Male or female protagonist?

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#1 thecharmedbaja
Member since 2008 • 70 Posts
Hey all :D Take a look at this article if you're interested: I'd be really interested about what you think, seeing as I am a female gamer myself :P - would you rather navigate around a game with a male or female character? And is it time for change? I read a thread a while back about how the games of this generation have become generic - they seem to be taking the 'there are only seven stories in the world' theory wayy too far! Do you think this consistency could be stopped by using a female character instead of the norm? And does it really change a game's dynamics that much? Let me know what you think!
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#2 reason58
Member since 2003 • 355 Posts

Some great games have had female leads like Metroid and Beyond Good and Evil. Honestly, I don't care at all what race or sex the main character is.

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#3 thattotally
Member since 2008 • 3842 Posts

Pokemon games have the option between the two genders. Persona 3 PSP recently placed that option as well.

As a male, I'd play as a male, simple as that. The stereortype is that most video gamers will choose a VG female character to ogle at her assets and boobs and ass. Which is rather... pathetic.

What really needs to be changed is how sad most video game females are portrayed, especially in the age of the Internet because I would hope if one chooses to be... raging with hormones, they'd have another outlet to do it than in video games where the medium needs to be taken more seriously if it is to evolve.

I'd say maybe games need more protagonists like Jade, from Beyond Good and Evil? Also um... well I can't think of any at the moment, but mostly not the generic femme fatale that use their sexuality as like the only weapon. Kind of defeats the purpose.

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#4 T_REX305
Member since 2010 • 11304 Posts

i dont really care if its male or female

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#5 Ravirr
Member since 2004 • 7931 Posts

As a male, I'd play as a male, simple as that. The stereortype is that most video gamers will choose a VG female character to ogle at her assets and boobs and ass. Which is rather... pathetic.


Why does it have be to oogle? Why can't they enjoy the female characters from a design / personality perspective?

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#6 reason58
Member since 2003 • 355 Posts

As someone who works in IT, I only play male computer nerds in games. And they can't have super powers, since I don't have super powers. Additionally, no dwarves or elves, since I'm a human in real life. Obviously.

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#7 TravJon
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If the game is good I could care less. Personally I would like to see more games with a female protagonist

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#8 thattotally
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Because there isn't a design or personality perspective. At least, not a good one. This won't change any time soon, or heck possibly ever if something isn't done about it.

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#9 CD-i_ownz
Member since 2009 • 494 Posts

If given the choice, I'll choose my own gender, male, as long as they don't fall into the blank-faced bald stereotype a lot of male protagonists suffer. In all honesty i'd like to see more games star female leads just to escape the "blank-minded killing machine" meatheads that pollute 90% game box art.

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#10 Meta33
Member since 2005 • 203 Posts

Male, female, black, white, no hair, some hair. These things dont matter to me (unless the character looks really gruff. I just cant stand that style of character) besides that it all comes down to the story and music in my book. If they make those good I'm happy with the game.

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#11 wiouds
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Choosing gender only matter if it change the game.

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#12 Bigboi500
Member since 2007 • 35550 Posts

When selecting a game character I don't think about its gender, just whether or not I like it, its functionality and such.

The other day a friend of mine came over, and we played Mario Kart Wii. Without even thinking I selected Daisy as I always do, not giving it a second thought. He says in a surprising voice "why did you pic a guurrrl?". Being caught off guard, I was a little embarrassed, but just for a moment. I then explained to him that I used her because of her weight class and vehicle selection.

After that, we just enjoyed a fun day of local multiplayer games.

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#13 Divided_We_Fall
Member since 2010 • 195 Posts

Doesn't matter.

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#14 ChiliDragon
Member since 2006 • 8444 Posts

Choosing gender only matter if it change the game.

Sadly, it hardly ever does, which means that the characters essentially are genderless, aside from their appearance. Booooring. :P
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#15 SadPSPAddict
Member since 2006 • 5462 Posts

In the type of games I play, even if there is a choice, it never makes any difference so, being a male I always choose a female ( as I would in real life :lol: ):)

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#16 eh-ut
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I like male character, because most action games center character is male.
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#17 eccentric_view
Member since 2010 • 165 Posts

I prefer male

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#18 Safetynetss
Member since 2010 • 155 Posts

What the heck is a seven world theory?

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#19 giving_upnoun
Member since 2010 • 232 Posts

I'll play as a dude because I don't think women should be fighting or doing those other things that protagonists do.

