Do any of you know what I'm going through?

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#1 atdiredaire
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts

So here's my situation. I have loved games since I was a kid. I grew up on the NES playing Mega Man, Super Mario....all the classics we know and love. The music, the graphics, the simple play mechanics...these are alot of qualities that I'm sure anyone that was raised in the early to mid ninety's knows all too well. I remember playing Super Metroid with my best friend on the living room floor for hours, exploring the planet and even if we didn't make any progress it was still a blast. This is probably why Super Metroid is widely considered the greatest game of all time- but I'm just using this as an example. There are countless other games that I would look forward to renting when I was a kid.

Then you know, the N64 came out along with a few of those classics, as did the PS1. I bought a N64- but in the long run I have to say there are really a lot more classics on the PS1 than N64. But both systems are great. I want to throw away all fanboyism between anyone and just say, these were two very good, but very different consoles. I loved Ocarina of Time and will never forget the first time I played it at my local Sears and bringing my best friend there just to play it when we were like...12. I'll also never forget 09/99 when Final Fantasy VIII came out- and how stoked I was about that.

This is all preamble really, and this is going into why I posted this on the PS3 forum. I realized today- that I have gone through 12 Xbox 360 consoles. Why? Because everytime I get a next-gen system I always end up returning it (or selling it on Ebay if I realize it too late) because I just can't justify having this $400 machine for what it does and the game experiences it delivers. Right now, I have a PS3 sitting in my closet, unopened (80 gb MGS bundle) because I havent decided yet in one month since I've gotten it that I want to play it. I do want to, but my main argument is- is it worth the $500? I guess in my older age (21) since the glory days of gaming I see it now as such a mainstream "me too" afair. As great as say, Call of Duty 4 was- it is just another first person shooter at the end of the day. Then one has the distinct pleasure of seeing the 29800 other FPS's on the next-gen consoles. I like FPS's, but it depresses me that these tend to be the games that get the most esteemed honors (BioShock, COD 4, Half-Life...the list goes on). I like them, but shouldn't there be way more than just this genre getting amazing games? Why can't there be more games like say, LittleBigPlanet where a developer grows a pair and takes a very original idea to make something great? No, most will just take the easy way out and make Army of Two: Two.

I'm stoked about Mega Man 9, as Capcom is taking the series back to it's roots. I'm depressed about the new Bionic Commando game's just like every other action game out there. Why couldn't they of I don't know, Cel-Shaded it? Make it look SPECIAL!, UNIQUE! Or not even cel-shaded- just something to make it stand out. As it is, it's just like every other 3rd person action game with a generic hero you don't give a **** about.

I had an Xbox 360 but promptly returned it after that depressing E3 conference with the "Photosharing Parties." I wanted to jump off a building. "Photosharing Parties?" I thought to myself, how often have me and a bunch of friends gotten together on Xbox Live and said, "Gee whiz guys, too bad we can't look at pictures together! I have a bunch of the girls' birthday party!" Everyone let's out a collective sigh of dissapointment in the group. I mean come on...if I was in this "Photosharing Party" the only thing of worth I can think of that I can share photo-wise is porn. I have some pics of myself and family on my computer, but who really gives a crap about them? What is Microsoft thinking with this stupid avatar, photosharing party crap? Then it hit me...

The reason why I'm having trouble staying with games is because they are being made for the mainstream wayyyyy toooo much. I've been with them since the early ninety's and instead of having a special game that doesn't have to make any sense (Plok!, Mr. Nutz, Vectorman, Clayfighters, Claymates, etc...) we get all of this serious stuff that is made for the mainstream gramer that doesn't want to look immature playing anything other than Halo 4: The quest for more endless, same, hallways.

I don't know, I hope I'm not sounding crazy, but a piece of me wants to keep my PS3, but I'm finding it harder and harder to justify $500 gone plus $60 a game for the current "cream of the crop." I don't like any of the systems like I did say, the Super Nintendo- is it because I'm older, or because the gameplay and ingenuity is not there anymore? Someone help me decide whether or not to continue with this medium, as I do care enough about it to write this long ass post and continue to read game websites daily.

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#2 navigata
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I didnt read all of that....Way to late, lazy n not worth it.

