Have you lost trust and respect for police?

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#1 RatchetClank92
Member since 2020 • 1361 Posts

Now that the high levels of racism and police brutality are being caught on camera (a cop publicly murdering an innocent black man, George Floyd, and cops gang beating peaceful small female protesters, or driving around opening their doors to smash peaceful protestors), have you lost your respect or trust in the police? I have not trusted them for a long time, and found them more or less useless. They don’t stop problems they just show up after the damage is done with a notepad and rarely follow up or solve the issue.

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#2 br0kenrabbit
Member since 2004 • 17878 Posts

I did a long time ago. I've had encounters with the police for no other reason than they're bored, and they're complete assholes about it. Bullies with badges.

Officer Friendly got hog-tied and shot.


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#3 Chutebox
Member since 2007 • 50663 Posts

No and no

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#4 RatchetClank92
Member since 2020 • 1361 Posts

My most played songs the last couple days have been

Stray From the Path- Badge and a Bullet

Stray From the Path- D.I.E.P.I.G

Fever 333- Burn It

And the classic,

NWA- **** the police

Amongst some Rage Against the Machine too.

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#6 deactivated-63d1ad7651984
Member since 2017 • 10057 Posts

I never trusted them even as a kid I saw through the BS.

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#7  Edited By KungfuKitten
Member since 2006 • 27389 Posts

I mean I don't have experience with USA police. And I have expressed my concerns about the police in my country changing from people who would actively help the community, to ticket dispensers who actively avoid helping the community when there's something wrong. But I still respect them for putting their lives on the line to keep order when things get bad. Because most cops in my country are cops because they care about keeping us safe. Even though their stance as a whole has changed for the worse imo. Maybe that's something that can still be fixed.

I doubt that all USA cops are bad. I doubt even 10% of them are. It's just tough for me to imagine. But again, I haven't lived anywhere in the USA so I don't really know the state of things. But racism is of course a terrible thing. And unjust police brutality against anyone is a terrible thing. Floyd shouldn't have died and he's one of many I hear. So I get that there's protests. The protests get out of hand (and get hijacked), and I don't know if it's smart right now, but I do get why people are standing up.

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#8 Planeforger
Member since 2004 • 19599 Posts

Here in Australia? No.

There will always be some bad cops out there (and there are more than a few systemic issues - strip searches being a hot topic at the moment), but they generally do an important and often thankless job.

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#9  Edited By Drunk_PI
Member since 2014 • 3358 Posts

Hard to have respect when you see videos like these: LINK

Can't wait for their defenders though.

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#10 Sevenizz
Member since 2010 • 6462 Posts

I respect and support the police 100%. The actions of a few don’t dictate the profession as a whole and it’s not the norm.

Let me know who you call if ever you find yourself in harms way.

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#11 firedrakes
Member since 2004 • 4388 Posts

my county police are up standing. the busted bad cops.

now other cops i had to deal around my state. no so much

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#12 WeRVenom
Member since 2020 • 479 Posts

I always find it ironic that the left fears and mistrust the police but on the same note wants to ban guns. It doesn't make sense.

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#13 Drunk_PI
Member since 2014 • 3358 Posts

@wervenom said:

I always find it ironic that the left fears and mistrust the police but on the same note wants to ban guns. It doesn't make sense.

I always find it ironic that the right fears and mistrusts the government but on the same note defends bad police officers and support easing gun laws, which helps perpetuate violence against police officers.

It doesn't make sense. ;)

@Sevenizz said:

I respect and support the police 100%. The actions of a few don’t dictate the profession as a whole and it’s not the norm.

Let me know who you call if ever you find yourself in harms way.

The lack of action from the majority dictate that the profession is corrupt thanks to laws that allow such behavior.

Let me know how the cops behaved in the videos posted, particularly when an officer shot a bystander in the face.

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#14 so_hai
Member since 2007 • 4385 Posts

I don't trust them. They also close ranks when one of them breaks the law.

