What do YOU want to see in the next DS?

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#1 ShenlongBo
Member since 2004 • 3800 Posts

The Nintendo DS Lite is currently one of the hottest selling items in the videogame industry. Already selling upwards of tens of millions worldwide and dominating Japan, the little dual-screened portable's sleek finish, bright screens and quality library has become a critical and popular darling after the concept of the DS stumbled clumsily out of the gate during a forgettable launch. With rumors of a PSP 2 surfacing every now and then, and Nokia determined to re-enter the handheld market with a yet-again improved version of its failed N*Gage platform, one can't help but be curious about what the future holds for the Nintendo DS platform.

The Nintendo DS Lite itself is the second iteration of the Nintendo DS platform, with the first device being a bit bulkier and sporting screens that weren't as bright. Knowing Nintendo, there will likely be a third iteration of the current hardware platform. But have you ever wondered what Nintendo might have up its sleeves for an actual successor to the Nintendo DS platform? We at the 100% Nintendo DS Union turned to our members to find out what people would want to see out of this theoretical, fictional second Nintendo DS.

More robust online functionality seemed to be one of the more popular expectations. The Nintendo DS currently connects wirelessly to Nintendo's own network, the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (NWFC). Currently, only around twenty games out of the multitude of titles available actually have some NWFC connectivity. Furthermore, the friend code system remains a contention for some Nintendo DS owners. Former union officer Zaps said, "Can we just get rid of all the friends codes and have a global pseudonym? It would save the bother of looking up codes and input long strings of digits."

A move to a slicker system, perhaps mimicking that of Microsoft's Xbox Live interface, was among the suggestions. "Nintendo would do well to look at what Microsoft has done with XBOX Live and model its own online plans similarly," said union officer ShenlongBo, "albeit with that great Nintendo flair. Wouldn't it be nice if we could turn on our DSes, get online, and be able to see which of our friends were online? How about if we could invite each other to play games right through our DSes? Or what about this: you manage to beat Advance Wars: Dual Strike's hard campaign, and you get a little emblem to show for it -- similar to the the Achievement system of XBOX Live?"

ShenlongBo was careful to point out that the last thing we needed was "another Xbox Live," and that such ideas merely represented the kind of direction Nintendo should be looking in.

Other members saw inspiration in Nintendo's own camp by pointing to Nintendo's Wii console. Union member another_star wanted "a [Virtual Console] for DS where you can [download] NES, SNES and ... GBA games maybe?" Zaps echoed this sentiment, stating that, "In an ideal world, I'd love to see Nintendo implement a Virtual Console-esque feature on the DS that lets you download NES and SNES titles for a small amount (much cheaper than what they're selling for on the Wii). There are enough buttons to play SNES games," which are in fact in an identical configuration to SNES pads we might add, "and the fact that they would be portable too is neat."

But the online connection could be used for more than just downloading games and playing against friends and enemies. Member m0zart thought that "the next DS will be able to download firmware updates similar to the Wii." Umbriell let us in on his hopes by asking for "wireless internet support over 3G. A person can dream, right?"

-dj2- also wanted to see something a bit less technical and more obvious - browsing with a built-in wireless browser. another_star agreed with this, taking it a bit further with Pictochat. "A built in internet browser sounds great. Online pictochat would be cool too."

The members were almost as uniform when it came to multimedia functionality. -dj2- suggested that "maybe a DS system that had PSP-all-in-one-media-center features" should surface. another_star expanded upon this idea, desiring a true SecureDigital card slot "so that you can view pics and listen to music, watch videos..." Paperlink64 agreed: "Internet browsing or listening to music [should be] built into the hardware." However, member sergioalb64 disagreed, believing that the DS should continue with its core competencies: "I certainly don't want any type of media functionality like MP3 or video player; the PSP can do that."

Wii cross-functionality also became an expectation, with m0zart predicting that "the next DS will be able to directly connect to the Wii and be used as a controller for specific games", a sentiment echoed by Umbriell. As an added bonus, he wished for "the ability to see both DS screens on the TV when connecting to the Wii, if only for recording purposes." In other attempts to stuff more controller fuctionality into the next DS, Umbriell proposed "two larger widescreen displays (both touch sensitive), [a] rotating and flippable screen for one-screen flat tablet applications, [and a] motion-sensitive accelerometer built in." People liked the idea of tilty functionality, with sergioalb64 pointing to WarioWare Twisted! as inspiration for DS tilt-game ideas, and xOMICRONx agreeing with Umbriell on both the tilt "to work in conjunction with the Wii" and dual-touchscreen fronts. another_star threw in a nod to Metroid Prime Pinball's rumble, stating that the next DS should have "better and built-in rumble."

Umbriell further pushed the envelope for what he'd like to see in the next DS' control options, hoping that Nintendo would add "dual analog control sticks." Dutch_Mix echoed this, saying, "I'd also like to see the next DS support some type of analog stick" though not specifying it in dual format. Umbriell took it back to the Gamecube era, citing the desire to see the next DS have "the ability to play Gamecube discs." Paperlink64 in a sense supported the concept of a Gamecube on-the-go, stating he'd like to see "graphics nearing that of the Gamecube."