But if your tryin to get at why or what justifies u getting a ps3 n keepin it...Thats ur decision really. I find it to be great, I get the games that are WORTH buying...

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#3 skrillalover
Member since 2003 • 1348 Posts

i know what you mean.

i was a seriously hardcore gamer till i was about 15 and FFVII was like the last game i played until i kind of stopped playing. i think i was just burned out. after that i would casually play at my friends houses and when PS2 was released i didnt even buy one. my friends did and i played it with them but i was into other stuff like school sports and working.

my brother ended up getting a PS2 from my aunt fo christmas one year but since he isnt a gamer it really never got played. when FFX came out my friend got it for chrstmas and let me play it. i played it tons non stop, the first time in like 6 years i played so much but after i finished that i stopped really playing again. recently a friend of mine let me borrow his 360 and i played gears a bunch but didnt really fall back into gaming until this past christmas when i got a PS3. now i am all gung ho again playing all the time and loving every minute of it.

basically what i am saying it for me at least my hunger for gaming goes in cycles. i figure ill be into gaming for a few years then another lull with happen and ill probably take a break only to pick it up again. for me whats going on in my life and how much free time i have dictate how much i am into gaming at the moment.

you want my advice, open the PS3 and enjoy MGS4, the game is quite possibly one of the best games ever created. dont worry about the $500 it isnt going to change your life either way. just enjoy whatever games come out that interest you.

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#4 ch2423
Member since 2004 • 1978 Posts

I had an Xbox 360 but promptly returned it after that depressing E3 conference with the "Photosharing Parties." I wanted to jump off a building. "Photosharing Parties?" I thought to myself, how often have me and a bunch of friends gotten together on Xbox Live and said, "Gee whiz guys, too bad we can't look at pictures together! I have a bunch of the girls' birthday party!" Everyone let's out a collective sigh of dissapointment in the group. I mean come on...if I was in this "Photosharing Party" the only thing of worth I can think of that I can share photo-wise is porn. I have some pics of myself and family on my computer, but who really gives a crap about them? What is Microsoft thinking with this stupid avatar, photosharing party crap? Then it hit me...


So you returned your 360 because of a feature that you are not required to use or even try? I think gaming has passed you by. Return everything and start going to the movies or something.

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#5 TrevCubsOr21
Member since 2006 • 934 Posts

I didnt read all of that....Way to late, lazy n not worth it.

But if your tryin to get at why or what justifies u getting a ps3 n keepin it...Thats ur decision really. I find it to be great, I get the games that are WORTH buying...

Yea that is really long(thats what she said) but unlike the guy above I didnt read a single word I just scrolled to the bottom so whatever the guy above said... I agree! lol
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#6 TrevCubsOr21
Member since 2006 • 934 Posts
WOW I just read a random part of the post and you went through 12 360s?? Thats nuts, Microsoft is even worse than I thought!
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#7 atdiredaire
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts
I can't stand having features on ANYTHING that I don't use. At least with the PS3 everything I would use it at least realistic. Like I COULD use it if I wanted to. For example, I won't probably ever use the web browser on it, and just use my PC- but it's something that I could concievably use. Does that make any sense?
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#8 atdiredaire
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts
Haha. Funny, you're a Cubs fan and you leave me a smart-ass comment hahaha. Anyways, if you bothered to read it (which I don't mind reading long posts if they have a point, are intelligently written, and make me think, but apparently not everyone is like me). But um thanks?
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#9 atdiredaire
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts
to Skrilla- thanks a lot for writing me a nice, intelligent response to my post instead of just complaining about how long it is. I have to agree with you about everything you said. I don't know what makes me still care about games, but I do. It's like a long lost tradition of my much happier childhood that I'm trying to hold onto....Thanks again for the reply.
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#10 atdiredaire
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts
And, I didn't go through 12 xbox 360's because they were defective (read the post) it was because I couldn't justify spending all the money so I returned or sold them on ebay.
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#11 ch2423
Member since 2004 • 1978 Posts

WOW I just read a random part of the post and you went through 12 360s?? Thats nuts, Microsoft is even worse than I thought!TrevCubsOr21

No, he bought 12 360's. Each time he got one he couldn't justify the cost and had to return it or sell it on ebay. He clearly needs a new hobby.