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#15  Edited By Sevenizz
Member since 2010 • 6462 Posts

@drunk_pi: The police have about a few million interactions a day throughout the US. Of those millions of interactions, the George Floyd’s of the situations, while tragic, are very rare.

The profession as a whole still works and is the most important function any government provides.

Again, let me know who you call if you find yourself in harms way.

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#16 johnd13
Member since 2011 • 11126 Posts

For the police in my country? No. For the police in the US? Not sure about that. I don't like condemning an entire workforce because of the actions of a minority.

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#17 Drunk_PI
Member since 2014 • 3358 Posts

@Sevenizz said:

@drunk_pi: The police have about a few million interactions a day throughout the US. Of those millions of interactions, the George Floyd’s of the situations, while tragic, are very rare.

The profession as a whole still works and is the most important function any government provides.

Again, let me know who you call if you find yourself in harms way.

Maybe they are rare or maybe they are common but as this event and many other events have shown, there has been no real reform and resistance from those who work in that profession and their enablers.

The profession is in need of reform and its function in society is far too expansive, which is causing more harm on the populace and even the profession itself.

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#18 VFighter
Member since 2016 • 11031 Posts

Have I lost respect for police, no. The actions of a few bad cops don't outweigh the good the rest of them do.

I have lost respect and faith in humanity though after watching looters and rioters burning down and robbing the cities they live in just because they have a "reason" now.

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#19 Sevenizz
Member since 2010 • 6462 Posts

@drunk_pi: What do you mean ‘maybe they’re rare’? Of course they’re rare. Every 3 or 4 years there’s a major news story about someone who committed a crime and something terrible happens. Again, tragic. But in that time hundreds of millions of interactions go problem free. I’d say those are staggeringly good odds. For the most part, if you live a crime free existence and obey they law, you’ll never find yourself in a situation with law enforcement. If you choose to disobey the law, you put yourself at a high risk of encountering a deadly situation - amplify that if you resist or get combative. You know this. Anyone with a functioning brain does as well.

I ask you a third time, who do you call if you find yourself in harms way?

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#20 RatchetClank92
Member since 2020 • 1361 Posts


I can probably call anyone to show up late after the damage is done to show up with a notepad and Barry follow up with the injustice. Cops aren’t there to protect us. Look up warren vs Columbia

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#21 Drunk_PI
Member since 2014 • 3358 Posts

@Sevenizz said:

@drunk_pi: What do you mean ‘maybe they’re rare’? Of course they’re rare. Every 3 or 4 years there’s a major news story about someone who committed a crime and something terrible happens. Again, tragic. But in that time hundreds of millions of interactions go problem free. I’d say those are staggeringly good odds. For the most part, if you live a crime free existence and obey they law, you’ll never find yourself in a situation with law enforcement. If you choose to disobey the law, you put yourself at a high risk of encountering a deadly situation - amplify that if you resist or get combative. You know this. Anyone with a functioning brain does as well.

I ask you a third time, who do you call if you find yourself in harms way?

And you have the unreported and under-reported acts committed by police officers.

People do live crime-free existence and obey the law and sometimes still get screwed over by bad police officers. Even then, a police officer is NOT a judge-jury-and-executioner. We as U.S. citizens have rights that shouldn't be trampled by statists and their enablers. Yes, a person commits a crime and there's no excuse but generally a non-violent crime doesn't warrant a death sentence.

Anyone who cares about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness knows this. If you want statism then please move somewhere else with "law and order." Because they aren't.

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#22 Kadin_Kai
Member since 2015 • 2247 Posts

I think the majority of police around the world are decent people but in every walk of life there are bad eggs.

However, from the face of it there appears to be a few more bad eggs in the US police force compared to many others since these sorts of events appear (without statistical analysis on my part) more frequently.

