Amazon Bans Rape Game

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#51 clembo1990
Member since 2005 • 9976 Posts
This has happened before, surely. I mean, nowhere on the planet can compare itself to Japan in terms of perversion and hilaritiy.
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#52 kemar7856
Member since 2004 • 11783 Posts
lol a rape game
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#53 AZking909
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
has anyone played the mention game before?
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#54 DanielDust
Member since 2007 • 15402 Posts
has anyone played the mention game before?AZking909
Why? should we? :-S
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#55 StrawberryHill
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Wiki entry on their game, Battle Raper.


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#56 regnumekal
Member since 2006 • 122 Posts

Wiki entry on their game, Battle Raper.



No, that's Battle Raper, and it's like a fighting game. - This is the game in question, where you rape a family.

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#57 StrawberryHill
Member since 2008 • 5321 Posts

Wiki entry on their game, Battle Raper.



No, that's Battle Raper, and it's like a fighting game. - This is the game in question, where you rape a family.

Yeah, I know. It's one of the other games mentioned in the article, so I posted a link.

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#58 _Pedro_
Member since 2004 • 6829 Posts
has anyone played the mention game before?AZking909
I was thinking about seeing what the fuss is all about, but rape is something that really doesn't sit well with me so even I will pass.
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#59 EndersAres
Member since 2005 • 5711 Posts
I can't say I approve of censorship. Especially since Amazon sells incest comics.
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#60 rzepak
Member since 2005 • 5758 Posts
A game is only a game. A comic is only a comic. People who think that virtual murder is somehow more appropriate than virtual rape...please explain. See I have no problem with knowing what is reality and what isnt so I am not bothered by such things as a rape game. I am also not bothered by hentai that is popular in japan that centers arounds kids. Why? Drawings are drawnings and not real people. Polygons arent people.
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#61 bogaty
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Don't understand the double standard myself. I just watch a gameplay clip of Saint's Row II in which the player's avatar was happily engaged in ramming a katana up through people's chins and out the top of their heads. Nobody seems to have any problem with that, I have no interest in playing a rape simulator but I don't see the problem with others playing it.

Many people enjoy watching graphically violent horror movies like Saw but that doesn't turn them into a axe murderers.

Suck it up. You don't want the game, don't buy it. don't dictate to other people though.

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#62 Impulse808
Member since 2009 • 95 Posts

Look - we all know a rape game isn't going to necessarily turn the whole world into rapists. But... doesn't anyone find it disturbing that one would find satisfaction in playing a game where you rape women? There's something wrong right there.

Likewise, I think there actually IS something a tad wrong in all of us for playing games where we find satisfaction for blowing people's heads off. I guess it started with a few pixels being zapped by a lazer and has evolved into arms flying off with blood smeared on walls and people screaming in terror. I find this somewhat excusable, because we're good guys out to kill the bad guys, and when we do choose the bad guy route, we're doing it to explore a different character, but we all know we're still the bad guy (This is partly the reason I somewhat dislike the GTA games - you're a glorified gangster, but never being held in a negative light).

Not really. People do have sexual fantasies about raping or being raped, and I believe that most of them are quite normal individuals. Then again, choosing not to play these sort of games because it goes against one's morals is perfectly normal too. About the GTA comment - I don't think it'd be realistic enough to portray criminals only in a negative light throughout the whole game. It could be argued that you are killing bad people most of the time in GTA too. It's just an erotic game - no more. Not human creativity at its best, but not the devil's work either, like some people suggest.
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#63 Impulse808
Member since 2009 • 95 Posts
[QUOTE="mudflaps2001"]Rape is terrible. So is murder, yet you can walk into any given Walmart and choose from a nice selection of games that involve wholesale slaughter. Its a video game, who cares?millerlight89
Yea but your not really murdering in the sense your thinking about, your fighting for survival in the games, as in real life murder is killing the innocent, but a game of rape is wrong there are girls I know that have been raped, its a very touchy subject.

