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#101 scary_snake
Member since 2006 • 4546 Posts
i wish i could've been there:(
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[QUOTE="Darthmatt"]He was asked to yield to others he did not. When police asked him to stand down he did not. Whether or not their actions were warranted he could have sat down and let someone else have a turn. But he did not. It was his own damn fault.Insane00

Dude, did you watch the video. He didn't get a chance to sit down. Whoever wrote the article seemed to leave out the fact that at no point was the lad told to sit down by the cops, they just grabbed him. If the cops had warned him, or ask him to sit down, not the moderater then I would agree, but that isn't the case. The cops got involved as soon as the mic was off. No warning, no justification, not even a reading of his rights, which the cops are required to give him by the constitution by a ruling of the Supreme Court. This is completely a wrong act by the police.

cops do not have to mirandize you unless they are going to question you. they usually do it off the bat (see the show COPS) to cover their behinds in case a conversation starts at some point. at any rate, the only thing i agree with some people here on is that the cops should probably not have grabbed him off the bat, as that is likely to lead to the kind of thing that happened. however, this kid is an attention-seeking moron and deserved what he got. his rights were not infringed at all. he was being obnoxious and probably making a scene for the cameras.
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#103 Bobby_Oz
Member since 2004 • 4155 Posts
Shouldve been a bullet.
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#104 zeus_gb
Member since 2004 • 7793 Posts

From the looks of the video the police completely over reacted and was pretty much arresting him for nothing.

Yes he resisted arrest, which isn't the smartest thing to do but the vast majority of people would have resisted in those circumstances. The charges should be dropped and the officers should be retrained in the proper usage of a taser.

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#105 nopalversion
Member since 2005 • 4757 Posts
Yeah, it's a thin line betweencontrolling hooligans and violating a person's rights. Sadly, it's all a matter of perspective.
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#106 crazygamer1
Member since 2003 • 845 Posts
Hey, if you're stupid enough to try and resist arrest then you deserve whatever you get. I think all the people who said that he didn't deserve to be arrested or didn't deserve to get tasered should also be tasered for being Stupid...Dee Dee Dee. Police acted in a manner to get the suspect under control...just because someone says "Dude don't taser me." doesn't mean they shouldn't taser him. If a murderer said "Dude just let me go, I'll turn myself in." are you gonna let him go? They tried to escort him out, he fought and then he got PWNED!!! Seems justice was served to me.
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#107 zeus_gb
Member since 2004 • 7793 Posts

Hey, if you're stupid enough to try and resist arrest then you deserve whatever you get. I think all the people who said that he didn't deserve to be arrested or didn't deserve to get tasered should also be tasered for being Stupid...Dee Dee Dee. Police acted in a manner to get the suspect under control...just because someone says "Dude don't taser me." doesn't mean they shouldn't taser him. If a murderer said "Dude just let me go, I'll turn myself in." are you gonna let him go? They tried to escort him out, he fought and then he got PWNED!!! Seems justice was served to me.crazygamer1
I don't think i'm stupid.

He hadn't done a great deal to get arrested for, he was unarmed and was not a threat to anyone. Why did they feel the need to taser him?

There's a big different between this man and a murderer.

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#108 Rekunta
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[QUOTE="Rekunta"]Personally I'm glad he got tasered as even after he made his point he continued to act like an @ss just for the sake of it and resisted.drbob

What right did the police have to grab him in the first place? He shouted and resisted because the police were assulting him. If someone grabbed you in the street are you saying that it would be childish to call for help? If a member of the public so much as taps an officer on the shoulder they can be charged with assault. The same standard should apply to police officers where no offence has been comitted.

Going on for too long and spouting outlandish theories at a question and answer session may be annoying but it doesn't consitiute a breach of the peace. The police grossly overreacted. You may not like that the police have been portrayed in a bad light by this incident, I'm glad those police have been exposed as trigger happy goons.

This cnn videoshows more of what happened before and after the police grabbed him, including one officer grinning as the taser is applied:

Yes, and if you watch it closely it splits right before the cops start to grab him. So once again, who knows? Show me a video that is not spliced and then I will decide.

"If someone grabbed you in the street are you saying that it would be childish to call for help?"

That is completely over-simplified and circumstantial example. It's not like this guy's life was threatened. His civil rights possibly, but that gives him the right to act like a child? As I said, there are other avenues to combat injustice instead of throwing a fit. From what I have seen, I think both parties are at fault and reacted poorly.Tell me this: what did his raving accomplish? It was unfair to Senator Kerry and the other students who wished to ask him questions. It was not conducive to anything other than to his ego and his self-righteousness. The cops were at fault, but his reaction and drawn out drama was ridiculous and completely unnecessary.