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#12 USMC_Sn1per
Member since 2008 • 851 Posts

OMG thats a record! i mean 2 records!

record #1- losgest book ever!

record #2- 4 posts in a row!

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#13 SonyMarksman70
Member since 2008 • 1628 Posts

[QUOTE="TrevCubsOr21"]WOW I just read a random part of the post and you went through 12 360s?? Thats nuts, Microsoft is even worse than I thought!ch2423

No, he bought 12 360's. Each time he got one he couldn't justify the cost and had to return it or sell it on ebay. He clearly needs a new hobby.

Hmm..I'm not quite sure how to put this but um..BURN, Bill Gates BURN, Steven Balmer BURN, Bungie Studios BURN! *Runs to 360 forums....BURN!!!! Sorry I did it once already, but there have been alot of 360 complaints today. Sorry tc, but you'd miss alot not playing MGS4, it's the honest truth, and there's no other system but ours to brag out this astonishment.
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#14 Devourment423
Member since 2005 • 2163 Posts

21 is old nowadays? Haha this is great.

Anyways I think this is about the 1497238972835 thread I've seen on how the past were the glory days of gaming. These threads are kinda starting to suck a lot.

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#15 atdiredaire
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts
I like how everyone on here is just criticize, criticize, criticize except the first guy. I know I'm not the first one to talk about the "glory days" of gaming- and I know it's ridiculous returning an xbox so many times- but I'm sure there have been things in your guys' life that you love so much but at the same time are ambivalent about? I know it's a stretch but maybe there has been a chick you like that you've been with for so long and you just can't decide if it's in your best interest to move on, or stick with what you know best? I guess I would be assuming that you guys that come on here and criticize, in my opinion a well thought out opinion with an asking for more opinions on the same subject and either flame me for it being too long or because there are others that have this topic already.
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#16 atdiredaire
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts
and no, 21 isn't old, but when I talk about when I was 8-10 years old, it's half a life time for me, so put it in perspective. I didn't mean to sound like I'm 74.
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#17 SonyMarksman70
Member since 2008 • 1628 Posts
I like how everyone on here is just criticize, criticize, criticize except the first guy. I know I'm not the first one to talk about the "glory days" of gaming- and I know it's ridiculous returning an xbox so many times- but I'm sure there have been things in your guys' life that you love so much but at the same time are ambivalent about? I know it's a stretch but maybe there has been a chick you like that you've been with for so long and you just can't decide if it's in your best interest to move on, or stick with what you know best? I guess I would be assuming that you guys that come on here and criticize, in my opinion a well thought out opinion with an asking for more opinions on the same subject and either flame me for it being too long or because there are others that have this topic already. atdiredaire
Dont worry about that man, we're probably just tired. Just wait for the morning and you'll get lotsa legit responses. Till then, I suggest you keep this bumped, because it hasum value.
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#18 bigLLL
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you probably have lost 400 with all the buying then losing a few dollars on ebay, so ur down 400 with no 360?? seriously keep the console man, the best way to justify the ps3 and keeping it long term is it's features, you get free online, and A blu-ray player which eventually everyone will own in the future, and Wifi is always a welcome feature as well, and of course the good games for it now and in the future

Also the best way to jusitfy a purchase is the amount of fun you have had from it, and the longer you have a console the more you will play it and the more games you would have played, selling a console is the worse thing you could do, Unless youve had trouble with the 'RROD" issue and are fed up.

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#19 atdiredaire
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts
^^^^^^^^ Perfect example of constructive criticism and I thank you for the response- but again, these aren't the kind of responses I'm looking for for this thread. The second paragraph is close though.
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#20 PS3videos
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What's with all the manifestos lately? Can I get a summary? Judging by the responses I'm guessing it's either "am I too old to be a gamer" or "should I buy a PS3." So, no. And yes.

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#21 Sports_N_E_1
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you probably have lost 400 with all the buying then losing a few dollars on ebay, so ur down 400 with no 360?? seriously keep the console man, the best way to justify the ps3 and keeping it long term is it's features, you get free online, and A blu-ray player which eventually everyone will own in the future, and Wifi is always a welcome feature as well, and of course the good games for it now and in the future

Also the best way to jusitfy a purchase is the amount of fun you have had from it, and the longer you have a console the more you will play it and the more games you would have played, selling a console is the worse thing you could do, Unless youve had trouble with the 'RROD" issue and are fed up.


this is a very true and a great response. he is right with all the dollars you lost on ebay, or how about all the postage you had to pay for sending in broken 360s? (you said you had 12 of them) let alone if you would multiply 12 times 400....yikes.. (but that's just looking at it if you shelled out each time) i certainly hope you didnt.