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#20 HellishKratos
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I'm a male so if I get a choice I usually play as a male first, then female. Unless the male game model looks really stupid and ugly, then I'll just go with a female, because at least she'll look less stupid or ugly.

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#21 yokofox33
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I always prefer playing as female characters. I just happen to like girly things, so it shows in my character choices.

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#22 1oh1nine1
Member since 2007 • 779 Posts

I don't mind either way, but I usually choose male if given the choice. Then again, I prefer female Shepherd in Mass Effect--I just find her more believable as a hero and leader than the male one, I think it's the voices.

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#23 GT90
Member since 2002 • 6256 Posts

honestly i don't care if a character is female or male, as long as its a fun game to me, thats all that matters.

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#24 DeanG642
Member since 2009 • 595 Posts
[QUOTE="thecharmedbaja"]Hey all :D Take a look at this article if you're interested: I'd be really interested about what you think, seeing as I am a female gamer myself :P - would you rather navigate around a game with a male or female character? And is it time for change? I read a thread a while back about how the games of this generation have become generic - they seem to be taking the 'there are only seven stories in the world' theory wayy too far! Do you think this consistency could be stopped by using a female character instead of the norm? And does it really change a game's dynamics that much? Let me know what you think!

There are some incredible games with female protagonists in them, but lately, I see very few games where you play as a femal character. Apart from Bayonnetta, there arent too many on the market these days. Sometimes having a character as a female can change the dynamics, but not all that often. I dont see much difference when playing as a female. Hell, people played Metroid for a good while without complaint thinking they were playing as a male. I personally would love a new game with a female protagonist, especially if the developers dont use the Protagonist plainly for eye candy, as they have done many times in the past. I would love to see a female protagonist with a great personality for once, like Jade in Beyond Good and Evil.
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#25 AngelicAvenger
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
Why does it matter? If a game used a female protagonist well so that she's not there just for sex appeal (Hi, Bayonetta) it would not influence my decision to buy a game one way or another.

If the game is good I could care less.

It's "I couldn't care less."
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#26 ghegpatatas
Member since 2010 • 611 Posts

Pokemon games have the option between the two genders. Persona 3 PSP recently placed that option as well.

As a male, I'd play as a male, simple as that. The stereortype is that most video gamers will choose a VG female character to ogle at her assets and boobs and ass. Which is rather... pathetic.

What really needs to be changed is how sad most video game females are portrayed, especially in the age of the Internet because I would hope if one chooses to be... raging with hormones, they'd have another outlet to do it than in video games where the medium needs to be taken more seriously if it is to evolve.

I'd say maybe games need more protagonists like Jade, from Beyond Good and Evil? Also um... well I can't think of any at the moment, but mostly not the generic femme fatale that use their sexuality as like the only weapon. Kind of defeats the purpose.


lara croft and jill from resident evil if my memory serves me right.

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#27 ChiliDragon
Member since 2006 • 8444 Posts

[quote="thattotally"]I'd say maybe games need more protagonists like Jade, from Beyond Good and Evil? Also um... well I can't think of any at the moment, but mostly not the generic femme fatale that use their sexuality as like the only weapon. Kind of defeats the purpose.


lara croft and jill from resident evil if my memory serves me right.

They rarely get to be the main protagonist, but there are a lot of good female characters out there that fit your description. WIthout even putting in much effort, I can off the top of my head think of these: Bastila Shan, KotOR 1 Kreia, KotOR 2 Female Sheppard, ME 1 and 2 Shiki, The World Ends With You Garnet Til Alexandros, FF9 Marle, ChronoTrigger Fall-From-Grace, Planescape:Torment Aribeth, Neverwinter Nights 1 Chris, Suikoden 3 Sialeeds, Suikoden 5 Mitsuru and Yukari, Persona 3 Chie, Persona 4 I'm sure if I bothered to look up the characters in each game in my collection I could find more.
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#28 Senor_Kami
Member since 2008 • 8529 Posts
Some guys might not like it but I wouldn't care since I'm a black guy and I pretty much never get to play as characters who are like me at all. Playing as a female character wouldn't be all that different than playing as the standard gaming protagonist.
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#29 jacoby9
Member since 2010 • 201 Posts

I don't care whether its female or male. If it gives me a choice I choose male, because thats what I am. But Its fun to have a female protagonist from time to time.

I loved Bayonetta the character, she was hilarious I thought.

