SYSTEM WARS MONTHLY July Issue (Post E3 Aftermath, SW: The Comic, GS Wide)

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#1 Willy105
Member since 2005 • 26119 Posts

Intro - Willy105

The month after E3, and the second half of 2008 now begins. Although this month is kinda short in big releases, other than Soul Calibur IV and Final Fantasy IV DS remake, that doesn't mean there aren't things to talk about in System Wars.

We got news from the battlefield that a few rules have been changed on System Wars, which of course leads to wide anger and complaints. Talking about wide, Gamespot has introduced a brand new update to the website, the first one in three years, this time now taking a wider format. Talking about new updates, our long infamous friend Jeff Gerstmann has launched his long hyped website, did it meet the hype, or is it just Jeff Gerstmann being a clown?

We have all that on our 8th issue! Where moderation equals re-education....this is...SYSTEM WARS MONTHLY!

Weather Report - Tsug_Ze_Wind

Hello SW! I'm Tsug_Ze_Wind, and I'll be your weathersheep this evening. about that E3? was...pretty bad.

That's all I have to say.




Wait! The actual event may have been like watching paint dry, but in SW, it was like watching a bunch of people go nuts over watching paint dry. SW is never short of drama, and apparently, we can harvest outrage from even drying paint. So I'll start with the paint that was the source of the most outrage.

Itr all started with the Regginator's comment about all the amazing things they had planned for E3. Non-gamers and hardcore would be excited, etc. The sheep took that and started the E3 hype train that soon swelled into hope for a revived E3 that would actually be exciting to watch. Little did we know that it was actually the comment of Reggie's evil twin...Reggievil, who was now twirling his two-foot long moustache as all nothing was about to break loose.

Long story short, Nintendo conference was damned boring and very much un-hypeworthy. Cue the explosions.

Real-time 1:1 sword fighting! But on Wii Sports Resort.

The sheep are now in trouble unless they get something to end this drought. Some relief came in the form of Miyamoto's comment that E3 was not where the core games would be shown anymore. Miyamoto's not the type to grow a two-foot long moustache, so I believe him. Hopefully, wherever they will be shown is close.

On to the cows! Sony's E3 started with the right intentions. The moofolk got some pretty pictures of GoW3, LittleBigPlanet playing sales, and a reminder that the PS2 exists. It was pretty entertaining, which is more than what can be said for the other two, but by the end, we realized it had just as little substance as the others. Sony didn't save E3, but they didn't lose it either. The cows are pretty set for the rest of the year, so they're fine with that.

Massive Action Game was the big megaton for Sony's E3.

MS started the trend of boring shows this year, with a very...casual...E3, showing the Mii ripoff that -GhostMLD- and no one else was excited for, and games that no one at all wanted to play. It looked like MS was going to sink this E3, and lemmings could have definitely used a good show. Oh well....

What's this about another announcement, Square Enix guy?


And with that, the lemmings won this E3. FF13 had slipped a bit in relevance, but it was still a nice pickup, and the only newsworthy event of the entire damn show. Enjoy, lemmings.

So, who's excited for the next E3? *crickets*

First Impressions: - Willy105

If you even payed attention during November last year, you would have heard the unfortunate event now known by the press as "Gerstmanngate". In November of last year, Gamespot fired their longest emplyed reviewer, Jeff Gerstmann, their editor-in-chief. He has been on Gamespot since it's launch in 1996. Why would he be fired? The actual answer was never confirmed to the public, but popular belief is that it was from preassure from a publisher, in this case Eidos.

Eidos payed a lot of money to advertise their latest blockbuster big budget game, Kane and Lynch, on Gamespot. Banners and ads were all over the front page, and it had special coding so that that you could choose which Gamespot background you wanted to see, from Kane, or Lynch. Ironically, the game turned out to be not so good. As a proffesional game reviewer, Jeff Gertmann had to write what he thought of the game, and he score it accordingly. This created a series of events that led to the firing of Jeff Gerstmann. Here's Gamespot's official response to the event.

Whatever did happened, Jeff Gerstmann was out of a job, and he didn't see anything else to do than to do what he does best, and that's tell everyone what he thinks of stuff. He and some of his friends from Gamespot have started up a new website,, and it has now been officially launched (before it was just a small blog going over the development of the website). The main selling point of the website is obviously Jeff, but is the website itself something to get excited about? I ventured there to find out myself.

So violent.

