fan base to stay competitive in this business.

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#2 LegatoSkyheart
Member since 2009 • 29733 Posts

I don't know what's to fix in Nintendo's internal departments because they seem to be doing great.

If I was Ninty's president I would try to fix the 3rd party situation by establishing better contacts.

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#3 UltimateImp
Member since 2015 • 1192 Posts

Nintendo's share in console market is at an all time low, in the period where gaming is at its peak. Nintendo has no business being in the console market, and they should go third-party, they will make billions selling their famous IPs and games on Sony, and Microsoft's platforms.

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#4  Edited By SolidTy
Member since 2005 • 49991 Posts

If I was the new Prez of Nintendo I would...

*Harps sounds and blurry vision begin*

I got it!

And it's a million dollar idea.

Thanks for the brainstorm session fellas and dames, off to put my resume with Nintendo.

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#5 mems_1224
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I think nintendos next console should also be their next handheld. It should come in one package and I should be able to switch between the two with no hassle. The wiiu is already a big DS anyways. They also need to bring back a lot of their dormant franchises like Metroid too. I don't care about how powerful their tech is. They're never gonna have the giant 3rd party games the other two consoles have and that's fine but they need to give 3rd parties a reason to developed unique games for their system.

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#6  Edited By deactivated-58ce94803a170
Member since 2015 • 8822 Posts

I would continue to do what they are doing. But, i would attack Steam, nobody else has the IPs, quality game library, innovation, and money to do it. I would stick with Wii U, N3DS, and then build a cross platform that could play handheld games without 3D via eShop, work on more competitive games, cause you need those to compete with Steam, keep online free just like Steam but design it better, and then offer a refund policy like them.

I would also build the console so that Blizzard might develop for it and some cool RTS type games. Would offer mouse and keyboard along with Gyro controller on a Pro Controller. Would use the Wii U Gamepad and N3DS as controllers plus the Wiimote for motion controls for the new system so can enjoy touch and motion games from big developers, mobile, and Indie.

The console would feature BC for Wii, Wii U, and Amiibos, fans love that stuff. And if you want to enjoy Nintendo virtual console and other eShop games on your tablets and PC, then i got the perfect App for you. Candy for everyone!

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#7  Edited By emgesp
Member since 2004 • 7848 Posts

Go multi platform and reap the benefits. There is no future for Nintendo in the hardware market.

"Nintendo scraping by in second place.''

Actually the Gamecube came in third place.

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#8  Edited By -Horuu-
Member since 2015 • 39 Posts

I can't :(

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#9 Bigboi500
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- make more powerful systems

- work with third party devs

- cut out the gimmicks

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#10 XboxStache
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First and foremost, it's "you're" not "your".

Secondly, what Nintendo needs to do is acquire games. 2ND and 3rd party titles, even the ones that aren't on the radar, and stop second guessing what the fanbase needs...the fanbase needs games; period. We often poke fun of the Wii, but it had plenty of games even if shovelware.

I'd also revise how exclusives are released. I'd keep Mario releasing, but also rotate 1st party releases and really promote those releases. Look at Starfox, it's almost ready for release, but it's still hasn't gotten any hype about it. I'd be looking into making a new Actraiser, A real Kirby game, and a FPS franchise...just think, Ninty hasn't had a good FPS since's not that hard to get Nintendo's just the people thinking of ideas are ass backwards in approach.

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#11 deactivated-57ad0e5285d73
Member since 2009 • 21398 Posts

They need to look at the field and acquire the right talent and form new teams. 3rd party developers are already balls deep in ps4/xbox development and dlcing people to death. It is a little late for Nintendo to just jump in and then magically everybody is making games on their system.

Nintendo needs to pay more attention to the world market. If it takes developing your own baseball or football game, then so be it. Invest the money in teams dedicated to a specific area.

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#12 nintendoboy16
Member since 2007 • 41585 Posts

@emgesp said:

Go multi platform and reap the benefits. There is no future for Nintendo in the hardware market.

"Nintendo scraping by in second place.''

Actually the Gamecube came in third place.

If there's no future in the hardware market for Nintendo, then there is no place for them in the industry... PERIOD.