Show me the entire video, as I can't seem to find it.

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#109 Darthmatt
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I think what people are not looking at is the full context of the situation. From the video you see cops not letting this guy talk and acting like nazis. But what you dont see is this guy cutting to the front of a line where people were waiting for their rightful turn to ask questions. He then proceeded to make his own speech with no regard for the rules of the forum allowing one question in the allowed time so as many people as possible can exercises their right to speak too. Why do you think there were two cops next to him in the video? He rushed the mic. With a public figure like kerry, and after VA tech, cops are not going to chance a situation. Yeah, they used too much force, but I don't have sympathy for that kid that helped make the US look like a police state. He got what he deserved by disrupting an orderly forum. The fact that the police let him ask a question after his disregard to let other (who were being orderly) have the right to speak is proof we are not living in a police state.
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#110 hair001
Member since 2005 • 1202 Posts
Well he had been told to behave and hadn't so they tried to escort him from the hall. He then resisted and so was dragged away. However I think the taser was unessesary, could all those policemen manage to put the handcuffs on him without it?
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#111 deactivated-5901ac91d8e33
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#113 Shadow2k6
Member since 2005 • 2283 Posts
The cops used too much force, too soon. I know if it was where I go to school the kid would probably knock the cop out (I remember that happened once in HS). Most people (specially under 25) are going to resist arrest when someone like that happens so fast. You never know he might have got nervous when the cops grabbed and him and people respond differently.
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#114 ArmoredAshes
Member since 2005 • 4025 Posts

Tough call on that one. Freedom of speech vs. disturbing the peace.sonicare

ehh its not relly disturbing the peace if kerry was WILLING to answer his questions...someone was just being uptight about it...kinda senseless to taser him....SOME police let power go to their head. its a shame that some have to ruin the image for all =/

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#115 Darthmatt
Member since 2002 • 8970 Posts

[QUOTE="sonicare"]Tough call on that one. Freedom of speech vs. disturbing the peace.ArmoredAshes

ehh its not relly disturbing the peace if kerry was WILLING to answer his questions...someone was just being uptight about it...kinda senseless to taser him....SOME police let power go to their head. its a shame that some have to ruin the image for all =/

The disturbing the peace part came when he ran in front of the line and started ranting into the mic. The video doesnt show that part. Maybe the new rule should be make a dash for the mic and rant as long as you want. There are rules and order in place so everyone gets their fair shot. This guy abused the rules and got punished, too severe, but not unjustified. This guy conned anyone who thinks he is a martyr for free speech.
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#116 staindcoldlp
Member since 2004 • 15121 Posts
Wow. Those cops had no right to do anything to him. They completely abused their power. I hope they get fired for that.
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#117 azazel_666
Member since 2006 • 3949 Posts

lol...he had it comming :)


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#118 solidgamer
Member since 2005 • 7542 Posts
lol shame
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#119 deactivated-5a84f3399aa1c
Member since 2005 • 6504 Posts
Once they tased him, he got even more annoying! They should've just shot him.
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#120 deactivated-5f9e3c6a83e51
Member since 2004 • 57548 Posts

[QUOTE="sonicare"]Tough call on that one. Freedom of speech vs. disturbing the peace.ArmoredAshes

ehh its not relly disturbing the peace if kerry was WILLING to answer his questions...someone was just being uptight about it...kinda senseless to taser him....SOME police let power go to their head. its a shame that some have to ruin the image for all =/

I guess I just don't know the circumstances of the event. There is no law against being a jerk, so he shouldn't have been arrested for that. It just depends on whether he was in a private or public university, etc. If it occurred on private property, then the owners do have the right to have disruptive people removed and that would not violate his freedom of expression.

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#121 double_decker
Member since 2006 • 146090 Posts
He resisted and was trying to make a spectacle of himself, he succeeded and got what he deserved IMO
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#122 Bourbons3
Member since 2003 • 24238 Posts
He had it coming. He should have done as they said and left.
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#123 Donkey_Puncher
Member since 2005 • 5083 Posts

Does anyone here even know the entire story other than seeing the video? Read the news people.

The kid had the microphone for a minute and a half, continued to yell questions at Kerry in it. He was told to stop because his alloted time was up for questioning, he didn't. When his microphone was cut he got mad and started yelling some more.

That's not infringment of free speech, that's disorderly conduct during an open forum questioning. He's an ass for disrupting it.