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#23 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178873 Posts

I think there are police that strive to make their community better but there is a problem with power within the force and the fact that they cover for others. But I'm not going to paint them all the same. Nothing is absolute. But we do need police reforms. Watching the behavior during the protests/riots should give you pause. And, of course, there is a major race relation problem in many areas.

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#24 Star67
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@Sevenizz: It's not every 3 or 4 years though, it's every few months! A black protestor was just killed by police in Louisville last week, and he was just standing in the crowd!

The problem is that local police departments aren't being held accountable by the law. Even when new policies are enacted they aren't enforced. I can't count how many news stories I've seen where officers cover up or turn off their body cameras!

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#25 Xabiss
Member since 2012 • 4749 Posts

The answer is no. If you have any questions please refer them to the gentleman below. I will not be playing with you. He has all of his resources posted.

and this

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#26  Edited By Zaryia
Member since 2016 • 21607 Posts

@Xabiss said:

The answer is no. If you have any questions please refer them to the gentleman below. I will not be playing with you. He has all of his resources posted.

and this

Neither of that lol-twitter-citations denies the OP suggesting there is police brutality in general and police racism in general. Which there is. And that a lot of it is simply being caught on film these days. Which it is.

As for your red-herring tweets, I'm seeing conflicting data here:

After Ferguson, black men still face the highest risk of being killed by police


Black men and boys face the highest risk of being killed by police–at a rate of 96 out of 100,000 deaths. By comparison, white men and boys face a lower rate of 39 per 100,000 deaths, despite being a bigger portion of the U.S. population. Overall, men faced a rate of 52 per 100,000 deaths.

Getting killed by police is a leading cause of death for young black men in America


Black People Are Charged at a Higher Rate Than Whites. What if Prosecutors Didn’t Know Their Race?


Comparing Black and White Drug Offenders: Implications for Racial Disparities in Criminal Justice and Reentry Policy and Programming


I mean the whole War on Drugs proves the systemic thing.

That being said I have no lost respect for the police. Just some of them, I mean look at the guys attacking journalists all week. Like THUGS.

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#27  Edited By Xabiss
Member since 2012 • 4749 Posts

@zaryia said:
@Xabiss said:

The answer is no. If you have any questions please refer them to the gentleman below. I will not be playing with you. He has all of his resources posted.

and this

Neither of that lol-twitter-citations denies the OP suggesting there is police brutality in general and police racism in general. Which there is. And that a lot of it is simply being caught on film these days. Which it is.

As for your red-herring tweets, I'm seeing conflicting data here:

After Ferguson, black men still face the highest risk of being killed by police


Black men and boys face the highest risk of being killed by police–at a rate of 96 out of 100,000 deaths. By comparison, white men and boys face a lower rate of 39 per 100,000 deaths, despite being a bigger portion of the U.S. population. Overall, men faced a rate of 52 per 100,000 deaths.

Getting killed by police is a leading cause of death for young black men in America


Black People Are Charged at a Higher Rate Than Whites. What if Prosecutors Didn’t Know Their Race?


Comparing Black and White Drug Offenders: Implications for Racial Disparities in Criminal Justice and Reentry Policy and Programming


I mean the whole War on Drugs proves the systemic thing.

That being said I have no lost respect for the police. Just some of them, I mean look at the guys attacking journalists all week. Like THUGS.

Argue with the gentleman who twitted the information. I will not partake in your nonsense. It is not my place to argue the points he brought up period.

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#28 amillionhp
Member since 2008 • 773 Posts


Well... about that, i think the stats are dependent on the fact of a greater white population overall but still... it is at least worth mentioning and i do at least partially agree.

Here is another thing i think people just miss in all of this though, the absurd expectation placed on cops when at the end of the day, they're just people like everyone else who can chose to or not to do the right thing. Somehow we think cops cant do no wrong when they can and will. Giving them weapons and authority means it will get abused but there is no escaping this just like any regular crime cannot be completely stopped.