Also, reap the benefits in what? Sucking, selling out, and overall being ignored even more?

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#13  Edited By lamprey263  Online
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Focus on unifying accounts and cross system purchases. Have clause for all published games to avoid negotiating future digital BC or upgrades to new or compatible hardware. Allow for GameCube emulation (it can work, Wii Homebrew works on Wii U's Wii mode). Expand VC to include everything on Wii, add Master System, Jaguar, 3DO, Sega CD, Saturn, Dreamcast. Boldly violate copyright law of abandoned IPs, keep industry standard royalties in trust accounts, thus allowing for expanded library.

Publish remaster of Fatal Frame games. Finance a Pokémon x Digimon game. Pay Capcom and WBIE to develop a Street Fighter x Mortal Kombat. Bayonetta 3.

That's my start, will edit when I return home.

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#14 ConanTheStoner
Member since 2011 • 23734 Posts

@nintendoboy16 said:

If there's no future in the hardware market for Nintendo, then there is no place for them in the industry... PERIOD.

Also, reap the benefits in what? Sucking, selling out, and overall being ignored even more?

lol you're just irrational beyond measure bro.

Never change.

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#15 Gaming-Planet
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I would lay out my DLC ideas and force developers to make season passes. Make sure the DLC are at least 30 minutes at $10 a pop.

Make a new console and integrate microtransactions. Totally next gen right there.

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#16 dotWithShoes
Member since 2006 • 5596 Posts

@gamevet77 said:

4. New IP's. Wasn't Pikmin or Wii Music their last IP? Lets see some new games and expand the audience. The loyal fans will be there but the WiiU sales have shown that is not enough. Nintendo needs to expand it's fan base to stay competitive in this business.

Just because they don't sell as well as their main IPs, doesn't mean Nintendo doesn't release new IPs... but anyways, their latest was Splatoon.. a few months ago.

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#17 Basinboy
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Sell to Apple, go buy a mansion bigger than Notch's and a couple of private islands for good measure.

And maybe buy a pro sports team. Like Chelsea or something.

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#18 SamusBeliskner
Member since 2015 • 569 Posts

Go completely third party and concentrate on what Nintendo does best, software. Hand-held games will all be on Android and IOS with in-app purchases, and all console games with be on xbox, ps4, and pc. Major profit incoming.

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#19 360ru13r
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If I'm running Nintendo here's what I do.

Step 1) Scrap current designs of the NX. We've got to beef this bad boy up to at make 3rd party developers think about coming to our system and keep the handheld development strong as well.

Step 2) Buy Capcom. Time to own Megaman and then rent out other Capcom franchises as need, Street Fighter and other beloved games will hit all other systems as usual no need to kill those revenue streams.

Step 3) Start looking back at the catalog from 80 and 90 since people love nostalgia so much (See the Final Fantasy 7 Remaster.)

And done until next console generation. Honestly that would be my plan, but one can dream.

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I would drop console gaming.

Instead I would focus on making something like VITA TV for the next Nintendo Handheld. A handheld system that can also be connect to VITA TV like system and be able to by everything from Nintedos E-shop and Virtual Conslose plus new console like games of you handheld on your tv.

The Vita TV like system is compatible with all Nintendo systems and games, and has all those multimedia features the other consoles have with an actual online service.

With that VITA TV like system they dont have to come out with a new console, instead it adapts to the new online service and the new handheld devices that come out.

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#21 gamefan67
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I don't mind the gimmicks as long as they are supported well, but Nintendo needs to find a way to bring third parties back.

Maybe make a console that is easy to port to, Nintendo has done well with pleasing most indie devs and now they just need more 3rd party devs.

Actually Nintendo needs more games that appeal to western gamers.

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#22 aroxx_ab
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Quit the hardwaremarket and start doing games for Ps4/Xbox/PC

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#23 navyguy21
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@ultimateimp: Came in here to say that. It's time for Nintendo to go third party and publish on PC, consoles, and mobile

We are at a point where hardware matters less and less, not to mention they'll never regain third-party support

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#24  Edited By UltimateImp
Member since 2015 • 1192 Posts

@ConanTheStoner said:
@nintendoboy16 said:

If there's no future in the hardware market for Nintendo, then there is no place for them in the industry... PERIOD.