User functionality wasn't ignored either, with Paperlink64 rattling off "improved speakers, and full compatibilty with all GB, GBC and GBA games." The screens came up again, with him citing the need for "scratch-resistant touch screens." Member Ponsardin was also disappointed with the quality of the 2D graphics, desiring something with the level of clarity found on the PSP - even with titles like the Castlevania games showcasing that the DS is indeed more than capable in this area: "I really would like to see the game more colorful and more clearer. DS Lite had a decent display - I'm sure that they can do something better than that." Union officer and news editor DidiCardoso simply wanted "a back light that we can turn on and off whenever, because I can't see properly when playing in broad daylight on either of them. Better voice/writing recognition and a tilt feature would be awesome too."

As for yours truly? My idea of a perfect DS successor would incorporate the dual-touchscreen ideas, supporting the robust online improvements - interface and download capabilities - cited by our members. And please, dear Nintendo, get rid of the friend codes. I'd expect to see the natural jump in graphical prowess, an obvious item touched upon by our members; while I don't deem it necessary, it would be nice to see something better-looking than a non-filtered, Playstation-era pixelated texture. Finally, I'm not too keen on adding any extraneous multimedia functionality into the unit.

What do you think? Post your thoughts in the comments box below.

- originally posted by MrCHUP0N on the 100% Nintendo DS Union board

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#2 kroxfire
Member since 2006 • 189 Posts

i agree with all of the above but there is one thing that would like to see on the next platform that i think you haven't covered apologies if you have but i reckon better interface with the touchscreen and more use of it.


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#3 ASK_Story
Member since 2006 • 11455 Posts

I think Nintendo has it right-on just the way it is.

Nintendo was never a multimedia device type of product like the PSP is. They were and are always first and foremost a game machine. That's why like Tecmo's Itagaki said, the DS is the designed to be a portable game machine whereas the PSP is designed as a portable home console, which is why he chose Ninja Gaiden for the platform. Also, focusing only on games makes the system cheaper. Unneccessary add-ons like a movie player, video player, or music player might be cool, but as the PSP and the UMD movies already proves, all these things really aren't needed. People want the games not "Three Men and a Baby" on UMD for $40. :roll:

But the only things I can see improving is the online feature, no doubt. I also think the download service is a great idea. Maybe downloading SNES, NES, and the older GB games might work. N64 and beyond might take too much memory, making the system more expensive. Other than that, maybe more built-in memory on the cartridge space. Also, better graphics. I think Nintendo will stay with a cartridge base format because it's best for portability. Nintendo's portables are all about convenience and comfort. Having a disc based format will only bring frustrating loading times, making it more intimidating and fragile for the elderly and to the children for example. Cartridges are friendly and easy to use. It's the perfect format for children since children make up a HUGE chunk in Nintendo's handheld market. I think as technology gets better, maybe the DS2 will be like the evolution of what N64 could have been, a more powerful, cartridge based format machine. 

And I disagree with the dual touch screen and dual analog stick. I think having one touch screen is just perfect. I can state many reasons, but I think Nintendo has set it just right. Also, one analog stick is sufficient. Two wouldn't work to well because the touch screen can be used in many ways the second analog stick is usually used on consoles. For example, Metroid Prime Hunters plays great with the touch screen controls. But I'd like to see at least one analog because games like Mario 64 can be more playable. Also, we can finally have a 3D Zelda like Ocarina of Time or Windwaker with a analog. It'd be easier to control. Plus, some one mentioned once that maybe the DS can incorporate some blue-tooth tech in the system. It might work like seen in games like Kirby Tilt n Tumble, Yoshi Topsy Turvy, and WarioWare Twisted, but honestly, how stupid and silly would we look playing a motion-sensing game in public? :roll: In other words, for a portable, I think it will be too gimmicky so games like these should stay gimmicky and only be built-in the cartridges on these certain games.

I think the foundation of the DS is set right. The only thing really needed is a evolution not another revolution. The DS is already a revolutionary system and seeing how successful it is in the west and mostly Japan, I don't think any change is really needed other than very minor things. The DS is scary-successful in Japan. Already the best selling system and a phenomenom, and the scariest part is that they don't even have Dragon Quest yet! When DQIX comes out in Japan, it will be the biggest event in Japan's gaming history. Anaylists including Square-Enix are projecting DQIX to be the best selling game of all time, with over a 11 million units projected to sell, three times more than Dragon Quest VII or VIII.

So yeah...the DS is just fine the way it is. After all, Nintendo still has all that paper they have stored in their warehouses for all the money they have to print.  :P

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#4 0v3rcl0ck3d
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I think that in terms of market penetration the DS has excelled but I am still concerned with the core game experience. Call me ignorant or whatever, but when it comes t casual games Im genuinely not interested. I cant help but just want to crack soemthing in the face with a 12 guage or something of the like so what I want to see as well as a push for an expanded audience, I want to see nintendo supporting the DS with more core titles like maybe a Disaster or Project HAMMER spinoff.