But there was footage of cops kneeling on top of white kids during the protests so that obviously isnt a racial issue, they are just trained to do that.

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#29 WeRVenom
Member since 2020 • 479 Posts

@drunk_pi said:
@wervenom said:

I always find it ironic that the left fears and mistrust the police but on the same note wants to ban guns. It doesn't make sense.

I always find it ironic that the right fears and mistrusts the government but on the same note defends bad police officers and support easing gun laws, which helps perpetuate violence against police officers.

It doesn't make sense. ;)

@Sevenizz said:

I respect and support the police 100%. The actions of a few don’t dictate the profession as a whole and it’s not the norm.

Let me know who you call if ever you find yourself in harms way.

The lack of action from the majority dictate that the profession is corrupt thanks to laws that allow such behavior.

Let me know how the cops behaved in the videos posted, particularly when an officer shot a bystander in the face.

I don't see anyone on the right defending this bad police officer. Even Rush Limbaugh bashed him. The issue is the left only cares if the victim is black.

And as far as your gun laws.


They wouldn't do much as most criminals have obtained those guns illegally in the first place.

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#30 Drunk_PI
Member since 2014 • 3358 Posts

@wervenom said:

e videos posted, particularly when an officer shot a bystander in the face.

I don't see anyone on the right defending this bad police officer. Even Rush Limbaugh bashed him. The issue is the left only cares if the victim is black.

And as far as your gun laws.


They wouldn't do much as most criminals have obtained those guns illegally in the first place.

Lackadaisical gun laws --> proliferation of guns --> more cop deaths

That officer is obvious. Others? Not so much and you probably would defend the cop's actions in the videos in the link I posted.

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#31 WeRVenom
Member since 2020 • 479 Posts

@drunk_pi said:
@wervenom said:

e videos posted, particularly when an officer shot a bystander in the face.

I don't see anyone on the right defending this bad police officer. Even Rush Limbaugh bashed him. The issue is the left only cares if the victim is black.

And as far as your gun laws.


They wouldn't do much as most criminals have obtained those guns illegally in the first place.

Lackadaisical gun laws --> proliferation of guns --> more cop deaths

That officer is obvious. Others? Not so much and you probably would defend the cop's actions in the videos in the link I posted.

More gun laws----> less law abiding citizens carry guns-----> more reliance on unreliable police officers----> more deaths of good citizens.

Others? I wait for the facts and evidence to come in. Mike Brown was a perfect example where forensic evidence didn't match the narrative. I'm not a fan of false narratives. So if the evidence comes in and the cop unjustly shot or killed a man then by all means he should be prosecuted.

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#32 mattbbpl
Member since 2006 • 23055 Posts

@drunk_pi said:
@wervenom said:

e videos posted, particularly when an officer shot a bystander in the face.

I don't see anyone on the right defending this bad police officer. Even Rush Limbaugh bashed him. The issue is the left only cares if the victim is black.

And as far as your gun laws.


They wouldn't do much as most criminals have obtained those guns illegally in the first place.

Lackadaisical gun laws --> proliferation of guns --> more cop deaths

That officer is obvious. Others? Not so much and you probably would defend the cop's actions in the videos in the link I posted.

Isn't that the point? One of the 2A crowd's primary arguments is that the proliferation of guns is a defense against a tyrannical government. Police officers are the enforcement arm of the government.

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#33  Edited By Drunk_PI
Member since 2014 • 3358 Posts

@wervenom said:

More gun laws----> less law abiding citizens carry guns-----> more reliance on unreliable police officers----> more deaths of good citizens.

Others? I wait for the facts and evidence to come in. Mike Brown was a perfect example where forensic evidence didn't match the narrative. I'm not a fan of false narratives. So if the evidence comes in and the cop unjustly shot or killed a man then by all means he should be prosecuted.

More gun laws --> Less gun deaths.

