MGS4 has the solution to the economy!

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you make it sound so easy kid... do you know how a gunshot wound feels? have you considered your family, friends and loved ones might become casualties of war? are you willing to sacrifice that much for what you call a solution? we're all gonna be nothing but victims... taplok
"Snake. We're not tools of the government, or anyone else. Fighting was the only thing... the only thing I was good at. But... at least I always fought for what I believed in...." Although yeah, he does makes it sound too easy.
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#52 Scianix-Black
Member since 2008 • 19297 Posts

Kojima is a genius. Anyway, The Patriots AKA The Illuminati will start their next war soon. Bigger but worse for America. I'd say we find that Haven soon and hit those AIs before it's too late! Seriously though, Hideo Kojima had a point and made it clear in the game.

"War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries and machines. War - and its consumption of life - has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control...All in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction. And he who controls the battlefield...controls history. War has changed. When the battlefield is under total control...War becomes routine."

The Illuminati will start a war soon.


One of the best and deepest intros to any MGS game & The love theme is just amazing.Yes, Soon our wars are going to be all by nanomachines and maybe we'll get to see people like snake and liquid:P...This also comes to mind.

lol, Jesus... now I need to play MGS4. That was an epic quote THQ.

Also, I'll say this about the original post: You're quite observant.

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Member since 2007 • 5749 Posts

Kojima is a genius. Anyway, The Patriots AKA The Illuminati will start their next war soon. Bigger but worse for America. I'd say we find that Haven soon and hit those AIs before it's too late! Seriously though, Hideo Kojima had a point and made it clear in the game.

"War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries and machines. War - and its consumption of life - has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control...All in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction. And he who controls the battlefield...controls history. War has changed. When the battlefield is under total control...War becomes routine."

The Illuminati will start a war soon.


One of the best and deepest intros to any MGS game & The love theme is just amazing.Yes, Soon our wars are going to be all by nanomachines and maybe we'll get to see people like snake and liquid:P...This also comes to mind.

lol, Jesus... now I need to play MGS4. That was an epic quote THQ.

Also, I'll say this about the original post: You're quite observant.

:PYou think im not playing it now? ever since i got that game in my hands im just playing and playing and watching, seriously can't get enough of it..even the special addition disk is addicting, watching Hideo Kojima with all his team put hard work into this game...a great sight to see.
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#54 ExplosiveChorro
Member since 2008 • 1074 Posts

Kojima is a genius. Anyway, The Patriots AKA The Illuminati will start their next war soon. Bigger but worse for America. I'd say we find that Haven soon and hit those AIs before it's too late! Seriously though, Hideo Kojima had a point and made it clear in the game.

"War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries and machines. War - and its consumption of life - has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control...All in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction. And he who controls the battlefield...controls history. War has changed. When the battlefield is under total control...War becomes routine."

The Illuminati will start a war soon.

One of the best and deepest intros to any MGS game & The love theme is just amazing.Yes, Soon our wars are going to be all by nanomachines and maybe we'll get to see people like snake and liquid:P...This also comes to mind.

Thats creepy. Can't believe technology has come that far already. The part with the ice is really scary. It stabilized itself without falling over. Pretty amazing.
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#55 gera34
Member since 2008 • 343 Posts

Ok well we all know the economy is suffering globally and I think we all know what that fix is gonna be.........WAR its going to become the basis of the global economy. See Hideo actually had a crystal ball and could see the future and saw the economy starting to tank and saw how warfare was going to put the economy back on track, he just decided to make a game out of it and make money that way. So I figured we might as we get a head start on things and form our own Private Military Corporation (PMC) before the competition gets to tough, and cash in on this! So who's with me?! Let the rise of Outer Heaven begin!

i bet u dont have the f$%&/( idea of the meaning of Economy
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#56 jasopan
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GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS!! I'm in and amazing how you thought of this lol!
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#57 THQ88
Member since 2008 • 1362 Posts
I'm out. Ain't joining any PMC. Why, so that I can be controlled by those american thugs? Thugs being the governement and the CIA. I better start off my own Philanthropy-like group and counter those who creates PMCs and send those who believe in "Freedom of Speech" when it's not applied or applied only when it suits the americans back to hell.
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#58 Symphonycometh
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war never changes...androflash
No....War...has changed.
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#59 Everiez
Member since 2006 • 1946 Posts

War has changed.