 The second thing is thatId like it if the screen ratio on both screens is widened a bit. 16:9 would probably hamper the accesibility of the touchscreen unless the screen is made smaller but I like the size of the DS screens now.

Expected additions include increased system specs (hopefully comaparable if not better than the PSP) ancreased screen res, some touch screen enhancement such as it being able to recognise two points touching the screen. 


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#5 wanderingblade
Member since 2005 • 353 Posts
I agree with everything but multimedia. The DS doesn't need that. 
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#6 southalman
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you get a game bulit in,goldeneye 64
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#7 jensen_slipknot
Member since 2006 • 2559 Posts
i didnt read all of that but i want a longer range for picto chat. the only person you can really talk to is your next door neighbor with a bad connection.
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#8 Boba_Fett_3710
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Eventually, consoles will start to lose ground to handhelds. I would expect multimedia functions to be a standard on all handhelds in the future.
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#9 especensor
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I don't really care whether its 1 or 2 touch screens. but i think the touch capabilities can be expanded. to more than just a tap. like having hte stylus have 2 functionality like most tapblet pc's. so like if it were a drawing app, the back can be used to erase etc.

just expanding on all the DS' features is probably the best way to go. there isn't much thats bad about it apart from maybe weak speakers. but i dont' think theres ever been perfect handheld speakers. 

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#10 weltall1028
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We should be able to decide what buttons to use for GBA games, using A and B sometimes feels awkwards. I'm very surprised Nintendo didn't inlude the button config option.
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#11 Jedi_of_Hyrule
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i agree with most of what was said. i don't care too much for the tilt especially with the ds lite it's almost too small for that because most people get sweaty hands when they play and unexpectedly the ds might slip. i would love to see an analog stick for 3D games like zelda and mario 64 etc. multimedia would be great as long as games is still the main priority. a xbox live formatted on-line system would be spectacular because typing digits should be for the phone not video games. however with all this extra ideas how would battery life be considered? just by my logic it would seem to me that it would suffer. i like one touchscreen but i guess two would hurt. but my main problem with the ds right now is that nintendo is putting its all into the graphics. we have all seen metroid's graphics, for a hand-held they look amazing why keep on making crappy 2D graphics if you can go the full mile. plus with the extra on-line ideas i would love to see a ds mmo like wow, (graphics could, of course, slim down on that exception) tibia, you know just something. if anyone disagrees with anything i said i won't be offended. everybody needs a friend to tell them to shut up
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#12 Annexx
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...I think it needs a little more cowbell


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#13 Jaysonguy
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I think Nintendo has it right-on just the way it is.


Bingo bango bongo, right there

Changing it would be like making New Coke

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#14 tman978
Member since 2003 • 2007 Posts
Let's see. Picto Chat is usless if it ain't online. Intergrated web browser. Virtual Console would be awesome. (maybe that's why the Wii doesn't offer GB games?) Slightly bigger screens. Above Gamecube graphics. Not below or just meeting
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#15 jq98
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If they redesign the DS lite than take out the GBA slot and make the top screen slide up to reduce size.

The PSP2 (not redesign but the NEXT GENERATION PSP) will most likely have around PS3 graphics (knowing sony they will find some way to put next gen graphics in that little thing) so the DS2 needs to at leaste have gamecube-Wii graphics. Also it should have:

1. Multi touch, touch screen

2. Mii type interactive menu.

3. Connect with Wii

4. Better online w/ faster wi fi

5. Bigger screens and disk based games (cards and carts are over)

6. Keep the glossy outside.

7. Put in some type of tilt and rumble built in.

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#16 092093
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I would like if the Nintendo Wi-Fi were ran on a satellite ( like cell phones) so anyone could play online anywhere ( even if there was a monthly fee). I think it should also have the bonuses that the PSP had ( mp3 player, internet, etc.), because that's the only thing I miss about my PSP.
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#17 092093
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If they redesign the DS lite than take out the GBA slot and make the top screen slide up to reduce size.

The PSP2 (not redesign but the NEXT GENERATION PSP) will most likely have around PS3 graphics (knowing sony they will find some way to put next gen graphics in that little thing) so the DS2 needs to at leaste have gamecube-Wii graphics. Also it should have:

1. Multi touch, touch screen

2. Mii type interactive menu.

3. Connect with Wii

4. Better online w/ faster wi fi

5. Bigger screens and disk based games (cards and carts are over)

6. Keep the glossy outside.

7. Put in some type of tilt and rumble built in.

Actually I feel like cartridges are better because they are easier to take care of. It's much easier to completely screw up a disc. I don't have a problem with discs, but all my friend's disc are always jacked-up.
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#18 Eponique
Member since 2007 • 17918 Posts
You've listed everything :) But... multimedia features... I'd hate to pay more for something I might not even use. I'm all up for Gamecube graphics, ONE analogue stick, and downloads. One more thing we should expect is a longer battery life.
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#19 Devoo55
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you need to send that letter into Nintendo lol.
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#20 justin4444
Member since 2004 • 718 Posts

oh men! I prefer cartridge than discs because it costs no LOADING times. And it's one thing that makes DS good than PSP.