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#22 atdiredaire
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts
Ugh. Please, stop criticizing it's length. If 5 or 6 paragraphs is too long to read for you, then just move on and pretend this didn't exist. I like to read a lot, and write- I understand if it's not everyone's cup of tea.
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#23 atdiredaire
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts
Again, if you rad the article Sports, you would see the 360's were never broken. I would say 7 times out of ten I just returned them to the store and didn't lose any $. On ebay, I had all the packaging and I made back 80% what I paid. These aren't the kind of discussions I wanted from this post. Sigh.
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#24 trapper94
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Ok I stopped reading after you said "Army of Two:TWO" Did you even play the first one? Probably not, you just look at the bad reveiw and say's not good. Thats not true Ao2 was a great game IMO, I beat about 7 times and put a about 2 days online...Not what your getting at....IDK. You say the PPL who made LBP grw a question is...Do they have a pair? FPS IMO is the best genre...most people like and as long as you get a new new one very few months you will be alset.
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#25 trapper94
Member since 2008 • 801 Posts
Again, if you rad the article Sports, you would see the 360's were never broken. I would say 7 times out of ten I just returned them to the store and didn't lose any $. On ebay, I had all the packaging and I made back 80% what I paid. These aren't the kind of discussions I wanted from this post. Sigh.atdiredaire
80% what did you pay for it? 20$?
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#26 TrevCubsOr21
Member since 2006 • 934 Posts

[QUOTE="TrevCubsOr21"]WOW I just read a random part of the post and you went through 12 360s?? Thats nuts, Microsoft is even worse than I thought!SonyMarksman70

No, he bought 12 360's. Each time he got one he couldn't justify the cost and had to return it or sell it on ebay. He clearly needs a new hobby.

Hmm..I'm not quite sure how to put this but um..BURN, Bill Gates BURN, Steven Balmer BURN, Bungie Studios BURN! *Runs to 360 forums....BURN!!!! Sorry I did it once already, but there have been alot of 360 complaints today. Sorry tc, but you'd miss alot not playing MGS4, it's the honest truth, and there's no other system but ours to brag out this astonishment.

Major BURN... lol, "clearly needs a new hobby" thats hilarious! and im really sick of people gettin so deffensive and act like im hurting peoples feelings, if you cant take a joke... stay out of the kitchen?? lol
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#27 PS3videos
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Alright, alright. I skimmed that seven paragraph monologue and decided you're just not into gaming anymore. At least not with the "next-gen" consoles. That don't make you a bad person man. Just move on and stop spending money on things you're conflicted about.

Why spend hundreds on something you have to "justify?" Just let it go and live the dream.

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#28 atdiredaire
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I like FPS's. It just sucks that that a moving gun on the right side of the screen is what's getting judged as the majority of the cream of the crop. I don't think Army of Two is a bad game. I didn't even read the review. I'm just saying, it's a cliche shooter. Shooter, shooter, shooter, shooter, shooter. It gets old. But I reiterate, I like FPS's...but if that's all you play, your kinda turning your blinders on to what's around you and sending developers and publishers the wrong message that FPS's are the only games that can, and will succeed.
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#29 atdiredaire
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts
Trapper, when I said I made back 80% what I paid, what that means is I paid $350 for the 360 and made back like...300, losing only $50 in the process.
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#30 rrclarkcdr
Member since 2006 • 766 Posts

OH!!! Boo Hoo the poor American he has too pay $600 for his Playstation 3 and wait $60 A game!!! I feel so guilty paying $800 for my PS3 and $120 a game over here in OZ... Anyway I agree with your view on FPS' getting all the awards. But anyway put things in perspective you live in the country with one of the lowest game prices in the world even I have to put things in perspective sometimes and think about the gamers in third world countries. Anyway just keep your consoles because its stupid to keep buying and selling consoles.