Giantbomb is taking things differently from Gamespot, deciding to be both a place for game reviews and a full blown Wiki. Users can edit the game pages and add more info on the game that the staff might have missed. The more edits you make, the more points you have, similiar to Gamespot's leveling-up system. You might think this will be abused easily, since gamers aren't exactly the most credible source for un-biased facts, but everythinghas to be approved by the staff, so it's balanced out.

Now on the part most of you are excited about, the community. There are good stuff and bad stuff about these forums from my short experience there. First, the good things, and that is the community engine themselves. They have far more features than the humble Gamespot forums have. In your user profile alone, there are tons of useful things to take advantage off, inculding a user wall where you could leave comical messages to a user's wall for everyone to see. A feed is there, showing every single thing you have been doing, from uploading a picture, to forum posts or comments, when you add a user review or a Wiki edit, or when you are now friends with someone.

The forums are organized very nicely as well, my favorite part is now you can see every single board in the site put up in one place, where all the topics can be shown in one place, instead of browsing individual board. This is a great idea, because no matter what board you post a topic on, people can always see it and reply to it, and you don't have to worry about someone not seeing the topic because nobody goes to that particular board. The forums are full of activity, and you can expect a conversation to pop up instantly, and it's amazingly usually on topic.

But there are some bad things about it. Because it's a new site, there's a distinct lack of mods. There have been many imposters pretending to be other users (like Casey) and create flamebait on the forums. It can get annoying when you are used to the order that Gamespot is in. Also, there are no smilies on the forums, andthere are no sigs, but for some that may be a good thing. Also, you can only use WYSIWYG editors on the forums, so if you are using an incompatible browser, like Opera or the Wii browser, you will not be able to post on the forums or make Wiki edits.

And that's about it for now. The site is growing every day, but it's up to you if you want to stay here on Gamespot or make the move. You should only go there if everybody you know has gone there. There is now System Wars on Giantbomb, and people you have grown to like here on Gamespot may not be there, so there's plenty of reason to stay here on the homeland. Besides, we will miss you if you leave us here. We Gamespotters stick together.

System Wars: The Comic 16 - Willy105

System Wars: The Game - Willy105

If you haven't played System Wars: The Game, it's still not too late!

You can download the game over at Gamespot Games.

First Look: Gamespot Wide - Willy105

Welcome to the future of Gamespot, and it is coming soon!

The home page of Gamespot Wide.

When was the last time Gamespot has gotten a major overhaul? The Gamespot we know as today has been around for a couple of years, and when it was introduced, it streamlined the old Gamespot a lot, making it simpler for users to navigate the current content. But there were still some things that could have been made better. The most common one was that the site was still based on the old 800 x 600 pixel resolution of old monitors. As time went on, other sites started adapting their site to newer higher resolution monitors that were capable of 1024 x 768 pixel resolution, like IGN. However, Gamespot still stayed by the old resolution, which resulted in the grey bars at the edges of the screen of Gamespot. 01100001

Gamespot has noticed this, and in August, they will launch the next big update to Gamespot, called for now as Gamespot Wide. Just as it's name suggest, it's wider than today's Gamespot, designed for a with 1024 pixel resolution. Thanks to the wider resolution,now more things can be shown on one page than ever before!

The new gamespaces, this one showing the review for Soul Calibur 4.

The pages have three columns now instead of the two of today. On the left column, all the navigation is located, where it was previously located at the top of the page. Here you can look for the Summary, Reviews, News, Previews and Features, Images, Videos, Cheats, and the Forum. By highlighting the boxart of the game, a small window will pop up showing the game's stats on Gamespot, it's ranking for each console, it's ESRB rating, and it's tags. The center column is where all the usual writing will be in, like reviews and previews. And on the right column, the game's review score and emblems will be shown, as well as user reviews, user submissions, and the related unions.

It's all nicely organized and easy to find what you are looking for, something that was a little harder to do under the current Gamespot, due to everything being hidden. The editorial spaces of Gamespot are not the only ones being improved by the new design. The community section will be getting a long awaited facelift, especially with the introducement of a new community hub, which will replace the current main forums page.

The community hub.

In the new Community hub, you can look at the recent community announcements and news, updates for the site, the community blog, a schedule for tournaments and game nights, featured unions, you can see links to your list of favorite unions, the user soapbox, and the new RSS feature where you can see your friend's activities in real-time. Unfortunately, I could not take a look at the forums, however the staff has announced that the forums will also be getting the facelift. Exactly how the new forums will look is still a mystery.

Of course, the user pages themselves will also be getting facelifted with more features and some changes.

The new user pages. Don't tell Subrosian that we took a screenshot!