Gents, grab yah Paintinator and join our PMC company Teh Economeh. We Teh Economeh, an PMC and MNC entity that gives protection to client.

Teh Economeh, tanking your ecomony.

*Inspired from LBP's MGS4 and MGS4's PMC advertisement*

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#60 The_Solid
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Haha.Killing=money,in a legal sence.My friends,you have been smoking the wrong S$%^.
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In lieu of this, I'd have to say I'd like to see

Kids with guns

Kids with guns

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#62 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts

Ok well we all know the economy is suffering globally and I think we all know what that fix is gonna be.........WAR its going to become the basis of the global economy. See Hideo actually had a crystal ball and could see the future and saw the economy starting to tank and saw how warfare was going to put the economy back on track, he just decided to make a game out of it and make money that way. So I figured we might as we get a head start on things and form our own Private Military Corporation (PMC) before the competition gets to tough, and cash in on this! So who's with me?! Let the rise of Outer Heaven begin!


this is basic economics not hideo kojima...this is what they tought us in econ..obviously not pratical, but its the best way to stimulate the economy..

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#63 The_Solid
Member since 2008 • 1500 Posts

In lieu of this, I'd have to say I'd like to see

Kids with guns

Kids with guns

Gurrila song.
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#64 PSdual_wielder
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I think if you ask anyone, they'd rather be poor than dying.
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#65 Xternal
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LOL, I wonder if we can get an octocamo off from ebay?mirko_j
Must admit that made me smirk XD
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#66 buttface1
Member since 2007 • 297 Posts

Hmmm, got it half right. See, WW2 wasn't when we learned how to make a profit out of war, it was in the 1800's when we sold countries like Japan hundreds of thousands of weapons. You see, we don't make a profit directly from war, but we make a profit from others war. Wars like WW2 and Veitnam were sort of hit and misses, our government learned from their mistakes.

If you've noticed countries like Japan and China who have a HUGE world trade don't exactly need to go to war to make a profit and keep their economy up, think about it. When was the last time either of those countries have been a war? Certainly compared to us.

War has always been a way for profit for a country, for instance, back in the oldem' days when we were sporting swords and shields we didn't make a profit off of arms dealings because when we went to war we took whatever we needed from whoever, and the way we profited from it was if we won the war we looted everything that civilization had.

Though we learned to profit from war with our now so called Democratic country back in 1800's with Japan, we didn't master it until the Cold War. As we all know, nothing really happened during the cold war except economic Crisis and a huge tension between the US and Russia. Both of us stocked up on weapons and other supplies waiting for the other side to attack, when it had finally come down to the fact war wasn't going to happen, the U.S. came out on top economically and Russia went even deeper into an Economic crisis due to how much money was spent and how very little was given back during the Cold War.

THUS! (If you guys have seen the movie Lord of War, this kind of comes in) Russia had a huge stock pile of weapons they were eager to get rid of with not having the troops to man them and the resources to use them. We came in and offered Russia a small sum of money to take the weapons off of their hands, pretty much ripping them off, and we sold these weapons to third world parties like Africa and the Middle East and made a HUGE profit off of it. We didn't even have to participate in war.

So what I'm trying to get at, is we don't HAVE to go to war to make a huge profit off of it, we just need other countries who need what we have to go to war. That way we can make a profit off of them.

Soooooo, lets say we invade a place, a WHOLE place who all that govern it hate our guts (The US of A's guts). Just for fun... lets say a place like the middle east, or rather Iraq... lets say we invade that place. Imagine the tension that would grow from that. Every Country and its mother around the invaded country would prepare for war. Look at all the conflict in the middle east, there has always been conflict there... but now... it's just nuts. We don't even have to invade these surrounding countries to make a profit off of them, they'll just attack each other.