That's a narrow example. You can do lots of cruel stuff in video games too. How then, can it be excused that you aren't thinking about it? Why do you play a game that involves a lot of killing if you're not thinking about that event (and therefore not interested in the primary content the game has to offer) in the first place?
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#64 Impulse808
Member since 2009 • 95 Posts

. Someone who would never rape also would never want to act it out in fantasy, as in this game.

I'd say you're wrong. People who would never rape or wanna get raped do fantasize about rape. Most of the time, it only remains that - a fantasy.
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Member since 2008 • 357 Posts
This is a sick game and should get banned, but then shouldn't they ban ultra realistic, car jacking killing games like GTA4 then too?
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#66 foxhound_fox
Member since 2005 • 98532 Posts
Japan is a weird, weird place.aliblabla2007

And compared to most of the fetishes they have come up with, this particular one would be deemed quite timid.
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#67 PTMags
Member since 2006 • 783 Posts

Look - we all know a rape game isn't going to necessarily turn the whole world into rapists. But... doesn't anyone find it disturbing that one would find satisfaction in playing a game where you rape women? There's something wrong right there.

Likewise, I think there actually IS something a tad wrong in all of us for playing games where we find satisfaction for blowing people's heads off. I guess it started with a few pixels being zapped by a lazer and has evolved into arms flying off with blood smeared on walls and people screaming in terror. I find this somewhat excusable, because we're good guys out to kill the bad guys, and when we do choose the bad guy route, we're doing it to explore a different character, but we all know we're still the bad guy (This is partly the reason I somewhat dislike the GTA games - you're a glorified gangster, but never being held in a negative light).


Not really. People do have sexual fantasies about raping or being raped, and I believe that most of them are quite normal individuals. Then again, choosing not to play these sort of games because it goes against one's morals is perfectly normal too. About the GTA comment - I don't think it'd be realistic enough to portray criminals only in a negative light throughout the whole game. It could be argued that you are killing bad people most of the time in GTA too. It's just an erotic game - no more. Not human creativity at its best, but not the devil's work either, like some people suggest.

Most individuals who have rape fantasies aren't fantasizing about the actual act of rape. They're fantasizing about the power that comes from being in control, or the feeling of being controlled. People enjoy a little escapism now and again, especially people that have little or no control in their personal lives. And most people that play violent video games are doing it for the entertainment value and that sense of escape, the sense of strength and power and again, control. They aren't thinking or fantasizing about the actual act of murder, etc. I believe there's a really fine line between entertainment and depravity, and a rape game crosses that line. It's not like having a single sex scene or a rape scene in a game or movie, which can still be shocking and unnerving. The entire game acts as a rape simulator basically, it's based around rape, the gameplay, "story", it all revolves around rape. I don't think you can say "oh it's just an erotic game". It'd be like if someone made a game where you're a serial killer that brutally murders innocent people, specifically women and children. And that's all you did. There was nothing else, no story except you graphically torturing, mutilating, and murdering innocent people. And while yes a bit of a double standard exists when it comes to sex and violence, I think there'd be a bit of an outrage over that as well. Hell, look at what happened with Manhunt 2.

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#68 dnuggs40
Member since 2003 • 10484 Posts


One thing is for sure, whoever is out there playing a "rape game" that simulates assaulting a mother and her daughters, then raping them is one sick puppy.

And some of you in this thread are pretty sick...did someone actually try and make the point that when guys look at a woman they fantasize about rape? WTF? Normal, non-insane guys fantasize about having sex with them...NOT raping them.

Sure...the whole "murder games are acceptable so it is a double standard" deal is probably a valid point...but there is a line and this is waaaay over it. I mean, way the **** out in left field.

If you play or can't see what's wrong with a game that simulates the assault and raping of a mother and her children, get help. Seriously...go get help like freaking right now.

Sick sick sick!