Even after they tried to LEAD him out, he resisted. When resisted, he was forced to the ground and told to calm down. He didn't, and was tasered and forcibly removed.

The cops were extremely patient. He refused to follow the forum rules, acted disorderly, yelled, resisted arrest, and refused to calm down.

How in the hell can you defend him?

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#124 MichaeltheCM
Member since 2005 • 22765 Posts
lol yeah this was posted yesterday! that was funny, he totally got what he deserved
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#125 newhenpal
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Just because the kid says he's being arrested does not mean he is ( sounds to me like he is exagerating) looks to me like he was being escorted until near the exit when he tried to escape, this is where the cops realize they will need to arrest him, and surprise surprise, he resists and they warn him that they'll taze him if he doesn't back down. He continues to resist and he gets zapped (where he once again exaggerates the pain and cries and whines). And if you look at the vid closely you'll see that he was warned by the cops to back down and his response is 'can I finish?' so they let him go a little longer and then he asks about skulls and bones which is when the cops realized that he just wants some attention. Cuts in line, doesn't allow kerry to speak, is warned, doesn't back down, is escorted, resists, is arrested, resists, is warned he'll be tased, resists, get tased. Don't see any injustice here.

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#126 FlaminDeath
Member since 2004 • 4181 Posts

Does anyone here even know the entire story other than seeing the video? Read the news people.

The kid had the microphone for a minute and a half, continued to yell questions at Kerry in it. He was told to stop because his alloted time was up for questioning, he didn't. When his microphone was cut he got mad and started yelling some more.

That's not infringment of free speech, that's disorderly conduct during an open forum questioning. He's an ass for disrupting it.

Even after they tried to LEAD him out, he resisted. When resisted, he was forced to the ground and told to calm down. He didn't, and was tasered and forcibly removed.

The cops were extremely patient. He refused to follow the forum rules, acted disorderly, yelled, resisted arrest, and refused to calm down.

How in the hell can you defend him?

common senseFTW!
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#127 crazygamer1
Member since 2003 • 845 Posts

[QUOTE="crazygamer1"]Hey, if you're stupid enough to try and resist arrest then you deserve whatever you get. I think all the people who said that he didn't deserve to be arrested or didn't deserve to get tasered should also be tasered for being Stupid...Dee Dee Dee. Police acted in a manner to get the suspect under control...just because someone says "Dude don't taser me." doesn't mean they shouldn't taser him. If a murderer said "Dude just let me go, I'll turn myself in." are you gonna let him go? They tried to escort him out, he fought and then he got PWNED!!! Seems justice was served to me.zeus_gb

I don't think i'm stupid.

He hadn't done a great deal to get arrested for, he was unarmed and was not a threat to anyone. Why did they feel the need to taser him?

There's a big different between this man and a murderer.

Yes I know there's a difference between a murderer and him...that's not what I was getting at. I'm getting at that if a police officer is arresting someone that just because that person says something in no way has any bearing on what the officer can do. If a person is fleeing a scene and the cops catch him and then he says "Let me go." Do they have to let him go? No. If a drug dealer says "Let me go." Do they let him go? No. If a dumb **** says "Dont tase me bro." Does it mean they shouldn't tase him? No. The police approached him and asked him to leave, he didn't do so and just brushed them off continuing to yell out questions, they then grabbed him attempting to escort him out, he resisted, then they tried to arrest him, he resisted still, they told him to calm down or they'll taser him, still he resisted, so he was tasered. Seems to me the police gave him plenty of oppurtunity to calm down, but he wanted to be stupid and he payed for it. If he would've just left after the first police officer told him to leave, he would've avoided all of this.

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#128 GIJesse77
Member since 2006 • 3034 Posts
They should line up all the idiots at my school and tazer each and one of them for 5 minutes.
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#129 Elraptor
Member since 2004 • 30966 Posts

So if I repeatedly tape my own practical jokes and go "out of line" when speaking to someone we've given authority (American voters, I guess), it qualifies me for a tasering?

Being disruptive merits your removal, and your refusal to comply "qualifies" you for a tasering. The causal chain there is a little longer than you admitted.
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#130 Darthmatt
Member since 2002 • 8970 Posts

So if I repeatedly tape my own practical jokes and go "out of line" when speaking to someone we've given authority (American voters, I guess), it qualifies me for a tasering?

Being disruptive merits your removal, and your refusal to comply "qualifies" you for a tasering. The causal chain there is a little longer than you admitted.