It will also be getting the three column treatment in the same way the game spaces are. On the left column, the user icon is shown with their level right underneath it, along with the rank, post count, and when he was last online. Below that, the tags are shown, but now they are not shown all at once, and you have to rollover it to see all the tags. This at first may sound like an annoying, but it speaks better of someone that has enough tags that you can't even see them all. Below that, you can see the links of your profile that were usually below your banner.

The banner is still there, but now at the top of the other two columns, so the size of the banner stays the same. On the center column, the user's blog is shown. This time, only the first blog is shown in full, and the following two blogs are only shown as previews and you have to click on them to see them fully. Also, only three blogs are shown at a time, just to make less scrolling necessary on the pages. Below the blogs are your user reviews, below that are your user images, and below are your user videos. At the right column, a new feature has been introduced, a new RSS feed of your recent activity, so other users can see what you are doing in the site in real-time. Below that, there are your tracked blogs of your friends, your online ID's, your Now Playing list, your recent ratings, and your unions.

The new Gamespot is looking great, and although it's still a beta, the new Gamespot is scheduled to launch this August!

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#2 Ze_ALEX
Member since 2007 • 1793 Posts
yay for the monthlyness, OH and first post =)
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#4 VanHelsingBoA64
Member since 2007 • 5455 Posts

and second post =)Ze_ALEX

Holy **** people still do that?

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#5 no_handlebars
Member since 2008 • 1774 Posts
How has the System Wars monthly crew not won a Pulitzer yet? The new GS interface looks damn sexy.
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#6 Unforgiven2870
Member since 2004 • 6386 Posts
Niice especially the SW comic haha.
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#7 deactivated-6075a5c511e8b
Member since 2005 • 7222 Posts
Yay July issue!
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#8 Willy105
Member since 2005 • 26119 Posts

[QUOTE="Ze_ALEX"]and second post =)VanHelsingBoA64


Holy **** people still do that?

Double post. It was a glitch.

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#9 SSCyborg
Member since 2007 • 7625 Posts

MS started the trend of boring shows this year, with a very...casual...E3, showing the Mii ripoff that -GhostMLD- and no one else was excited for, and games that no one at all wanted to play. It looked like MS was going to sink this E3, and lemmings could have definitely used a good show. Oh well....

I was on the edge of my seat watching the conference, and was hyped for everything. I don't know what you're talking about.

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#10 Prid3r
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[QUOTE="Ze_ALEX"]and second post =)VanHelsingBoA64


Holy **** people still do that?

welcome to the interweb !

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#11 Nike_Air
Member since 2006 • 19733 Posts

What is the Wii Music and one game threads all about ?

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#12 Ze_ALEX
Member since 2007 • 1793 Posts

[QUOTE="Ze_ALEX"]and second post =)Willy105


Holy **** people still do that?

Double post. It was a glitch.

er no dude you post one then another

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#13 Willy105
Member since 2005 • 26119 Posts

[QUOTE="Ze_ALEX"]and second post =)Ze_ALEX


Holy **** people still do that?

Double post. It was a glitch.

er no dude you post one then another

I was defending you, but whatever.

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#14 crunchUK
Member since 2007 • 3050 Posts

oh lawd that comic was hilarious :lol:. also i watched the entire E3 and man i am never doing that again. what a waste of time. as for SW the game i'm at that bit where jeff is after those glitch things and you're in that white expanse full of ninjas WHICH ARE ANNOYING :cry:. still i didn't actually KNOW that the characters were real users. wow. also the new gamespot looks nice. a lot sleeker and generally more... i dunno dynamic? anyway it's all good.

also LOL at the ghostMLD thing :D

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#15 Ze_ALEX
Member since 2007 • 1793 Posts

I was defending you, but whatever. Willy105

I was just saying how i did it lol, sorry

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#16 slickchris7777
Member since 2005 • 1610 Posts
That gamespot beta sure looks nice.
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#17 verbtex  Moderator
Member since 2006 • 9196 Posts

I really like the new look.

I can't wait for the official release!

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#18 Unforgiven2870
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well Wider is better
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#19 crunchUK
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well Wider is betterUnforgiven2870

yeah because there's a HUGE expanse of empty space to the left and right just doing nothing.

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#20 rybe1025
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The comic was the best part :lol:
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#21 Tjeremiah1988
Member since 2003 • 16665 Posts
congrats on another exciting issue.
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#22 rocket9434
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I like this thing.
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#23 crunchUK
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am i the only one who has "played it..."? :O
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#24 club-sandwich
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I really hate the new GS display. x(
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#25 magiciandude
Member since 2004 • 9667 Posts
Oh Lord, another GS overhaul. I remember the overhaul in 2005 and boy, did things turn sour.
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#26 Willy105
Member since 2005 • 26119 Posts

What is the Wii Music and one game threads all about ?