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#30 ChiliDragon
Member since 2006 • 8444 Posts
Some guys might not like it but I wouldn't care since I'm a black guy and I pretty much never get to play as characters who are like me at all. Playing as a female character wouldn't be all that different than playing as the standard gaming protagonist.Senor_Kami
Good perspective, that needs to come up more often. :) One of the reasons I like WRPGs is because I can customize the appearance of the character to whatever I want, including skin color and hair color, bone structure, et cetera. I'd love to see that feature spread to other genres.
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#31 reason58
Member since 2003 • 355 Posts

None of you are elves or space marines, but you don't complain about that. Why does gender or skin color matter in a game if you aren't prejudiced?

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#32 TravJon
Member since 2010 • 157 Posts

Why does it matter? If a game used a female protagonist well so that she's not there just for sex appeal (Hi, Bayonetta) it would not influence my decision to buy a game one way or another. [QUOTE="TravJon"]

If the game is good I could care less.


It's "I couldn't care less."

Yeah, that's what I meant to type

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#33 giving_upnoun
Member since 2010 • 232 Posts


[quote="thattotally"]I'd say maybe games need more protagonists like Jade, from Beyond Good and Evil? Also um... well I can't think of any at the moment, but mostly not the generic femme fatale that use their sexuality as like the only weapon. Kind of defeats the purpose.


lara croft and jill from resident evil if my memory serves me right.

They rarely get to be the main protagonist, but there are a lot of good female characters out there that fit your description. WIthout even putting in much effort, I can off the top of my head think of these: Bastila Shan, KotOR 1 Kreia, KotOR 2 Female Sheppard, ME 1 and 2 Shiki, The World Ends With You Garnet Til Alexandros, FF9 Marle, ChronoTrigger Fall-From-Grace, Planescape:Torment Aribeth, Neverwinter Nights 1 Chris, Suikoden 3 Sialeeds, Suikoden 5 Mitsuru and Yukari, Persona 3 Chie, Persona 4 I'm sure if I bothered to look up the characters in each game in my collection I could find more.

You're just listing side characters... though I love Shiki because The World Ends With You is such a unique game.

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#34 ChiliDragon
Member since 2006 • 8444 Posts
[QUOTE="giving_upnoun"][QUOTE="ChiliDragon"]They rarely get to be the main protagonist, but there are a lot of good female characters out there that fit your description. Without even putting in much effort, I can off the top of my head think of these: Bastila Shan, KotOR 1 Kreia, KotOR 2 Female Sheppard, ME 1 and 2 Shiki, The World Ends With You Garnet Til Alexandros, FF9 Marle, ChronoTrigger Fall-From-Grace, Planescape:Torment Aribeth, Neverwinter Nights 1 Chris, Suikoden 3 Sialeeds, Suikoden 5 Mitsuru and Yukari, Persona 3 Chie, Persona 4 I'm sure if I bothered to look up the characters in each game in my collection I could find more.

You're just listing side characters...

Just as I said I would, in the very first sentence you're quoting. I've bolded it for emphasis for you. :P
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#35 Smokescreened84
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I prefer a female character, more so if a well written character or one I can create and not have to be bothered with a voice for, instead giving her a voice as I play.

Gotten sick to death of male characters of the years, too much of the same thing with the same story - man kill many, man hero. Man want revenge, man kill many, man die/live. And so on.
I refuse to play games with male characters these days because it's just too much of the same with a character I couldn't care less about, a character I can't identify with.

If I'm going to be playing a game for hours, then I prefer a female character and one I can identify with, instead of some done many times before male character.

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#36 reason58
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You are implying that games with female leads do not follow the same archetype (woman kill many, woman become hero).

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#37 Smokescreened84
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The rare times there is a female character, be it as an option or main lead, it's a refreshing change from the usual male. Developers tend to follow the usual dull stereotypes for characters though, imagination can be rare when it's easier to just do the same old thing and not bother to really work on the character.

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#38 thecharmedbaja
Member since 2008 • 70 Posts

[quote="thattotally"]I'd say maybe games need more protagonists like Jade, from Beyond Good and Evil? Also um... well I can't think of any at the moment, but mostly not the generic femme fatale that use their sexuality as like the only weapon. Kind of defeats the purpose.


lara croft and jill from resident evil if my memory serves me right.