You see, we, America, do infact need conflict in the world to make money. Because we don't HAVE A TRADE, infact america is nothing but a HUGE consumer. Nearly everything we have comes from places like Japan and China. So we have to think of other ways to make money. Though these countries like Japan and China don't need to participate in a way, they do infact profit off of it as well.

So there's your lesson on how you profit from war.... you can't just decide to go to war and expect to make the millions. Because going to war can actually completely destroy your economy, you pay for weapons, you pay for soldiers, and pay for everything else those soldiers need. So going to war will crush an economy entirely unless you plan on making a profit by having something to sell that people need around that war.

Also, about the PMC's, :P. (Private Military Contractors, of company I forget which...) are like organized Mercs. There's been attempts that have been made to privatize our military and other countries have made the attempt as well. See, if our military was turned into a PMC they would be free of all bonds to attack who they want when they want. They would be free of government and the people to participate in war.

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#67 mirko_j
Member since 2004 • 528 Posts

Hmmm, got it half right. See, WW2 wasn't when we learned how to make a profit out of war, it was in the 1800's when we sold countries like Japan hundreds of thousands of weapons. You see, we don't make a profit directly from war, but we make a profit from others war. Wars like WW2 and Veitnam were sort of hit and misses, our government learned from their mistakes.

If you've noticed countries like Japan and China who have a HUGE world trade don't exactly need to go to war to make a profit and keep their economy up, think about it. When was the last time either of those countries have been a war? Certainly compared to us.

War has always been a way for profit for a country, for instance, back in the oldem' days when we were sporting swords and shields we didn't make a profit off of arms dealings because when we went to war we took whatever we needed from whoever, and the way we profited from it was if we won the war we looted everything that civilization had.

Though we learned to profit from war with our now so called Democratic country back in 1800's with Japan, we didn't master it until the Cold War. As we all know, nothing really happened during the cold war except economic Crisis and a huge tension between the US and Russia. Both of us stocked up on weapons and other supplies waiting for the other side to attack, when it had finally come down to the fact war wasn't going to happen, the U.S. came out on top economically and Russia went even deeper into an Economic crisis due to how much money was spent and how very little was given back during the Cold War.

THUS! (If you guys have seen the movie Lord of War, this kind of comes in) Russia had a huge stock pile of weapons they were eager to get rid of with not having the troops to man them and the resources to use them. We came in and offered Russia a small sum of money to take the weapons off of their hands, pretty much ripping them off, and we sold these weapons to third world parties like Africa and the Middle East and made a HUGE profit off of it. We didn't even have to participate in war.

So what I'm trying to get at, is we don't HAVE to go to war to make a huge profit off of it, we just need other countries who need what we have to go to war. That way we can make a profit off of them.

Soooooo, lets say we invade a place, a WHOLE place who all that govern it hate our guts (The US of A's guts). Just for fun... lets say a place like the middle east, or rather Iraq... lets say we invade that place. Imagine the tension that would grow from that. Every Country and its mother around the invaded country would prepare for war. Look at all the conflict in the middle east, there has always been conflict there... but now... it's just nuts. We don't even have to invade these surrounding countries to make a profit off of them, they'll just attack each other.

You see, we, America, do infact need conflict in the world to make money. Because we don't HAVE A TRADE, infact america is nothing but a HUGE consumer. Nearly everything we have comes from places like Japan and China. So we have to think of other ways to make money. Though these countries like Japan and China don't need to participate in a way, they do infact profit off of it as well.

So there's your lesson on how you profit from war.... you can't just decide to go to war and expect to make the millions. Because going to war can actually completely destroy your economy, you pay for weapons, you pay for soldiers, and pay for everything else those soldiers need. So going to war will crush an economy entirely unless you plan on making a profit by having something to sell that people need around that war.

Also, about the PMC's, :P. (Private Military Contractors, of company I forget which...) are like organized Mercs. There's been attempts that have been made to privatize our military and other countries have made the attempt as well. See, if our military was turned into a PMC they would be free of all bonds to attack who they want when they want. They would be free of government and the people to participate in war.