Resistance is futile. Any way, I'm pretty sure the rules at a public forum are not cut in front of everyone waiting their turn to speak and rant as long as you want. These events have rules people need to follow. This guy was acting like a child.
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#131 Mumbles527
Member since 2004 • 7706 Posts

So if I repeatedly tape my own practical jokes and go "out of line" when speaking to someone we've given authority (American voters, I guess), it qualifies me for a tasering?

Being disruptive merits your removal, and your refusal to comply "qualifies" you for a tasering. The causal chain there is a little longer than you admitted.

Resistance is futile. Any way, I'm pretty sure the rules at a public forum are not cut in front of everyone waiting their turn to speak and rant as long as you want. These events have rules people need to follow. This guy was acting like a child.

So he was being a little disruptive. Thats no reason to arrest him and accuse him of inciting a riot, which he obviously wasn't doing. And to all the people saying that they needed to taser him to subdue him, there were at least 7 or 8 cops there and one of him. If they needed a taser, they are pathetic.
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#132 Darthmatt
Member since 2002 • 8970 Posts

So if I repeatedly tape my own practical jokes and go "out of line" when speaking to someone we've given authority (American voters, I guess), it qualifies me for a tasering?

Being disruptive merits your removal, and your refusal to comply "qualifies" you for a tasering. The causal chain there is a little longer than you admitted.

Resistance is futile. Any way, I'm pretty sure the rules at a public forum are not cut in front of everyone waiting their turn to speak and rant as long as you want. These events have rules people need to follow. This guy was acting like a child.

So he was being a little disruptive. Thats no reason to arrest him and accuse him of inciting a riot, which he obviously wasn't doing. And to all the people saying that they needed to taser him to subdue him, there were at least 7 or 8 cops there and one of him. If they needed a taser, they are pathetic.

Well the cops did over react, thats a given. But that guy was doing things that provoked the incident. I mean we cant go around letting people have total disregard for rules and pretend like everything is all right. We live in a society and we all have to do things like follow rules even if we dont always want to but for the sake of others.
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#133 TSCombo
Member since 2006 • 2957 Posts
So he was being a little disruptive. Thats no reason to arrest him and accuse him of inciting a riot, which he obviously wasn't doing. And to all the people saying that they needed to taser him to subdue him, there were at least 7 or 8 cops there and one of him. If they needed a taser, they are pathetic.Mumbles527
They were a lot smaller than him, other than taser him they could have wrestled him down allowing him to make an even bigger sceneand risk breaking his arm.
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#134 drbob
Member since 2002 • 253 Posts

Does anyone here even know the entire story other than seeing the video? Read the news people.


Try looking a the video evidence and using your own brain to come to reasoned conclusion. Some of the news coverage has deliberatley distorted the facts, which are clearly visible on the available videos.

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#135 ferret837
Member since 2004 • 1942 Posts
Omg lol owned what a idiot
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#136 Mumbles527
Member since 2004 • 7706 Posts
[QUOTE="Mumbles527"] So he was being a little disruptive. Thats no reason to arrest him and accuse him of inciting a riot, which he obviously wasn't doing. And to all the people saying that they needed to taser him to subdue him, there were at least 7 or 8 cops there and one of him. If they needed a taser, they are pathetic.TSCombo
They were a lot smaller than him, other than taser him they could have wrestled him down allowing him to make an even bigger sceneand risk breaking his arm.

Actually, they already had him on the ground and surrounded when they tasered him.
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#137 atony12
Member since 2007 • 960 Posts

gj to the campus police they did exactly what they were supposed to do. tazers and pepperspray would be an appropiate weapon in these situations i dont know of the campus police had pepper spray but it dont matter they both do the same thing but with different effect

that kid screamed ow and help for a reason and judging by the AOL polls he succedded

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#138 Donkey_Puncher
Member since 2005 • 5083 Posts

Does anyone here even know the entire story other than seeing the video? Read the news people.


Try looking a the video evidence and using your own brain to come to reasoned conclusion. Some of the news coverage has deliberatley distorted the facts, which are clearly visible on the available videos.

The reporters were there, as were the eye witnesses and faculty members who gave the report to the news agencies.

Use YOUR own brain. The video only shows a blurry upset and struggle with a screaming kid. Which is more distorted in telling the real story?

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#139 LS07
Member since 2007 • 945 Posts

[QUOTE="TSCombo"][QUOTE="Mumbles527"] So he was being a little disruptive. Thats no reason to arrest him and accuse him of inciting a riot, which he obviously wasn't doing. And to all the people saying that they needed to taser him to subdue him, there were at least 7 or 8 cops there and one of him. If they needed a taser, they are pathetic.Mumbles527
They were a lot smaller than him, other than taser him they could have wrestled him down allowing him to make an even bigger sceneand risk breaking his arm.