They rarely get to be the main protagonist, but there are a lot of good female characters out there that fit your description. WIthout even putting in much effort, I can off the top of my head think of these: Bastila Shan, KotOR 1 Kreia, KotOR 2 Female Sheppard, ME 1 and 2 Shiki, The World Ends With You Garnet Til Alexandros, FF9 Marle, ChronoTrigger Fall-From-Grace, Planescape:Torment Aribeth, Neverwinter Nights 1 Chris, Suikoden 3 Sialeeds, Suikoden 5 Mitsuru and Yukari, Persona 3 Chie, Persona 4 I'm sure if I bothered to look up the characters in each game in my collection I could find more.

The thing is, many of these games are simply with the option to play as a female - the amount of times I've had to be a male character simply because it's the only gender available is unbelievable - don't get me wrong, it'd never stop me from playing, as such, it's just nice when there's an option; way more girls that I know have begun getting into games over the years, and, looking at the article, just because they don't play games which have women as the main protagonist (because there aren't as many out there as male characters), does that mean that they will have to wait what looks like a few generations for game designers to get their act together? I know men/boys 'typically' (and I use the term loosely, because not all do, but the general consensus is that they do and girls don't AT ALL) play more games, but I just think that maybe the first producers way back in the day should have started off with male and female protagonists alike, so that they really knew what their audience wanted...?
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#39 ChiliDragon
Member since 2006 • 8444 Posts

You are implying that games with female leads do not follow the same archetype (woman kill many, woman become hero).

The way I feel about that is that if they do, the fact that it's a female lead still breaks up the lull and creates variety. Just like having a male lead who's not obviously of European white ancestry would be a change as well. Or if he is, make him homosexual. (That' s a great idea, someone should do that! It doesn't have to be the main focus, Just make the dead wife he's missing sometimes a male lover instead.) Basically, the fact it's a female lead in and of itself is a break from the "same old, same old"... the white male stereotype isn't dull and repetitive because he's a white male, it's because he's always a white male.
The thing is, many of these games are simply with the option to play as a female - the amount of times I've had to be a male character simply because it's the only gender available is unbelievable - don't get me wrong, it'd never stop me from playing, as such, it's just nice when there's an option; way more girls that I know have begun getting into games over the years, and, looking at the article, just because they don't play games which have women as the main protagonist (because there aren't as many out there as male characters), does that mean that they will have to wait what looks like a few generations for game designers to get their act together?thecharmedbaja
You mean like the movie industry, who has evolved to have large number of well written and three-dimensional female leads as strong characters in non-traditional roles? (Yes, that was sarcasm. :P) I would much rather have a good male character as the main protagonist than a poorly written female lead created specifically to try and appeal to a wider audience. If it doesn't make story sense to have a female lead, the main protagonist should be male, and of course vice versa. If either one makes equal sense, let the player choose. I have a hard time picturing anyone not getting into video games because there's too few female leads in them... the enjoyment players get out of the vast majority of genres usually doesn't come from identifying with the protagonist. Sure it would be nice to see diversity away from the never-ending stream of white male heroes, but male and female are jsut the first twp and not by far the only alternatives available to a creative developer.
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#40 Doom_HellKnight
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I've no preference, and will happily play as either.

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#41 thecharmedbaja
Member since 2008 • 70 Posts

What the heck is a seven world theory?

It's a theory put forth that there are only seven [roughly] original stories in the world: 1 - man vs. nature 2 - man vs. man 3 - man vs. the environment 4 - man vs. machines/technology 5 - man vs. the supernatural 6 - man vs. self 7 - man vs. god/religion I merely meant they never seem to waver from these guidelines, and take to heart the man part of each story.... :)
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#42 reason58
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They don't vary from those seven scenarios, because they can't. They are so incredibly broad as to encompass every possibility.

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#43 giving_upnoun
Member since 2010 • 232 Posts

[QUOTE="giving_upnoun"][QUOTE="ChiliDragon"]They rarely get to be the main protagonist, but there are a lot of good female characters out there that fit your description. Without even putting in much effort, I can off the top of my head think of these: Bastila Shan, KotOR 1 Kreia, KotOR 2 Female Sheppard, ME 1 and 2 Shiki, The World Ends With You Garnet Til Alexandros, FF9 Marle, ChronoTrigger Fall-From-Grace, Planescape:Torment Aribeth, Neverwinter Nights 1 Chris, Suikoden 3 Sialeeds, Suikoden 5 Mitsuru and Yukari, Persona 3 Chie, Persona 4 I'm sure if I bothered to look up the characters in each game in my collection I could find more.ChiliDragon
You're just listing side characters...

