Alex Jones getting effed hard by the Sword of Justice

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#101 SargentD  Online
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@InEMplease said:

@angry_walrus: Thats a nice false equivalence you got there, but whatever helps you defend a monster that profited off the deaths of children and the suffering of their loved ones. Not everyone is willing to sell their soul.

People are hyper focused on Alex Jones and hardly no mention Adam Lanza the guy who actually killed the kids.

Adam Lanza is dead, so I guess the tragedy falls in Alex Jones lap. People need someone to blame. Lot of anger.

Alex Jones killed those kids!!! Hang him!!

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#102  Edited By Zaryia
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@sargentd said:
@InEMplease said:

@angry_walrus: Thats a nice false equivalence you got there, but whatever helps you defend a monster that profited off the deaths of children and the suffering of their loved ones. Not everyone is willing to sell their soul.

People are hyper focused on Alex Jones and hardly no mention Adam Lanza the guy who actually killed the kids.

Adam Lanza is dead, so I guess the tragedy falls in Alex Jones lap. People need someone to blame. Lot of anger.

Alex Jones killed those kids!!! Hang him!!

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You know this video makes Jones look even worse and crazier right?

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#103 SargentD  Online
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@zaryia: fan of Channel 5, fan of alex jones!! great entertainment

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#104 SargentD  Online
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"I didn't kill the children, I'm not Jeffery Dahmer, I didn't invent hemorrhoids."-Alex Jones, 2022

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#105 PurpleMan5000
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@angry_walrus: It's not defamation if it's true. It's not even defamation if you can reasonably believe it's true.

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#106  Edited By Angry_Walrus
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@PurpleMan5000: Evidence or no evidence, those parents still get harrassed and threatened.

Therefore should it be illegal to insinuate anyone's participation in any sort of nerfarious plot??

You think the NSA is being sketchy. Prove it b*tch.

You think Dick Cheny was a war profiteer. Prove it b*tch.

You think the CIA is experimenting with mind control? Prove it b*tch.

You think the CIA was involved in influencing the Panamanian elections in the early 90's. Prove it b*tch.

Either pay up or shut up.

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#107 PurpleMan5000
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@angry_walrus: No, and that's why people who started the whole "9/11 was an inside job" thing were never sued for defamation. It's very far-fetched, but it's believable that these people sincerely believe George Bush did it. It's not reasonable for people to believe that other people who aren't public figures, who had to bury their kindergarten-age children, are actually crisis actors employed by the FBI. These kids had teachers and classmates. The parents have birth certificates. It's very easy to verify that they were victims of a school shooting, something that happens very regularly in America. Alex Jones convinced an army of nutjobs to harass them for years.

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#108 PurpleMan5000
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@sargentd: Oh, so someone did kill the kids?

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#109 SargentD  Online
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@PurpleMan5000 said:

@sargentd: Oh, so someone did kill the kids?

Alex Jones did it!! He admitted it so you can leave him alone now lol

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#110 blaznwiipspman1
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Honestly, I don't really get these laws. You have a bunch of right wing media and tons of right wingers spreading fud about global warming. The amount of damage the right have done so far is incalculable. Actually the funny thing is, a big chunk of the reason why so many illegals are migrating in record levels is due to global warming causing so much instability with the weather. If you think about it, the right has done far more damage to society and the world with their bs. Nothing is done about that, but some idiot whos obviously high on mushrooms and cocain talking bs on his podcast is worth a billion dollars in damages?? The fyk? Its like a clownshow court, a circus.

This is why nobody gives a shit about the laws here.

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#111 comp_atkins
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@angry_walrus said:

@InEMplease: How arrogant of you. Just like the others here, you put yourself as moral judge.

There is no analogy or senario that will sway you. All you understand is that his speechs on his boardcast resulted in them being harrassed.

But I remind the readers here, that this man would not dare to hold our own media to such a standard.

You base AJ's right to free speech based on wether or not his premise's were truthful.

But see, he doesn't actually give half a squirell fart about that. B/C if you give him the hypothetical that such plot turned out to be true, he wouldn't support Alex having his money returned.

Why ? B/C all that matters to InEMplease is that AJ get punished, in any way possible.

what kind of bass ackwards argument is this?

since you like hypotheticals with weird sex stuff...

I own a popular website and go around telling people that you like to ---- off chinchillas for fun. No I have no basis for this assertion whatsoever and you've never been intimate with a chinchilla in your life. Doesn't matter, I insist anyway. The popularity of my website means a lot of people believe it and assume it's true. They harass you constantly, you lose your job, etc... Eventually you sue for defamation and win a large settlement.

A few years later, still gleeful you won your settlement, you decide to get frisky with a chinchilla. Just because I happened to guess that shit in the past and it turned out true years later doesn't mean it wasn't defamation when it occurred. You don't get to retroactively negate a previous ruling. That's not how the legal system works.

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#112  Edited By MirkoS77
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@angry_walrus said:

@MirkoS77: You make an excellent point.

My answer is no; it is NOT ok to dinegrate or smear people. What I do believe, is that you are gleeful when AJ's feet are held to the fire- But are you willing to demand the same level of accountability across our media spectrum ?

Sure I am, but you need to bring to me specifics towards that accountability, not broad generalizations and appeals to institutional distrust that you are using to excuse and justify his conduct. You apparently do believe smearing people is ok under this basis. I don't believe (all) media to be trustworthy, but I do believe there is such a thing as journalistic integrity, and I have seen media outlets retract and correct their stories, and even apologize.