No joysticks to the next DS, touchscreen is enough. Better (louder) sound quality and Improved graphics (gamecube-wii).

No need for mp3's and videos because DS is all about gaming not MultiMedia.

Longer battery life also. 

more FPS and Sports games (NBA!) 

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#21 fastvipa14
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it seem safer with a cartridge than a disk. plus, you don't have to worry about it getting scratched up.

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#22 l-_-l
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The Nintendo DS Lite is currently one of the hottest selling items in the videogame industry. Already selling upwards of tens of millions worldwide and dominating Japan, the little dual-screened portable's sleek finish, bright screens and quality library has become a critical and popular darling after the concept of the DS stumbled clumsily out of the gate during a forgettable launch. With rumors of a PSP 2 surfacing every now and then, and Nokia determined to re-enter the handheld market with a yet-again improved version of its failed N*Gage platform, one can't help but be curious about what the future holds for the Nintendo DS platform.

The Nintendo DS Lite itself is the second iteration of the Nintendo DS platform, with the first device being a bit bulkier and sporting screens that weren't as bright. Knowing Nintendo, there will likely be a third iteration of the current hardware platform. But have you ever wondered what Nintendo might have up its sleeves for an actual successor to the Nintendo DS platform? We at the 100% Nintendo DS Union turned to our members to find out what people would want to see out of this theoretical, fictional second Nintendo DS.

More robust online functionality seemed to be one of the more popular expectations. The Nintendo DS currently connects wirelessly to Nintendo's own network, the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (NWFC). Currently, only around twenty games out of the multitude of titles available actually have some NWFC connectivity. Furthermore, the friend code system remains a contention for some Nintendo DS owners. Former union officer Zaps said, "Can we just get rid of all the friends codes and have a global pseudonym? It would save the bother of looking up codes and input long strings of digits."

A move to a slicker system, perhaps mimicking that of Microsoft's Xbox Live interface, was among the suggestions. "Nintendo would do well to look at what Microsoft has done with XBOX Live and model its own online plans similarly," said union officer ShenlongBo, "albeit with that great Nintendo flair. Wouldn't it be nice if we could turn on our DSes, get online, and be able to see which of our friends were online? How about if we could invite each other to play games right through our DSes? Or what about this: you manage to beat Advance Wars: Dual Strike's hard campaign, and you get a little emblem to show for it -- similar to the the Achievement system of XBOX Live?"

ShenlongBo was careful to point out that the last thing we needed was "another Xbox Live," and that such ideas merely represented the kind of direction Nintendo should be looking in.

Other members saw inspiration in Nintendo's own camp by pointing to Nintendo's Wii console. Union member another_star wanted "a [Virtual Console] for DS where you can [download] NES, SNES and ... GBA games maybe?" Zaps echoed this sentiment, stating that, "In an ideal world, I'd love to see Nintendo implement a Virtual Console-esque feature on the DS that lets you download NES and SNES titles for a small amount (much cheaper than what they're selling for on the Wii). There are enough buttons to play SNES games," which are in fact in an identical configuration to SNES pads we might add, "and the fact that they would be portable too is neat."

But the online connection could be used for more than just downloading games and playing against friends and enemies. Member m0zart thought that "the next DS will be able to download firmware updates similar to the Wii." Umbriell let us in on his hopes by asking for "wireless internet support over 3G. A person can dream, right?"

-dj2- also wanted to see something a bit less technical and more obvious - browsing with a built-in wireless browser. another_star agreed with this, taking it a bit further with Pictochat. "A built in internet browser sounds great. Online pictochat would be cool too."

The members were almost as uniform when it came to multimedia functionality. -dj2- suggested that "maybe a DS system that had PSP-all-in-one-media-center features" should surface. another_star expanded upon this idea, desiring a true SecureDigital card slot "so that you can view pics and listen to music, watch videos..." Paperlink64 agreed: "Internet browsing or listening to music [should be] built into the hardware." However, member sergioalb64 disagreed, believing that the DS should continue with its core competencies: "I certainly don't want any type of media functionality like MP3 or video player; the PSP can do that."