Also, reap the benefits in what? Sucking, selling out, and overall being ignored even more?

lol you're just irrational beyond measure bro.

Never change.

He's a Nintendo fan, he'll support them regardless whether they go third party or not. He's just being an edgy right now, lol.

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#25 schu
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Join forces with Sony w/ 1 console and dominate the universe?

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#26 ConanTheStoner
Member since 2011 • 23734 Posts

@ultimateimp said:

He's a Nintendo fan, he'll support them regardless whether they go third party or not. He's just being an edgy right now, lol.

I mean damn, I'm a huge Nintendo fan. Been gaming with Nintendo for almost 30 years now. Been gaming on Nintendo products longer than he's been alive haha.

Some of the shit he says sometimes is just crazy talk though.

It's not impossible to be a fan of something while still maintaining some semblance rational thinking.

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#27 nintendoboy16
Member since 2007 • 41585 Posts

@ultimateimp said:

He's a Nintendo fan, he'll support them regardless whether they go third party or not. He's just being an edgy right now, lol.

Nope. I've made pretty clear that the day I see Nintendo go third party is the day I bail on them

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#28 ConanTheStoner
Member since 2011 • 23734 Posts

@nintendoboy16 said:

Nope. I've made pretty clear that the day I see Nintendo go third party is the day I bail on them

1 simple question.


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#29 nintendoboy16
Member since 2007 • 41585 Posts

@ConanTheStoner said:
@nintendoboy16 said:

Nope. I've made pretty clear that the day I see Nintendo go third party is the day I bail on them

1 simple question.


Does it matter to you, Conan? You'd say I'm a nutjob anyway.

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#30  Edited By UltimateImp
Member since 2015 • 1192 Posts

@nintendoboy16 said:

Nope. I've made pretty clear that the day I see Nintendo go third party is the day I bail on them

You will do no such thing, you'll throw a tantrum. But after a few days you'll go back to being the blind fanboy that you are, and continue putting them on a pedestal and ignore all of their flaws.

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#31 nintendoboy16
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@ultimateimp said:
@nintendoboy16 said:

Nope. I've made pretty clear that the day I see Nintendo go third party is the day I bail on them

You will do no such thing, you'll throw a tantrum. But after a few days you'll go back to being the blind fanboy that you are, and continue putting them on a pedestal and ignore all of their flaws.

And you know this... how exactly?

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#32 ConanTheStoner
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@nintendoboy16 said:

Does it matter to you, Conan? You'd say I'm a nutjob anyway.

Nut job? Nah.. Well maybe.

And yes I need to know. For science.

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#33  Edited By verbtex  Moderator
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I would like to see more third party support from Nintendo.

Ideally they would have a much more powerful console that is at a reasonable price point. I don't see a point in buying a successor to the Wii U for only a few Mario Games and a Zelda game.

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#34  Edited By deactivated-58ce94803a170
Member since 2015 • 8822 Posts

@verbtex said:

I would like to see more third party support from Nintendo.

Ideally they would have a much more powerful console that is at a reasonable price point. I don't see a point in buying a successor to the Wii U for only a few Mario Games and a Zelda game.

Why would third party compete with Nintendo games when they can release on a system that barely has anything of quality on it. If i were third party i would stay away from Nintendo also, they release way too many good games. Its too risky and not worth their time. Could you imagine Street Fighter V competing with Smash Bros Wii U, now that shat would be funny.

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#35  Edited By Edo-Tensei_
Member since 2015 • 173 Posts

@nintendoboy16: Yes I think there can be a future for Nintendo as third party. They refuse to make their hardware relevante or appealing to mass market and will keep bleeding out money that way. They can either turn it around and be serious about competing or the can go third party and still be succesful. I don't see a problem for Nitendo to fail as a third party. Maybe it's just bad to you?

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#36 verbtex  Moderator
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@mesome713: I understand where you are coming from, but I think developers just want to sell on whatever platform sells the most. I prefer Sony's console most generations because you get a good mix of exclusives and third party games.