During E3, there was a rule that you couldn't make a game based on one game.
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#27 sam280992
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:lol: At the comic, that made laugh in real life :)
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#28 Tsug_Ze_Wind
Member since 2006 • 9511 Posts

MS started the trend of boring shows this year, with a very...casual...E3, showing the Mii ripoff that -GhostMLD- and no one else was excited for, and games that no one at all wanted to play. It looked like MS was going to sink this E3, and lemmings could have definitely used a good show. Oh well....SSCyborg

I was on the edge of my seat watching the conference, and was hyped for everything. I don't know what you're talking about.

For everything? :shock: Must've been a pretty good E3 for you then! :P

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#29 Tsug_Ze_Wind
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I was worried when I heard this was going out so early, but you really worked hard on this one Willy. In case you didnt notice guys, everything besides my report was written by Willy this time.

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I was worried when I heard this was going out so early, but you really worked hard on this one Willy. In case you didnt notice guys, everything besides my report was written by Willy this time.


Yeah this issue seemed a little short on articles because you two were the only ones doing it. What happened to the other people who wrote for this?

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#31 Tsug_Ze_Wind
Member since 2006 • 9511 Posts

I was worried when I heard this was going out so early, but you really worked hard on this one Willy. In case you didnt notice guys, everything besides my report was written by Willy this time.


Yeah this issue seemed a little short on articles because you two were the only ones doing it. What happened to the other people who wrote for this?

A lot of them left after SW Bets, since then we've only had a few on-and-off writers. We were falling behind, so we had no time to contact any.

Still, Willy did an excellent job here. Hopefully now we'll have the time to get some more writers for next issue.

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Member since 2008 • 3850 Posts

I was worried when I heard this was going out so early, but you really worked hard on this one Willy. In case you didnt notice guys, everything besides my report was written by Willy this time.


Yeah this issue seemed a little short on articles because you two were the only ones doing it. What happened to the other people who wrote for this?

A lot of them left after SW Bets, since then we've only had a few on-and-off writers. We were falling behind, so we had no time to contact any.

Still, Willy did an excellent job here. Hopefully now we'll have the time to get some more writers for next issue.

Thats too bad.

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#34 magiciandude
Member since 2004 • 9667 Posts

I was worried when I heard this was going out so early, but you really worked hard on this one Willy. In case you didnt notice guys, everything besides my report was written by Willy this time.


Yeah this issue seemed a little short on articles because you two were the only ones doing it. What happened to the other people who wrote for this?

A lot of them left after SW Bets, since then we've only had a few on-and-off writers. We were falling behind, so we had no time to contact any.

Still, Willy did an excellent job here. Hopefully now we'll have the time to get some more writers for next issue.

I wouldn't mind volunteering

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#35 jknight5422
Member since 2003 • 1992 Posts
I was wondering what happened to Jeff. I didn't know any of this had happened! I like the idea of no mods on their site. Having one board where I have to walk on egg shells over everything I say is hard enough as it is already.
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#36 Eragon_11
Member since 2004 • 5022 Posts

talkng about giantbomb, you make it seem as if people either have to stay here, or move there.

is there no middle ground? can't people jsut be apart of both websites? :?

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this is a long forum but yea i agree?
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#38 deactivated-5e0e425ee91d8
Member since 2007 • 22399 Posts

nice comic willy and kudos to the SWM crew once again

however Tsug was sort of off on the MS part of E3...they showed a bit that the hardcore can be exited for...Geometry wars 2, galaga legions, portal still alive and the new interface...probably less the miis, but the fact that its much more streemlined and it lets you download disk based games to your hard drive.

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#39 tman93
Member since 2006 • 7769 Posts
Nice edition..... I swear I will make one one of these days.... I mean, I still think im an officer in that union.....
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#40 deactivated-5e0e425ee91d8
Member since 2007 • 22399 Posts

I was worried when I heard this was going out so early, but you really worked hard on this one Willy. In case you didnt notice guys, everything besides my report was written by Willy this time.


Yeah this issue seemed a little short on articles because you two were the only ones doing it. What happened to the other people who wrote for this?

A lot of them left after SW Bets, since then we've only had a few on-and-off writers. We were falling behind, so we had no time to contact any.