Wii cross-functionality also became an expectation, with m0zart predicting that "the next DS will be able to directly connect to the Wii and be used as a controller for specific games", a sentiment echoed by Umbriell. As an added bonus, he wished for "the ability to see both DS screens on the TV when connecting to the Wii, if only for recording purposes." In other attempts to stuff more controller fuctionality into the next DS, Umbriell proposed "two larger widescreen displays (both touch sensitive), [a] rotating and flippable screen for one-screen flat tablet applications, [and a] motion-sensitive accelerometer built in." People liked the idea of tilty functionality, with sergioalb64 pointing to WarioWare Twisted! as inspiration for DS tilt-game ideas, and xOMICRONx agreeing with Umbriell on both the tilt "to work in conjunction with the Wii" and dual-touchscreen fronts. another_star threw in a nod to Metroid Prime Pinball's rumble, stating that the next DS should have "better and built-in rumble."

Umbriell further pushed the envelope for what he'd like to see in the next DS' control options, hoping that Nintendo would add "dual analog control sticks." Dutch_Mix echoed this, saying, "I'd also like to see the next DS support some type of analog stick" though not specifying it in dual format. Umbriell took it back to the Gamecube era, citing the desire to see the next DS have "the ability to play Gamecube discs." Paperlink64 in a sense supported the concept of a Gamecube on-the-go, stating he'd like to see "graphics nearing that of the Gamecube."

User functionality wasn't ignored either, with Paperlink64 rattling off "improved speakers, and full compatibilty with all GB, GBC and GBA games." The screens came up again, with him citing the need for "scratch-resistant touch screens." Member Ponsardin was also disappointed with the quality of the 2D graphics, desiring something with the level of clarity found on the PSP - even with titles like the Castlevania games showcasing that the DS is indeed more than capable in this area: "I really would like to see the game more colorful and more clearer. DS Lite had a decent display - I'm sure that they can do something better than that." Union officer and news editor DidiCardoso simply wanted "a back light that we can turn on and off whenever, because I can't see properly when playing in broad daylight on either of them. Better voice/writing recognition and a tilt feature would be awesome too."

As for yours truly? My idea of a perfect DS successor would incorporate the dual-touchscreen ideas, supporting the robust online improvements - interface and download capabilities - cited by our members. And please, dear Nintendo, get rid of the friend codes. I'd expect to see the natural jump in graphical prowess, an obvious item touched upon by our members; while I don't deem it necessary, it would be nice to see something better-looking than a non-filtered, Playstation-era pixelated texture. Finally, I'm not too keen on adding any extraneous multimedia functionality into the unit.

What do you think? Post your thoughts in the comments box below.

- originally posted by MrCHUP0N on the 100% Nintendo DS Union board

Wall-O-Text, so I didn't read it. But I will give my opinion based just on the title of the thread (that was short enough to be worth reading). I don't want another DS. I want a brand new system from Nintendo.
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#23 ZeldaFan2329
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I highly doubt Nintedo will make a third one.
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#24 fastvipa14
Member since 2004 • 4247 Posts

The Nintendo DS Lite is currently one of the hottest selling items in the videogame industry. Already selling upwards of tens of millions worldwide and dominating Japan, the little dual-screened portable's sleek finish, bright screens and quality library has become a critical and popular darling after the concept of the DS stumbled clumsily out of the gate during a forgettable launch. With rumors of a PSP 2 surfacing every now and then, and Nokia determined to re-enter the handheld market with a yet-again improved version of its failed N*Gage platform, one can't help but be curious about what the future holds for the Nintendo DS platform.

The Nintendo DS Lite itself is the second iteration of the Nintendo DS platform, with the first device being a bit bulkier and sporting screens that weren't as bright. Knowing Nintendo, there will likely be a third iteration of the current hardware platform. But have you ever wondered what Nintendo might have up its sleeves for an actual successor to the Nintendo DS platform? We at the 100% Nintendo DS Union turned to our members to find out what people would want to see out of this theoretical, fictional second Nintendo DS.

More robust online functionality seemed to be one of the more popular expectations. The Nintendo DS currently connects wirelessly to Nintendo's own network, the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (NWFC). Currently, only around twenty games out of the multitude of titles available actually have some NWFC connectivity. Furthermore, the friend code system remains a contention for some Nintendo DS owners. Former union officer Zaps said, "Can we just get rid of all the friends codes and have a global pseudonym? It would save the bother of looking up codes and input long strings of digits."

A move to a slicker system, perhaps mimicking that of Microsoft's Xbox Live interface, was among the suggestions. "Nintendo would do well to look at what Microsoft has done with XBOX Live and model its own online plans similarly," said union officer ShenlongBo, "albeit with that great Nintendo flair. Wouldn't it be nice if we could turn on our DSes, get online, and be able to see which of our friends were online? How about if we could invite each other to play games right through our DSes? Or what about this: you manage to beat Advance Wars: Dual Strike's hard campaign, and you get a little emblem to show for it -- similar to the the Achievement system of XBOX Live?"

ShenlongBo was careful to point out that the last thing we needed was "another Xbox Live," and that such ideas merely represented the kind of direction Nintendo should be looking in.