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#37  Edited By deactivated-58ce94803a170
Member since 2015 • 8822 Posts

@verbtex said:

@mesome713: I understand where you are coming from, but I think developers just want to sell on whatever platform sells the most. I prefer Sony's console most generations because you get a good mix of exclusives and third party games.

I think they want to sell on whatever platform they think they can sell the most copies. I prefer Nintendo consoles cause i think they have the best gameplay and most fun games. Plus they have great replayability and age the best i would say.

When i go back and play old games made by Nintendo, i think to myself, wow, this game is so amazing even today. When i go back and play Sony games from PS1, i think, how the fack did i enjoy this. You see, graphics lacking fun gameplay dont age to good.

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#38  Edited By tushar172787
Member since 2015 • 2561 Posts

i would sell nintendo and port it's games to other consoles, job done.

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#39 nintendoboy16
Member since 2007 • 41585 Posts

@edo-tensei_ said:

@nintendoboy16: Yes I think there can be a future for Nintendo as third party. They refuse to make their hardware relevante or appealing to mass market and will keep bleeding out money that way. They can either turn it around and be serious about competing or the can go third party and still be succesful. I don't see a problem for Nitendo to fail as a third party. Maybe it's just bad to you?

Which is funny because it seems that not even their software appear that relevant to the crowd they'd have to aim for. And no, I'm not the only one who thinks "Nintendo going third party" is a bad idea.

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#40  Edited By deactivated-58ce94803a170
Member since 2015 • 8822 Posts

@nintendoboy16 said:
@edo-tensei_ said:

@nintendoboy16: Yes I think there can be a future for Nintendo as third party. They refuse to make their hardware relevante or appealing to mass market and will keep bleeding out money that way. They can either turn it around and be serious about competing or the can go third party and still be succesful. I don't see a problem for Nitendo to fail as a third party. Maybe it's just bad to you?

Which is funny because it seems that not even their software appear that relevant to the crowd they'd have to aim for. And no, I'm not the only one who thinks "Nintendo going third party" is a bad idea.

Its true, Nintendo would be put in a box and lack what made them special. No more innovative gaming hardware, bout everything we enjoy in gaming hardware is thanks to Nintendo, Analogs Sticks, Triggers, Rumble Packs, Gyro, Mic in controller, Camera Stick, Motion Controls, Dual Screens, take Nintendo out the game, and youll regret it. If you force Nintendo in a box they will start to lack innovation, same thing that happened to Sega, they were once innovative, now they are just dust in the wind.

Nintendo would want to make an awesome new gameplay experience, but o no, they stuck on that same old boring DualShock 5. Better just design the game to fit in the small box, so boring, but hey, at least we get our rehashed games. Sony, let us out of our cage, no Nintendo, you stay and make Mario Galaxy 6, but we already did Sony, well you remaster it then, get to work, also, your deadline is coming soon, wrap it up.

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#41 Pray_to_me
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First thing I would fix is your spelling. If you don't know the difference between your and you're you need to go back to first grade.

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#42 xdude85
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#43 skektek
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@LegatoSkyheart said:

I don't know what's to fix in Nintendo's internal departments because they seem to be doing great.

Denial won't fix anything. You have to acknowledge the problems first.

1. End the gimmicks. I don't want a screen on my controller, I don't want multiple screens at all. I want a powerful system with a good gaming controller.

2. Put out some high end hardware that trumps everything else. Your fans should have something to be proud of, not something they have to apologize for. Humans are visual animals, create a Zelda game that looks like a modded Skyrim on steroids and you will get people excited again.

3. Leverage existing IP. Nintendo has a treasure trove of IP that is lying fallow for far too long.

4. Leverage legacy titles. Every single NES, SNES, and N64 game should be available on the market. Every. Single. One. They should all be unified with XP, trophies, and multiplayer where applicable.

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#44 skektek
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@mesome713 said:
@nintendoboy16 said:
@edo-tensei_ said:

@nintendoboy16: Yes I think there can be a future for Nintendo as third party. They refuse to make their hardware relevante or appealing to mass market and will keep bleeding out money that way. They can either turn it around and be serious about competing or the can go third party and still be succesful. I don't see a problem for Nitendo to fail as a third party. Maybe it's just bad to you?