Crap! This seems like a very well thought, interesting response but I am too tired and lazy to read it! (I'm at work):cry::P:|

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#68 buttface1
Member since 2007 • 297 Posts

Hmmm, got it half right. See, WW2 wasn't when we learned how to make a profit out of war, it was in the 1800's when we sold countries like Japan hundreds of thousands of weapons. You see, we don't make a profit directly from war, but we make a profit from others war. Wars like WW2 and Veitnam were sort of hit and misses, our government learned from their mistakes.

If you've noticed countries like Japan and China who have a HUGE world trade don't exactly need to go to war to make a profit and keep their economy up, think about it. When was the last time either of those countries have been a war? Certainly compared to us.

War has always been a way for profit for a country, for instance, back in the oldem' days when we were sporting swords and shields we didn't make a profit off of arms dealings because when we went to war we took whatever we needed from whoever, and the way we profited from it was if we won the war we looted everything that civilization had.

Though we learned to profit from war with our now so called Democratic country back in 1800's with Japan, we didn't master it until the Cold War. As we all know, nothing really happened during the cold war except economic Crisis and a huge tension between the US and Russia. Both of us stocked up on weapons and other supplies waiting for the other side to attack, when it had finally come down to the fact war wasn't going to happen, the U.S. came out on top economically and Russia went even deeper into an Economic crisis due to how much money was spent and how very little was given back during the Cold War.

THUS! (If you guys have seen the movie Lord of War, this kind of comes in) Russia had a huge stock pile of weapons they were eager to get rid of with not having the troops to man them and the resources to use them. We came in and offered Russia a small sum of money to take the weapons off of their hands, pretty much ripping them off, and we sold these weapons to third world parties like Africa and the Middle East and made a HUGE profit off of it. We didn't even have to participate in war.

So what I'm trying to get at, is we don't HAVE to go to war to make a huge profit off of it, we just need other countries who need what we have to go to war. That way we can make a profit off of them.

Soooooo, lets say we invade a place, a WHOLE place who all that govern it hate our guts (The US of A's guts). Just for fun... lets say a place like the middle east, or rather Iraq... lets say we invade that place. Imagine the tension that would grow from that. Every Country and its mother around the invaded country would prepare for war. Look at all the conflict in the middle east, there has always been conflict there... but now... it's just nuts. We don't even have to invade these surrounding countries to make a profit off of them, they'll just attack each other.

You see, we, America, do infact need conflict in the world to make money. Because we don't HAVE A TRADE, infact america is nothing but a HUGE consumer. Nearly everything we have comes from places like Japan and China. So we have to think of other ways to make money. Though these countries like Japan and China don't need to participate in a way, they do infact profit off of it as well.

So there's your lesson on how you profit from war.... you can't just decide to go to war and expect to make the millions. Because going to war can actually completely destroy your economy, you pay for weapons, you pay for soldiers, and pay for everything else those soldiers need. So going to war will crush an economy entirely unless you plan on making a profit by having something to sell that people need around that war.

Also, about the PMC's, :P. (Private Military Contractors, of company I forget which...) are like organized Mercs. There's been attempts that have been made to privatize our military and other countries have made the attempt as well. See, if our military was turned into a PMC they would be free of all bonds to attack who they want when they want. They would be free of government and the people to participate in war.


Crap! This seems like a very well thought, interesting response but I am too tired and lazy to read it! (I'm at work):cry::P:|

Hah, well look at it this way, now you don't have to read hundreds of typos and words I probably forgot to put in ( My mind is faster then my fingers!!!)

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#69 buttface1
Member since 2007 • 297 Posts

My idea to help the economy was to privatize the U.S military but idk, I thought it was smart lol, others not so much.potato66

Very bad idea, like I said, doing this would free our military of government and the people, we wouldn't profit from it barely at all. Infact we'd be paying for it.

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#70 buttface1
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Watch Zietgiest, it explains a great connection between war and the economy.nitsud_19

oooo, yes, everyone should see this little film/documentary. VERY good and free to watch. Just google it, should have it on their main page and I believe it's also on youtube.