Other members saw inspiration in Nintendo's own camp by pointing to Nintendo's Wii console. Union member another_star wanted "a [Virtual Console] for DS where you can [download] NES, SNES and ... GBA games maybe?" Zaps echoed this sentiment, stating that, "In an ideal world, I'd love to see Nintendo implement a Virtual Console-esque feature on the DS that lets you download NES and SNES titles for a small amount (much cheaper than what they're selling for on the Wii). There are enough buttons to play SNES games," which are in fact in an identical configuration to SNES pads we might add, "and the fact that they would be portable too is neat."

But the online connection could be used for more than just downloading games and playing against friends and enemies. Member m0zart thought that "the next DS will be able to download firmware updates similar to the Wii." Umbriell let us in on his hopes by asking for "wireless internet support over 3G. A person can dream, right?"

-dj2- also wanted to see something a bit less technical and more obvious - browsing with a built-in wireless browser. another_star agreed with this, taking it a bit further with Pictochat. "A built in internet browser sounds great. Online pictochat would be cool too."

The members were almost as uniform when it came to multimedia functionality. -dj2- suggested that "maybe a DS system that had PSP-all-in-one-media-center features" should surface. another_star expanded upon this idea, desiring a true SecureDigital card slot "so that you can view pics and listen to music, watch videos..." Paperlink64 agreed: "Internet browsing or listening to music [should be] built into the hardware." However, member sergioalb64 disagreed, believing that the DS should continue with its core competencies: "I certainly don't want any type of media functionality like MP3 or video player; the PSP can do that."

Wii cross-functionality also became an expectation, with m0zart predicting that "the next DS will be able to directly connect to the Wii and be used as a controller for specific games", a sentiment echoed by Umbriell. As an added bonus, he wished for "the ability to see both DS screens on the TV when connecting to the Wii, if only for recording purposes." In other attempts to stuff more controller fuctionality into the next DS, Umbriell proposed "two larger widescreen displays (both touch sensitive), [a] rotating and flippable screen for one-screen flat tablet applications, [and a] motion-sensitive accelerometer built in." People liked the idea of tilty functionality, with sergioalb64 pointing to WarioWare Twisted! as inspiration for DS tilt-game ideas, and xOMICRONx agreeing with Umbriell on both the tilt "to work in conjunction with the Wii" and dual-touchscreen fronts. another_star threw in a nod to Metroid Prime Pinball's rumble, stating that the next DS should have "better and built-in rumble."

Umbriell further pushed the envelope for what he'd like to see in the next DS' control options, hoping that Nintendo would add "dual analog control sticks." Dutch_Mix echoed this, saying, "I'd also like to see the next DS support some type of analog stick" though not specifying it in dual format. Umbriell took it back to the Gamecube era, citing the desire to see the next DS have "the ability to play Gamecube discs." Paperlink64 in a sense supported the concept of a Gamecube on-the-go, stating he'd like to see "graphics nearing that of the Gamecube."

User functionality wasn't ignored either, with Paperlink64 rattling off "improved speakers, and full compatibilty with all GB, GBC and GBA games." The screens came up again, with him citing the need for "scratch-resistant touch screens." Member Ponsardin was also disappointed with the quality of the 2D graphics, desiring something with the level of clarity found on the PSP - even with titles like the Castlevania games showcasing that the DS is indeed more than capable in this area: "I really would like to see the game more colorful and more clearer. DS Lite had a decent display - I'm sure that they can do something better than that." Union officer and news editor DidiCardoso simply wanted "a back light that we can turn on and off whenever, because I can't see properly when playing in broad daylight on either of them. Better voice/writing recognition and a tilt feature would be awesome too."

As for yours truly? My idea of a perfect DS successor would incorporate the dual-touchscreen ideas, supporting the robust online improvements - interface and download capabilities - cited by our members. And please, dear Nintendo, get rid of the friend codes. I'd expect to see the natural jump in graphical prowess, an obvious item touched upon by our members; while I don't deem it necessary, it would be nice to see something better-looking than a non-filtered, Playstation-era pixelated texture. Finally, I'm not too keen on adding any extraneous multimedia functionality into the unit.

What do you think? Post your thoughts in the comments box below.

- originally posted by MrCHUP0N on the 100% Nintendo DS Union board


Wall-O-Text, so I didn't read it. But I will give my opinion based just on the title of the thread (that was short enough to be worth reading). I don't want another DS. I want a brand new system from Nintendo.

I wouldn't want another ds either. But what kind of new system? A handheld?

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#25 zenleii
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts
i think the ds is great as it is but yeah i wish the connection was longer but other than that  its the bes handheld ever:D
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#26 l-_-l
Member since 2003 • 6718 Posts

The Nintendo DS Lite is currently one of the hottest selling items in the videogame industry. Already selling upwards of tens of millions worldwide and dominating Japan, the little dual-screened portable's sleek finish, bright screens and quality library has become a critical and popular darling after the concept of the DS stumbled clumsily out of the gate during a forgettable launch. With rumors of a PSP 2 surfacing every now and then, and Nokia determined to re-enter the handheld market with a yet-again improved version of its failed N*Gage platform, one can't help but be curious about what the future holds for the Nintendo DS platform.