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#69 mudflaps2001
Member since 2006 • 109 Posts

[QUOTE="mudflaps2001"]Rape is terrible. So is murder, yet you can walk into any given Walmart and choose from a nice selection of games that involve wholesale slaughter. Its a video game, who cares?millerlight89
Yea but your not really murdering in the sense your thinking about, your fighting for survival in the games, as in real life murder is killing the innocent, but a game of rape is wrong there are girls I know that have been raped, its a very touchy subject.

Just because you are not prosecuted by the government doesn't make killing morally acceptable. I don't see how someone can seriously justify a game that centers around gunning down hundreds or thousands of people, "bad guys" or not, yet lose their head over a game about rape. It doesn't matter if rape is "worse", they are both disturbing actions in real life.

As for Amazon banning this game - I don't really care, it is their site so they can limit what is sold on it all they want. And as for the game itself - not something I'd want to play.

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#70 Fredrick2003x
Member since 2005 • 2056 Posts

Yeah, what he said ^.

I don't understand why this is so hard for people to comprehend.

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#71 -Master_St3ve-
Member since 2007 • 1421 Posts
Who the %^&% would buy that?
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#72 deactivated-5e90a3763ea91
Member since 2008 • 9437 Posts
Wow, what the **** I'm sorry, but this game is so far past the line, the line is a dot.
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#73 deactivated-5e90a3763ea91
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[QUOTE="millerlight89"][QUOTE="mudflaps2001"]Rape is terrible. So is murder, yet you can walk into any given Walmart and choose from a nice selection of games that involve wholesale slaughter. Its a video game, who cares?mudflaps2001

Yea but your not really murdering in the sense your thinking about, your fighting for survival in the games, as in real life murder is killing the innocent, but a game of rape is wrong there are girls I know that have been raped, its a very touchy subject.

Just because you are not prosecuted by the government doesn't make killing morally acceptable. I don't see how someone can seriously justify a game that centers around gunning down hundreds or thousands of people, "bad guys" or not, yet lose their head over a game about rape. It doesn't matter if rape is "worse", they are both disturbing actions in real life.

As for Amazon banning this game - I don't really care, it is their site so they can limit what is sold on it all they want. And as for the game itself - not something I'd want to play.

I also notice a lot of people failing to be as alarmed as I am by the whole forcing the woman to have an abortion part. It's all pretty messed up, but whoever gets turned on by that has some issues.
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#74 succulent_toes
Member since 2008 • 680 Posts
better that these people that get off on the idea of raping someone do it in a game than in real life, i say.
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#75 Impulse808
Member since 2009 • 95 Posts

Look - we all know a rape game isn't going to necessarily turn the whole world into rapists. But... doesn't anyone find it disturbing that one would find satisfaction in playing a game where you rape women? There's something wrong right there.

Likewise, I think there actually IS something a tad wrong in all of us for playing games where we find satisfaction for blowing people's heads off. I guess it started with a few pixels being zapped by a lazer and has evolved into arms flying off with blood smeared on walls and people screaming in terror. I find this somewhat excusable, because we're good guys out to kill the bad guys, and when we do choose the bad guy route, we're doing it to explore a different character, but we all know we're still the bad guy (This is partly the reason I somewhat dislike the GTA games - you're a glorified gangster, but never being held in a negative light).


Not really. People do have sexual fantasies about raping or being raped, and I believe that most of them are quite normal individuals. Then again, choosing not to play these sort of games because it goes against one's morals is perfectly normal too. About the GTA comment - I don't think it'd be realistic enough to portray criminals only in a negative light throughout the whole game. It could be argued that you are killing bad people most of the time in GTA too. It's just an erotic game - no more. Not human creativity at its best, but not the devil's work either, like some people suggest.