There is such a thing as responsible reporting, and Jones makes no effort whatsoever to heed any standard.....he takes no care in what he says. He just wings it, spewing his garbage into the ether, the more extreme the better (and more profitable) with no evidentiary backing aside conspiratorial leanings. He does not care one whit as the damage it inflicts to those that are the targets of his unsubstantiated and loony ramblings, and even when taken to court, he remains unrepentant, unapologetic, stubborn, goes on the attack, and then (predictably to the conservative and GOP playbook) frames himself the victim and blames everybody else.

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#113  Edited By Angry_Walrus
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@MirkoS77: @comp_atkins: I find your responses to certainly be sound convincing enough.

I have not made myself clear through my previous post. I should clarify.

I may not like it at all, BUT if the parents sue and the court finds Alex liable. Then the courts ruled should indeed be honored.

However, these courts have used his guilty verdict as discreation to heep hundreds of millions of dollars in punitive damges onto Alex . Why ? This was done purposfully b/c the punitive damages cannot be discharged by bankruptcy. Meanwhile, it was the Pain & Suffering damages that these courts kept at a reasonable number.

Why ? B/C Pain and Suffering damages CAN be discharged by bankruptcy.

This is PART of my frustration. His being found guilty may indeed have been his own fault. But with his conviction in hand, then all manner of anger towards him was unleashed.

Yes, there were political motovations

Yes, there was a desire for revenge that the courts felt they had an UNLIMITED mandate to execute upon AJ.

An since you think the Criminal Justice system making these decsions to be perfectly fine; if I have a controversial radio show, but I ran everything I said by a lawyer. If I get sued can my defense be that the lawyer said it was ok ?

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#114  Edited By LJS9502_basic
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@angry_walrus: Do you not understand defamation?

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#115 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
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He's a mentally disturbed individual so there's no sympathy for him, but it does bring up interesting questions about disproportionate punitive damages.

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#116 Mercenary848
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It’s crazy how guys like trump and Alex Jones resonate with a certain numb skull that will still try too defend everything

The main literally used the pain and trauma of them losing their children as material for his screwy cash grabby and idiot galvanizing show.

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#117  Edited By mrbojangles25
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@Stevo_the_gamer said:

He's a mentally disturbed individual so there's no sympathy for him, but it does bring up interesting questions about disproportionate punitive damages.

Yeah, it did seem high, and I really do not like Jones at all. I heard it and was just like "Dammmmmmmmn"

I'm wondering if they did that more as a guarantee that it'd put him out of business forever and he'd have to go into bankruptcy.

Likewise, I'm also wondering if they did it so he would be audited a lot and thoroughly; he has been known to have different companies and shell corporations. The guy is a con-man and I would not put it past him to have laundered or otherwise hidden his wealth.

There were also a lot of people involved in this case, and a lot of damages per person.

Meh, I don't know. I just hope we never have to hear from him again.

@Mercenary848 said:

It’s crazy how guys like trump and Alex Jones resonate with a certain numb skull that will still try too defend everything

The main literally used the pain and trauma of them losing their children as material for his screwy cash grabby and idiot galvanizing show.


Con-man to the core.

The worse part is he plays this role like he is this savior of freedom and his enemies are the literal devil, so people feel compelled to send him money again and again and again. There are a lot of stories out there of people needing to take financial responsibility away from their very old family members because they just spend all their money on Alex Jones.

I've never encountered anyone that stupid and/or delusional, and frankly it's almost impossible for me to believe they exist. But I know they're out there and apparently in great enough numbers to make Alex Jones a wealthy man.


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#118  Edited By mrbojangles25
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@MirkoS77 said:
@angry_walrus said:

@MirkoS77: ...are you willing to demand the same level of accountability across our media spectrum ?

...I do believe there is such a thing as journalistic integrity, and I have seen media outlets retract and correct their stories, and even apologize.

There is such a thing as responsible reporting, and Jones makes no effort whatsoever to heed any standard.....he takes no care in what he says. He just wings it, spewing his garbage into the ether, the more extreme the better (and more profitable) with no evidentiary backing aside conspiratorial leanings. He does not care one whit as the damage it inflicts to those that are the targets of his unsubstantiated and loony ramblings, and even when taken to court, he remains unrepentant, unapologetic, stubborn, goes on the attack, and then (predictably to the conservative and GOP playbook) frames himself the victim and blames everybody else.

I was listening to the Knowledge Fight podcast and they had coverage of the trial. One of the researchers for Jones had to take the stand, and he had just such a lack of curiosity (as the show hosts put it) about everything.

His job, in essence, was to do Google searches for key words and then link the articles on the website. He did not research, he was just a filter of sorts and sifted though articles to find ones that wrote about "globalists" or "Soros" or anything else that fit their agenda.

This is why Jones would often cite articles that were years old, outdated, and proven incorrect. Often the authors or people referenced in the articles had been fired from their jobs. And he never mentioned that because they never did research. It was literally just him reading the headline, then skimming for things in the article.

Sometimes he'd be reading them for the first time, live on the air. Then he'd accidentally stumble across something that didn't work for him and you could hear it in his voice lol.

Complete lack of integrity, absolutely no substance.

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#119 InEMplease
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@Stevo_the_gamer said:

He's a mentally disturbed individual so there's no sympathy for him, but it does bring up interesting questions about disproportionate punitive damages.

These were compensatory damages. The punitive damages have yet to be determined.