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#31 PS3videos
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Well, I'm going to bed man. It just seems like you're over gaming for now.
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#32 atdiredaire
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts
I'm not replying anymore to any of this. You people took a completely innocent discussion about gaming in general to one about how much money I'm wasting, how long my post is, or how I need a new hobby without even trying to empathize with me. Ugh.
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#33 trapper94
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So what are you going to do now? Keep playing your Super Nintendo. I mean if you don't like Next-Gen games then stick with classics.
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#34 manicfoot
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TC, I felt almost exactly the same as you (though I didn't go through 12 360's :P) until I played Super Mario Galaxy. That game alone made me realise why I loved games in the first place and I can see it becoming my favourite game of all time. I think you need to find a game that'll do that for you. I'm the same age as you and I've been playing the MGS series for half of my life and if you're the same as me maybe MGS4 will be the game to rekindle your love for gaming :)
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#35 slip_killer
Member since 2006 • 1261 Posts
Why yes I do know what your going through because I just read all that.
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#36 staley6565
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I also agree, but I attribute it to something of a developers lull. The Japanese for instance, have been recently relenting the fact that the American gaming market has become the dominant one, and I believe it is because they flood the market with all this generic crap. Meanwhile, it seems the wildly creative developers can't keep up.

For instance, from later half of 1997 to Christmas 2001 (little over 4 years), we received 4 separate Final Fantasy games from Square....VII, VIII, IX, and X...but wait, in there we also got great games like FF Tactics, Parasite Eve twice, Chrono Cross, Vagrant Story, and lastly...****ing XENOGEARS...ya, I'm a fanboy. And that's from 1 company, not counting Capcom, Konami, and Nintendo.

I can't say that the last 4 years could even compare slightly. I personally believe that the cheap FPS phenomenon has attributed to my distaste for modern gaming, along with American developers dominating the market now. GTA is about the only series whose breadth of content rivals that of the epic games from the 90s. And I'm also dissapointed in the Japanese developers not getting their product out more efficiently. Why did FF XII take 5 years to make? I have no idea.

So yes, I have a hard time making the dive into gaming myself too. I'm really looking forward to LBP though, since I know me and my friends will get our 60 bucks worth guaranteed.

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#37 Hulk965
Member since 2008 • 241 Posts
This guy is just trying to find out what to do, dont critisice him for that. I never had the snes but i thought th n64 was great. But there are lots of great games on the ps3 that you should try. Dont think of the price :). Or if you have the snes still you can play the snes and the ps3.
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#38 gaclough
Member since 2005 • 214 Posts

Buy a wii and you can download all the retro games to your heart's content.....

Put it into perspective... there are a lot worse problems to have right now

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#39 paperdollparade
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So i read your post (all of it) but its contents are slowly being muted out by all the crap people are posting, so i apologize ahead of time if my response isn't as clear or to the point as it should be also its almost 4AM and I'm tired. It seems to me that while you keep going back and forth between gaming and not gaming your always going to come back to it. since you spent the money on the PS3 already (and i know you can still return it) you should keep it IMO.

in terms of justifying the price of $60 games I wouldn't worry about it, the greatest hits versions are coming out soon so that will cut the price down to $30 for a new game, for some titles at least. also in-terms of innovation, there are fun simple innovative $10 games out and coming out on the PSN as well as games like LBP, so hopefully that trend will continue (even if they are only sporadically released). there are also a lot of great PS2 games that have aged incredibly well (Beyond good and evil, psychonauts, Sly cooper, Ico, Okami, plenty of the RPGs) and they are really cheap right now ($4-$15).

I understand your plight with FPS games as it seems like they are the only thing on the market, and I really never cared for FPS games, but there are other types of games out /coming out and while most of them are sequels there are quite a few new IPs (Uncharted, Assassins Creed, LBP, Valkyria Chronicles, Mirrors edge)

Finally while you are in your off gaming spurts the PS3 can still be used as a blueray/dvd player.

Anyway I don't think i completely responded the way you or I had hoped, i actually forgot what i was doing midway through, but as a fellow 21 year old gamer trying to balance gaming with school and the rest of my life I think you should stick with the PS3 and enjoy MGS4. It has a lot to offer.