Just as I said I would, in the very first sentence you're quoting. I've bolded it for emphasis for you. :P

Yeah, and the topic title asks for protagonists so... hehe :)

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#44 thecharmedbaja
Member since 2008 • 70 Posts
[QUOTE="ChiliDragon"]The way I feel about that is that if they do, the fact that it's a female lead still breaks up the lull and creates variety. Just like having a male lead who's not obviously of European white ancestry would be a change as well. Or if he is, make him homosexual. (That' s a great idea, someone should do that! It doesn't have to be the main focus, Just make the dead wife he's missing sometimes a male lover instead.) Basically, the fact it's a female lead in and of itself is a break from the "same old, same old"... the white male stereotype isn't dull and repetitive because he's a white male, it's because he's always a white male.

Sounds like a great idea :P But there's the problem - don't you think we should have begun with all this diversity, rather than having to introduce it now?
You mean like the movie industry, who has evolved to have large number of well written and three-dimensional female leads as strong characters in non-traditional roles? (Yes, that was sarcasm. :P)ChiliDragon
The way you worded this reminded me that books are able to do exactly that, so I guess it's only fair to give the interactive side of the media a chance to catch up with books in how it has progressed over the years... Although saying that, there have always been female leads in novels, it's never been an issue, for example Elizabeth Bennet, Jane Austen's main character in P&P (although that's undoubtedly more than a few generations down the line with regard to books! :P) It's true, a game's gender is the smallest step in the right direction... so shouldn't they have begun ages ago? I know I'm repeating myself, but I find it difficult to believe such prejudice!
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#45 thecharmedbaja
Member since 2008 • 70 Posts
Yeah, and the topic title asks for protagonists so... hehe :)giving_upnoun
Protagonist definition: 1. The main character in a drama or other literary work. Straight off google! :P
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#46 topsemag55
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I've run multiple playthroughs of Dragon Age, both Mass Effects, and Drakensang with a female character. Gender doesn't matter to me in a game's main character.

Drakensang was a blast with a female elf warrior...she would leap six feet into the air when delivering some attacks.:lol:

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#47 ChiliDragon
Member since 2006 • 8444 Posts
[QUOTE="thecharmedbaja"]It's true, a game's gender is the smallest step in the right direction... so shouldn't they have begun ages ago? I know I'm repeating myself, but I find it difficult to believe such prejudice!

It's not prejudice anymore. It's habit and it's "don't fix what isn't broken". The games with male protagonists sell and sell well. No game developer wants to risk being groundbreaking by messing with a proven money-making formula. *shrugs* it's going to be decades, or centuries, just like it was for books. And that's fine.... remember, for every Elizabeth Bennet and Eowyn there are at least five "Bella from Twilight". ;)
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#48 PeetyPeencess
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
I personally don't really mind playing a male or female character. I usually pick female cause I'm a girl gamer but I can easily play male roles as well. Although I do believe the option of choosing male or female can be a great factor in catering to a larger audience.
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#49 Tigarian
Member since 2005 • 215 Posts

In most games, I'd rather play as male but in some games, especially adventure games like The Longest Journey it works to have a female lead. Although romantic sub-plots are just a little too weird.

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#50 TacticalDesire
Member since 2010 • 10713 Posts

Pokemon games have the option between the two genders. Persona 3 PSP recently placed that option as well.

As a male, I'd play as a male, simple as that. The stereortype is that most video gamers will choose a VG female character to ogle at her assets and boobs and ass. Which is rather... pathetic.

What really needs to be changed is how sad most video game females are portrayed, especially in the age of the Internet because I would hope if one chooses to be... raging with hormones, they'd have another outlet to do it than in video games where the medium needs to be taken more seriously if it is to evolve.

I'd say maybe games need more protagonists like Jade, from Beyond Good and Evil? Also um... well I can't think of any at the moment, but mostly not the generic femme fatale that use their sexuality as like the only weapon. Kind of defeats the purpose.


First off I'd play as a male if given the option, but overall what gender the protagonist is doesn't make or break the game for me, however how the protagonist acts can ruin it a bit.

I agree with you, we don't need the whole femme fatale thing or the fake females dominating males thing as if that somehow shows "girl power". If I was a woman I think I might even be insulted, the again others seem to like it. I mean look at the reception of certain action movies that frequently feature female protagonists who somehow always overpower much stronger men...people eat that stuff up.

As far as recent movies Scarlett Johannson's character in Iron Man 2 is a perfect example. I would much rather see a game or movie that has a female lead in a typically male role, yet doesn't make a big deal of her being a woman, i.e. her being overly sexy, or making comments about her opposition's male anatomy...that sort of thing.