Police reforms --> Less unreliable officers

Both types of reforms constantly shot down by Republicans and Trumpettes alike.

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#34 deactivated-60113e7859d7d
Member since 2017 • 3808 Posts

I never liked them, but I know they're essential.

"To Patronize and Annoy"

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#35 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178873 Posts

@Xabiss said:

Argue with the gentleman who twitted the information. I will not partake in your nonsense. It is not my place to argue the points he brought up period.

You posted the moron as an authority. Using twitter, facebook, youtube opinions are in no way authorities. I get that education is liberal indoctrination to you conservatives but damn knowledge is never a bad thing.

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#36 amillionhp
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The sources are not credible then?

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#37 horgen  Moderator
Member since 2006 • 127527 Posts

@amillionhp said:


The sources are not credible then?

Those tweets can not be considered sources really. Where do the information come from?

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#38 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178873 Posts

@amillionhp said:


The sources are not credible then?

Where are the citations?

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#39 amillionhp
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I had to actually click on his feed but he does provide them.

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#40 WeRVenom
Member since 2020 • 479 Posts

@LJS9502_basic said:
@amillionhp said:


The sources are not credible then?

Where are the citations?


I believe the stats came from here.

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#41 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178873 Posts

@wervenom said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

Where are the citations?

I believe the stats came from here.

Find sources that don't require subscriptions......

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#42  Edited By WeRVenom
Member since 2020 • 479 Posts

@LJS9502_basic said:
@wervenom said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

Where are the citations?

I believe the stats came from here.

Find sources that don't require subscriptions......


They are left of center with a High( rating) in factual reporting.

I didn't create the source. You asked where they came from and I'm showing you.

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#43 LJS9502_basic
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@wervenom: That didn't address my post...….

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#44 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
Member since 2004 • 49584 Posts

There's nearly 3/4s of a million sworn officers in the country that make millions of contacts with folks every single day. You only hear what the media wants you to hear.

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#45 WeRVenom
Member since 2020 • 479 Posts
@zaryia said:
@Xabiss said:

The answer is no. If you have any questions please refer them to the gentleman below. I will not be playing with you. He has all of his resources posted.

and this

Neither of that lol-twitter-citations denies the OP suggesting there is police brutality in general and police racism in general. Which there is. And that a lot of it is simply being caught on film these days. Which it is.

As for your red-herring tweets, I'm seeing conflicting data here:

After Ferguson, black men still face the highest risk of being killed by police


Black men and boys face the highest risk of being killed by police–at a rate of 96 out of 100,000 deaths. By comparison, white men and boys face a lower rate of 39 per 100,000 deaths, despite being a bigger portion of the U.S. population. Overall, men faced a rate of 52 per 100,000 deaths.

Getting killed by police is a leading cause of death for young black men in America


Black People Are Charged at a Higher Rate Than Whites. What if Prosecutors Didn’t Know Their Race?


Comparing Black and White Drug Offenders: Implications for Racial Disparities in Criminal Justice and Reentry Policy and Programming


I mean the whole War on Drugs proves the systemic thing.

That being said I have no lost respect for the police. Just some of them, I mean look at the guys attacking journalists all week. Like THUGS.



The Twitter citations are from accurate sources. This does provide context to your links that are trying to create a false narrative.

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#46  Edited By LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178873 Posts

@Stevo_the_gamer said:

There's nearly 3/4s of a million sworn officers in the country that make millions of contacts with folks every single day. You only hear what the media wants you to hear.

We should hear when a citizen in custody is killed. Policing should be transparent. Cops work for their community and they shouldn't see it as us vs them. It should be we.

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#47  Edited By Zaryia
Member since 2016 • 21607 Posts

@wervenom said:
@zaryia said:
@Xabiss said:

The answer is no. If you have any questions please refer them to the gentleman below. I will not be playing with you. He has all of his resources posted.

and this

Neither of that lol-twitter-citations denies the OP suggesting there is police brutality in general and police racism in general. Which there is. And that a lot of it is simply being caught on film these days. Which it is.