Most individuals who have rape fantasies aren't fantasizing about the actual act of rape. They're fantasizing about the power that comes from being in control, or the feeling of being controlled. People enjoy a little escapism now and again, especially people that have little or no control in their personal lives. And most people that play violent video games are doing it for the entertainment value and that sense of escape, the sense of strength and power and again, control. They aren't thinking or fantasizing about the actual act of murder, etc. I believe there's a really fine line between entertainment and depravity, and a rape game crosses that line. It's not like having a single sex scene or a rape scene in a game or movie, which can still be shocking and unnerving. The entire game acts as a rape simulator basically, it's based around rape, the gameplay, "story", it all revolves around rape. I don't think you can say "oh it's just an erotic game". It'd be like if someone made a game where you're a serial killer that brutally murders innocent people, specifically women and children. And that's all you did. There was nothing else, no story except you graphically torturing, mutilating, and murdering innocent people. And while yes a bit of a double standard exists when it comes to sex and violence, I think there'd be a bit of an outrage over that as well. Hell, look at what happened with Manhunt 2.

Ah, they fantasize about being in control... and not actual rape. Well, that explains a lot. Must be the same with video games. I know it's still different from mere fantasizing in that you exercise the fantasy. You can define rape and murder with being in control and feeling strong and mighty. You're only being more specific by changing those two words with more words, if you haven't noticed.
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#76 futs22
Member since 2005 • 1452 Posts
Who the %^&% would buy that?-Master_St3ve-
Exactly. Nobody would probably spend money on a game that just revolves around rape. Instead, people will just download it out of being curious about this game. Just check the torrent sites. Hundreds of seeders and leechers. Why am I not surprised this game comes from Japan?
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#77 JabbaDaHutt30
Member since 2009 • 370 Posts
[QUOTE="-Master_St3ve-"]Who the %^&% would buy that?futs22
Exactly. Nobody would probably spend money on a game that just revolves around rape. Instead, people will just download it out of being curious about this game. Just check the torrent sites. Hundreds of seeders and leechers. Why am I not surprised this game comes from Japan?

I think that most erotic video games come from Japan.
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#78 JabbaDaHutt30
Member since 2009 • 370 Posts

[QUOTE="millerlight89"] Yea but your not really murdering in the sense your thinking about, your fighting for survival in the games, as in real life murder is killing the innocent, but a game of rape is wrong there are girls I know that have been raped, its a very touchy subject.Ovirew

Just because you are not prosecuted by the government doesn't make killing morally acceptable. I don't see how someone can seriously justify a game that centers around gunning down hundreds or thousands of people, "bad guys" or not, yet lose their head over a game about rape. It doesn't matter if rape is "worse", they are both disturbing actions in real life.

As for Amazon banning this game - I don't really care, it is their site so they can limit what is sold on it all they want. And as for the game itself - not something I'd want to play.

I also notice a lot of people failing to be as alarmed as I am by the whole forcing the woman to have an abortion part. It's all pretty messed up, but whoever gets turned on by that has some issues.

It depends on how the action takes place. Rape games themselves are not usually realistic... so why would the abortion theme be?
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#79 dnuggs40
Member since 2003 • 10484 Posts

Just because you are not prosecuted by the government doesn't make killing morally acceptable. I don't see how someone can seriously justify a game that centers around gunning down hundreds or thousands of people, "bad guys" or not, yet lose their head over a game about rape. It doesn't matter if rape is "worse", they are both disturbing actions in real life.

As for Amazon banning this game - I don't really care, it is their site so they can limit what is sold on it all they want. And as for the game itself - not something I'd want to play.

I also notice a lot of people failing to be as alarmed as I am by the whole forcing the woman to have an abortion part. It's all pretty messed up, but whoever gets turned on by that has some issues.

It depends on how the action takes place. Rape games themselves are not usually realistic... so why would the abortion theme be?

Sounds like you are quite the connoisseur of rape games...interesting.
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#80 regnumekal
Member since 2006 • 122 Posts
People, I think you don't understand that tens of thousands of copies are already sold and tens of thousands of copies are already played, including your neighbor's. So, do you see the level of rapes increasing? No! It's actually decreasing.
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#81 dnuggs40
Member since 2003 • 10484 Posts
People, I think you don't understand that tens of thousands of copies are already sold and tens of thousands of copies are already played, including your neighbor's. So, do you see the level of rapes increasing? No! It's actually decreasing.regnumekal
Maybe you and your neighbor's are playing it, not mine.