Still, Willy did an excellent job here. Hopefully now we'll have the time to get some more writers for next issue.

i could do somthing...though i suck at the whole creative aspect of writing :o

need a rewiewer to do the big games of the month :D

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#41 Willy105
Member since 2005 • 26119 Posts
We REALLY need writers. This issue didn't come out early, it came out ON TIME! Our last issue was supposed to come out WEEKS before E3, and it ended up coming during the actual thing. This is all made for fun, to do something productive for our community, but with no support, it is going to become more like work and less like fun, and I won't let it become work. If you want to have a creation in the magazine, just tell me, and I will let you into our union!
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#42 deactivated-5e0e425ee91d8
Member since 2007 • 22399 Posts

We REALLY need writers. This issue didn't come out early, it came out ON TIME! Our last issue was supposed to come out WEEKS before E3, and it ended up coming during the actual thing. This is all made for fun, to do something productive for our community, but with no support, it is going to become more like work and less like fun, and I won't let it become work. If you want to have a creation in the magazine, just tell me, and I will let you into our union!Willy105

take a look at the last post of the last page willy...

the next big thing for this mag could be rewiew wars!

where two people from two of the fanboy fractions will rewiew a game and have different thoughts, or hell just the game rewiews from a couple of people so that all the platforms are covered.

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#43 Willy105
Member since 2005 • 26119 Posts

[QUOTE="Willy105"]We REALLY need writers. This issue didn't come out early, it came out ON TIME! Our last issue was supposed to come out WEEKS before E3, and it ended up coming during the actual thing. This is all made for fun, to do something productive for our community, but with no support, it is going to become more like work and less like fun, and I won't let it become work. If you want to have a creation in the magazine, just tell me, and I will let you into our union!darkspineslayer

take a look at the last post of the last page willy...

the next big thing for this mag could be rewiew wars!

where two people from two of the fanboy fractions will rewiew a game and have different thoughts, or hell just the game rewiews from a couple of people so that all the platforms are covered.

That requires people to write them.
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#44 deactivated-5e0e425ee91d8
Member since 2007 • 22399 Posts

[QUOTE="Willy105"]We REALLY need writers. This issue didn't come out early, it came out ON TIME! Our last issue was supposed to come out WEEKS before E3, and it ended up coming during the actual thing. This is all made for fun, to do something productive for our community, but with no support, it is going to become more like work and less like fun, and I won't let it become work. If you want to have a creation in the magazine, just tell me, and I will let you into our union!Willy105

take a look at the last post of the last page willy...

the next big thing for this mag could be rewiew wars!

where two people from two of the fanboy fractions will rewiew a game and have different thoughts, or hell just the game rewiews from a couple of people so that all the platforms are covered.

That requires people to write them.

ok...i have volunteered to rewiew games, do you want my services or no?

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#45 greenprince
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#46 Willy105
Member since 2005 • 26119 Posts

[QUOTE="Willy105"]We REALLY need writers. This issue didn't come out early, it came out ON TIME! Our last issue was supposed to come out WEEKS before E3, and it ended up coming during the actual thing. This is all made for fun, to do something productive for our community, but with no support, it is going to become more like work and less like fun, and I won't let it become work. If you want to have a creation in the magazine, just tell me, and I will let you into our union!darkspineslayer

take a look at the last post of the last page willy...

the next big thing for this mag could be rewiew wars!

where two people from two of the fanboy fractions will rewiew a game and have different thoughts, or hell just the game rewiews from a couple of people so that all the platforms are covered.

That requires people to write them.

ok...i have volunteered to rewiew games, do you want my services or no?

If you really want to, then of course I do!
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#47 bballm10
Member since 2006 • 1025 Posts
The comic was the best part :lol:rybe1025
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#48 Tsug_Ze_Wind
Member since 2006 • 9511 Posts

nice comic willy and kudos to the SWM crew once again

however Tsug was sort of off on the MS part of E3...they showed a bit that the hardcore can be exited for...Geometry wars 2, galaga legions, portal still alive and the new interface...probably less the miis, but the fact that its much more streemlined and it lets you download disk based games to your hard drive.


Maybe, but without FF13, MS's conference still would have been at least as bad as Nintendo's. It was still underwhelming with a megaton attached, which says a lot.

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#49 noswear
Member since 2008 • 3263 Posts
I think GS Wide should be even wider. One that fits my 1920x1200 monitor natively would be awesome!
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#50 subrosian
Member since 2005 • 14232 Posts
Is the hermit in the comic supposed to be SoulReaverCross or CaseyWegner? Also - where is the drawing of the manticore who argued for your freedoms :P