Also, I enjoyed reading your post. :)

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#40 SonyMarksman70
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I think this thread will become a new warzone in a couple hours, might as well end these florecent light bulbs right now. Mods!!! Mods!!! Mods!!! (JK) But seriously, the haters will start opposing this guy, then this guy will fight about opening the PS3 or not. I'll be honest and say, I think this is trolling at it's finest(IMO) :) No offence, but your not a baby to be worrying about these kinda things(Am I right, or am I right?)
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#41 hongkingkong
Member since 2006 • 9368 Posts
I have some simple yet effective advice: Get both consoles (360 + PS3) keep them, never ever tradde them in, buy games that you like and never trade those in, have fun and never try to justify your purchase, you can only have fun if you are playing the games and enjoying them and thats what you are paying for.
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#42 Articuno76
Member since 2004 • 19799 Posts

I care less about actually playing all the big releases these days. I tend just to stick with 1 or two games a year and play them thoroughly. Otherwise I find I end up spending a lot on titles that get a lot of praise but truthfully aren't very fun at all (in fact most games these days are engineered not to be fun but entertaining in other ways).

The feeling of spending too much on too little is one I know all too well.

I defintely have more fun with older games because of the lower level of handholding (the games that don't handhold at all however assume proficiency in the genre which basic flips me off from playing games I'm not used to). The thing is playing old games isn't really an option because if you've played them all before it's not the same as finding a new classic.

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#43 atdiredaire
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts
Christ...It really says a lot for humanity that I think you are one of maybe three people out of everyone who understand what I'm talking about. You're 21 as well, in school...I imagine you work, and I imagine you're not WAY well off---so you understand the battle of "What else could I spend that $500 that I spent on the PS3? How about that dental work I need?" Everyone is taking it so god damn seriously. It's pissing me off. Thanks so much for your post...
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#44 atdiredaire
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts
That was to paperdollparade.
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#45 Sokol4ever
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Good post with few exceptions here and there, I understand you very well since I grew up in 90's as well and I owned majority of the consoles and games.

The thing I find interesting with PS3 is that I don't really spend a lot of time gaming on it, at least twice a week I'll enjoy a Blu-ray movie and my family pretty much only uses other PS3 specifically to watch movies on it. It's a multimedia machine.

Maybe there aren't any games that interests you right now, but you can rest assured this is only the beginning of long life cycle. For example, both myself and my good friend have been playing Xenogears, Legend of Dragoon, Shadowhearts, FFVII amongst other games because we're JRPG players who are still waiting on the genre to pick up.

I'm sure more games like LBP will arrive where innovation and fun take priority over countless shooters that we're seeing in this generation.

I can't tell you what to do with your money spent, but think about it. You don't have to use PS3 for gaming, the options are there of course. It's understandable that the older we get, the harder is for us to focus on gaming since we're getting more time spent on work, family, friends. We' have bills to worry about and so forth.

I feel this way many times, but I gave up hardcore gaming many years ago. Now I just casually drop in and play whenever I feel like it.

It's really up to you, but PS3 is very reliable, multi-function system that offers quite a lot. Especially if you have PSP with it. :)

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#46 atdiredaire
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts
Thank you sokol4ever. This is exactly the type of reply I was looking for.
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#47 jay_rock_
Member since 2003 • 1720 Posts
I ain't even going to lie I didn't read any of it I just rather to see what other people said...
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#48 SonyMarksman70
Member since 2008 • 1628 Posts
I ain't even going to lie I didn't read any of it I just rather to see what other people said...jay_rock_
Actually, I sentdnce him, a troll(Pshh 12 360's....think for yourself youngling)
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#49 TheLegendKnight
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maybe gaming is not your thing anymore, so drop it and find another hobby...
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#50 hot114
Member since 2003 • 4489 Posts
I realized today- that I have gone through 12 Xbox 360 consoles. Why? Because everytime I get a next-gen system I always end up returning it (or selling it on Ebay if I realize it too late) -snip- Right now, I have a PS3 sitting in my closet, unopened (80 gb MGS bundle) because I havent decided yet in one month since I've gotten it that I want to play it.atdiredaire

I stopped reading here, (sadly it was already halfway the post)
You have issues far beyond the capacity of my mind to contain

Compulsive shopper? kleptomaniac? Some rich kid that lost the value of money?