As for your red-herring tweets, I'm seeing conflicting data here:

After Ferguson, black men still face the highest risk of being killed by police


Black men and boys face the highest risk of being killed by police–at a rate of 96 out of 100,000 deaths. By comparison, white men and boys face a lower rate of 39 per 100,000 deaths, despite being a bigger portion of the U.S. population. Overall, men faced a rate of 52 per 100,000 deaths.

Getting killed by police is a leading cause of death for young black men in America


Black People Are Charged at a Higher Rate Than Whites. What if Prosecutors Didn’t Know Their Race?


Comparing Black and White Drug Offenders: Implications for Racial Disparities in Criminal Justice and Reentry Policy and Programming


I mean the whole War on Drugs proves the systemic thing.

That being said I have no lost respect for the police. Just some of them, I mean look at the guys attacking journalists all week. Like THUGS.



The Twitter citations are from accurate sources. This does provide context to your links that are trying to create a false narrative.

Your links shows

WAPO: "Factual Reporting: HIGH" Thank you.

Not to mention you didn't even touch upon my 3 other links. One of my links directly leads to a study......

Explain to me how citing a tweet is better than directly linking a study. Not only did you not debunk my 4 links, you didn't give citation for those tweets.

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#49 WeRVenom
Member since 2020 • 479 Posts

@zaryia said:
@wervenom said:
@zaryia said:
@Xabiss said:

The answer is no. If you have any questions please refer them to the gentleman below. I will not be playing with you. He has all of his resources posted.

and this

Neither of that lol-twitter-citations denies the OP suggesting there is police brutality in general and police racism in general. Which there is. And that a lot of it is simply being caught on film these days. Which it is.

As for your red-herring tweets, I'm seeing conflicting data here:

After Ferguson, black men still face the highest risk of being killed by police


Black men and boys face the highest risk of being killed by police–at a rate of 96 out of 100,000 deaths. By comparison, white men and boys face a lower rate of 39 per 100,000 deaths, despite being a bigger portion of the U.S. population. Overall, men faced a rate of 52 per 100,000 deaths.

Getting killed by police is a leading cause of death for young black men in America


Black People Are Charged at a Higher Rate Than Whites. What if Prosecutors Didn’t Know Their Race?


Comparing Black and White Drug Offenders: Implications for Racial Disparities in Criminal Justice and Reentry Policy and Programming


I mean the whole War on Drugs proves the systemic thing.

That being said I have no lost respect for the police. Just some of them, I mean look at the guys attacking journalists all week. Like THUGS.



The Twitter citations are from accurate sources. This does provide context to your links that are trying to create a false narrative.

Your links shows

WAPO: "Factual Reporting: HIGH" Thank you.

Not to mention you didn't even touch upon my 3 other links. One of my links directly leads to a study......

Explain to me how citing a tweet is better than directly linking a study. Not only did you not debunk my 4 links, you didn't give citation for those tweets.

The second link has the stats linked by the Twitter user.

In context to your links it seems that blacks are more likely to face those issues as they commit higher crimes per a capita.

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#50  Edited By mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58503 Posts

I know cops have a job to do and most of them are good people, but I can't remember the last time I saw a cop and thought "Oh goodie! There's a cop around!"

Usually my thoughts are "Aw shit shit shit. Why is there a cop here?"

I know that's both irrational and not fair to the hundreds of thousands of cops out there that are just trying to help make and keep society a good and safe place, but that's just how I feel.

I respect law enforcement, I know cops personally (former and current), and in general it's a pretty good fraternity. I used to brew at a place not far from a hotel where they had a cop convention or something every year and they'd come in and get drunk and they all seemed like solid guys.

But at the same time if a cop is around, your at risk of....something.

inb4 "oh well you have nothing to fear if you didn't do anything wrong"