Wii will get a new SKU but when?

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#1 deactivated-626d7beb18aa6
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I'm not shy about stating my opinion that the Wii could have been more than it is for about the same price, we know this because XB360 and PS3 along with just about every other console but the Wii was released at a loss which is always recovered within a certain time period depending on game sales.

I had some heat last time I mentioned this on Nintendo's forums (go figure) but its not like I expected anything less over there. Is it too much to ask for some hard drive space, better graphics driver and a slightly more powerful CPU? It would not have cost them as much as some people think and with the popularity of the console they would not have had to wait at all to make a profit. The most logical argument for this in my opinion is longevity of the console itself but hay they didn't do it so Ill just move on to the present.

Now that Nintendo has a idea of how popular the console is, dont you think its time we get another SKU? I know my memory was full a long time ago and sure I have SD cards but its still mildly annoying. Both Sony and Microsoft have changed there platform's a few times in attempts to zoom in on the market and wile it can be confusing for consumers once you start cranking out 3 or 4 SKU's I like the idea of having 2. One low end and one high end. In Nintendo's case anything more than just a larger hard drive and you might as well call it a new console all together but Im down for that, in fact as long as its BC I cant wait to see it.

How long have we waited for Nintendo to put it all together and how much longer will it take for them to get it? Im not going to sit hear and defend N and say "Ill take game play over graphics" because I know the have the ability to deliver both, I think with all the profit they have made off the Wii its time they start thinking about both, a Wii with the graphics that rivals a XB360 Id buy it in a heartbeat.

So there you have it, I'm not satisfied with the Wii and I would love to see what Nintendo's game designers could do with a console that has comparable muscle to the PS3,XB360. I mean my imagination runs wild when I think of what they could do with it.

If the next generation of consoles N puts out is still behind Sony's and MS, Im done waiting. To tell the truth Im tired of waiting now Id like them to put out a console that at least competes with the other two in graphics, storage and power. I cant be the only one out there that's a fan of Nintendo's and is still left feeling we need more and sooner rather than later.

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#2 WolfWatch
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i would love to see a more on the wii. but you wont until the next console. check out my post from before.


more people voted to pay $150 more for better graphic and such.
when u buy a wii ur not only paying for what u get but the development that took place to create the wii. same with all consoles.

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#3 carnage646
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im sure by the next gen it will be up to the same standerds as the rest as nintendo have made much more money with the wii then they did with the gamecube
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#4 Sepewrath
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I wouldnt bank on it, based on Nintendo's history no console changes will be in the works. They have done that once and it was a resounding failure, so they make it once and leave it at that. The best you can probaly hope for is color changes, especially talking about things like more powerful CPU and so on. That really wont happen, they also wouldnt make a new console just for a harddrive, when they have USB ports, and blue tooth tech.

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#5 El_Rey906
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Nintendo has been doing great in sales and have doubled in their revenue last year. I am sure they have "more power in mind" but not for this console. The Wii is certainly a unique piece of hardware, and as long as it brings great titles like Mario Galaxy I'm satisfied with this console. My guess is that nintendo is waiting for better technology that can be incorporated into their next system. A technology that is affordable, amazing, and accesible to everyone. I'm sure they will also have the hardcore gamer in mind. Its just that they are expanding the gaming scene to the general public. And for that I give props to Nintendo.
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#6 Quadlazor
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They arnt gonna make a second wii like microsoft did with the 360 elite because nintendo is as money crazed. they lost alot of money from the game cube and if they were going under they wanted to give people something special. so they wont be adding the stuff you want and if you buy a wii for graphics than your an idiot.
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#7 SapSacPrime
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There is no need the Wii does what it is supposed to, it is selling fine and also it does not have a hard drive it has flash memory built in which is faster. I agree with you that it needs more memory but you can use SD cards and just upload games (VC) as you want to play them, this is actually not praised enough because I got a 2 gb card for £8 in the sales :o and usually a memory card or hard drive for a console costs a lot more.

I really cant see nintendo doing the updated console bit again after the ram pack for the N64 which seemed to harm sales for MM and PD. My answer to people that worry about the Wii being less powerful or having less features is the same as many people have done including myself, buy a second console ;).

EDIT: quadlazor - The GC did actually make Nintendo a profit and as things stand it was a better console than the Wii is atm, ofcourse I have little doubt the Wii will indeed top it but I think it deserves more respect than it gets on these boards.

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#8 Kenny789
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Sorry to sound like the noob here but whats SKU? :?
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#9 vivi2000
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I like the Wii the way it is, and I'm happy with it graphics (of course there are always bad ports, but that's another thing). If it's such a dissapointment to you the solution should be to get another console, or sell your Wii and get one with more muscles.

What I still don't get is that's already one year since the Wii came out, it's a well-known fact that the graphics can't compare to the 360 or PS3 ones, it is much less powerful than the other two, but its price is much more afordable than its concurrents. Yet people (knowing it's less powerful) still buy it and after a while start complaining about its graphics and salibate seeing what's on the other two systems. Common, you knew what the Wii stands for, you see what people tell, so if you thought the Wii was a cheaper version of the other two you fooled yourself. The Wii is something different, if you like it buy it, if you don't buy another one.

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#10 Jaysonguy
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There wont be another Wii.


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#11 chris3116
Member since 2003 • 12174 Posts
There will be a new console in 3-4 years but not a new Wii. By the way, I like the Wii what it is.
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#12 notalkjustrock
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At most you will see a Wii Lite or something ridiculous in the last year of it's life. Nintendo doesn't need or want another SKU for their system. They're having trouble enough keeping up with demand for their current single SKU.
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#13 TDLlama
Member since 2006 • 2779 Posts

There wont be another Wii.




Now... /thread

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#14 vee42
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I'd rather see a ram expansion kind of like they did with the n64 expansion pack more ram would mean more detailed textures and more lighting effects(normal mapping, bump mapping) I think they could like make it run through a usb port so no one would have to buy a new console just get the ram extension for upgraded graphics.
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#15 notalkjustrock
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A ram extension through a USB port would not work very well

at all

unless the wii has some bizarre system architecture

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#16 supreuph
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No. What Nintendo did was smart. They had no idea that the Wii would be as popular as it is, so there's no way we can Monday-Morning-Quarterback and say they should've made it more powerful 'cause they would have just made up for it in sales. They didn't know whether it would be wildly popular or just appeal to a select few, so they did the smart thing and made it cost-effective. If this thing bombed, they didn't need to be in the hole even further after a sub-par last generation.

So now the wii has taken off. That means it needs more stuff? No. They said that their focus was making gaming accessible to everybody. They didn't want to go the way of 360 and PS3 and bulk up the processors and visuals. They wanted to enhance the fun, and they did. The only reason that Sony and Microsoft have played SKU shuffle is because they're (1) trying to maximize their sales by giving every level of gamer exactly what they want or (2) their system isn't selling so they've got to shake things up. The wii has neither of these problems since the people who are buying wii satisfied with their experience. The only thing nintendo needs to do is offer flash drive functionality for storage and they'll be fine.