The Nintendo DS Lite itself is the second iteration of the Nintendo DS platform, with the first device being a bit bulkier and sporting screens that weren't as bright. Knowing Nintendo, there will likely be a third iteration of the current hardware platform. But have you ever wondered what Nintendo might have up its sleeves for an actual successor to the Nintendo DS platform? We at the 100% Nintendo DS Union turned to our members to find out what people would want to see out of this theoretical, fictional second Nintendo DS.

More robust online functionality seemed to be one of the more popular expectations. The Nintendo DS currently connects wirelessly to Nintendo's own network, the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (NWFC). Currently, only around twenty games out of the multitude of titles available actually have some NWFC connectivity. Furthermore, the friend code system remains a contention for some Nintendo DS owners. Former union officer Zaps said, "Can we just get rid of all the friends codes and have a global pseudonym? It would save the bother of looking up codes and input long strings of digits."

A move to a slicker system, perhaps mimicking that of Microsoft's Xbox Live interface, was among the suggestions. "Nintendo would do well to look at what Microsoft has done with XBOX Live and model its own online plans similarly," said union officer ShenlongBo, "albeit with that great Nintendo flair. Wouldn't it be nice if we could turn on our DSes, get online, and be able to see which of our friends were online? How about if we could invite each other to play games right through our DSes? Or what about this: you manage to beat Advance Wars: Dual Strike's hard campaign, and you get a little emblem to show for it -- similar to the the Achievement system of XBOX Live?"

ShenlongBo was careful to point out that the last thing we needed was "another Xbox Live," and that such ideas merely represented the kind of direction Nintendo should be looking in.

Other members saw inspiration in Nintendo's own camp by pointing to Nintendo's Wii console. Union member another_star wanted "a [Virtual Console] for DS where you can [download] NES, SNES and ... GBA games maybe?" Zaps echoed this sentiment, stating that, "In an ideal world, I'd love to see Nintendo implement a Virtual Console-esque feature on the DS that lets you download NES and SNES titles for a small amount (much cheaper than what they're selling for on the Wii). There are enough buttons to play SNES games," which are in fact in an identical configuration to SNES pads we might add, "and the fact that they would be portable too is neat."

But the online connection could be used for more than just downloading games and playing against friends and enemies. Member m0zart thought that "the next DS will be able to download firmware updates similar to the Wii." Umbriell let us in on his hopes by asking for "wireless internet support over 3G. A person can dream, right?"

-dj2- also wanted to see something a bit less technical and more obvious - browsing with a built-in wireless browser. another_star agreed with this, taking it a bit further with Pictochat. "A built in internet browser sounds great. Online pictochat would be cool too."

The members were almost as uniform when it came to multimedia functionality. -dj2- suggested that "maybe a DS system that had PSP-all-in-one-media-center features" should surface. another_star expanded upon this idea, desiring a true SecureDigital card slot "so that you can view pics and listen to music, watch videos..." Paperlink64 agreed: "Internet browsing or listening to music [should be] built into the hardware." However, member sergioalb64 disagreed, believing that the DS should continue with its core competencies: "I certainly don't want any type of media functionality like MP3 or video player; the PSP can do that."

Wii cross-functionality also became an expectation, with m0zart predicting that "the next DS will be able to directly connect to the Wii and be used as a controller for specific games", a sentiment echoed by Umbriell. As an added bonus, he wished for "the ability to see both DS screens on the TV when connecting to the Wii, if only for recording purposes." In other attempts to stuff more controller fuctionality into the next DS, Umbriell proposed "two larger widescreen displays (both touch sensitive), [a] rotating and flippable screen for one-screen flat tablet applications, [and a] motion-sensitive accelerometer built in." People liked the idea of tilty functionality, with sergioalb64 pointing to WarioWare Twisted! as inspiration for DS tilt-game ideas, and xOMICRONx agreeing with Umbriell on both the tilt "to work in conjunction with the Wii" and dual-touchscreen fronts. another_star threw in a nod to Metroid Prime Pinball's rumble, stating that the next DS should have "better and built-in rumble."

Umbriell further pushed the envelope for what he'd like to see in the next DS' control options, hoping that Nintendo would add "dual analog control sticks." Dutch_Mix echoed this, saying, "I'd also like to see the next DS support some type of analog stick" though not specifying it in dual format. Umbriell took it back to the Gamecube era, citing the desire to see the next DS have "the ability to play Gamecube discs." Paperlink64 in a sense supported the concept of a Gamecube on-the-go, stating he'd like to see "graphics nearing that of the Gamecube."

User functionality wasn't ignored either, with Paperlink64 rattling off "improved speakers, and full compatibilty with all GB, GBC and GBA games." The screens came up again, with him citing the need for "scratch-resistant touch screens." Member Ponsardin was also disappointed with the quality of the 2D graphics, desiring something with the level of clarity found on the PSP - even with titles like the Castlevania games showcasing that the DS is indeed more than capable in this area: "I really would like to see the game more colorful and more clearer. DS Lite had a decent display - I'm sure that they can do something better than that." Union officer and news editor DidiCardoso simply wanted "a back light that we can turn on and off whenever, because I can't see properly when playing in broad daylight on either of them. Better voice/writing recognition and a tilt feature would be awesome too."