Which is funny because it seems that not even their software appear that relevant to the crowd they'd have to aim for. And no, I'm not the only one who thinks "Nintendo going third party" is a bad idea.

Its true, Nintendo would be put in a box and lack what made them special. No more innovative gaming hardware, bout everything we enjoy in gaming hardware is thanks to Nintendo, Analogs Sticks, Triggers, Rumble Packs, Gyro, Mic in controller, Camera Stick, Motion Controls, Dual Screens, take Nintendo out the game, and youll regret it.

Dual screens are a useless gimmick. Motion controls are the only true innovation and they have limited application. The rest are obvious evolutionary progressions; if Nintendo hadn't brought them to market someone else would have. Nintendo has actually resisted innovations such as color screens, backlit screens, and storage mediums (CD, DVD, etc).

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#45 HalcyonScarlet
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Going multiplat is a last resort, but it's definitely on the table.

I'd start giving gamers what they want, not what I want. I'd start listening to what 3rd parties need and want. Also Nintendo need to bend over backwards and make releasing games on their platform look like a sweet deal no matter how big or small they are.

Online would be a priority.

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#46 HalcyonScarlet
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@nintendoboy16 said:
@edo-tensei_ said:

@nintendoboy16: Yes I think there can be a future for Nintendo as third party. They refuse to make their hardware relevante or appealing to mass market and will keep bleeding out money that way. They can either turn it around and be serious about competing or the can go third party and still be succesful. I don't see a problem for Nitendo to fail as a third party. Maybe it's just bad to you?

Which is funny because it seems that not even their software appear that relevant to the crowd they'd have to aim for. And no, I'm not the only one who thinks "Nintendo going third party" is a bad idea.

The article reads like fanboy nonsense. It also implies only Playstation and Xbox fanboys think it's a good idea. Ironically right now, it takes more mental gymnastics to justify Nintendo not going multiplatform. From a business point of view, it makes sense. Nintendo could become a huge multiplatform publisher.

A Mario, Zelda or Metroid game would sell a ton between a Playstation, Xbox and PC platforms.

How is cornering themselves off to their own badly selling platforms good for anyone? They need to stop worrying about hardware and just make games.

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#47 verbalfilth
Member since 2006 • 5043 Posts


If they can make something similar or better than the competition, then the rest of the things they need to work on will come as naturally as a fart in the night.

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#48  Edited By Ten_Pints
Member since 2014 • 4072 Posts

As it stand now, I don't think there is much Nintendo can do to be different from the other two apart from having their own exclusives, which is not exactly working right now. Big budget games are getting too expensive to justify being exclusive if the system does not sell.

I think what they are going to have to do is get out of the console market and concentrate on their gaming studios, I don't see any future in the mobile market as a platform, they could try to sell their games on mobile devices via Play Store or whatever, but I don't think it will be anywhere near a hit as their own hand helds.

Unless they can genuinely do something nobody else has even thought about then they are not going to be as successful as they were, they could just plan for the decline in sales and release products appropriately just to make money in the short term, but I doubt the fans will like that.

That's the problem now, consoles have ended up as off the shelf components from the PC, as such how different can you be?

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#49 Malta_1980
Member since 2008 • 11890 Posts

As the new President of Nintendo, considering the attractive salary, I would afford planning a 12 month break and go around the world visit as many places as I can around the different continents..

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#50  Edited By AzatiS
Member since 2004 • 14969 Posts

@gamevet77: Ill fix it by dropping console manufacturing and focus on handheld gaming.

Then ill try to sell my AAA games as exclusives to the one that gives me the most for certain games like Zelda/mario while having massive appealing games like kart/Smash as multiplatform.

Support online ranking system and proffessional tournaments with games like Kart and Smash to lure in as much people as possible while working on online expreriences like crossplay , microtransactions ( not pay 2 win like ) and new content . Casual online games for all platforms with games like Mario Party and various other nintendo multiplayer games like Pokemon etc

Working for a full 3D , next-gen graphics metroid game as multiplatform.

Working on at least 3-4 new 2D indie like mario/wario/luigi platform games etc for STEAM/Console release for easy money.

Focus 100% on handheld hardware and software with no competition to compete = sure win