Actually, they already had him on the ground and surrounded when they tasered him.

Yes he was on the ground, but he was still resisting arest and refusing to cooperate, he said he would leave, not that he would go with police

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#140 TSCombo
Member since 2006 • 2957 Posts
[QUOTE="TSCombo"][QUOTE="Mumbles527"] So he was being a little disruptive. Thats no reason to arrest him and accuse him of inciting a riot, which he obviously wasn't doing. And to all the people saying that they needed to taser him to subdue him, there were at least 7 or 8 cops there and one of him. If they needed a taser, they are pathetic.Mumbles527
They were a lot smaller than him, other than taser him they could have wrestled him down allowing him to make an even bigger sceneand risk breaking his arm.

Actually, they already had him on the ground and surrounded when they tasered him.

He was on the ground but he would allow them to restrain his arms and also yelling out making more of a scene. He brought it on himself and even told the officers outsidethat he didn't think they had did anything wrong.
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#141 drbob
Member since 2002 • 253 Posts

Show me the entire video, as I can't seem to find it.Rekunta

This NBC video seems to have the entire incident without cuts.

The campus newspaper, which is probably best placed to get eye witness accounts - does not state that the kid (Andrew Meyer) "pushed in line", simply that he shouted out asking kerry to answer everyones questions when he realised he wasn't going to get a turn at the mic. Kerry agreed to this, you can see in this video where Meyer politely waits to ask his question until Kerry prompts him.

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#142 brenday
Member since 2005 • 8031 Posts
LawLz TaZoR outch :|
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#143 makaveli2344
Member since 2007 • 3106 Posts
Rubber bullets would've been funnier.
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#144 JLAudio7
Member since 2007 • 2729 Posts
The guy has a right to free speech, but i think the smart thing to do would've been to leave and then file a complaint against the police.
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#145 helium_flash
Member since 2007 • 9244 Posts
Well, they probably shouldn't have tasered him, but it is probably good in the long run that they did. Now he won't open his big mouth anymore.
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#146 angel-of-rain
Member since 2007 • 412 Posts
Aww, that sucks. I really feel sorry for him, that was not necessary.
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#147 greenprince
Member since 2006 • 3332 Posts
Dude had it coming, you can't really defend him
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#148 newhenpal
Member since 2005 • 2159 Posts

Does anyone here even know the entire story other than seeing the video? Read the news people.


Try looking a the video evidence and using your own brain to come to reasoned conclusion. Some of the news coverage has deliberatley distorted the facts, which are clearly visible on the available videos.

The reporters were there, as were the eye witnesses and faculty members who gave the report to the news agencies.

Use YOUR own brain. The video only shows a blurry upset and struggle with a screaming kid. Which is more distorted in telling the real story?

You're joking right?

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#149 Orlando_Magic
Member since 2002 • 37448 Posts


Show me the entire video, as I can't seem to find it.drbob

This NBC video seems to have the entire incident without cuts.

The campus newspaper, which is probably best placed to get eye witness accounts - does not state that the kid (Andrew Meyer) "pushed in line", simply that he shouted out asking kerry to answer everyones questions when he realised he wasn't going to get a turn at the mic. Kerry agreed to this, you can see in this video where Meyer politely waits to ask his question until Kerry prompts him.

Meyer didn't "push" to get to the mic but while the 6th person was asking a question, he rudely interrupted and began shouting that his question be answered. Meyer was 7th in line for his question. UPD was already walking over to Meyer when John Kerry stopped answering the 6th person and said he would answer Meyer's question when he was done with the 6th person, just to calm Meyer down. Meyer is a well known attention whore at UF who once walked around campus holding up signs with Harry Potters spoilers, and Meyer even used to write for the Alligator (school newspaper) and once wrote "I absolutely love the thought that some nonsense I wrote irritated people enough for them to take time out of their day to let everyone know how much they disliked what I wrote."
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#150 Anuway
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts

Someone should make a flash game where you're the security guard with a tazer that has ulimited ammo, and you're on top of a hill and theirs hoards of hippies and college kids swarming around you, trying to get to the top. There would be upgrades of course like, i don't know, maybe a range upgrade, or a tazer spread upgrade to taze multiple hippies and college kids at once, and then maybe there would be a sniper tazer, to toast the hippies from afar.

Towards the end of the game, you could get riot gear and baton, and tear gas can be one of the side upgrades you can get! :D