As for yours truly? My idea of a perfect DS successor would incorporate the dual-touchscreen ideas, supporting the robust online improvements - interface and download capabilities - cited by our members. And please, dear Nintendo, get rid of the friend codes. I'd expect to see the natural jump in graphical prowess, an obvious item touched upon by our members; while I don't deem it necessary, it would be nice to see something better-looking than a non-filtered, Playstation-era pixelated texture. Finally, I'm not too keen on adding any extraneous multimedia functionality into the unit.

What do you think? Post your thoughts in the comments box below.

- originally posted by MrCHUP0N on the 100% Nintendo DS Union board


Wall-O-Text, so I didn't read it. But I will give my opinion based just on the title of the thread (that was short enough to be worth reading). I don't want another DS. I want a brand new system from Nintendo.

I wouldn't want another ds either. But what kind of new system? A handheld?

Oh yea, a handheld. I say keep the touch screen for sure. that is something that really makes the DS. Naturally more graphics power and a better CPU for better physics, A.I. ect.. If it is going to have two screens, at least make them a bit bigger. keep the mic also, maybe add a analog stick or two. Make the chatrooms wifi also because the way they are now just sucks. More (and faster) memory. And a HDD would be awesome. Just look at how small the memory cards are and how much they can hold. A 10GB HDD would be great. I don't think I need to explain what all can be done with having a HDD. Stay away from disk and stay with cartridges. They are alot more durable and no worries of scratches. But to be fair, disk has it's good sides also. Like if you drop a disk in water, so what. You just dry it off and it's as good as new. Do that to a cart and see if it is still as good as new. :P
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#27 peacebringer
Member since 2006 • 3371 Posts
duel touch screens would be nice but it won't work as well as one might think cause the top screen is flimsy and you can knock it out of postions i think thats why they put the touch screen on the bottom. I agree with the analog stick  though. I would like to see on the next DS sucessor 2 screens bigger or maybe just make them way more wider and make them a tad bit taller, better GFX and thats about it i don't think dual touch screen ide will ever work cause like i said the top is adjustible and when you press the top screen during gameplay you may make it open more also you can only use one touchscreen regardless if both were touchscreen or how would you be holding the DS if your using both screen at the same time.
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#28 justin4444
Member since 2004 • 718 Posts

I highly doubt Nintedo will make a third one.ZeldaFan2329

maybe not a DS but a different handheld system.

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#29 SimpJee
Member since 2002 • 18309 Posts
No friend codes, thinner, higher resolution screen with better graphical capabilities.  I want a ball for a controller as well as the touch screen ... because that might be cool ... I dunno :P
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#30 l-_-l
Member since 2003 • 6718 Posts
duel touch screens would be nice but it won't work as well as one might think cause the top screen is flimsy and you can knock it out of postions i think thats why they put the touch screen on the bottom. I agree with the analog stick though. I would like to see on the next DS sucessor 2 screens bigger or maybe just make them way more wider and make them a tad bit taller, better GFX and thats about it i don't think dual touch screen ide will ever work cause like i said the top is adjustible and when you press the top screen during gameplay you may make it open more also you can only use one touchscreen regardless if both were touchscreen or how would you be holding the DS if your using both screen at the same time.peacebringer
Yea dual touch screens would suck. But I am getting the impression you got that out of my post somehow. If so, I don't know how seeing I never said anything about both screens being touch.
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#31 peacebringer
Member since 2006 • 3371 Posts
[QUOTE="peacebringer"]duel touch screens would be nice but it won't work as well as one might think cause the top screen is flimsy and you can knock it out of postions i think thats why they put the touch screen on the bottom. I agree with the analog stick though. I would like to see on the next DS sucessor 2 screens bigger or maybe just make them way more wider and make them a tad bit taller, better GFX and thats about it i don't think dual touch screen ide will ever work cause like i said the top is adjustible and when you press the top screen during gameplay you may make it open more also you can only use one touchscreen regardless if both were touchscreen or how would you be holding the DS if your using both screen at the same time.l-_-l
Yea dual touch screens would suck. But I am getting the impression you got that out of my post somehow. If so, I don't know how seeing I never said anything about both screens being touch.

no i was talking about the TC it's somewhere in there i didn't read all the post just his. But yeah it won't work right. just keep one but make the screens bigger.
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#32 092093
Member since 2006 • 1696 Posts
No friend codes, thinner, higher resolution screen with better graphical capabilities.  I want a ball for a controller as well as the touch screen ... because that might be cool ... I dunno :PSimpJee
Oh yea. and everyone thought touching is good was a perverted motto, just wait til they say "balls are better".